Myofascial pain syndrome 

 Myofascial pain syndrome 

Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) Paper You are to write a paper on the topic of Myofasclal Pain Syndrome. The paper should Include the following information:
What Is myofasclal pain syndrome? ▪ What is the potential cause of MPS? ▪ What are symptoms of MPS? What are is the treatment(s) of MPS?

The written report should be 2-3 pages (paragraph form), double spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman, in margins. You paper should include a cover sheet and a reference sheet. An outline of your paper is as follows:

Page 1: Cover Sheet (A cover sheet list the assignment title, the student’s name, the course title, & the date) Page 2-4: Paper What is myofascial pain syndrome? What is the potential cause of MPS? What are symptoms of MPS? What are is the treatment(s) of MPS? Page 5: Reference Sheet At least 3 references are required, with at least 1 reference originating from a peer- reviewed journal (the references are not included in your page count). • Books, magazines or journals, with an author, can be referenced. • Use APA format. For details:

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