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High Pain Tolerance

High Pain Tolerance You are caring for a patient that has a high pain tolerance due to chronic pain and does not look like they are in pain. What would you do if they asked for more pain medication?Please make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s posts with … Read more

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On the Impacts of Technology/ Robots on Labor Market

On the Impacts of Technology/ Robots on Labor Market The advancements in technology and human inventions in automation brought numerous advantages but also some risks and disadvantages. Nowadays, Nanotechnology, Technological Devices, Augmented Reality, AI, and Robots are used in many fields of workforce as they replace people in many job tasks and positions. FINAL ESSAY … Read more

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Pharmacokinetic Processes

Pharmacokinetic Processes Write a 2-page paper that addresses the following: Answer preview for Pharmacokinetic Processes APA 612 Words

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Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Clinical Mental Health Counselor The textbook and the readings for this course describe some of the key elements and skills for developing a successful therapeutic relationship. In addition, counselors in training have practiced these skills in various mock sessions throughout the course and have begun to develop a professional counselor identity.Write a 1,200-1,500-word analysis that … Read more

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Compare and Contrast the Cave Paintings

Compare and Contrast the Cave Paintings  Compare and contrast the cave paintings to one (or more) of the later works of art. How are the cave drawings and other pieces of art reflective of the human need to express ourselves artistically?How do you express yourself artistically?HELPFUL HINTS:To COMPARE two items means to tell us how … Read more

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Cost of Sharing

Cost of Sharing Identify a specific individual with whom you have worked who experienced a trauma, and briefly describe how you learned about the trauma.Describe the impact of this trauma exposure on you as a professional and a person.Explain how you were or were not prepared for exposure to this individual’s trauma. In that moment, … Read more

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Ending Counseling Relationships

Ending Counseling Relationships Details: Read “Ending Counseling Relationships” in the Topic 8 Resources to successfully complete this discussion question. Then, in 400 words or less, write a statement you would use with a client whom you have worked with weekly over the past six months who is concluding treatment. What will you emphasize? What resources … Read more

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Hypothesis Testing from Two Samples

Hypothesis Testing from Two Samples Nightingale Shoes has hired you to run consulting work for their company. They need to understand the demographic and gender that is purchasing their shoes to determine how they should advertise. They also need you to compare their shoe sales during two different years. The spreadsheet below contains three hypothesis … Read more

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Counselling Skills

Counselling Skills Details: You want clients to leave counseling with solutions for the dilemmas that initially brought them to counseling. You also want them to learn resiliency skills that will help them master future challenges. What are some skills or resources that you would like clients to learn in the counseling process? How would you … Read more

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Speak up Against Discrimination

Speak up Against Discrimination This assignment increases the students’ awareness of the National Patient Safety Goals developed by The Joint Commission. Specifically, this assignment will introduce the Speak Up Initiatives, an award-winning patient safety program designed to help patients promote their own safety by proactively taking charge of their healthcare. Course outcomes:  This assignment enables … Read more

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Mass Unemployment due to Advanced Technology

Mass Unemployment due to Advanced Technology The advancements in technology and human inventions in automation brought numerous advantages but also some risks and disadvantages. Nowadays, Nanotechnology, Technological Devices, Augmented Reality, AI, and Robots are used in many fields of workforce as they replace people in many job tasks and positions.  FINAL ESSAY TOPIC: Topic: Mass … Read more

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 Diseases of the Human Body

 Diseases of the Human Body Choose a disease that affects the human body. Describe the symptoms and mechanisms of the diseases, including how the immune system acts to defend against this disease and how this disease bypasses the critical protections of our immune system. Last, be sure to mention treatment options, including both current approaches … Read more

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Return on Investment

Return on Investment What insight does ROI give into investment performance? Is it acceptable to lose profit on one product, if that product is vital to the sale of an extremely profitable product?  Why? As you think about these questions, also consider what other measures beside ROI might be help in analyzing solutions to business problems … Read more

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Shawn Billings Case Study

Shawn Billings Case Study May 2012, Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on the cultural factors that encouraged black women to maintain a weight above what is considered healthy. Randall explained—from her observations and her personal experience as a black woman—that many African-American communities and cultures consider women who are overweight to … Read more

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 Foundational Neuroscience

 Foundational Neuroscience Post a response to each of the following: Upload a copy of your discussion writing to the draft Turnitin for plagiarism check.  Your faculty holds the academic freedom to not accept your work and grade at a zero if your work is not uploaded as a draft submission to Turnitin as instructed. Resources … Read more

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Independent and Dependent Testing

Independent and Dependent Testing Hypothesis testing with two samples helps statisticians compare two groups of variables. In this module, we are exploring how to apply hypothesis testing with two samples to population means. Before you can begin your steps in hypothesis testing for the population mean, you must determine if the samples are independent or … Read more

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Ethical and Legal Implications

Ethical and Legal Implications Write a 2 page paper that addresses the following: Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family. Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference … Read more

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Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Write a 2 page paper that addresses the following: Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family. Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be … Read more

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Applying a Sociological Lens

Applying a Sociological Lens Sociology is the systematic study of human behavior and is observed through one of major lenses (structural functionalism, social conflict, symbolic interactionism, and utilitarianism). For this assignment, think about your own life, experiences, schooling, family, work, etc. In a 1-2 page paper, define each of the major sociological perspectives/lenses and explore … Read more

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The Joys and Rewards of Practice

The Joys and Rewards of Practice Describe the potential joys of social work.Describe the anticipated rewards of practice within your intended focus area of social work.Analyze your experience of a personal or professional turning point or defining moment that led you to social work, or that deepened or shifted your practice. Answer preview for The … Read more

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Characteristics of a Diagnostic Summary

Characteristics of a Diagnostic Summary Explain how a diagnostic summary differs from a biopsychosocial assessment.What is the relationship between WHO, ICD, and the DSM 5-TR?Define culture, race, and ethnicity.Explain why it is important to consider culture when diagnosing.What is the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI)? How can it be used when interviewing clients?Explain why it is … Read more

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Fluid Balance

Fluid Balance A fluid imbalance can have an adverse reaction on the entire body systems, including the system that i responsible for gaseous exchange, and that’s the respiratory system. Many studies have shown that daily fluid balance is a predictor of outcome in critically ill patients, and patients with other health issues. This could be … Read more

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Acute and Chronic Pain

Acute and Chronic Pain Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following: • The differences between acute and chronic pain • Reasons that a patient would experience acute versus chronic pain and patient presentation examples of each. Answer preview for Acute and Chronic Pain APA 387 Words

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Patient Pain Management

Patient Pain Management You are caring for a patient that has a high pain tolerance due to chronic pain and does not look Ike they are in pain. What would you do if they asked for more pain medication?Please make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s posts with … Read more

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Advance Health Assessment 

Advance Health Assessment  Week 1 Case study: 21-year-old Filipino college student living in a dorm wanting to know what birth control is is.  5 target Interview Questions Communication techniques to use with the assigned patient and risk assessment instrument.             The best communication technique to use with the assigned patient is open face-to-face communication. Honesty, discretion, … Read more

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Performance Improvement Strategies to Stakeholders

Performance Improvement Strategies to Stakeholders Prepare a 7- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you outline 3 to 4 performance improvement strategies. Provide the following for each strategy: What challenges does it target?How does it assess the workplace?What is the process it prescribes?How does it involve each level of the organization?LeadershipManagementTeamsIndividuals Format your presentation to … Read more

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Adolescents and Cyber Abuse Project

Adolescents and Cyber Abuse Project Individual Component (Personal Final Paper): Topic: Group Dynamics in the Adolescents and Cyber Abuse ProjectWrite a paper on the group project process. Present all findings/ references. Summarize the presentation itself, including who did what. Feel free to grade their contributions. Provide an individual reflection piece on your own opinions and … Read more

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Person-Centered Counseling

Person-Centered Counseling Read “Disabling Barriers in the Person-Centered Counseling Relationship” in the Topic 7 Resources to successfully answer this discussion question. Outline a counseling skill (counselor intervention) that would help to disable barriers. How can you empower a client to build supports in their life outside of the counseling session? Include at least one scholarly … Read more

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Counseling Skills

Counseling Skills Framing a client’s resilience amidst a problem-saturated narrative can present challenges to counselors in training. Read “Working Toward a Solution-Focused Goal,” by Coulter, from Counseling Today (2022) located in the Topic 7 Resources. Then describe three strategies you will apply in session with a client who expresses hopelessness around their goals. What counseling … Read more

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The Role of Government in Healthcare

The Role of Government in Healthcare Answer preview for The Role of Government in Healthcare MLA 1500 Words

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Applying a Sociological Lens

Applying a Sociological Lens You’ve just experienced a whirlwind introduction to the field of sociology. As you read and watched the material, how did it make you think differently about your life? In other words, think about how the sociological lens sheds a new or different light onto aspects of your work, family life, community, … Read more

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Identification of Favorable and Unfavorable Variances

Identification of Favorable and Unfavorable Variances Why is the identification of favorable and unfavorable variances so important to a company? How can the identification of the variances help management control costs? Please explain. As you are considering the flexible budgeting topic of the week, it is important for you to look at this analysis as … Read more

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Advance Pharm

Advance Pharm As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics … Read more

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Advance Health Assessment

Advance Health Assessment With the information presented in Chapter 2 of Ball et al. in mind, consider the following: 80-year-old white male with angina lives on a farm 80 miles away from a healthcare center. Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain … Read more

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The Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change

The Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change There are four basic mechanisms that drive populations to change over time: natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow.Instructions: o Slide 6: Reference slide in APA format. Answer preview for The Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change APA 465 Words

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Concept of Evolution

Concept of Evolution There are several different lines of evidence that support the concept of evolution by natural section. Name and describe at least one piece of evidence that supports the evolutionary theory.  Alternatively, you can describe one misconception or criticism of evolution as long as you also provide a counter to that criticism. Note: … Read more

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Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit

Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit How do you expect one (or more) of these disciplines—History, Religion, Philosophy–to help you understand the art that we’ll explore?Please provide specific details to support your answer. HELPFUL HINTS:This paper will get you into the practice of using specific real-world examples as key components within your papers. History, religion and philosophy … Read more

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Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis Test In statistics, hypothesis tests are used to test whether a hypothesis about a population parameter is true or not. Hypothesis testing applies to many fields, including medical, business, sports, and much more. To perform a hypothesis test in the real world, researchers sample from the population and then perform a hypothesis test to … Read more

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Mental health

Mental health The content of each clinical observation should include the following items: their instructor. See page 2. After attending the observation in person or virtual), submit the Community will be evaluated for a pass/fail grade based on including all of the following guidelines below and will be considered into the overall grade the student … Read more

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Change Management Model Application

Change Management Model Application Details: You studied change models in Week 1. This week you began to consider the impact of individuals in terms of productivity. In this assessment, you will craft an approach to changing the human resources problem that you identified in the Week 1 discussion. You can expand upon that problem with … Read more

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Whaler Publishing Company

Whaler Publishing Company Week 4 Case StudyRead the case on Whaler Publishing Company and answer the following questions.Case Study Questions: Answer preview for Whaler Publishing Company APA 1234 Words

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Dance for Rights

Dance for Rights Subject is Alvin Ailey (a dance Choreographer/ dealing with racism in the dance community and segregation)   Part Three: What Is the Cultural Influence on the Creative Work? In this section, you will describe a facet of culture conveyed by the creative work. Answer preview for Dance for Rights APA 602 Words

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Efficacy of Music Interventions

Efficacy of Music Interventions In this assignment, you will refer back to assignment you completed in week 4, as this assignment will build upon it. For this assignment, you will re-review your three articles selected from your week 4 assignment. Then, you’ll write a paper on the following (be sure to include the content from … Read more

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Global economy and political influences

Global economy and political influences Topic: Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It Book AnalysisDetails: Prior to beginning work on this assignment,Review Chapters 1 through 6 of Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It.Steve Forbes is an expert on the global economy, monetary policy, and … Read more

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Gas Exchange

Gas Exchange Gas exchange is the uptake of oxygen and the loss (or elimination or excretion) of carbon dioxide. It refers to two major steps in the overall oxygen consumption (or carbon dioxide excretion) by the whole animal. These two steps are the movement of the respiratory medium (containing oxygen) past the site of gas … Read more

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Paradigms for Copyright

Paradigms for Copyright Several students from a high school in Fairfax County, Virginia, and another in Tucson, Arizona, filed suit against ‘Paradigms for copyright infringement iParadigms is the company that owns and operates Tumitin, a software program that allows educational institutions to check student term papers against previous students’ papers to detect plagiarism. The students … Read more

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Star Wars Toys and Consideration

Star Wars Toys and Consideration In 1977, George Lucas granted Kenner Toys the exclusive right to produce Star Wars toys—the action figures and other replicas from the movie—in perpetuity for $100,000 per year. At the time the contract was negotiated, no one understood how valuable the contract rights were.In 1991, Hasbro Toys purchased Kenner. By … Read more

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Business Environment

Business Environment After participating in this course (the complex relationship between law, ethics, and the business environment), please reflect on what you have learned. Share three things you learned that are important to you.View Discussion Answer preview for Business Environment APA 300 Words

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Great Depression

Great Depression Describe FDR’s response to the Great Depression as carried out in the New Deal? What aspects of his proposals were actually needed, and In your opinion, which ones, if any, were too great an extension of the federal government into people’s lives. Answer preview for Great Depression APA 300 Words

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Quantitative Research Questions and Methods

Quantitative Research Questions and Methods Details: My healthcare acquired condition is Catheter-Associated Urinary Infection (CAUTI). I have also attached the first 2 papers to refer to if needed. IntroductionThe quantitative method is the original scientific method. Quantitative research methods can be subdivided by various designs that researchers use to answer their research questions. In fact, … Read more

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