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Ethical Theory of Aristotle

Ethical Theory of Aristotle I feel that if people practiced the ethical theory of Aristotle more, it would help to stop or at least slow the cycle of violence within our world. The reason I feel this way is because Aristotle’s ethical theory is that of one’s character. It means that you’re living rightly, and … Read more

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Operating Leverage

Operating Leverage Companies often use leverage to augment profits.  Based on what you learned this week, please explain the following in detail: Answer preview for Operating Leverage APA 352 Words

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Where do we get our energy

Where do we get our energy In addition to fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal, there are alternative sources of energy. Select one of these alternative energy sources and compare it to a fossil fuel of your choice. Focus on the positive and negative aspects of each. Which do you feel is … Read more

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Arbitration Clauses

Arbitration Clauses Discussion #3: Arbitration Clauses All students need to complete this assignment, by submitting a 1-2 paragraph response with 3-5 sentences per paragraph.  This week you learned about an alternative to going to court when involved in a dispute: arbitration. Whether you realize it or not, all of you have signed a … Read more

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Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics

Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics The student will read the assigned readings pertaining to the e-portfolio, as well as research the topic. The student will define an e-portfolio for the graduate student and for an advanced practice nurse. The PowerPoint slide presentation will include discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio … Read more

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Mental health

Mental health This preview may have altered the layout of this file. You can still download the original file.Presentation on Criminal Minds Be sure each section is clearly delineated and covered in a 3-5-page body paper, double spaced, Plus a Care Plan HINT, Use the Headings provided — if you can’t find something, record as … Read more

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Blogging About Ethics

Blogging About Ethics Scenario: In today’s visually intensive world, we have increasing ways that images can be manipulated to create gifs and/or memes as a form of expression. In fact, there are entire apps devoted to these creations. However, freely posting such content on social media can make one wonder if it’s ethically sound to … Read more

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Ethics and Regulation

Ethics and Regulation Overview We’re constantly surrounded by visual media. This course has focused on various ways to analyze the elements, the context, and the intent. But, to truly evaluate any form of visual media, we must also consider why we see that content and why we don’t see other content. That last part can be … Read more

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Adolescents & Cyber Abuse

Adolescents & Cyber Abuse Main outcome: The primary objective of this course is to learn the dynamics of a group, and gain insight into Group Counseling Practices. As such, you will be presenting as a group, your groups’ Group.             Based off your own interests and the interest of those in your group, you will … Read more

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Hitler and mind control

Hitler and mind control Using the Learning Resource Center, Concorde’s resource library- ff-), and other academically appropriate sources compare contrasting attitudes on a controversial subject.Objectives: Final Paper Topic ProposalProposed Topic: Hitler and mind controlTentative Thesis statement:The Nazis wished for Germans to give in to and embrace the Nazi ideology. They used censorship and propaganda … Read more

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Space Exploration

Space Exploration Prompt 1: Craft a logical, reasoned argument for why research into space exploration is not a good use of money. Answer preview for Space Exploration APA 462 Words

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 Modern World Literature

 Modern World Literature Paragraph 1: As you finish your last module in Modern World Literature, select your favorite story from the Module 06 reading list to discuss in a paragraph for the initial post to the forum. Use your biographical notes from this module, your text, or the Internet to look up facts about your … Read more

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Structural Functionalism and Continuity Theories

Structural Functionalism and Continuity Theories Skills: Instructions: You must submit at least 5 sample interview questions by the start of class today. During class, we will work in groups and I will meet with each of you to discuss your questions and help you with creating a final draft of at least 10 solid interview … Read more

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Ethics Utilitarianism

Ethics Utilitarianism Terrorism is a complex and tragically violent topic that affects every corner of the globe. Terrorist attacks may be domestic, such as those that have occurred in Oklahoma City, Iraq, or Colombia. They may also be carried out by external threats such as those that have occurred in Spain, England, and the United … Read more

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Violation of Title VII

Violation of Title VII Consider the following circumstances: decide whether there has been a violation of Title VII. Consider the ethical implications of the conduct along with the legal. Answer preview for Violation of Title VII APA 322 Words

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Music / Consciousness

Music / Consciousness Imagine a future society where people can upload their consciousness into a virtual reality world upon reaching a certain age. The protagonist, Emily, is a woman approaching the age of transition. Write a 500-word reflection from her perspective just before she walks into an appointment with Dr. Harper, a renowned psychologist who … Read more

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Economic Development in Bangladesh

Economic Development in Bangladesh Case study Please read Case 3: “Economic Development in Bangladesh” available in your e-book (International business: Competing in the global marketplace (13th ed.), at page no.629, and answer the following questions: Case study Question(s): 1.      What were the principal reasons for the economic stagnation of Bangladesh after its war for independence? Discuss.     (Minimum words: 400, marks: 2) 2.      Explain … Read more

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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Description:Pretend you have met an alien and you need to teach the alien how to perform a task (such as making a sandwich or applying makeup; use you imagination but keep the task PG). Keeping in mind that the alien will do exactly as you instruct, write out the process of how to … Read more

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The Factors that Affect Fertility

The Factors that Affect Fertility Case Study A 32-year-old female presents to the ED with a chief complaint of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and vaginal discharge. She states these symptoms started about 3 days ago, but she thought she had the flu. She has begun to have LLQ pain and notes bilateral lower back pain. … Read more

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A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma

A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma Details: Review the supplemental video “A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma ” listed in the Topic 3 Resources and summarize in one paragraph (4-6 sentences) the meaning the client ascribes to their lived experiences as it pertains to the themes identified in the reading. Then write a … Read more

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Counselling Skills

Counselling Skills Topic: Counselling skillsDetails: Watch “Probing Specific Concerns: Parents” located in the Topic 3 Resources . Describe the client’s presentation in the session specific to coping strategies, resources, and barriers. What did you notice about how Dr. Cervantes attended to cultural components of the session with Anna. From your personal lens as a counselor, … Read more

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Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Topic: Sexual AssaultSubmit a 1- to 2-page paper covering the following section of your Treatment Group Proposal: Evaluation MethodsDescribe a group assessment tool you would use to evaluate your group’s progress. Explain and justify why it would be useful.Describe an observational measure you would use to determine group member progress and readiness for … Read more

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Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership Imagine you and your colleagues agree there’s an education-related issue at your workplace that seems it could be addressed if you all collaborate on it together. But no one’s sure where to start. They know you’re taking classes toward your Ed.D, so they think you’re a natural pick for the first task, which … Read more

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Executive Functioning: Problem-Solving

Executive Functioning: Problem-Solving Problem-solving and critical thinking are abilities related to the functioning of our executive system. Problem-solving, judgment, decision-making, and reasoning are essential skills for many different aspects of life, including most jobs and careers. Problems may have one or many solutions; however, clear understanding of the problem is essential to choosing an appropriate … Read more

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Psychological Theories of Learning

Psychological Theories of Learning Details: Summative Assessment: Psychological Theories of Learning In Week 1, you learned about theories in relation to cognition and learning. This week we continue our focus on several learning techniques and models in relation to cognitivism. You will have the opportunity to distinguish psychological theories of learning in this assessment. In … Read more

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Improving Care in Rural Rwanda

Improving Care in Rural Rwanda Details: Final Analysis Paper: Case Study: Improving Care in Rural Rwanda Prompt: The MHA 668 course has focused on understanding the role of healthcare administrators in developing and implementing quality.standards as part of the strategic planning process. This final paper requires research and analysis of a case study focusing on … Read more

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Pluralism in Society

Pluralism in Society I think that pluralism would help diversify a society. With a diverse society comes many different opinions and perspectives. With pluralism there is a somewhat common ground for everyone to have. That way people with conflicting opinions and perspectives and find common ground enough to get along with one another. Having the … Read more

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 Professional Nursing

 Professional nursing Details: The client diagnoses are CHF, pulmonary hypertension, type 2 diabetes Respond to this critical thinking question: Describe how altered urinary elimination can affect the integumentary system? Support your response with evidence from credible sources. Answer preview for  Professional nursing APA 667 Words

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The Ministry of Healing

The Ministry of Healing The Ministry of Healing” is a book written by Ellen G. White, a co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and it focuses on principles and practices related to health, healing, and spirituality. In reflection, these chapters serve as a testament to the idea that a healthy body and a compassionate heart … Read more

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Interpreting Aging through a Sociological Lens

Interpreting Aging through a Sociological Lens Interview Questions – Draft Skills: Instructions: You must submit at least 5 sample interview questions by the start of class today. During class, we will work in groups and I will meet with each of you to discuss your questions and help you with creating a final draft of … Read more

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Course Project – Literary Analysis

Course Project – Literary Analysis For this project assignment, you will submit your Literary Analysis paper on the assigned novel selected for the course, which should focus on three or more elements of fiction to show how this novel is an example of modern literature in both theme and style. Please review the literary terms explored in … Read more

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Change Implementation and Management Plan

Change Implementation and Management Plan It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be … Read more

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Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper

Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper You may choose one or more chapters from E.G. Whites, The Ministry of Healing. You will then write a reflection paper regarding your thoughts, meaningful ideas, feelings, and/or reactions, and the application of these to nursing practice or your own spiritual growth and self-care. Answer preview for Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper … Read more

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Nursing Practice

Nursing Practice You may choose one or more chapters from E.G. Whites, The Ministry of Healing. You will then write a reflection paper regarding your thoughts, meaningful ideas, feelings, and/or reactions, and the application of these to nursing practice or your own spiritual growth and self-care. Answer preview for Nursing Practice APA 900 Words

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse The effect COVID-19 has—and will continue to have—on mental health is unprecedented. In 2,000 words, explore one such impact. You have a lot of room to roam with this assignment. For instance, the focus of your paper may be on epidemiological factors like suicide rates in pediatric populations, the effect covid has had … Read more

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 Social Media for the Win

 Social Media for the Win Scenario: The company you work for uses numerous mediums to communicate to current clients, potential clients, and vendors, including direct mailings and email. However, you have noticed that the social media presence of your organization is minimal. Though you’re new to the company, you’ve helped your previous employers produce effective … Read more

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Unemployment for Employee with Discipline Issues

Unemployment for Employee with Discipline Issues Ashok K. Gupta, a native of India, was employed at Lightbridge, Inc. as a credit analyst from November 10, 1999, until his discharge on August 20, 2001. Lightbridge operates a telephone call center where sellers of cellular telephones obtain credit checks on prospective customers. Gupta’s responsibilities included answering calls … Read more

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Compare and Contrast Authors of Indigenous World Literature

Compare and Contrast Authors of Indigenous World Literature Directions: Select two authors from the indigenous readings to compare and contrast. You may want to select one from each country and compare and contrast the Native American experience with that of the Aboriginal Australian experience. In your initial post, submit your comparison by writing a full … Read more

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Discussion – Feeling Seen

Discussion – Feeling Seen Overview: As mentioned numerous times in this course, we’re bombarded by advertisements in print, web, social media, television, streaming, billboards, posters, etc. We’re so used to it as adults that we often tune them out. Why? Because we know they’re trying to get us to buy something, visit a website, donate … Read more

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Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health HUS 4333 Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health Textbook Information:  (uploaded with Module 1) American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed. [DSM-V]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. Assessments & Interventions in Mental Health Final Project Break Down Reflecting on all of the readings … Read more

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Cell Transport Process

Cell Transport Process As we have discussed, you can view a cell as a microscopic factory. To do its job as a factory, it must bring raw materials or molecules into the cell, move that material to where it’s needed and then do the same in reverse for the final products. This processes that do … Read more

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Discussion Managerial accounting

Discussion Managerial accounting What benefits and drawbacks are there for a business that uses a Standard/Traditional Costing model? What benefits and drawback are there for a business that uses an Activity Based Costing (ABC) model? If you owned a small manufacturing business with relatively high volume and multiple product lines, would you implement an ABC … Read more

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Cancer Risk Factors

Cancer Risk Factors We have learned that when the cell loses control of cellular division, cancer can be the result. We know that there are several risk factors for cancer. In this discussion, describe which of those risk factors are significant for you? What steps could you take to reduce that risk? Answer preview for … Read more

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Ethical Diversity

Ethical Diversity As you continue to prepare for your booth at the diversity fair, you along with your fellow committee members, want to provide the participants with Information related to coexisting in a diverse environment. Through your coursework in your Ethics Around the Globe class, you feel that a brochure that provides information on Pluralism, … Read more

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Pluralism Discussion

Pluralism Discussion Most of us have goals and dreams. You probably have a vision of what the good life would look like for you. With this in mind, do you think pluralism would help you to live In a diverse society, one in which other people’s opinions and lifestyles may clash with your pursuit of … Read more

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The Judiciary

The Judiciary Part 1: The Judiciary View and take notes on Professor Patterson’s video then respond to the following two questions: Do you agree or disagree with Alexander Hamilton’s statement that the “Judiciary is the weakest branch of government.” Explain and discuss the powers of  court in relation to the executive and the legislature.  Please be specific … Read more

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Counselling Skills

Counselling Skills Describe the skills of empathic questioning using open ended questions and summarizing. Then read and complete the “Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Open-Ended Questions Practice Exercise” document in the Topic 2 Resources. What did you learn from the exercise? What went well? What could have gone better? How well do you feel that your empathic … Read more

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Strategies for Encoding

Strategies for Encoding Strategies for Encoding, Retention, and Retrieval Answer preview for Strategies for Encoding APA 627 Words

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Should students have to wear school uniforms

Should students have to wear school uniforms Should students have to wear school uniforms? Answer preview for Should students have to wear school uniforms APA 600 Words

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Financial Business Overview

Financial Business Overview One critical component of financial analysis involves comparing a firm’s financial statements with other firms in the industry. Through such a comparison, financial managers can reveal useful information about risks, investment opportunities, market indicators, and economic factors. Throughout this course, you have been researching and analyzing various financial statements for Deere & … Read more

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