
Psyc 498

Psyc 498 Within the discussion board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts ideas and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates . Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Answer Preview APA Format, 689 words

The OPM Incident Analysis

The OPM Incident Analysis In order to complete assignment #4 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #4). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes … Read more

Lesson 1 & 2

Lesson 1 & 2  Review the syllabus in its entirety and answer the Syllabus Acknowledgement question Complete your Introduction in the Discussion Forum Review the FSI (Family Services Initiative) Case Study information  *located in the Table ofContents just above Lesson 1 Read APA article on “Build your resilience”  Watch YouTube on building resiliency in our … Read more

Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke

Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke APA Format, 1207 words

Strategic Management 3

Strategic Management 3 Reflect on how organizations strategically plan the timing of entry for their technology designs and projects. They may time the launch or implementation based on their production capacity or to take advantage of a business cycle. Answer Preview APA Format, 584 words

Political Opinions

Political Opinions  Answer the following prompts and respond to two of your peers for full credit. When making your initial response, be sure to use the information you have read from the text with specific examples to support your answers. Your response should be informed and should not be off the top of your head … Read more

wk 7 discussion

wk 7 discussion Natalie and Vinnie own the Russian River Brewing Company, a craft brewer and taproom in Northern California. What actions could the partners take to realize full value from TQM or Six Sigma initiatives and promote a culture of operating excellence?How might you go about developing and implementing an incentive compensation system that … Read more

Business Plan Part IV

Business Plan Part IV  Continuous Improvement System a. Present a brief summary of the continuous improvement processes that you will utilize for quality management (Six sigma, TQM, etc). Answer Preview APA Format, 1090 words

Polling Pitfalls

Polling Pitfalls Watch the video The Poll Dance and answer the following questions: Answer Preview APA Format, 941 words

Traditional Music and Dance in Africa

Traditional Music and Dance in Africa What types of musical instruments are typically used in traditional forms of African music?Why is music seen as an expression of community well-being in African cultures?How is dance used as a mode of social expression in African cultures?What are some of the techniques that connect West African musical traditions … Read more

W7 Capstone Project

W7 Capstone Project Write a paper focusing on discipline, employee rights, and labor relations in your organization.Are there clearly spelled-out formal procedures within the organization for handling discipline cases? What are they?What are the policies regarding employee violence or use of controlled substances in the workplace?What restrictions does the organization impose on employee free speech, … Read more

One summary and one Case Study

One summary and one Case Study Capitalization and consistency is also a good skill to practice. If you use 1st Amendment in one place, do not use First Amendment elsewhere. Use the same format consistently – either the number or the word. Also note those are capitalized, because it is a “named” amendment. If I … Read more

Case Study “The Broken Employment Contract”

Case Study “The Broken Employment Contract” Read Case #15 on pp. 50-53 “The Broken Employment Contract” and write a paper answering questions 1 through 5.Write between 750 – 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA format (only the body of the paper counts towards the word requirement)Use font size 12 and 1” margins.Include cover page … Read more

Biblical Interpretation

Biblical Interpretation Answer Preview APA Format, 328 words

the holiness of scripture

the holiness of scripture Answer Preview APA Format, 441 words

Biblical Canon

Biblical Canon Answer Preview APA Format, 374 words

 Reading Scripture and additional questions on instruction file

 Reading Scripture and additional questions on instruction file Answr Preview APA Format, 458 words

Assignment 1

Assignment 1 Identify three variables in the income statements that the bank may be interested in further researchingto learn more about its customers.Develop a frequency table, a bar chart, and a pie chart using variables in the income statements for yourbank.Analyze the table and charts to find the most useful information for communicating information aboutthe … Read more


Discussion Students are required to discuss at least two you tube videos in detailed. Your replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. They should add to the … Read more


Psychology For this assignment you will find 2 articles that closely reflect the focus of your concentration from the following list, select 1 of the topics, and write a paper of two pages Answer Preview APA Format, 817 words

What is the role of estrogen in T3,T4 conversion related to hypothyroidism

What is the role of estrogen in T3,T4 conversion related to hypothyroidism Topic: What is the role of estrogen in T3,T4 conversion related to hypothyroidism Details: minimum 250 words, needs references (2), Answer Preview APA Format, 389 words


The Role of Rating Agencies in 2007 “The role of rating agencies in 2007-2009 financial crisis, examine problems associated with their functioning and comments on future scope you see for these agencies”.and I want to respond two people please Answer Preview APA Format, 1498 words

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 Answer Preview APA Format, 533 words

Two Summary

Two Summary There are numerous discussions involving the Electoral College. There are somepeople that want to abolish the electoral college while others want to keep it. What doyou think? Keep the electoral college or abolish it? Explain the reasons for your choice. Answer Preview APA Format, 350 words

Two Summary

Two Summary Research government regulations on a particular area of yourchoice, such as food, drugs, product safety, fracking, environment, etc. Do youthink the government regulations go too far? Do you think the government needsto add more regulations? How are lobbyists involved concerning regulations onfood and drug safety, and our environment concerning fracking? Explain youranswers. Answer … Read more

Lesson 3 & 4

Lesson 3 & 4 Review the video “Managing Prejudices” and read the article “White Privilege: Unpacking theInvisible Knapsack.”Share your reactions and opinions with the class. This would be a very lively discussion if wewere face to face as the reading and the video address some significant issues that directlyrelate to our work in the human … Read more

Lesson 2 & 3

Lesson 2 & 3 Given what we’ve read about alcohol and its effects on the body and subsequent medicalproblems, why do you think alcohol is considered different from other drugs in our society?How is alcohol different from marijuana, cocaine, heroin, MDMA or any other drug of abuse?Do you think society effectively educates people about alcohol … Read more

Lesson 3 & 4

Lesson 3 & 4  Review of Maslow’s theory in relation to human motivation More on Erikson & his Psychosocial Theory of Human Development Review one theory on the development of morals and values Getting familiar with the Strengthening Families program Apply concepts to work with families in the human services field Answer Preview APA Format, 622 words


 Contracts Read the case of Lambert v. Barron.What are the most important facts that support Lambert’s position that a contract existed?What are the most important facts that support Barron’s position that a contract did not exist?Do you agree with the outcome of the case?In response to your peers, if they disagree with your response, consider … Read more

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 Each class participant will develop and maintain a current “journal” on the courseassignments which is designed to help you further develop your interpersonal skills.  Thisjournal should reflect the learning you accomplished during your tenure in this class, whichalso should include your reactions to this process. Share what you learn from each lesson.Talk about what you agree or disagree … Read more

Place order

Case study assignment 5

Case study assignment 5 Read chapter 33 Case study and review exhibits included. Summarize what you need in your own words. Must be one full page. Answer Preview APA Format, 370 words


Telemedicine What is telemedicine? How is this beneficial to patients? What are issues related to using telemedicine? What are some legal/ethical issues related to the use of telemedicine? Answer Preview APA Format, 411 words

 Diagnosing psychological disorders

 Diagnosing psychological disorders In this exercise, you will select a fictional individual to assess and diagnose with a psychological disorder while suggesting treatment. Answer Preview APA Format, 606 words

Journal: Aggression

Journal: Aggression For this activity, either describe a real-life cyberbullying incident that you read about on the news (in the last 5 years) or create a scenario describing a cyberbullying experience that could happen at a high school. Answer Preview APA Format, 319 words

 Human communication

 Human communication For this assignment, students will prepare and submit a speech outline on one of the following topics: Answer Preview APA Format, 522 words

US History

US History Address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. Use at least one (1)documented example of the corresponding primary source in your writing. Answer Preview APA Format, 1603 words

Should women have access to abortions

Should women have access to abortions While having an abortion is not a decision that should be made lightly, women should have the right toterminate a pregnancy in certain situations where carrying a child through to term would have obvious andsevere negative effects on her health and well-being. A foetus has some rights but they … Read more

Mirror Neurons and Behavior

Mirror Neurons and Behavior Mirror neurons have a distinctive shape and a specific location in the brain. What are the morphology (shape) and location of mirror neurons? Does their location seem to make sense, given that the neurons are thought to play a role in imitation? Some nonhuman animals have mirror neurons in their brains. Which … Read more

Cardiovascular muscular system and respiratory 

Cardiovascular muscular system and respiratory  in this assignment, you will write an essay in response to a question about chapter 17. Answer Preview APA Format, 369 words

Getting ready for interview

Getting ready for interview Answer the below set of interview questions you might expect to be asked: Answer Preview APA Format, 1661 words

Health assessment

Health assessment Conduct a health history on a family member, summarize the information in 5 pages include if the person was willing to share the information, what did you do to encourage them. Was their a part of the interview that was challenging, how did you deal with it. Answer Preview APA Format,990 words


Assignment Review the various health setting in your reading such as Assignment etc. and select one, then choose one a research to identify a facility that represent your health care delivery settings. Answer Preview APA Format,1078 words


Assignment In 2–3 pages, address the following: PLS USE MASSACHUSETTS STATE LAWS FOR INVOLUNTARY PSYCHIATRIC HOLDs FOR CHILD AND ADULT PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCIES Pls attend to all colored sentences.PLS USE MASSACHUSETTS STATE LAWS FOR INVOLUNTARY PSYCHIATRIC HOLDs FOR CHILD AND ADULT PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCIES · Explain your state laws for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult … Read more


Discussion Review all the material discussed in this preceding module. after reading the information and guideline discuss why nutrition and weight status are important in health post one reference you used for evidenced based on the information your discussing. Answer Preview APA Format, 270 words

SOAP note -Hypertension

SOAP note -Hypertension SOAP note –Hypertension urgical operation 3 years ago to remove appendix Other:Hospitalization due to malaria. Immunizations: Up-to-date vaccinations with the latest vaccine being the Covid 19 vaccine in 2022. Answer Preview APA Format, 743 words


literature Choose any of the short stories or plays you have read in this course. Answer Preview APA format 967 words

 American Government

 American Government Many people feel that there is room for improvement in the area of campaign finance spending. What is the current status of campaign finance reform? Is reform a realistic expectation of the American political process? What is the role of soft money? Should there be limits on independent campaign spending by corporations and … Read more

It’s all about perspective

It’s all about perspective Yousafzai, Dickinson, and Ragab all incorporate unique perspectives in their words. In what perspective does the world see you? In what perspective do you see yourself?It is important for you to develop an honest and unique perspective of yourself as you continue your journey through school, and through career changes or … Read more


History Analyze different perspectives and points of viewwithin a piece of literature; create a new experience for the reader through the design of anadditional scene. Answer Preview APA Format, 967 words

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