
Cloud Storage-as-a-Service and Course Reflection (

Cloud Storage-as-a-Service and Course Reflection Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation containing eight slides, including Introduction, Conclusion, and Reference slides. Include detailed speaker notes with each slide. Scenario: You are preparing for a new company-wide project to provide each employee with a personal cloud storage account. The VP of Information Technology has asked you to research solutions for the organization … Read more

The Social World

The Social World Thus far, we have considered the major themes of social psychology: social thinking, social relations, and social influence. In this interactive assignment, we will integrate knowledge from all three areas to provide a comprehensive analysis of a social movement, issue, event, or idea. To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by … Read more


AFRICAN AMERICAN Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that answers the following questions: What have you learned about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history? What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past? Trends in immigration will … Read more

The H&M retail-clothing company

The H&M retail-clothing company Read the Koninklijke Philips NV case study on pages 427 and 428 and answer all 4 questions. The questions must be answered using an essay format. Submit the paper following the guidelines of the APA including academic references as appropriate. References taken from Wikis or .com sites are not appropriate for … Read more

Hotel Operations Management

Hotel Operations Management 3 Attachments Solution Preview There are several advantages and disadvantages of housekeepers working alone in the rooms. One of the benefits of this approach is that it makes the housekeeper more productive as they pay all their attention to their work… (512 Words)

Koninklijke Philips NV Case Study

Koninklijke Philips NV Case Study Read the Koninklijke Philips NV case study on pages 427 and 428 and answer all 4 questions. The questions must be answered using an essay format. Submit the paper following the guidelines of the APA including academic references as appropriate. References taken from Wikis or .com sites are not appropriate … Read more

Political Behavior and the Political Economic System

Political Behavior and the Political Economic System Topic: Political Behavior and the Political Economic System Details: 550 words on (attached) Word document/article. No sources. Paper will be checked for plagarism. ResponsePaper3 Solution Preview Democracy was formulated as a governance approach to address the needs of different population groups. However, individualism in the society has overlooked … Read more

A&W Restaurant

A&W Restaurant It’s also about A&W restaurant I have attached an example. I just need a total of 3 descriptions with visuals, and 7 tactics. each 1 page Solution Preview The ad will be a collection of the free root beer offers with actual food products sold by the restaurant. Many of the photos will … Read more

Listening Assignment

Listening Assignment Attachments area Preview YouTube video Duke Ellington – Satin Doll (1962) [official video] Duke Ellington – Satin Doll (1962) [official video] Solution Preview At the beginning of the song “Satin Doll” by Duke Ellington, the piano is the first instrument which is followed by the saxophone, then the trombone, the cello and … Read more

Law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity

Law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity The marginal product of any input in the production process is the increase in the quantity of output produced from one additional unit of that input. According to the Law of Diminishing Returns, the marginal product of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases over time, other … Read more

Protecting Information Systems

Protecting Information Systems Your boss mentions that recently a number of employees have received calls from individuals who didn’t identify themselves and asked a lot of questions about the company and its computer infrastructure. At first, he thought this was just a computer vendor who was trying to sell your company some new product, but … Read more

Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles de Avignon

Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles de Avignon REQUIREMENTS Write a 3 page research paper including two of the artwork/artist pairs below, ONLY. Use at least 1 bullet point from each of the 3 Methods of Analysis (see below). Again, notthree bullets from the same method. Your interpretation of the Methods of Analysis MUST be based on the descriptions in Chapter 4, … Read more

Environmental Effect on Child Development

Environmental Effect on Child Development For this discussion, you will need to post your initial thread before you will be able to see the posts of other students. Because of the time involved in addressing this discussion, it is worth 10 points. Working together in groups, whether for a class project or in the workforce, … Read more

How to motivate learners

How to motivate learners Now it is your turn to apply some of these motivational concepts. For this discussion, you will need to post your initial thread before you will be able to see the posts of other students. This discussion is worth 5 points. Read the Case Study: SPC Healthy Employee Initiative. In at least … Read more

Enlightenment focused on the power and goodness of human rationality:

Enlightenment focused on the power and goodness of human rationality Part 1: Some of the more characteristic doctrines of the Enlightenment focused on the power and goodness of human rationality: 1) Reason is the most significant and positive capacity of the human; 2) reason enables one to break free from primitive, dogmatic, and superstitious beliefs … Read more

The Ford Pinto Case Study

The Ford Pinto Case Study The nature of ethical decision making requires that we understand mistakes made by individuals and organizations in the past and evaluate the ways in which personal values interact with organizational culture to increase the likelihood of unethical decisions.  This activity allows you to build your evaluation skills by identifying issues … Read more

System for leader and follower exchange

System for leader and follower exchange Read the article provided (Sy & McCoy, 2014). (Atteched in file )The authors describe a system for leader and follower exchange. In working the project for this class, how do you envision yourself sometimes leading others and sometimes following others throughout the course period? Do you think your team … Read more

Multicultural Education

Multicultural Education Annotated Bibliography – Resource One For your literature review, you will choose one area of interest to explore in depth. The themes that you may choose to explore are: · Culturally Relevant Methods · Anti-Bias Curriculum · Diverse Family Structures · Multicultural Education 1. Select one theme from above to explore and begin … Read more

The Matter Of Photography In The Americas

The Matter Of Photography In The Americas Please, follow the requirements Name of artist and title of the exhibition Location of exhibition Dates of exhibition Date you attended the exhibition Select a photographic piece from the exhibit and write a 2-3 paragraph observation paper that addresses the following: Medium (traditional or digital, color or black … Read more

Design principles

Design principles Next, research the design elements in Chapter 4 of your textbook.  Place the Design Principles slide directly after the Visual Elements slide describing each artwork.  Provide a detailed description of the design principles in each artwork, using full and complete sentences. For design principles, make sure you describe how the artist … Read more

Peer review

   Peer review Assess your peer’s selected division and job interest, and review the information on the APA website and O*Net Online if the selected division and job interest are different than your own. Examine your classmate’s professional networking plan and reconcile any discrepancies between his or her plan and your own. Suggest improvements or … Read more

Controversy In Art

Controversy In Art For this writing assignment, you will need to carefully look that at the two above photographs of Richard Serra’s controversial sculpture entitled “Tilted Arc.” This topic will also be covered on the first day of class during the first lecture. Richard Serra was commissioned by the Art-in-Architecture division of General Services Administration in 1981 … Read more

Civil Engineering Graduate Trainee Program

Civil Engineering Graduate Trainee Program 1. Prepare a job letter in standard letter format. See example in your textbook in the Correspondence section of your book. Use the current date such as March 22, 2018. In the letter indicate that your resume is attached and ask for an interview.  If you wish to submit the … Read more


Science Carefully read the news article: Kuchment, A. (2016, May 21).  Fracking activities caused majority of recent Texas quakes (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  Standard Times. Take notes and pay special attention to the language used in the news article. Next, for your comparison to the news article, your information from the “scientific community”: View: Oklahoma … Read more

Time Value of Money Responses

Time Value of Money Responses Complete the two discussion questions 1&2 and respond to 3-5. At least 200+ words and at least one citation. 1. To live comfortably in retirement, you decide you will need to save $2 million by the time you are 65 (you are 30 years old today). You will start a … Read more

Health Policy Management from a nurse practitioner perspective

Health Policy Management from a nurse practitioner perspective Respond to each classmate’s post with 100 words APA format and in cite text. Use at least 1 peer reviewed journal as references. Patricia’s response The cost of health care coverage is at an all time high and consumers are battling health care disparities which can be … Read more

Select a Middle Eastern organization

Select a Middle Eastern organization Select a Middle Eastern organization and review its vision, mission, and strategy. Then, analyze the organization and review its performance management system and its performance appraisal process. Additionally, examine the selected organization’s approach to addressing raters bias. In a 4-6-page paper, discuss the following: The degree to which the strategy … Read more

Cyber Terrorism

Cyber Terrorism Hello, Please save answers with question number and title to avoid confusion. Please no plagiarism of any kind. No use of Wikipedia. Please provide citations in the text that correspond to the Reference. Please strict use of APA writing style… The discussion questions should be between or less than 500 words. The use of text and reading is advised. 3 Attachments … Read more

Earth by 2050

Earth by 2050… Watch the video, tell me what it was about and most importantly, what you think about it. Solution Preview According to the video, the earth is bound to experience significant changes by 2050 most of which would necessitate an increase in the energy consumed to facilitate human welfare. For instance, there … Read more

Strategies for facilitating the group process

Strategies for facilitating the group process For this Discussion, you focus on strategies for facilitating the group process. To prepare: Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources regarding the stages of group formation, problematic roles individuals play in groups, and strategies for facilitating and maintaining positive group collaboration. In particular, review Learning Exercise 19.14 … Read more

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale Write a 2 to 3 page paper about one of the following statisticians William Gosset Karl Pearson Florence Nightinggale David Harold Blackwell Gerolamo Cardano Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Do not use wikipedia, or the like, as your source. It is fine to look on wikipedia for some ideas but find information from more academic … Read more

Write a response paper by reading book “THE GOATFISH AND THE LOVER’S KNOT” by Jack Dricsoll

Write a response paper by reading book “THE GOATFISH AND THE LOVER’S KNOT” by Jack Dricsoll The paper helps to articulate ahead of time some of the issues that would like to discuss with that writer during the class conversations. Certain kinds of discussions are possible only because the writer of the work being discussed … Read more

General Professional Email

General Professional Email professional answers about 2-3 lines each question. Solution Preview The IT developer had great interpersonal skills based on how he used to interact with me and the other colleagues. One of the outstanding interpersonal areas he exhibited mastery was in communication. He used to pass information to me effectively… (337 Words)

Toyota Market Analysis

Toyota Market Analysis 3 Attachments Solution Preview Toyota is the world’s largest motor company in the contemporary world. The experienced success has been a result of effective management and structuring of the company’s operations to suit the different markets. Consequently, the Toyota is one of the most extensive… (1178 Words)

End of Life Case Study

End of Life Case Study Will Huckabee, 50, is dying of cancer. When he was first diagnosed with liver cancer it had already begun to metastasize to other organs, but Will was eager to fight off the disease and live with as high a quality of life as possible. Over time, however, his upbeat attitude … Read more

Poem Responses

Poem Responses ReadingResponseGuidelines (4) Solution Preview The poem, “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks explores the theme of rebellion in male youngsters. In the narrative, the narrators’ claim that they are not old fashioned as their actions contradict with the societal norms… (596 Words)

Executive Summary of the AMAZON GO

Executive Summary of the AMAZON GO Prepare an Executive Summary of the AMAZON GO and product you want to use for your final project. Use the attached rubric and include: a brief description of the company and the product, using a SWOT analysis or the company’s mission, vision, etc. to explain why you think this … Read more

Bioethical issues

Bioethical issues Your task is to write a ONE paragraph (maximum length of one page double spaced) that analyzes one specific bioethical issue. You choose which bioethical issue to write about; in this Assignment, reflect deeply on a topic that matters to you. If you need help selecting a topic, consult with your instructor. Complete … Read more

Is Olympics Worth the High Cost and Time Investment

Is Olympics Worth the High Cost and Time Investment Assignment Purpose: The second essay in EN 104 is an academic argument with research documented in APA format. In this assignment, you will use the principles of argument advocate for a position on an issue. You will use evidence to persuade your reader to see your point … Read more

Human Interactions

Human Interactions You may think of arguments as negative confrontations where two or more people cannot come to a reasonable resolution of their perceived differences. Argument, though, can be positive in the context of advocating the need for change. While you may be passionate about an idea for change, you will also want to be … Read more


Ideology It is suggested that you take a few minutes to plan and outline each answer. My expectation is that EACH question is approximately TWO-THREE pages in length. Illustrate your responses with substantive examples where appropriate. Make certain to number each of your answers as the questions are numbered below. 1) Define the term ideology. … Read more

Mike Wallace and HealthSouth

Mike Wallace and HealthSouth Please view the following Sixty Minutes video of an interview conducted by Mike Wallace and HealthSouth CEO Scrushy about the $3 BILLION fraud at Healthsouth. Scrushy is a rags to riches to shame story. He started with $50,000 and built HealthSouth into a Fortune 500 company. But when earnings started to … Read more

Strong Thesis Statement

            Strong Thesis Statement In this unit’s Assignment, you will write a persuasive thesis statement related to the argument for change you have been developing in previous units and evaluate the effectiveness of that argument using the Toulmin Model. You will complete a worksheet for this Assignment. First of all, you will revise the provisional … Read more

Questions on Environmental Problems

Questions on Environmental Problems Name Three (3) Environmental problems caused by humans and tell me which elements of wasssem they affect. explain in your answer in detail, How specifically are they affected and whom do they affect?(150 WORDS) explain the environmental impacts of animal agriculture. In what ways does it impact the environment?Analyze at least one possible solution and explain … Read more

English Discussion Board Assignment

English Discussion Board Assignment Instructions: In a fully developed short essay (minimum of 6 paragraphs in length), please answer all of the questions below and post your essay to the discussion forum. Your work should include an introduction, a body of supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Remember that you are having a conversation with your … Read more

Country Report Review

Country Report Review Country Report Review. On MS-Word menu bar, click Home – Times New Roman – 12 font; Layout – Margins – Narrow and adjust Indent zero for all (Left, Right, Before, and After); and Paragraph – Alignment Left – Line Spacing zero. Answer these following questions: 1- what is unique about the country … Read more

The Word Association

The Word Association Associations (John Smith, 7 min., 1975) Which combination of an image and a spoken word is your favorite? Please describe the combination and type your reason why it is your favorite. Attachments area Preview YouTube video Associations – John Smith (1975) Associations – John Smith (1975) Solution Preview In the Associations … Read more

The Point of the Legends

The Point of the Legends Option #1 The Point of the Legends The details of Gautama’s life are entirely enshrouded in legend, and legend characteristically heavy with tendentious interpretation. Thus, for instance, the Four Passing Sights are rather spectacular, if somewhat obvious interpolations of doctrine. Similarly one might wonder the significance of the Gautama’s activities … Read more

Critical Analysis Activity 2

Critical Analysis Activity 2 Check files uploaded Check files uploaded Check files uploaded Check files uploaded Check files uploaded Check files uploaded 20180326013303critical_analysis_activity_2 (4) 2018 20180326013318state_v._utter (3) Solution Preview There are several crimes that are perpetrated by Robert in the film. The first crime he commits was to cook the books of the hedge fund so … Read more

HRM Response

HRM Response 1. Many companies have dress codes that require men to wear suits and women to wear dresses. Is this discriminatory according to disparate treatment theory? Why? 2. The EEOC has ruled that discrimination based on sexual preference is, by default, a form of discrimination based on sex. In addition, the EEOC has ruled … Read more

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