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Workplace Art Guidelines

Workplace Art Guidelines Competency Identify strategies for comparing, contrasting, and evaluating various art forms in their indigenous contexts. Instructions There has been some controversy in your workplace lately over the appropriateness of certain employee displays. You work in a large agency, so disagreements were bound to come up due to the diversity of ideas and … Read more

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Who should be on the selection team for selecting a software for a Pharmaceutical company

Who should be on the selection team for selecting a software for a Pharmaceutical company ERP systems are complicated, and the executive has asked that you, the warehouse manager, to join the decision-making team for selecting the appropriate software. Who else from the company should be on the selection team? Please explain your answer. Solution … Read more

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The Long-term Effects of Bullying on the Bully and the Victim

The Long-term Effects of Bullying on the Bully and the Victim These are two separate assignments.*** 1.) Write a 550 word summary of the ethical issues that affect your selected research question and methodology, including the following: Write a brief statement of the research question. List the possible ethical issues, such as consideration of characteristics of your … Read more

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Aetna Target Marketing for LGBT Community

Aetna Target Marketing for LGBT Community Select a company in the health care industry that operates in Florida. Research a recent marketing campaign executed by the company, and address the following: Explain the target market and the objective of the marketing campaign. Analyze the elements of the campaign based on the 4 Ps of marketing (product, price, placement, promotion). Evaluate the plan’s effectiveness. Recommend 2 additional marketing actions that would supplement the company’s existing campaign. NOTE: You need to support your work with at least 4 academic or professional peer­reviewed sources that were published within the past 5 years. Solution Preview Aetna is the third largest health insurance company in the United States that provides its consumers with direct healthcare insurance plans. The healthcare company operates in Florida with the sole purpose of providing its client’s insurance… (972 Words)

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Provider Credentialing

Provider Credentialing Provide an executive summary to your team on how to credential providers. You will need to consider the following: Type of provider being credentialed Steps they will go thru to be credentialed Educational background needed Does this provider have an NPI number? State the provider will work in Is there a standard application? … Read more

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The Visit to the Amazon Jungle

The Visit to the Amazon Jungle identify a place or event that you have never experienced before, something or some place that has your curiosity aroused about what goes on there, about what kind of experiences are available there and what kinds of people are to be found there reacting in interesting ways to the … Read more

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Anxiety, panic, ptsd and dissociative disorders

Anxiety, panic, ptsd and dissociative disorders Create a 15- to 20-minute multimedia presentation–such as slide, including speaker notes with cited sources in APA, to teach a population of your choice, discussing the following: Describe the population you are presenting to. Describe the causes of anxiety, panic, PTSD, and dissociative disorders Explain the treatments of anxiety, panic, … Read more

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Understanding the Psychology of Diversity by Blaine

Understanding the Psychology of Diversity by Blaine  Book “Blaine, B.E.(2013) Understanding the Psychology of Diversity (2nd ed) Los Angeles Sage Read and Explain each topic covered in each chapter. Writer Two papers for each chapter summarizing and use life experiences on what is covered in the chapter. Use citations for all paraphrased or quotes. Use … Read more

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Motivation and Performance Management

Motivation and Performance Management Assignment 2: Motivation and Performance Management Due Week 5 and worth 100 points For this assignment, use the same company you researched in Assignment 1. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine which is more strongly related to performance … Read more

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Observational Study

Observational Study Solution Preview Solution PreviewGender plays a vital role in the manner in which people behave in public settings.            The manner in which men conduct their activities in public spheres is very different from that of the female members of the society… (862 Words)

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Financial Management Questions

Financial Management Questions Should a company ever accept a negative NPV project? Is it useful to use spreadsheets for financial forecasting? How do independent projects compare to mutually exclusive projects? Solution Preview Notably, in some instances, companies should accept a negative NPV project. While this might generate losses to the organization, the venture might be … Read more

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Business Plan Breakdown 2 — The Marketing Plan

Business Plan Breakdown 2 — The Marketing Plan his is the second milestone of your business plan—the marketing plan. Tasks: Research the market of your chosen project. Based upon your research and what you have learned in the program, generate a 4- to 5-page marketing plan for your chosen project. In your marketing plan, you … Read more

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Five Forces Model

Five Forces Model Assignment: Examining Business Strategy and the Five Forces Model: The Challenges Facing eBay; Time for Changes in Strategy? This week we look at strategic thinking in the business environment. Your assignment this week is to: 1. First, research, and create, a Porter’s Five Forces Model of eBay in either Visio, Excel, of … Read more

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International Relations and Religion

International Relations and Religion There are two separate sets of readings in this section. The series of articles by Atran, Hurd, Fox & Sandler, Kubalkova, Falk, Juergensmeyer, Wæver, and Haynes, deal with the general challenges that IR is facing in handling religion and its inclusion in theories of IR and world politics. Read these together and devote a section to them. The two … Read more

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PHYSICIAN-CODER COMMUNICATION Watch the video below and answer the question. 1. Why do you think it is important physicians and coders to work together on the accuracy of coding? 2. Why an unspecified code shouldn’t be used when the more specified code is available? Enter your initial post and response to at least one of … Read more

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Intersectionality and White Privilege

Intersectionality and White Privilege Students will submit a reflection on the course material for grading. These reflections may take any form, but must include: 1) reference to the course material or one theoretical concept for the week and 2) relation to one’s personal life and/or a popular culture example. Reflections may take the form of: a written paper, a … Read more

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IMPORTANCE OF EVIDENCE-BASED MANAGEMENT By this time, you should be generally familiar with what evidence-based management is and how it is used in the health care setting. In the next units, you will learn how to use the evidence-based management model. First, you must reflect on what you have learned to further your foundational understanding … Read more

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Research in Counselling

Research in Counselling Research is important in the field of counseling and psychology because it can help us to understand the profession, shed light on the theories and concepts, and to determine if the application of theories and concepts actually improve mental health. Research is the best mechanism for determining if something is effective and … Read more

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Reflection on Oppression, Intersectionality and White Privilege

Reflection on Oppression, Intersectionality and White Privilege Students will submit a reflection on the course material for grading. These reflections may take any form, but must include: 1) reference to the course material or one theoretical concept for the week and 2) relation to one’s personal life and/or a popular culture example. Reflections may take the form of: a … Read more

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The Sanctuary Cities’ Case

The Sanctuary Cities’ Case In 2017, the Texas legislature passed and Governor Greg Abbott signed legislation banning so-called sanctuary cities.  The new law threatens sheriffs, police chiefs and other officials with jail time and removal from office if they do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities. And it allows police officers — even those on … Read more

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Dexter TV

Dexter TV Please choose one of the following questions to answer for this unit by Wednesday. You should also respond to two of your classmates’ postings . Before answering this unit’s questions, you should view at least the first two episodes of Dexter and read Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. RUBRIC Online discussions will be graded according to the following rubric. … Read more

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My Writing Prowess

My Writing Prowess What kind of writer are you? Your assignment is to write 2 pages about yourself as a writer. Below is a list of questions designed to help you think about this topic. You may also come up with questions/topics of your own. Then, develop some depth to your responses. (That’s why each … Read more

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Tech’s Influence on Supply Chain Management

Tech’s Influence on Supply Chain Management for part A I need you to do this “Write a script for a radio news segment”. The rest you can just choose instructions (2) Solution Previoew To the professor: For my project 2, I am interested in pursuing “Tech’s Influence on Supply Chain Management” as digitalization is dominating … Read more

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The observation was in a restaurant and the purpose was to determine people’s response in case of fire

The observation was in a restaurant and the purpose was to determine people’s response in  case of fire Solution Preview Several factors determine people’s responses to emergency situations, such as fire outbreaks. For instance, people’s behaviors in public spheres influence how they react to risky occurrences. To prove these claims… (634 Words)

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American National Security Issues

American National Security Issues An important purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. Complete a research essay on the government and national security. Remember this is being written for the president to read. Here are … Read more

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Intervention Strategies in Military Behavioral Health and Combat Related Issues

  Intervention Strategies in Military Behavioral Health and Combat Related Issues ClassPresentations (1) Mcfarlingarticle (1)    

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The Christian Religion as a Discourse Community

The Christian Religion as a Discourse Community Solution Preview Throughout history, Christianity has united people solely on the power of belief. Significantly, there are hundreds of religions with millions of followers who share a common goal in their beliefs. However, Christianity is… (642 Words)

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Why Susan’s behavior have changed over the past three months

Why Susan’s behavior have changed over the past three months open this link to read the case study: Develop a Motivation Plan  First read Case Study 5-6, Develop a Motivation Plan, on page 133 in Organizational Behavior in Health Care. Within the principles of the content theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and Alderfer, address the following … Read more

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Market Structures and Cost Management

Market Structures and Cost Management From the scenario for Katrina’s Candies, determine the appropriate type of market structure for the situation in question. Cite at least four (4) defining characteristics that have helped you reach this decision regarding the appropriateness of the chosen structure. Imagine that you are a manager of a chemical company. An … Read more

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Peer Review

Peer Review students are to select at least two of their peers’ postings to response to in a meaningful manner. For the peer response postings, a meaningful posting is expected to demonstrate at least 7 to 12 lines of content with at least one additional source not used within the original peer posting  Attachments 201802011557484342_grading_rubric_module_a_forum_peer_responses … Read more

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The Marketing Budget and Ethical Considerations

The Marketing Budget and Ethical Considerations Part of a marketing plan includes the creation of a realistic marketing budget. The more specific and accurate your numbers, the better chance you have to meet your projected budget. How much do you intend to spend on your marketing? You may break this down by quarter for one … Read more

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The Sheldon Case Conceptualization

The Sheldon Case Conceptualization I have attached everything you need for the discussion Keep in mind that the goal of this phase is strictly problem identification and not recommendations. For your discussion this week, reflect on the reading and focus your attention on the Sheldon background summary you created. In your post this week, include … Read more

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Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Please read the file (Book-Coppola- Chapter three) I attached below, then answer the following questions 1. Describe how the Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) is used in disaster planning. 2. Develop a HVA utilizing the hazards identified in Saudi Arabia in the file attached below (Hazards in Saudi). And discuss the methods and rationale used to … Read more

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Problem presentation

Problem presentation

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Comparing and Contrasting Article

Comparing and Contrasting Article 3 Attachments Mcfarlingarticle miltaryclassassigmt MilitaryEmployment Solution Preview Stigma as a Barrier to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment” by McFarling et al., 2011, highlights on the challenges faced by servicemen in their quest for treatment of both substance abuse and mental health problems… (893 Words)

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Policy Presentation

Policy Presentation Please follow pacific instructions…Suggestions ( Imagination Interview with 65 yr old…Research) Cancer, HIV….etc Attachments area Policy  

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seeking an investment for your business or product you’ve developed.

 Seeking an investment for your business or product you’ve developed Prepare individual presentations e.g. in PowerPoint and prepare approximately 10 slides (see points below). Attach your PowerPoint presentation to the Discussion for the sharks to review. Pitch “shark” investors (aka your classmates) your idea Entrepreneurs/Presenters: You are seeking investment for your business or product you’ve developed. Pitch … Read more

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Myths and misconceptions about race among college students

Myths and misconceptions about race among college students 1. Why do people tell stories about races that are not consistent with the facts? Hint; the answer is not “because they are misinformed/uneducated/don;t know.” Rather what are the sociological reasons given. (What functions it serves for society) for so many of us to tell racial stories … Read more

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Business information systems and brand management

Business information systems and brand management Answer each question within a minimum 200 and maximum 250 words, use in-text citation according to the sources used to find the answer, also include the source as a reference. Don’t delete the questions just start answering each question below the question itself. And add the reference below each … Read more

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Dengue Fever And Outbreak Investigations

Dengue Fever And Outbreak Investigations •Suppose you have been tasked with accessing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for information on an outbreak of Dengue Fever in your recently flooded state. Propose key steps in compiling a report to your local County Health Department. Be specific. •Report on the key problems facing a … Read more

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Analysis of Personal Writing Experience

Analysis of Personal Writing Experience Attachments area 218 Syllabus SP18 NMSU (2) Solution Preview I have always believed that hard work and commitment are the essential aspects of having successful careers. For this reason, I have established several professional goals which I plan to try my best to achieve them… (564 Words)

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power point, advocacy pitch, for Mental/Public Health Issues with Juveniles

power point, advocacy pitch, for Mental/Public Health Issues with Juveniles As a scholar-practitioner, you may have the opportunity to advocate for an issue (Mental/Public Health Issues with Juveniles) before a senator, congressional representative, special interest group, or others who could help to advance your recommended intervention. How will you ensure that your message is communicated … Read more

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Moving to a new city

Moving to a new city Outline: I. Paragraph 1: Introduction. A. Background about the old city of AL Zahia B. Thesis statement: II. Paragraph 2: Background about the new city “Liwa” III. Paragraph 3: Feelings of movement IV. Paragraph 4: People in there V. Paragraph 5: Challenges and experience Paragraph 6: Conclusion Solution Preview Moving … Read more

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The use of Evidence-Based Medicine in Saudi Arabia

The use of Evidence-Based Medicine in Saudi Arabia For this module, discuss the ability of evidence-based medicine (EBM) to increase quality and control costs within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For those existing practitioners who may be unfamiliar with EBM, determine how best to educate them to the model while addressing any shortcomings in their … Read more

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The rising costs of care in hospitals

The rising costs of care in hospitals The deliverable for this assignment is a 2-3 page paper and a completed FMEA. First, identify a common operational challenge (such as Emergency Room waiting time, Operating Room turn-over, timely patient discharge) in healthcare organizations and use the FMECA tool to identify potential failure modes. Then, for the … Read more

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Article Review

Article Review articlecritique3 Solution Preview The climate change issue is very contentious in today’s world due to its impact on the survival of human beings and other living organisms. The global climate change is being driven by the rising temperatures. The latter is driven by the increased amount of carbon gases in the… (442 Words)

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Diverse Workforce

 Diverse Workforce Assignment 3: Diverse Workforce Due Week 6 and worth 125 points Imagine that you work for a company with an age diverse workforce. You have baby boomers working with millenials. Their backgrounds are different, and how they view work is different. This is causing some friction within the workforce. Before the tension escalates, you … Read more

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Wells Fargo and Managing Diversity

Wells Fargo and Managing Diversity topic select organization that has issues with  managing diversity,  culture,  or team work issues examples are Wells Fargo . parts to paper part 1  describe organization  and issues to resolve part 2 analyaze  current corporate culture part 3 identify areas of weakness,[provide motivational strategies part 4 purpose solutions part 5 … Read more

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DIGITAL FORENSICS Instructions Assignment 2: Applying Ethics For this assignment, you will define ethics within the context of digital forensics. You will then apply what you learned to your life, developing an ethical code-of-conduct document. Scenario: Your manager has asked you to create a code-of-conduct document for your organization to give to employees during their … Read more

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The Impact of Technology On The Cognitive Ability Of College Students

The Impact of Technology On The Cognitive Ability Of College Students Solution Preview Technology has been studied widely and researchers expressly posit that it has positive impacts on the way our brains process data. By improving our ways of acquiring, processing and interpreting information, technology has made us a little more intelligent by enhancing our … Read more

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