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The Power of Effective Speaking, Persuasive Speech

The Power of Effective Speaking, Persuasive Speech Assignment 3: Persuasive Speech For your third assignment, you’ll put all of these skills to good use by preparing and delivering a researched, persuasive speech. Persuasive speaking is challenging, because the goal is to create, reinforce, or change people’s beliefs or actions. Your success will depend on your … Read more

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American Homeland Security and counter-terrorism

American Homeland Security and counter-terrorism essay the roles social media and the Internet play in helping to increase the terror threat within the United States; how previous domestic terror attacks including the attacks at the World Trade Center in 1993, Oklahoma City in 1995, the Khobar Towers in 1996, the USS Cole, and the attacks … Read more

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Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Thesis and Outline

Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Thesis and Outline Assignment 2.1: Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Thesis and Outline Due Week 7 and worth 50 points America became a free independent nation. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the former mother country, England, recognized that its children, the colonies, were now … Read more

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Selecting a Theme and Gallery Pieces

Selecting a Theme and Gallery Pieces Unit II Assignment Art Gallery: Selecting a Theme and Gallery Pieces Throughout this course, you will be working towards completing your course project, which is an art gallery. This project will be a PowerPoint presentation that you will build upon with each unit. After each unit, you will review … Read more

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Systems Development Life Cycle

Systems Development Life Cycle References used in this document with specified references per topic please review reference. Will need a total of 6 references. References need to be current (2016-2018) and from the web. These references need to be again referenced in the work. · Examine the activities in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). … Read more

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Juvenile Deliquency

Juvenile Deliquency Please watch the following film titled “Drop Out Nation”. The film can be located here: After reviewing the film relate behavior’s in the film to either conflict theory or a developmental view from your readings. Which do you believe explains this film the most and why? In your opinion, do you think reducing … Read more

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An African American that has been inspirational in my life

An African American that has been inspirational in my life 1-Address how an African-American has been an inspiration in your life, and 2-Discuss the contributions of the African-American individual who has served to inspire and motivate you. it has to be very good and 500 words. I need this essay to be very good. dont … Read more

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Principles of Success Plan

 Principles of Success Plan How would you advise a person to succeed in accomplishing personal, career, or learning goals based on what you’ve learned about attention, spaced repetition, and habit formation? Based on the information presented on selective attention, spaced repetition, and habit formation (located in chapters 4-7 of the webtext), summarize each concept and identify … Read more

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Elements of a Contract

Elements of a Contract Read the attached contract. MOUNT-SINAI.pdf  1.  Is this a contract? 2.  Provide an analysis based on your knowlege of contract formation (which should address all aspects of contract formation and any possible defenses). Solution Prreview The notice given by the Mount Sinai Medical Center is not a contract. For this reason, … Read more

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Template: Rhetorical Analysis Proposal

Template: Rhetorical Analysis Proposal Rhetorical Analysis Proposal Template Topic Proposal (2) Solution Preview The semester topic is whether fast food companies should be allowed to market their products to children. The article I chose for this topic is a newspaper article “Tug of War in Food Marketing to Children” by Stephanie Clifford. The article relates … Read more

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In-Class Activity: Rhetorical Analysis – Reading Texts

In-Class Activity: Rhetorical Analysis – Reading Texts This is the article: Week 04 – In Class Activity – EVEN NUMBERED GROUPS – Questions Solution Preview The author of the article is Zhai Yun Tan. Tan graduated with a B.A in journalism and a minor in environmental studies from the University of North Caroline in … Read more

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Organizations’ Mentorship Programs, Mission and Vision Statements

Organizations’ Mentorship Programs, Mission and Vision Statements 1. Some organizations have adopted official mentorship programs for their new employees and leaders. In what ways would you find this beneficial to the organization? What kind of outcomes would you expect to see in these organizations? 2. What is the purpose of a mission and vision statement? What … Read more

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The legal and ethical issues surrounding driverless cars technology

The legal and ethical issues surrounding driverless cars technology General Assignment Information: Title of Assignment: Essential Academic Writing Skills (Driverless Vehicles: A Vision for Singapore’s Transport) Number of Words: 750 Number of References: 5 Referencing Style: APA Education Level: university Please refer to attached document for FULL INSTRUCTIONS. Please read everything before bidding. 2 Attachments 20180207095141cor160_jan18_tma01 Solution Preview The reality … Read more

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POWER Method Presentation

POWER Method Presentation Choose a mid-sized company or organization in which you will assume the role of an executive-level manager. This may be a real organization or one you create. (You will use this organization as a basis for the Week 7 assignment so you may wish to consider that project in your selection). Prepare a PowerPoint® … Read more

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The 1997 centennial park bombing and the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

The 1997 centennial park bombing and the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting Part one of the research paper requires you to submit your topic for review and approval by your instructor. You must identify a domestic pre-9/11 terrorist event and a domestic post-9/11 terrorist event that will be the focus of your research paper. Note: The … Read more

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The legal structure and governance of a profit and not-for-profit hospital

The legal structure and governance of a profit and not-for-profit hospital compare and contrast the legal structure and governance of a profit and not-for-profit hospital. Also, examine the benefits and disadvantages of Public-Private partnerships. Write a four- to five-page report evaluating each option and provide your recommendation of the type of structure that would best … Read more

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A&W Brand Worksheet

A&W Brand Worksheet Solution Preview The A&W brand puts back in fast foods and drinks. Notably, the atmosphere within the restaurants is fun, an aspect that is supplemented further by their fresh food. Based on the fact that the root beer is made from scratch… (572 Words)

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Aussie Pooch Mobile

Aussie Pooch Mobile Case 8 Aussie Pooch Mobile Solution Preview Notably, the Aussie Pooch Mobile is a perfect example for graduates who relate unique ideas with successful ventures. Considerably, Christine Taylor manages to introduce a unique idea, dog washing service, into the marketplace… (771 Words)

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Challenges to Trust and Collaboration on a Team

Challenges to Trust and Collaboration on a Team Trust in relationships is essential to collaboration. But collaborative team members can bring with them a variety of potential obstacles to building trust. These can include: Dual loyalty. Different institutional cultures and priorities. Past conflicts. Personalities that do not mesh with others. Personal agendas. Therefore, it is … Read more

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The Purpose of Vision in Healthcare Organizations

The Purpose of Vision in Healthcare Organizations Write an essay that discusses the purpose and characteristics for developing an effective vision for a health care organization. Discuss the importance of healthcare leaders communicating organizational vision, and describe why some leaders fail at it. Select a healthcare organization of your choice, and detail the strengths and … Read more

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Human Services

Human Services What are your views on how nature (genetic and hereditary influences) and nurture (environmental influences) shape human development across the life span? Support your views with examples. •Which area has more impact on human development, and why? Discuss in terms of a global impact and specific issues such as personality development, intelligence, mental … Read more

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Like Water for Chocolate Film Analysis

Like Water for Chocolate Film Analysis There is a movie that is going to be found in Google or Youtube called “water for chocolate” I would need to write three paragraphs. Each paragraph should at least contain of 150 words. Here is the instructions that is given by my professor. 1 First paragraph about … … Read more

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Chevron’s Infrastructure Evolution

Chevron’s Infrastructure Evolution Read the Case Study and answer the “Discussion Points” in a clear but concise way. Be sure to reference all sources cited and use APA formatting throughout in doc file. Case2 Solution Preview Seismic imaging is a tool that features bouncing sound waves within underground rock structures whereby it is used to … Read more

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Effects of Dementia on Individuals and Family

Effects of Dementia on Individuals and Family Thread: Use the name of your topic as your thread title. Title – Dementia (impact on the individual) For your thread, you will take on the role of advocate and educator to present an introduction to your impact assignment topic. You have spent this week researching your topic and … Read more

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Sports as contested activities

Sports as contested activities Scenario: Your sister is seven years old and wants very much to play soccer. She has cerebral palsy; she walks with a limp and she cannot use her left hand. The local youth sport soccer club says that they will not allow her to play because they are concerned with her safety. … Read more

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Civil Disobedience

Civil Disobedience This discussion forum explores a controversial topic: Civil Disobedience. Remember that any argument asks (or perhaps challenges) us to change something about our perspective on a topic or issue. If we are asking our readers to change their perspectives, we need to be persuasive and civil. Likewise, when we are challenged by others … Read more

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Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell

Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell 1. Please read the following: “Everything you need to know about writing successfully….” by Stephen King ” Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell Topic: What are at least 2 things you can apply to your writing according to these articles? 2. For Essay you are required … Read more

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Finance and Operations

Finance and Operations Assignment: Finance and Operations: This week we look at finance and operations, and apply a bit of quantitative analysis to the effort. Your assignment this week is to analyze current financial ratios for a given business. APA formatting required. 1. Think of a specific business you find interesting, i.e. Apple, UTC, Southwest … Read more

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Have you met him yet? – By David Litt

Have you met him yet? – By David Litt Go to The Moth websie or The Moth Youtube channel and choose TWO stories to watch. After watching both of them, type up your observations and answer these questions for BOTH: First, summarize the story into a thesis statement and give a few sentences of what the story was about. … Read more

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Innovation Strategy

Innovation Strategy 1. Why are some organizations that are good at innovations do not seem to be enjoying the fruits of their innovation? 2. How can organizations balance their innovation strategy between high risk (high return) and low-risk? provide link to an online article, video, or website which illustrates or discusses a topic relevant Solution … Read more

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Marketing and Brand Management

Marketing and Brand Management Unit One Case Analysis Read Campbell Soup starting on page 63. This story raises the following questions: · What are the branding challenges and opportunities facing Campbell’s market? · Apply the four steps of brand building to Campbell’s future efforts. What do the results tell you? Why? · How could how … Read more

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Why I want to be a manager

Why I want to be a manager ignore the instructions in the attachment. choose 3 questions are answer each in half page to make the work 1.5pgs long. Solution Preview The reason why I want to become a manager is to utilize my vast experience and great skills in leading my team towards immense success. … Read more

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The Interest Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

The Interest Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Read the book ”The Interest Narrative of The Life of Olaudah Equiano” and choose one paragraph to analyze. CloseReadingPaper Solution Preview The second paragraph in chapter II details on the author’s parentage and the kidnapping incident with his sister. In this scene, Equiano highlights on how … Read more

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Importance of companies embracing social media,

Importance of companies embracing social media Develop a PowerPoint presentation (12slides in length).  It should include a title slide, an agenda slide, body content slides, a closing slide, and a references slide (if applicable). All slides count toward the required length. The content should focus on some aspect of social media use in the workplace.  … Read more

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Imagine If You Were A Chief Of Police

Imagine If You Were A Chief Of Police rubricrequirements Solution Preview A strong criminal justice is the cornerstone for the rule of law in any civilized society. For this reason, the persons who work in this field, such as law enforcement officers must utilize various approaches to prevent crime… (613 Words)

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Summary About Boxing

Summary About Boxing use paragraph form (not more than one page) A. General description of physical demands of sport/activity 1. Include general goals of athlete in Introduction a.  Details should be in Needs Assessment section, not in Introduction 2.  The Introduction should lead you to its last sentence… “Therefore, the purpose of this paper is … Read more

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Explain The Difference Between Fixed And Variable Costs

Explain The Difference Between Fixed And Variable Costs Explain the difference between fixed and variable costs for a healthcare organization. Provide and discuss at least one example of a fixed cost in health care and one example of a variable cost in health care. Your response must be at least 200 words in length. Solution … Read more

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Crisis Intervention and Prevention Strategies

Crisis Intervention and Prevention Strategies PART 1: 1ST PAPER AND DOCUMENT, APA FORMAT, 300 WORDS One crisis is a person who presents with suicide ideation. What are effective crisis intervention strategies used for each of the following: a high-risk suicidal client, a middle-risk suicidal client, and a low-risk suicidal client? What makes these intervention strategies … Read more

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The best super bowl advertisement

The best super bowl advertisement In a PowerPoint file: 1- choose one advertisement from the super bowl 2018. 2- Who created it? 3- type of Ad? 4- Why did you like it? 5- How much did it cost?

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Instructor-led Training and PowerPoint presentations

Instructor-led Training and PowerPoint presentations Discussion 1: choose an example of training. You can select any training video on the web: Try to select a video that is less than 5 minutes long; however, but if the video you want to use for this discussion is longer than that, identify the 4-minute segment you want … Read more

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Reading response

Reading response BOOK NAME: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick You will need to read page 3 through 152 then write a reading response. In the first paragraph, briefly summarize the text (or section of the text) that you chose. In the next paragraph, explain the significance of the section you … Read more

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Global Multi-Products Chile Case

Global Multi-Products Chile Case Now that you’ve read the Global Multi-Products Chile Case (PDF) you will need to answers the questions below. Element 1: Answer the following in a well written comprehensive answer (no less than 350 words). What changes were made at Multi-Products Chile?  Why were these changes made?What is your evaluation of these changes – … Read more

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Discussion 2

Discussion 2 PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW. EVERYTHING ON 1-5 MUST BE COMPLETED.  I HAVE ATTACHED THE CHAPTER FROM THE BOOK TO BE USED TO HELP COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT SO PLEASE USE.  Response to Intervention Mary Quest, an early childhood teacher of 15 years, has shared two narratives of her experiences with response to intervention (RTI). … Read more

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Creating Friendly Classroom Environment

Creating Friendly Classroom Environment PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW. EVERYTHING ON 1 MUST BE COMPLETED.  Environment Read the article on creating supportive environments, “Including Children with Special Needs: Are You and Your Early Childhood Program Ready? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” Often in early childhood programs, the environment is seen as the third … Read more

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Paper On Explaining Crime

Paper On Explaining Crime According to the FBI and other sources, crime is at an all time low. The crime rates in every category have gone down every year since 1993.  There are various theories that attempt to explain this decrease. Do a little research on the web and decide which theory explain this trend. Compose a one … Read more

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International Relations

International Relations The subject of this section is the Islamic revivalism and the emergence of Islam as a major global political force. The chapter by Mandavillediscusses the initial dynamics of Islamic politics and “Islamism” through the analysis of the life, ideas and activities of some of the key Muslim pioneering thinkers and activists. The article by Cesari analyses the … Read more

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Ethics in Medical Coding

Ethics in Medical Coding A new outpatient procedure is being performed at the hospital where you are employed as a coder. There is a CPT code for the procedure that is being performed. There are also 2 separate CPT codes that also describe the procedure that was performed. You have been told by administration that … Read more

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The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales Humanity home work. Also, I want 2 different papers, please see the files and read it carefully 20180214002639canterbury_tales_study_guide (2) Solution Preview Thomas Becket was a Catholic and Anglican archbishop and is venerated as a saint and Martyr who was murdered by four Knights when he excommunicated his fellow bishops. (996 Words)

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TRAINING SALES PERSONNEL Different groups think and learn differently. For example, some artists are more liberal and tend to respond better to creativity. Executives are more concerned with how the learning relates to the bottom line. Some say there are differences with how men and women learn. Begin by choosing a particular group of adult … Read more

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How the Knowledge on Water Systems Influence Commander’s Decision

How the Knowledge on Water Systems Influence Commander’s Decision Write an essay describing how knowledge of water-only systems may influence the incident commander’s incident action plan. Your response must be at least one page in length, double spaced, and 12-point Times New Roman font. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and … Read more

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