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LONG-TERM CARE LOVE For this discussion: Review the Long-Term Care Love media piece. Consider the social policy implications for the long-term care facility and respond to the following: If there are no policies regarding relationships between residents, propose how you would develop them. Describe how culture would need to be considered. As a potential gerontologist, … Read more

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Armies of Heaven

Armies of Heaven please see the attached files in order to know the requirements. there are two should do first part and the second part only A or B it is about HIST 101. general history 2018022205414511_hist_101_exam_one_spring_2018 (1) (1) (1) Solution Preview Peter the Hermit was a famous person in the early 1096, who … Read more

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Introduction to Social Problems

Introduction to Social Problems It is important for students of sociology to understand the importance of research as well as the value. To fully comprehend research, sociologists must know how to analyze and evaluate research. To learn this skill, complete the following assignment: Access and use the “Journal Article Review Analysis Worksheet” to analyze the … Read more

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Total Recall (1990)

Total Recall (1990) Choose one book or film from the ‘Supplementary Dystopias’ list; discuss it with reference to the themes of the course and other course readings. Questions you might consider include: is this work properly described as a dystopia? What kind of dystopia is it? What features does it (or the society it depicts) share with1984, ‘The Machine … Read more

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Developing Recommendations

Developing Recommendations Please read the 2 paper I have attached carefully please and answer all bullets carefully with good information. After the third step of collaboration in the multidisciplinary approach, it is important to have a clear idea of how each member of your multidisciplinary team sees the issues and a basic understanding of the … Read more

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Collaboration in Hospice Care

Collaboration in Hospice Care This assignment is based on the 2 attachments please read carefully and answer all bullets One of the most challenging aspects of arriving at a course of action can come when the team moves in a direction different from what you proposed. A good collaborative group will work to integrate all … Read more

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Training Program Analysis

Training Program Analysis For your course project, analyze the training need, the tasks you will be training on, and your learners. ***********Specifically, in a minimum of 5 pages: Make a final decision on the content or skills to train your learners on. Choose a subject that will allow you to gauge their performance before and … Read more

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Description of a Technical Device

Description of a Technical Device Write a one-to-two page description of a concrete or solid object, such as a clock or another object with moving parts; i.e. a computer mouse, a keyboard. Title the assignment as Assignment 2, Description of (name of object). Discussion pointers on writing a technical description will be posted by your … Read more

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Literary analysis paper on William Faulkner’s short story A Rose for Emily

Literary analysis paper on William Faulkner’s short story A Rose for Emily This paper has to be perfect for my teacher. She knows that I have been working a lot and been kind of cramming when I can to do the work that it has been assigned so far. So she said she expects nothing … Read more

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Police Officers

Police Officers Police officers receive extensive training, and police administrators usually bring advanced formal education to the job. However, there are times where the police must react to events outside their control. This occurs on the day-to-day level of the patrol officer as well as at the leadership level. This week’s discussion will examine this … Read more

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Federalism and the Political

Federalism and the Political (3 or 4 paragraphs) on attached article. NO sources. Checked for plagiarism. Attachments area RP2 Solution Preview The major objective why the framers of the United States Constitution devised federalism was to prevent the young nation from dividing. The administrative system was a compromise between those who wanted a devolved… (316 … Read more

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Renal Failure

Renal Failure J. S. is 23 years old. He was brought to the emergency department after an auto accident. He suffered a concussion and a deep laceration of his right thigh. He lost about 4 units of blood prior to effective control of bleeding and closure of the wound. Fluid resuscitation is initiated, and a … Read more

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Lead exposure in children

Lead exposure in children Lead exposure in Children is the topic. You could use the previous research question we developed from last time. Please see attached document. you can develop a new research topic. 20180223035337usw1_resi_8502_seminar01_hat_wordtableversion (1)

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Children Exposure to Lead

Children Exposure to Lead Please answer by each questions below: abouut JOSHUA SAMUEL AARON Your report should list each question and your response. Your responses should be full sentences when appropriate. Use your own words to answer each question. For the case you are assigned, make a report that includes the following information: Name of … Read more

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The Dark Figure of Crime

 The Dark Figure of Crime Answer the following and cite the locations where you found the answer by URL or title and name of author, publication and year. Cite your source for each (URL). What is “The Dark Figure of Crime?” Name 5 possible reasons why Crime is not reported? What is the NCVS in … Read more

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Business Law

Business Law Question A Review the article / video below, which sets the stage for your discussion response. Did Target ignore data breach warnings? (2:55)… Based on the video, did the company presented in the video allow a breach of security based on the laws and ideas discussed in the text? Why or why … Read more

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Talking with Parents Journal

Talking with Parents Journal Talking with parents about the struggles their child is having in class can be a difficult task for teachers and childcare professionals.  According to Powell and Driver (2013),  “teachers and school staff can talk with parents about the possibility of their child needing to undergo an evaluation for ADHD, but the … Read more

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Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants it has to be 300 words and 5 paragraph with the thesis and conclusion. and no scholarly sources. the essay is on the story-“Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway. I has also attached the rubric for this reflective essay here is the link for the story- 2 Attachments ReflectionEssays1102 reflectionessay1 … Read more

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Rhetoric Analysis Draft

Rhetoric Analysis Draft          You will turn in a rough draft of your Rhetorical Analysis A rough draft is at least two pages of your paper, not including cover page or reference page Every rough draft must have an introduction Your rough draft must include the cover page and final references page Turn your rough draft in two … Read more

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Money and Politics

Money and Politics J.P Morgan and Rothschild bailed cut U.S in 1894 British Foreign office aided Japanese attack on Port Arthur 1904 through the spy Sidney Reilly. British interests bailed out U.S and worked against Russia between 1894 and 1904. Was it about money or politics? Please give the that indicates the position you are … Read more

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ADHD Presentation

ADHD Presentation Using what you have learned so far about ADHD and inclusion, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following scenario: You have been asked by your administrator or director to give a 10-minute presentation to the school board regarding inclusion and ADHD.The board wants to know specifically how this ever-increasing population of students is … Read more

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Ethics in Accounting

Ethics in Accounting Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior. Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have resulted in legislation to ensure adequate disclosures and honesty and integrity in financial reporting.  A sound economy is contingent on truthful and reliable financial reporting. Instructions: Read the following scenario. Answer the questions that follow. … Read more

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Theory Of Consumer Choice And Frontiers Of Microeconomics

Theory Of Consumer Choice And Frontiers Of Microeconomics Scenario: You have been asked to assist your organization’s marketing department to better understand how consumers make economic decisions. Develop a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and  PRESENT THIS TO THE CLASS in a minimum 10 minute presentation.  Include the following: The impact the theory of consumer choice … Read more

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Writing an Annotated Bibliography

Writing an Annotated Bibliography 1. Choose your research topic.2. Review documents on annotations. If you have your St. Martin’s Handbook from Comp 1301, you can find great resources there.3. Watch the tutorial on finding reliable sources – no general websites!4. Complete and upload your Annotated Bibliography ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT An annotated bibliography is an organizing … Read more

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Growth and Development: Case Response

Growth and Development: Case Response Watch the following video concerning the work of the Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center. Warning: The video contains graphic themes and images. ATTACHMENTS 20180223125432instructor_example 20180223115207afterviewingthecase Solution Preview There are two characters in the film, male, who appear to be in their late twenties. After meeting in a park, the two look … Read more

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Hate Crimes Prosecution

Hate Crimes Prosecution A hate crime is a hate crime. You murder someone, you hate ‘em.” –Laramie woman.Do you believe hate crimes (a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence) should be prosecuted differently than regular crimes? Solution Preview People engage in criminal activities for different reasons, and while others … Read more

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Walter’s Transformation in “A Raisin in the Sun”

Walter’s Transformation in “A Raisin in the Sun” raising in the sun. include a thesis englishhw (1) Solution Preview Change is the only thing that is constant in people’s lives. Everyone must undergo transformation during his or her lifetime. Change is brought about by numerous factors, such as disappointments in life…. (1160 Words)

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Scholarly review the relevance of evidence based practice in the primary care

Scholarly review the relevance of evidence based practice in the primary care Provide the example of a scholarly paper that discusses the relevance of evidence based practice in the primary care. How does the paper define evidence based practice? In what ways does it apply to the primary care setting? Discuss how EBP can translate … Read more

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MM Global Marketing

MM Global Marketing 1-2 page Memo with 2 APA formatted reference with in text citations. – Course scenario is attached. Assignment scenario is below Assignment Scenario: Michelle has asked you to send her a memo that explains the target market for MM’s new product. Because a global market is under consideration, she wants you and … Read more

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The Customer And Delivering A Positive Customer Experience

The Customer And Delivering A Positive Customer Experience Please submit the Marketing: The Customer and Delivering a Positive Customer Experience to the grade book. Your submission should be a minimum of 2 pages written in APA format, including a cover page and a reference page. In this unit, marketing management’s role to identifying the customer … Read more

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Florida school shooting

Florida school shooting I have attached an example, work on all the sections but limit it to 2pg. my topic is the recent school shooting in florida Solution Preview The ethics of this document is to provide factual information regarding mental illness relative to the mass shooting in Florida. By comparing Nikolas Cruz to Adam … Read more

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Famous Prisoner Presentation

Famous Prisoner Presentation Federal Prison Presentation Instructions: Create a presentation using PowerPoint® in which you describe the prison where your prisoner was incarcerated and the outcome of their time in prison Describe the problems associated with the prisons used to incarcerate • Al Capone Compare and contrast the characteristics of the previously listed individuals. Describe … Read more

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SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN FOR PETROLEUM CONSERVATION must read the case and answer the following questions accurately. What’s the current situation? Why is this situation happening? What are the issues/problems in the case? state Two recommendations and why? Who are the stakeholders and why? EXTERNALCP15507_pcs.1 Solution Preview Notably, the current situation in the case is designing … Read more

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Exploring Outcome-Based Evaluation Options

Exploring Outcome-Based Evaluation Options please work only on U9 -1 Exploring Outcome-Based Evaluation Options 98 (2) Solution Preview Rapid ethnographic approaches play a critical role in human-centered design projects. Notably, this methodology has been applied extensively in research based on its ability to provide an understanding of the people from their perspective… (625 Words)

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Victimology Theroies

Victimology Theroies Using the knowledge you have obtained in this course, choose a topic from the list below. Explain the impact this particular crime may have on a victim. Apply one or more of the victimization theories referenced in your textbook to better support your stance. In conclusion, state your opinion on what could be … Read more

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Fraud Case Responses

Fraud Case Responses 1.Search the internet for a recent story on information being stolen from a company. Examples include: stolen credit card numbers, personal information, and proprietary secrets. Summarize the article in a well-written paragraph. Then, detail several measures that could have prevented the fraud and possible symptoms that could have detected this fraud. 2.You … Read more

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Philosophic arguments Hayek

Philosophic arguments Hayek From the Table of Contents: Read pages 31-62 The Philosophic arguments will consist of two sections. The first section is a summary of the position. The second section further explains at least 2 ideas you agree with or disagree with and at least two “reasons” why/why not for each idea. A “Reason” … Read more

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Informative speech Outline

Informative speech Outline I want you to talk about smartphone history, development, advantages, disadvantages, and suggestions of using smartphones and conclusions finally references I have attached a sample of the outline  

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Right to Counsel

Right to Counsel In at least three well-developed paragraphs, discuss whether a suspect must be expressly advised to his or her right to counsel during questioning. Remember to cite your primary sources in Bluebook format. Please be sure to use proper grammer and bluebook citationn Solution Preview The right to counsel refers to a right … Read more

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Historical Challenge-Slavery And Abolition

Historical Challenge-Slavery And Abolition Based on your research on the 13th Amendment and slave populations in the North at 1850 and beyond, do you think that the North, in general, and New Jersey in particular, was interested in the abolition of slavery? Share your findings and offer your perspectives. Please note that you can earn … Read more

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Interests, desires, and motivations

Interests, desires, and motivations Students will use the planning scenario and the Negotiation Strategy Planning Template to guide their research and analysis throughout this course. Each week, students will complete a portion of the Negotiation Strategy Plan using the template provided. This week, you will continue the training sessions on developing the Negotiation Planning Strategy. … Read more

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Ethics n Governance Argumentative

Ethics n Governance Argumentative Need help with an ethics & governance argumentative essay on Singapore context, SMRT. Please see attached document for more information such as format of the report. Just a framework will do. I have also provided some website which can assist on some researching. 20180228100603essay_framework (2) Solution Preview SMRT Singapore has in … Read more

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Healthy Conflict Resolution

Healthy Conflict Resolution  First read Case Study 14-7, Healthy Conflict Resolution, on page 322 of Organizational Behavior in Health Care. Write a paper that addresses the following questions: What is the conflict? What is the basis/cause of this conflict? If you were the manager in this case, how would resolve the situation? Your well-written paper should … Read more

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Egress and Life Safety Analysis

Egress and Life Safety Analysis There are 2 questions. My teacher wants the answers to be very short, probably 200 words per each question. Look at the examples given for question 1 and do something similar Solution Preview This scenario describes a fire developing inside a computer classroom and involves the outdoor columns, situated outside … Read more

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Song analysis

Song analysis The Beatles: Free as a bird  • Create a word processor document, and start with this information: Song title Songwriter(s) Recording artist(s) Year of release Record label Song style or market (e.g. Southern Rock, Singer Songwriter, Disco, Punk) Any background or fun fact (not required) • Create a 1-2 page, with a minimum … Read more

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A company self-examination

A company self-examination Assignment 2: Situation Analysis Due Week 10 and worth 250 points A company self-examination. What are we known for? Who do we want to become? In this assignment, you will create a Situation Analysis for one (1) of the following companies / brands: Jeep Cherokee,, or Google. Each of these three … Read more

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Business Law Business Organizations & Regulation

Business Law Business Organizations & Regulation As you reflect on your time at Phishy Pharmaceuticals, you decide it is time to move on with your career. You have always wanted to start you own restaurant business and be an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you must decide whether the business should operate as one of the … Read more

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Public Health

Public Health ARTICLE:  Aberg, A. et al. (2010). Exposure assessment at a PCDD/F contaminated site in Sweden–field measurements of exposure media and blood serum analysis.Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 17(1):26-39. (IS ATTACHED) Answer questions below   Discussion of journal articles is important to the development of critical thinking and evaluation skills. You are provided … Read more

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work for management

work for management conduct a brief online search and find a resource or two that discusses some of the “things” organizations and managers must do when deciding to utilize third-party consultants to assists in Information Systems (ERP, MIS, DSS, TPS, etc.) Solution Preview Changes in technology have promoted management teams to engage in a frantic … Read more

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Bharatanatyam Relation to Buddhism

Bharatanatyam Relation to Buddhism A introduction of what bharatanatyam is and the history background, development of it how does bharatanatyam related to buddhism (whats the reason, in what ways) conclusion 450-500 words 1-2 references Solution Preview Different cultures will always have various means of expression. However, the methods of expression will always have some form … Read more

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