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Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant

Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant 2 Attachments 20180306231358worksheet_format_ 20180306231346reading_ Solution Preview Intrinsic motivational aspects are essential in enhancing productivity within the workplace. Given the challenges that the organization faced, the Scanlon incentive plan increased intrinsic motivation of the employees by reinforcing… (1646 Words)

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Google expansion in NYC

Google expansion in NYC links: abc – left center bias fox news – right bias taiwan news – least bias outline: Intro: context story and background body: how each article is presenting the story through ethos, evidence and pathos evidence is quotes, how do they know, etc. (research what evidence is) 4 Attachments RhetoricalAnalysisRubricSpring2018 RhetoricalAnalysisPromptClassofNickCarassanesiSpring2018 RANewsSample … Read more

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How you view nature and ecological integrity

How you view nature and ecological integrity One of the MANDATORY assignments for this class is an Environmental Student Action Plan. This is a TWO page minimum, SIX page maximum, double spaced plan written individually by you. Word of advice- I have seen VERY FEW TWO page plans that scored the maximum amount of points for this assignment. The paper should address how … Read more

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Engineering Ethics presentation

 Engineering Ethics presentation Solution Preview Engineers are usually called upon by different parties who work in the construction and design processes to provide them with engineering services in various capacities. These parties might include design professionals… (572 Words)

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Reader Response for a Text from the Ancient World

Reader Response for a Text from the Ancient World What is Reader-Response criticism? This variety of criticism focuses on the ways in which readers themselves construct the meanings within a text rather than the author. Readers create meaning by interacting with text based on their outside interests and expectations. Readers comment on the text based … Read more

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Language Arts

Language Arts Choose one of the following topics. Plan your essay. Write your first draft. Then revise and edit and write your final essay. Don’t forget to identify your audience, purpose, and task before you begin planning. The theme of this unit is “Identity.” What similarities can you find in the problems faced by the … Read more

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Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years

Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years  In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years. Faculty Note: For students taking this course online, if there is a hardship for any student in being able to … Read more

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Incident Response Report

Incident Response Report 20180307024414ip5 Solution Preview The success of an incident response depends on effective coordination and organization approach of the response team. The primary role of the database manager or the systems administrator is information sharing to make sure the… (596 Words)

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How you view nature and ecological integrity

How you view nature and ecological integrity One of the MANDATORY assignments for this class is an Environmental Student Action Plan. This is a TWO page minimum, SIX page maximum, double spaced plan written individually by you. Word of advice- I have seen VERY FEW TWO page plans that scored the maximum amount of points for this assignment. The paper should address how … Read more

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Businesses that often compromise the level of quality of service

Businesses that often compromise the level of quality of service Discuss the following: Some argue that certain businesses may compromise the level of quality of service to stay within budget and to meet company’s performance standards. In that regard, General Motors (GM), and other automobile manufacturers, have been investigated by U.S. Congressional committees regarding defects … Read more

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Greatest Strength and Values

Greatest Strength and Values please follow the requirement, and answer two questions, each question need half page single space, so total two question need 1 single space full page. Not need too good grammar skill, so can have some wrong with grammar. Due US pacific time, 3/7, Solution Preview Possessing a great strength is an … Read more

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Deadly Force Choices and Discretion and Mental Illness

Deadly Force Choices and Discretion and Mental Illness Two part assignment – A) Deadly Force choices, and B) Discretion and Mental Illness Part A) Deadly Force Choices (three paragraph assignment) 1. Watch the Shoot/Don’t Shoot video at this link: 2. Take both sides of the issue – pro and con – where “pro” argues … Read more

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Understanding the Hierarchy of Managerial Levels and Division of Labor

Understanding the Hierarchy of Managerial Levels and Division of Labor Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology professionals (both internal and external) typically act in an advisory role and use their professional expertise to solve organizational problems, supervised and guided by client management. The nature of the work varies widely and is primarily based on two factors, organizational level … Read more

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Creating the Marketing Mix

Creating the Marketing Mix 2-3 pages not including cover or reference pages, double spaced 12 point Times New Roman font 3 References in APA format with in text citations Course Scenario Attached Assignment listed in Assignment Scenario below Key Assignment Draft Now that the product and promotional decisions have been made for the new product, Michelle … Read more

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How does belief in the transcendent change the way one reasons about the world

How does belief in the transcendent change the way one reasons about the world This is a discussion question for my Religion course. How does belief in the transcendent change the way one reasons about the world, especially when contrasted with the natural sciences? 200-250 Word requirement, but proper APA/MLA format is not needed. I may … Read more

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Brain Control of Human Nature

Brain Control of Human Nature For this assignment you will provide a 200 word response to the following; 1. In what ways has learning about the physical brain influenced your thoughts about human nature? 2. If most information in the brain is processed outside of our awareness, how can we ever really know ourselves? Solution Preview The … Read more

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Anthropology Discussion

Anthropology Discussion Complete Forum Solution Preview The debate on whether the modern man is an ancestor of the Neanderthal or whether the Neanderthal became extinct is one that continues to bring about divisions among many anthropologists. In my opinion, getting to the bottom… (585 Words)

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Reflection on the Theme of Religion in Flannery O’Connor’s Story A Good Man is Hard to Find

Reflection on the Theme of Religion in Flannery O’Connor’s Story A Good Man is Hard to Find 2 Attachments reflection3 (1) Solution Preview Religion is one of the most important and controversial issues in the world. Religious values and principles often dictate the manner in which persons interact with each other. The outlook is driven by … Read more

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PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 2018ASSIGNMENT1MGT101 Solution Preview The generic strategy for business growth places the significant emphasis on the competitive advantage of a business. To enhance its sustenance and growth, Starbucks has to capitalize on its competitive advantages including customer… (1526 Words)

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Financial Accounting

Financial Accounting Anne Marie is the owner of Anne’s Beauty Salon, Inc.  Her accountant prepares a monthly financial statement for her business.  She doesn’t like to ask him questions about it.  She would rather ask you as you are her friend and since she knows that you are taking an accounting course, she asks you … Read more

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professional development program proposal

professional development program proposal Using the Eastman Kodak Company, imagine that the CEO has charged you, the task force leader, with researching emotional intelligence (EI) in order to propose a professional development program. Your proposal should detail how a new incentive program, based on an EI management approach, will foster teamwork, strengthen interpersonal relationships, enhance … Read more

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Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis In this assignment, you will conduct a hypothetical strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Envision you and a handful of colleagues wish to start a business. In order to develop the best strategy for entering the market, you need to conduct a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats … Read more

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Visual Elements

Visual Elements For Unit III of your art gallery presentation, you will be adding descriptions of the visual elements you observe in the artworks you placed in your art gallery. The purpose of this unit assignment is to demonstrate that you can apply what you learned about visual elements to your gallery artworks.  Begin … Read more

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Significant Contributions To Public Health

Significant Contributions To Public Health For your final project, you will be researching an individual and their contribution to community and public health. Because of the size of this project, you will be doing the first part of this project in Week 3 then adding the final portion in Week 5. You have the option … Read more

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Social attraction and Dissolution

Social attraction and Dissolution Human beings are fundamentally social. In this discussion, we will consider connection—from attraction to dissolution, and liking to love—by providing advice regarding various relationship concerns. Imagine that you are an advice columnist. You regularly respond to readers, providing relationship advice based on social psychological insight. Select one of the following options … Read more

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The Hearsay Rule

The Hearsay Rule What is the hearsay rule? Explain in detail. APA, 3 REFERENCES Solution Preview People’s positions on certain issues are not always similar, and the existence of conflict always necessitates that an impartial party gives his or her opinion on the matter. However, for such a position to be impartially determined, the various… … Read more

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Journal Entry

Journal Entry In this course, you will complete a series of History Journal entries, which you will submit twice during the term. Refer to the Assignments and Course Schedule on Syllabus Page 2 for due dates.Journal #2In this second journal activity, you may write about any topic(s) of your choice, but it is best to … Read more

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Difference between Staying in Texas vs Florida

Difference between Staying in Texas vs Florida The essay must be written in “block” format, with only have four paragraphs. It must be written in MLA format and attached must be the essay map. The 4 paragraphs must be comparison to two places you have visited. The places the paragraph need to be written about … Read more

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The Battle of Waterloo

The Battle of Waterloo Research-Paper-What-I-want-modified-1 Solution Preview The European conflicts witnessed during the 19th century had adverse effects on the continent’s well-being. The view is facilitated by the aspect of the wrangles ending in bloody battles, which left many soldiers dead. One of the greatest battles… (1531 Words)

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How would you decide if the best option is to expand globally

How would you decide if the best option is to expand globally Choose a company that has not yet globalized. How would you decide if the best option is to expand globally? What are the benefits and risks of globalizing for the company you chose? NOTE: Use only authored websites, academic journals, and professional journals … Read more

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strategic management

strategic management In this unit, you will complete the case study of the company that you chose in Unit II ( Coca Cola ) and have been researching throughout the course. Respond to the four writing prompts below. Your responses must include information from academic and scholarly research, 4 in total 1. Create a case … Read more

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Information Literacy Concept

Information Literacy Concept All submissions must be in 12 point font, double spaced. Refer to the document, “Guidelines for Citing Sources” to cite sources. Clearly label your answers with the question number and letter Information Literacy Concept Define the term “information literacy.” Cite 3 sources for the definition of information literacy. Include at least one … Read more

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Accounting Ethics

Accounting Ethics Part 2: Essay: Write a 2 page reflective essay (not counting your title and references pages) in which you discuss your response to the following ethics case. The essay should address the questions listed below, utilize appropriate ethics resources, and follow APA format and citation style . Title your paper Section #_Unit 6 Assignment _Part 2. … Read more

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How to help people decrease or cope with stress

How to help people decrease or cope with stress The dependent variable. EVERYONE will use in their papers is: STRESS Should address how to help people decrease or cope with stress. This could focus on College Students or it could address your career field. 20180309060103experimentalmethodpaperrubric (3) Solution Preview The dependent variable in solving the stressor … Read more

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Project Proposal on Social Computing

Project Proposal on Social Computing 1.Title: Meaningful and representative of your research. 2.Research Problem: A statement of your research problem or question. 3.Problem Importance: How research important. 4.Research Methodology: How are you planning to conduct your research? 5.Human Subjects: Are you gathering information from humans? What ethical considerations do you need to follow? 6.Preliminary table of content: Chapter numbers and titles. … Read more

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Human Trafficking

 Human Trafficking In this assignment, you will access the “Social Problem Analytic Framework: Human Trafficking” worksheet to assist you in completing the essay. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the … Read more

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Human Resource Professionals

Human Resource Professionals Journal entry needed: 1-2 pages Pull upon any HR experience you may have. Then, in your own words, write one or two paragraphs explaining the competencies needed by HR professionals and why HR certification is important. Solution Preview For one to be regarded as a human resource professional, he or she should … Read more

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Introduction To Ethics

Introduction To Ethics Primary Discussion Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Watch the following videos: Video 1 Video 2 … Read more

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Access control

Access control Physical security is sometimes overlooked when discussing access controls in a technology world. However, any business which has its own servers, networking closets, data centers, or even facilities in general, must have some form of physical access controls in place. For example. a business and their data would not be very secure if … Read more

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Presenting the Marketing Plan

Presenting the Marketing Plan Powerpoint 12-15 slides w/200-250 words of speaker notes per slide 3-4 References in APA format with in text citations. Graphics on all slides except title & reference Course Scenario is attached. Powerpoint Assignment Scenario: Michelle has told you that the board is now ready to see the final presentation of your … Read more

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Immigration and Racism

Immigration and Racism Select and complete one of the following assignment options: Option A Research the immigration of one distinct cultural or ethnic group into the United States. Choose one of the groups discussed in Ch. 6-14. You must request permission from your instructor if you want to research another group not included in the text. Create an 8- to … Read more

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Management and organizational behavior

Management and organizational behavior Paper #1 Requirements:  In the context of employee engagement, it is observed that the highly engaged have a passion for their work and feel a deep connection to their company; disengaged employees have essentially checked out—putting time, but not energy or attention into their work.  With this in mind, address these … Read more

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Analysis of the Movie, “So Long A Letter Movie

Analysis of the Movie, “So Long A Letter Movie Essayaboutabookorafilm (1) Solution Preview The movie, “So Long A Letter” was produced by Angèle Diabang. Despite being a woman, she is playing a crucial role in the revolution of the Senegalese film industry. She acquired her film making skills in Senegal… (761 Words)

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The impact of advertising food to children

The impact of advertising food to children Community Problem Report (1) Solution Preview According to this book, the media has a significant influence on people’s dietary habits. It can shape the food choices of children, thus exposing them to food items that have a high amount of calories. The book says that children aged between… … Read more

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Gilgamesh Solution Preview Gilgamesh is accepted as Uruk’s fifth historical king who had a significant influence on the people of Sumeria/Babylon. His impact was so profound that he is viewed as a myth, thus believed to have been one-thirds humankind and two-thirds… (579 Words)  

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Written Expression

Written Expression contemplated strategies for solving a problem in your community or workplace. Consider the following situations: A casual conversation with a friend about the need for sidewalks in your neighborhood so kids can get to school safely An email to your boss proposing a new safety procedure An academic persuasive essay about your community’s … Read more

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Geopolitics in Key Nations

Geopolitics in Key Nations Create a 1-page 4 row by 3 column table in Microsoft® Word that depicts laws for the U.S. and two other key nations in the strategic, tactical, and operational areas of cybersecurity. Provide a brief description of the law for each category of cybersecurity provided. The table column headings could be U.S., Russia, … Read more

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Environmental Scan

Environmental Scan You will perform an environmental scan for your target company. Choose an organization according to the following: Current employer Most recent or former employer Place of business that you have patronized or have been familiar with over a long period of time. Avoid choosing an organization that is so large that historical data would … Read more

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Disaster Recovery dealing with sites and Incident response plan

Disaster Recovery dealing with sites and Incident response plan For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation discussing site strategies. A site refers to the organization using a separate physical location to set up operations in the event the original location is compromised (e.g., the main headquarters lost power due to a storm). Sites are considered … Read more

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It May Not Work in Politics

It May Not Work in Politics Write a three (3) page paper in which the student addresses the following three (3) items using headers to separate each response: Congressional Ethics: Identify one (1) member of Congress who has been charged with ethics violations in the past 2 years (include the date). Briefly discuss the reason … Read more

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