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Conducting feasibility of the capstone change project is an important aspect when implementing a solution

Conducting feasibility of the capstone change project is an important aspect when implementing a solution Week 3: Feasibility of Your Design Proposal and Importance of Communication Capsone clinical question: Will there be an increase in UTIs when placing a foley catheter in pregnant patients in the first trimester for an ultrasound vs. not placing a … Read more

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Film Genre Assignment

Film Genre Assignment Note: Several films are listed in Chapter 4 as emblematic of a specific genre. You are allowed to choose a film or genre not mentioned in Chapter 4, but you are strongly encouraged to email your professor to receive approval before doing so. In 800 to 1200 words •Explain genre theory and, … Read more

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The Importance of Conducting a Needs Assessment

The Importance of Conducting a Needs Assessment Develop a well-developed response to the following (approx. 350 words): Discuss the importance of conducting a needs assessment in determining which type of training would be necessary for an organization. Explain your personal learning style(s) and the type of training delivery that is most effective for you (hands … Read more

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Collaborative Documentation Standards

Collaborative Documentation Standards Plagiarism free, APA is required for this assignment, Review three scholarly resources on the benefits and limitations of collaborative documentation solid academic writing is expected. Need back on Tuesday March 13, 2018 by 6:00 p.m. After reviewing the collaborative documentation PowerPoint, identify the essential elements needed to document a service the same … Read more

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Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection At this point, you have had a chance to think about and develop the skills to be a multidisciplinary team member using the multidisciplinary approach to address complex issues. In this discussion, reflect on what you learned by answering the following as it relates to your personal growth and social responsibility using the … Read more

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The World War I and II

The World War I and II Solution Preview World War I and II were similar, and there only difference is that they took place 20 years apart. The World War I began in July 1914 and ended in 11 November, 1918. By the time the fighting ended, more than 17 million had died. This included … Read more

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Professional Reflection

Professional Reflection In this discussion, reflect on what you have learned in this course and how it relates to your professional growth and social responsibility: Explain how you have professionally grown more socially responsible as a consequence of completing this course on the multidisciplinary approach. Name three strengths you have developed in this course toward … Read more

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The Homelessness Problem in the United States

The Homelessness Problem in the United States Assignment (2-4 double-spaced pages in APA format): In addition to a minimum of six scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your paper should include: A description of the social problem you selected and any known causes or explanations for the problem A description of the problem’s prevalence in … Read more

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Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) method

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) method Performance measure data reports for the outpatient registration unit  shows that the registration process contains some inefficiency which  results in some patients being late for their appointments. Additionally  an increased number of errors in patient information were found, which  are time-consuming to correct and can delay billing for services. As a member … Read more

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Critical thinking refers to the active mode of thinking

Critical thinking refers to the active mode of thinking (Above link for assignment below)   Instructions: In a fully developed short essay (minimum of eight paragraphs in length), please answer all of the questions below and post your essay to the discussion forum. Your work should include an introduction, a body of supporting evidence, … Read more

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Compare work-life policies of 2 employers

Compare work-life policies of 2 employers Write a 5-7 page paper comparing the work-life policies of two employers. To begin, select two organizations in a single niche of the economy, such as two technology companies, two retail chains, two transportation organizations, etc. You may select companies for any reasons you wish. For example: you may … Read more

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Article analysis memo

Article analysis memo Work on the second memo only. Documents for project: 1. Email 2. Group dynamic Memo 3. Rhetorical Situation & Reader Profile Memo -this is the second memo. 4. Letter evaluating ethical issues 5. Powerpoint presentation 6. Performance review Roles: Karla Lopez: 1st memo. Editor. Sebastian Sena: PowerPoint Expert/ presentation. Salman Al-Sharrah: 2nd … Read more

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Article Summary

Article Summary Throughout the course there are numerous key concepts and terms that are presented regarding the management of information systems. Please read 1 of the following articles, and then write a 1-page summary. Within the summary, be sure to relate key concepts involved in managing information systems to current practices. Articles attached: • Karim, A. … Read more

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Presentation summarize the attached document in a ppt TheWeaponizationofAwkwardnessc1 (1)

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Problems of Vulnerable Populations

Problems of Vulnerable Populations For the vulnerable population you had to research for the assignment, identify other social problems associated with teenagers. How do these social problems affect society on a macro level? How do these social problems affect an individual on a micro level? What factors place this population in a position of vulnerability … Read more

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Cultural competence

Cultural competence Cultural competence assignment. Attached is the assignment. Please include a work cited page. 20180313004832cultural_compency_assignment_4_1_17 (5)

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Company Comparisons: Whole Foods, Chipotle, & Sprouts Farmers Market

Company Comparisons: Whole Foods, Chipotle, & Sprouts Farmers Market Their Frame of reference, points of difference, and points of parity. (1)Whole Foods (2)Chipotle and (3) your choice. Solution Preview modern day business investments often have their share of similarities with other businesses in the same industry… (882 Words)

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The proposed changes to medicaid

The proposed changes to medicaid Focus on one dimension of performance of the U.S. health care delivery system. The student is expected to perform a thorough search of the literature, the media, and discussions with stakeholders such as legislators, consumers, and other health care professionals about your chosen focus of the health care delivery system. … Read more

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Leadership and decision making are among the important qualities of any leader in an organization.

Leadership and decision making are among the important qualities of any leader in an organization Which of the leadership and decision-making concepts have had the greatest impact on you as a decision leader? Also, how might you apply those concepts within the context of your local organization? Importantly, how have those concepts helped you to … Read more

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There are many ways a firm can enter a foreign market

There are many ways a firm can enter a foreign market You are the CEO of a Saudi Arabian company that is seeking to expand to foreign markets and establish itself as a global powerhouse. You are aware that there a number of strategies available to you, but how do you choose? Explain and describe … Read more

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Poem Analysis, “Acquainted with the Night” by Robert Frost

Poem Analysis, “Acquainted with the Night” by Robert Frost For our sixth discussion board assignment, please read “Acquainted with the Night (ارتباطات إلى موقع خارجي.)ارتباطات إلى موقع خارجي.,” by Robert Frost. Think about the poem. Think about the different parts of a poem and what to ask yourself when reading one by reading the poetry introduction … Read more

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Basic computer skills

Basic computer skills Log into the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library, IEEE database ( and find an article which mentions excellence but the overall topic may be any topic that you are interested in. Talk about the article you have chosen and provide the APA citation for the article [this article must be unique and not used … Read more

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Metrics To Measure Marketing Performance

Metrics To Measure Marketing Performance ent in the development and implementation of strategic marketing plan was presented along with the marketing metrics used to forecast and measure marketing performance. Practice: Imagine your company (or the business where you’d like to work) has asked you to make recommendations for a strategic marketing plan’s use of metrics … Read more

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Business Operation Training

Business Operation Training You are an internal consultant working for a large organization. Top management believes all managers should understand how and why they operate the business in the manner they do. You have been asked to create a document to be used in an internal training program for newly appointed or newly hired managers. … Read more

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Bible Interpretation

Bible Interpretation Module Discussion topic for College Religion Course: How does De Verbum address the relationship between modern methods of biblical interpretation and the traditional belief in the inspiration of the Bible? This is a discussion question for my Christianity Class. A clear, 250-300 word reply will suffice and proper MLA/APA formatting is not required … Read more

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Discussion on MBTI Type

Discussion on MBTI Type Please read the uploaded documents (Chapter 3) and expand your critical thinking about the differences in people and how to appreciate and effectively manage these differences in the workplace. 1. Take the abbreviated (and less accurate) Myers-Briggs test. Reveal your MBTI type in your response and describe the following scenarios: a. … Read more

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Criminal behavior among teens in the neighborhood.

Criminal behavior among teens in the neighborhood For this assignment, imagine you are assigned the task of presenting to a local community center recommendations to alleviate the following social problem: Criminal behavior among teens in the neighborhood. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, citing two to four sources in addition to the textbook, that addresses the following: … Read more

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When looking at the chronology of the development of the Internet, which development do you believe to be the most important

When looking at the chronology of the development of the Internet, which development do you believe to be the most important InternetHomework Solution Preview After evaluating the chronology of the development of the internet, the development that stands out was the aspect of the Royal Radar Establishment in Norway and the University College of London … Read more

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Building Construction PPT

Building Construction PPT Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation on building construction. Using your own jurisdiction (community), identify buildings for three of the five types of construction. Provide a picture and the following information for each type of construction: · What type of building construction was used? · What, if any, fire resistive materials … Read more

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Issues Associated with Online Dating

Issues Associated with Online Dating so I’m making a PowerPoint about “Online dating and It’s difficulties,” and I’m wanna make 5 extra slides besides the ones that I have. However I want 6 paragraphs and 3-5 bullet points for each paragraph with it’s citations on word, and I’ll add it to the PowerPoint. I attached … Read more

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NEW ROLE OF  ADVISORS ON FINANCE PLANNING I need a little help with the following topic explain below, all the material needs to be detail and well explain please. 2 Attachments 20180312220918n4455_week_2_assignment_change_theory__8_ (1) 20180312215746the_changing_role_of_the_financial Solution Preview Financial planners must possess the skill of holistic planning. They must factor in the social and psychological issues at play … Read more

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The Black Death

The Black Death Students will prepare a paper that discusses, in detail, a topic they choose from the period ca 3000BCE to 1500CE. On or before Wednesday , March 14 by 12:00 p.m., students should submit a paper proposal that includes: a ½ to 1 page description of the project, a preliminary bibliography, and a preliminary … Read more

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Literature Writing on John Smith

Literature Writing on John Smith 1. Based on the readings from weeks one and two, discuss the images of America the European writers constructed to promote colonization and settlement. What kinds of unique natural resources and environmental factors did they extol in their accounts of the New World? Relate these images to natural resources and environmental factors … Read more

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Proposal Letter

 Proposal Letter This research proposal letter will be directed to an audience who can create change (Congressperson, business administrators, or other similar audience.) In the proposal, you need to suggest a change or a solution to a current problem. As you have already chosen a topic for your research proposal letter in Topic 6 (attached … Read more

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An Ideal Working Environment

An Ideal Working Environment In short, an illustration essay will use clear, interesting examples to show, explain, and support a thesis statement (remember, your thesis is your main argument, or the main point you’re trying to make). One key to an effective illustration essay is to use enough details and specific examples to make your … Read more

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Cultural E-Exploration

Cultural E-Exploration I attached a document that has the instructions for the homework. It is so clear and simple 20180314075233cultural_exploration_instructions (2) Solution Preview Spain is one of the most beautiful and attractive country tourists’ visit every year. It has diverse culture and geography, and their heritage is entirely unique. The city of Barcelona and Tarragona … Read more

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Organizing Siemens for Global Competitiveness Case

Organizing Siemens for Global Competitiveness Case Read the “Organizing Siemens for Global Competitiveness” case ( page 623 of the e-book) and answer the questions that accompany the case. See attachment. The questions must be answered using an essay format. Submit the paper following the guidelines of the APA including academic references as appropriate. References taken … Read more

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Current Issues in the United States and Globally Presentation

Current Issues in the United States and Globally Presentation Create a visual presentation of 8 to 12 slides or frames (using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or another presentation software, such as Prezi) that addresses the following questions: •Describe gender roles. Identify ways gender differences are maintained in the United States. •Summarize the Feminist Movement in the United … Read more

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Unit VII Article Critique Assignment

Unit VII Article Critique Assignment 4 Attachments 20180307233656amscourse (1) 20180307233642unitvii_studyguide (1) 20180307233313unitvii_studyguide (1) 20180307233258amscourse (1) Solution Preview Recalibrating Homeland Security by Stephen Flynn is an article that delves into some of the major issues affecting Homeland Security in the United States. The author asserts that the policymakers who were charged with the responsibility… (872 Words)

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HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic All requirements of the task have been fully & explicitly addressed Information is accurate & relevant. Key terms & concepts are defined appropriately and concisely. Key aspects of the task (i.e., impact) are discussed intelligently & in depth. Arguments & ideas are very well developed … Read more

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Attorney General Jeff Sessions ead these 2 Articles with the required pages, and answer the 2 questions down below. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, “Remarks on Efforts to Combat Violent Crime and Restore Public Safety Before Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement,” pp. 1-4 Jeremy Berke, “Jeff Sessions ‘Appears Intent on Taking Us Back to the … Read more

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Risk Assessment Article Critique

Risk Assessment Article Critique For this assignment, read and reflect on the following article. The article may be located by clicking on the “The CIP Report: September 4014” link on the Past Issues Catalog page: In this article, the authors lay out a simple, back-of-the-envelope approach for evaluating the costs and benefits of counterterrorism spending … Read more

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The Harmful Effects of the Television

The Harmful Effects of the Television Work on number 4 Solution Preview The television serves numerous purposes in most modern-day American homes. People use it as a tool for entertainment, educational, and information. For this reason many people spend a significant amount of their time glued… (605 Words)

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The Debate on the Legalization of Marijuana and Alcohol

The Debate on the Legalization of Marijuana and Alcohol NewAssignment-PSY355copy1 Solution Preview Over the years, the debate on the legalization of marijuana in the United States has been a very contentious issue. Currently, nine states including Colorado, Washington DC, and Vermont have legalized it. The argument to legalize cannabis sativa is based… (470 Words)

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Risk Management

Risk Management In this Discussion, you consider a scenario in which these questions arise. Based on the scenario, you generate strategies for mitigating potential project risks. To prepare, consider the following scenario: You are on the project team for an IT project that must be completed on time to coincide with the opening of a … Read more

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Management Ethics

Management Ethics Explore the issue using the framework you create. HINT: This is done through the application of an ethical theory. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: Employment issues (sexual harassment, diversity, discrimination, etc.) Performance appraisal and compensation Terminations Privacy Financial and accounting measures Using reward systems to enhance ethical behavior and/or reinforce … Read more

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Review the case of Gary Leon Ridgeway, the Green River Killer

Review the case of Gary Leon Ridgeway, the Green River Killer Write a 400 word essay discussing the case studyYour essay should have an introduction summarizing the criminal and case, a body that discusses the issues surrounding the case (how were they able to avoid being caught for so long – personality of the offender, … Read more

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should WA offer free college tuition at community colleges

Should WA offer free college tuition at community colleges do project  basic on “should WA offer free college tuition at community colleges ? Solution Preview Democratic lawmakers in Washington State announced a new proposal in January 20l6 that proposed for free tuition to state residents without a bachelor’s degree at the community and technical colleges. … Read more

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Personal Reflection on Public Needs Assessment Project

Personal Reflection on Public Needs Assessment Project What were the challenges in creating a needs-based program evaluation design and incorporating an action research approach? How did the action learning experience enhance the process and help you resolve these challenges? Conversely, was the action learning experience difficult, and if so, how and why? Response Guidelines Read … Read more

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The Role of Culture in International Trade

The Role of Culture in International Trade Discussion 1 The Role of Culture in International Trade Culture plays a significant role in international marketing and trade. Based on your readings in Chapters 3 and 4 this week, summarize how cultural dynamics impact the global environment in relation to international trade. Identify at least one specific … Read more

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