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Despite the distractions

Despite the distractions Just answer each attachment in 1 pg. it should be free writing so answer the qns as easily as you can, and make the answers simple. Make the documents to be 2 please Solution Preview While evaluating the dilemma on whether it is morally right to pursue personal interests at the expense … Read more

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Computer security

Computer security For your final project assignment, you are asked to locate an article on your choice of one course related topic and summarize this article in 4-6 paragraphs (2-3 pages, double-spaced). In addition to explaining the contents of the article, you are asked to explain why this topic is important and how this article … Read more

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How many beauty salon locations in US offer hair coloring

How many beauty salon locations in US offer hair coloring Think about this as the Executive Summary section: directly answer the client’s question(s). If the client were to stop reading after this paragraph, they would have all the key takeaways. This paragraph should add more color and be more comprehensive than your insights. It should not be a direct copy-paste of … Read more

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Understanding Cholesterol Outline

Understanding Cholesterol Outline I need an outline for the topic Understanding Cholesterol! Thanks for helping Just to clarify, when the outline form asks for the disease I think we can talk about increased cholesterol levels. Thank you   An outline contains two to three complete sentences covering the ideas you will convey for each section of … Read more

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Discussion on Extraterrestrial Life

Discussion on Extraterrestrial Life the instructions paper is attached below, please follow it 20180301081837107podcast_messages2_9_18v3 Solution Preview The assigned articles delve into the various programs that have been in place pursuing the existence of life outside earth. Most of the programs have been unsuccessful although many professors and scientists agree… (178 Words)

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Final Principles of Success Plan

Final Principles of Success Plan For your Final Principles of Success Plan, you will combine the goals and principles you wrote for Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 (Assignments 1 and 2 in this course), and then you will add the three additional principles based on concepts presented in chapters 8, 9, and 10 in your … Read more

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Social Class in the Society

Social Class in the Society Social class impacts health care practices, education, social networks, political affiliation, family dynamics, and child rearing. Throughout this discussion you will explore the different social classes, as well as the benefits and drawbacks to each of them. Remember to consider how social classes play vital roles within each society. How would … Read more

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Private Cardiac Centers in Saudi Arabia

Private Cardiac Centers in Saudi Arabia Research the Private Health Care Sector in Saudi Arabia  For this paper, research the private healthcare sector in your country or region. Begin by selecting one of following health concerns as the substantive basis of your research: Heart disease Identify what private health services for your chosen problem are … Read more

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Research paper

 Research paper I am working on a research paper. I have selected  Lincoln/Chicano Park, El Paso, 4001 Durazno, El Paso Please fill the attached template with the most information that you can get Topic Selection Form (1) Public History Research Topic Suggestions fall 2017 (1) Solution Preview After being closed, the Lincoln/Chicano Park, El Paso, 4001 … Read more

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Environmental Problems Discussion

Environmental Problems Discussion Environmental Problems Discussion Addresses course outcomes 2 and 3: ·use knowledge of biological principles to ask relevant questions about the natural world ·make observations and discriminate between scientific and pseudoscientific explanations You are assigned to address global warming.Using information at least 3 sources of information (book, magazine, journal, or reputable website), each … Read more

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Psychology of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination

Psychology of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination An attitude is an evaluative reaction (i.e., feelings), often based on belief and demonstrated through behavior. In this discussion, we will consider intergroup attitudes by examining stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by reading “Toward a Relevant Psychology of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination: … Read more

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Pros and Cons of the New SNAP System

Pros and Cons of the New SNAP System SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is designed to assist those needing additional resources to support food and nutrition needs. Proposed changes in SNAP would alter the amount of money available monthly, in addition to modifying ‘how’ SNAP products are distributed. These recent recommendations for SNAP changes have … Read more

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What is history

 What is history QUESTION – What is history? Why should we study history? Within the context of our stories concerning Christopher Columbus, Native Americans, the Pilgrims, or slavery, discuss how historians (Zinn and Loewen) have dealt with the above issues specifically. How have history textbooks begun to complicate our histories even further? With regard to the … Read more

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How Would You Build A CSIRT? What Are The Components To Building An Effective Team?

How Would You Build A CSIRT? What Are The Components To Building An Effective Team Solution Preview The CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) is a group of IT security experts whose main purpose is responding to computer incidents. The team provides the necessary services during the handling and supporting… (386 Words)

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Affirmative Action in College Admissions

Affirmative Action in College Admissions Affirmative Action is college admissions is one of the most controversial topics in America today. Why would a college want to consider race or ethnicity when making admission decisions? What factors do you think admission boards should consider? Support your posts with facts and well-reasoned argument Solution Preview Colleges would want … Read more

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Compare and Contrast Theories of Relationships

Compare and Contrast Theories of Relationships Compare and contrast two theories or modalities tied to mindfulness and the relationship to wellness across the lifespan.  In a minimum of two double-spaced pages: Identify the two theories/modalities and what makes them unique to lifespan wellness. Articulate how these unique approaches could impact your own personal wellness plan. … Read more

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Collaborative Memorandum.

Collaborative Memorandum. Assignment 3: Collaborative Memorandum. Due: March 4, 2018 Write an e-mail message to your instructor in memorandum form explaining the process that you would use to select one or two classmates from our class with whom to form a collaborative writing team for working together on selected assignments. Assignments such as the Progress … Read more

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Creating a Solution

Creating a Solution The multidisciplinary approach provides the framework to reach collaborative recommendations and solutions to problems or issues. This approach provides a step-by-step process to reach decisions, and provide recommendations and solutions that are beneficial to the client. The multidisciplinary approach provides a comprehensive outcome because it involves hearing from a full range of … Read more

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Intro to java

Intro to java How will the skills you have learned in this class help you in your chosen career? Do you have any suggestions for changing or improving the class? Post between 200 and 300 words. You must write your comments in WORD and then submit your response in the assignment drop box. Solution Preview … Read more

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The issue of crime and juvenile delinquency

The issue of crime and juvenile delinquency Solution Preview The differences between adults and minors have led to the criminal justice system treating them differently. For this reason, an illegal act committed by a minor is referred to as a delinquent act. On the other hand, an unlawful act done by an adult is… (703 … Read more

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Reflection of criminal scene

Reflection of criminal scene Please read carefully to the instructions that I have upload, and follow it. and I will upload two essay that you will need for the reflection Total 2- 3 pages (300 words per page) Thank you Again, please read the instructions carefully 6 Attachments 20180304062435detective_s_report_style_guide_worksheet (1) 20180304062542journalist_s_account_draft_1_guidelines 20180304062603journalist_s_account_draft_2_guidelines (1) 20180304061214detective_s_report 20180304061203journalist_s_account 20180304061155paper__1_postmortem_reflection_essay … Read more

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Community problem research proposal

Community problem research proposal 2 Attachments Community Problem Report Proposal Template Topic Proposal (1) (1) Solution Preview The topic for this research is whether or not fast food companies should be allowed to market their products to children. It is imperative to understand that the rising cases of obesity among minors in the United States have … Read more

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The Story of the Pilgrims

The Story of the Pilgrims 1. Who were the Vikings? What was the significance of their trans-Atlantic voyages? What happened? Tell the story from about the 900s to the 1200s. Use at least one exact MLA in-text citation to the Berkin et al. textbook. Use a Works Cited page in exact MLA format. >> >> … Read more

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The Populist Movement and the People’s Party

The Populist Movement and the People’s Party RESEARCH PAPER The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (1500-2000 words in length = approx. 5 – 7 pages double spaced, 12-point font). The essay should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation. The paper will not be just a … Read more

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In house vs commercial

In house vs commercial The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to examine both an in-house software development and a commercially purchased software package. Scenario: CSU has a sporting goods shop that sells sports equipment, as well as hiking and camping supplies. The CSU shop owner, Peter, wants to develop a customer-order entry … Read more

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Transnational Terrorism

Transnational Terrorism For this assignment, write an essay at least 500 words in length that discusses the affiliations between domestic terrorists and transnational terrorists. A point to consider is how the threats have migrated outside of Al-Qaeda and the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and Somalia. HLS 2301, Introduction to Terrorism 5 Traditionally, transnational … Read more

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Synthesis of Needs Assessment and Asset/Capacity Building

Synthesis of Needs Assessment and Asset/Capacity Building Hello, i attached what you has already done and the final instruction so that you can add the missing sections and meet the word count for each sections. Also note that the references should occupy 2 pages. Please add around 6 pages and make the work perfect. Thank … Read more

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Reflection on the Theme of Religion in A Good Man is Hard to Find

Reflection on the Theme of Religion in A Good Man is Hard to Find essay topic is- “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor (PDF download, story is first in document) 1.) Have five paragraphs 2.) Write at least 300 words 3.) Use MLA formatting 4.) Have a clear opinion (thesis) at the end … Read more

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Article Summary

Article Summary 2 Attachments 5518127604815011842 12851492981763709009 Solution Preview The author of this source is Patrick W. O’Bannon. He is a well-known expert in matters concerning historic cultural resource management and preservation. He has more than 30 years experience in this field, thus making the article… (599 Words)

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Historical Era

Historical Era answer the 2 questions according to instructions Solution Preview According to Elliot’s and John we are not meant to be perfect in the times we live, we can have other choices such as being good over being perfect. The time we try to be perfect we end up wasting much time since we … Read more

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Business Plan

Business Plan A convincing business plan will detail the strategy and the future operational plans of an entity. Business plans are an essential part of the start-up information needed for an organization. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the necessary aspects of a professional business plan. Tasks: Respond to the following: Write … Read more

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Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton Assignment #2 in Module 2- Constitution Please read Federalist #15 by Alexander Hamilton in The Enduring Debate. In a two page essay (full pages) explain Hamilton’s primary concerns for advocating the adoption of the newly drafted Constitution in his essay? In practice do you believe it has succeeded in ameliorating the concerns he … Read more

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The Eden Herbal Tea Marketing Mix

The Eden Herbal Tea Marketing Mix Please submit the Market Mix to the grade book. Your submission should be a minimum of 2 pages written in APA format, including a cover page and a reference page. In this unit, marketing mix was introduced as the 4 P’s of marketing management product, price, place and promotion. … Read more

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Learning Strategies Psychology

Learning Strategies Psychology 1. Define the topic 2. Why do you believe that topic is social problem in our society? 3. How are people in this group treated in our society? 4. How have government (local, state and / or federal) attempted to address this problem? 5. What can you as an individual do to … Read more

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Unemployment compensation

Unemployment compensation Please answer the following in connection with unemployment compensation and worker’s compensation: Evaluate: Everyone who loses his or her job is entitled to unemployment compensation. Analyze: It is important to know whether one is an employee or an independent contractor in case the person is injured at work. Evaluate this statement: Workers’ compensation … Read more

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White Privilege and Colorism

White Privilege and Colorism Write a 100 – 500 words essay comparing and contrasting White privilege and colorism. Organize your paper as an essay with introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs. Include answers to the following questions: What is White privilege? If you are a person of color, what are some examples of being denied privilege … Read more

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Code of Ethics

 Code of Ethics The CEO of Company Alpha, a new startup Internet wholesaler, has hired you as a consultant to develop its new Code of Ethics. The CEO would first like to see samples of other companies’ ethics codes to get an idea of what’s contained in them. Research a code of ethics from a … Read more

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Wk2 Discussion

Wk2 Discussion Part 1 Cognitive, physical, and social-emotional developmental processes influence and interact with one another. For example, a child’s ability to consider another person’s perspective will, in part, determine the quality of friendships and how long they are maintained. An adult who is physically mature has the cognitive capacity to weigh the pros and … Read more

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Quality Measurement Reporting In Other Healthcare Settings

Quality Measurement Reporting In Other Healthcare Settings Conduct a search of literature or online resources to find quality measures used in settings other than acute care facilities. Present your findings in a 2 page paper (written in APA format) that answers the following questions: What type of quality measures can the organizations evaluate (process or … Read more

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Holistic Assessment of Critical Thinking

Holistic Assessment of Critical Thinking Holistic Assessment of Critical Thinking Essay Directions: Read the passages below and write an essay that addresses the following: • What is the position in each passage? • What evidence or reasons are given in support of each position? • Which position is more convincing and why? Do no additional … Read more

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Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities required to be an Industrial/Organizational

Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities required to be an Industrial/Organizational the skills, knowledge, and abilities required to be an industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologist are explained in detail, along with various specialty areas in the field. Using both the assigned readings and additional research, respond to the following: Which specialty area interests you the most? Why? According to … Read more

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Science meets real life

Science meets real life Science Meets Real Life Humans are naturally inquisitive and have always asked questions about the world around them. Many questions could not be answered due to a lack of available technology, but many others could be answered through the process of trial and error. Over time, the way humans ask and … Read more

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The Most Important Organizational Element that Influences Training

The Most Important Organizational Element that Influences Training Develop a well-developed response (approx. 350) to the following: • What do you see as the most important organizational element that influences training? Explain your reasoning. Support your response with current research and current corresponding APA citations. Be sure to cite your sources in APA style. I’ll … Read more

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Communicating a Plan of Action

Communicating a Plan of Action The communication of the plan of action is the final dimension of the multidisciplinary approach. Being aware of the steps and stages in this process will help guarantee the success of the plan being integrated into the solution to the problem or issues. For this discussion, analyze and explain your … Read more

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Discrimination in Society

Discrimination in Society For the Unit VI Assignment, you will be writing a three-page essay addressing discrimination in society by answering a series of response questions applying concepts you learned in this unit’s reading (gender and race/ethnicity). Please use the following topics related to discrimination for your assignment: Gender discrimination that occurs at work, home, … Read more

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Batterer Intervention Programs

Batterer Intervention Programs Review the overview of batterer intervention programs discussed in the Healey, Smith and O’Sullivan article (focus on pages 83-127). Of the programs discussed, choose the one that you think is most effective and conduct additional research on that program. Your initial post should provide a supported discussion of what program you think is most … Read more

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Cosmetic testing on rabbits

Cosmetic testing on rabbits A cosmetic company uses rabbits to test the irritancy levels of its products eyes for the purposes of making nonirritating cosmetics for women who will use such products. Large doses are injected into eyes and the test is painful. In one paragraph, answer the following: Is such testing ethical? Using ethical … Read more

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Problems of Social Deviance

Problems of Social Deviance Access and view the “GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” document. GCU believes that the Christian worldview offers the hope of restoration of families, communities, and societies. How would a sociologist with this worldview explain the influence and impact of social deviance on society? What would their possible … Read more

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Evolution of Terrorism

Evolution of Terrorism In Unit VII, submit your research paper on your chosen domestic pre- and post-9/11 terrorist event. The research paper must be written using the following outline structure: 1. Title page 2. Introduction: In this section, identify the two terrorist events that have been previously selected, and briefly explain why these events serve … Read more

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U.S. v. Alexander W. Wright

U.S. v. Alexander W. Wright EconMgt335Writingassignment2018 Solution Preview Alexander Wright, the defendant in this case, was employed by a New York based financial services company. He was registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an investment adviser and broker… (1142 Words)

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