
Reflection Essay

Reflection Essay 5 paragraph! 400 words in total! each paragraph needs one quote at least and it has to be cite like this :  “I stared and stared/ and victory filled up/ the little rented boat,/ from the pool of bilge/ where oil had spread a rainbow…” (lines 40-45). reflectionessayrubric (1) Solution Preview The … Read more

The Summary of Binghamton Babylon

The Summary of Binghamton Babylon Reading Assignment 8: Binghamton Babylon (pg 69 – 96) Your comment must be 150 words, summary 20180327032037babylon_69_96 (1) Solution Preview The people who were considered and had taught in Binghamton did not own academic requirements.  Some other interested individuals got the list of some recognized people, but most of them … Read more

Leadership Strategies

Leadership Strategies As faculty members, you have been asked to design a 4-hour Leadership Strategies course that would accommodate the learning styles for a selected 10 students. The students have all completed a learning style inventory in which three of the students are determined visual learners, four are kinesthetic learners, and the rest are auditory … Read more

Sociology Discussion Problem

Sociology Discussion Problem read this NPR article, “A New Look at the Lasting Consequences of Student Debt (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..” Reply to this post with the answers to the questions below.  Please see discussion board posting guidelines for posting criteria. How does the topic of the student loan crisis bridge … Read more

An Influential Friend

An Influential Friend Tell the story of a friend who has had a great influence on your life. Include your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to show how your friend has affected you. Must have a 3 body paragraph Solution Preview People’s lives are shaped by the persons they come across in their lives. Their interactions … Read more

Consumer health information

Consumer health information Librarian Interview and Consumer Health Information Center site visit . Purpose: To network with practicing consumer health librarians, information providers or educators. To hear first-hand about the information sources used on a daily basis. Instructions: Select a librarian or other consumer health information provider (e.g., health educator) to interview. Your interview is to provide … Read more

Discussion on the Pope’s influence

Discussion on the Pope’s influence  Discussion on the Pope’s influence on nations in the Middle Ages compared to his influence in today’s world. Solution Preview Popes were highly influential figures during the Middle Ages. The growth of their powers grew during this period because it was characterized by the crusades. People across Europe (379 Words)

Great debaters

Great debaters its based on the movie, the great debaters Solution Preview The art of winning a debate requires skillful execution of different factors. The core aspects of a debate can be summed up into ethos (ethics), logos (rationality) and pathos (emotions). By developing an argument using these aspects, winning is facilitated as they ensure … Read more

How does the Didache describe baptism

 How does the Didache describe baptism As you are reading The Didache (sections 7-16), please answer the following questions: 1. How does the Didache describe baptism? 2. How does the Didache describe the eucharistic meal? 3. What can you gather about the structure of the community? (think about leadership) 4. What roles did the bishops … Read more

Climate change

Climate change B1. What do you feel is the greatest challenge for the world in dealing with global change? B2. Why do you feel that some people deny the evidence of climate change? Do you think that there is there any possibility of changing their minds? B3. Of the global changes that we discussed in … Read more

Assessment Reflections

Assessment Reflections Instructions: In the attached reading, you have two simple assessments to complete. The first is about finding out your Love Style (on page 205). The second one is about finding out your Attachment Style (on page 223). After completing each assessment, round up your scores in each category and then write 1 page reflection … Read more

Service Industry Experience

Service Industry Experience You are to demonstrate your understanding of a selected set of services marketing theories/concepts through the preparation of a service experience report detailing a service you have experienced with links to (i.e., application of) relevant services marketing theories and concepts. Must be no more than 1,000 words. Please see attachment for detailed … Read more


ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING AND CHANGE The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) model is simple but valuable in promoting organizational learning and continuous improvement. In a 2-4-page paper, provide one example of the PDCA in use in your organization. If you currently do not belong to a company/organization, or your organization has never used PDCA, select a … Read more

Ensuring Test Reliability

Ensuring Test Reliability According to classical test theory, test reliability is based on the notion that test score reliability is comprised of two parts: true scores and error. A true score is an expected score on a test over an infinite number of testing instances; it is a theoretical idea that can never be known … Read more

Habit from a Psychological Perspective

Habit from a Psychological Perspective This journal is an opportunity for you to process and expand upon your notes from class and the textbook, or respond to any particular announced questions. By expand, I mean more than reproducing whatever I may put on the board, through the inclusion of comments made in class and your … Read more

Online Discussion

Online Discussion By Tuesday, March 27th, at midnight, post to a thread in your discussion group. By Thursday, lecture class at 2pm, March 29th, post at least one response to a classmate. Freedom 1. Look up the definition of the word freedom. Write or cut and paste the definition and its citation. The citation … Read more

Librarian Interview and Consumer Health Information Center site visit

Librarian Interview and Consumer Health Information Center site visit Purpose: To network with practicing consumer health librarians, information providers or educators. To hear first-hand about the information sources used on a daily basis. Instructions: Select a librarian or other consumer health information provider (e.g., health educator) to interview. Your interview is to provide an opportunity for you … Read more

This is about capital budgeting questions

This is about capital budgeting questions This is about capital budgeting questions, please answer those questions and write what your thought. you don’t need to use APA style but still need size 12 with single space. Solution Preview The Pandora Project by Disney is a long-term project that aims at enhancing the sustainability of its … Read more

Psychology of humor spoken presentation

Psychology of humor spoken presentation Please create a 10 minute spoken presentation with PowerPoint slides on the topic of how humor in daily life can improve health and well-being.

Internationalization of business

Internationalization of business Choose a company within Saudi Arabia and assess its readiness to internationalize. Explain the methods you would use to estimate industry market potential as well as any data sources you might use for sampling. Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: 4-6 pages in length Support your analysis by referencing and … Read more

Working as a leader

Working as a leader Working as a leader in the field of Information Technology, what are your thoughts concerning the organization’s role in helping employees manage stress?  Discuss how, as a successful IT Leader, you would help shape leadership, motivation, teamwork, and communication in the workplace. At the end of discussion can you add a … Read more

what are advantages and disadvantages of allowing employees to use their personal smartphone for work

What are advantages and disadvantages of allowing employees to use their personal smartphone for work what are advantages and disadvantages of allowing employees to use their personal smartphone for work ? Solution Preview By allowing its employees to bring their smartphones to work, an organization improves the level of motivation among the workers due to … Read more

The Lung Anatomy

The Lung Anatomy You will be writing for a discussion forum. The topic you are writing about is: Lung comparisons: Surface anatomy including lobes, numbers of each, fissures, right vs left Follow the rubric below: Post 1: Main post 60 Points Possible 1. Student submitted a thorough, accurate and substantive post. This included addressing all … Read more

The Economic Systems

The Economic Systems 1.What are characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of capitalist economies? Socialist economies? Mixed economies? Explain how economic conditions contribute to class stratification. 2.What are the differences between the power elite model and the pluralist models? What does research suggest about these models? Provide a possible strategies to reduce power inequalities on a national … Read more

Properties of mass and weight

Properties of mass and weight Instructor’s choice: 1. Is a person in a roller coaster at the top of the loop actually ‘weightless’? Explain using centripetal/centrifugal force vs. weight. 2. What is the difference between ‘mass’ and ‘weight’? Explain. Or you may decide which topics to discuss, as long as they are germane to the … Read more

Eugene Bullard Essay

Eugene Bullard Essay This essay must be at least 300 words. Research in the library or from the course bibliography. You must cite and use at least one academic source. You may research on the internet, but if you do, you must use credible sources only(Wikipedia,, blogs etc are not credible sources, for example). The following … Read more

1930s America

1930s America Responses to each questions are required to be 250-300 words. You may use credible sources with citations and references. I have attached a reading as well. 1. What did the New Deal do for Blacks? Even though there were no significant gains made in civil rights during the 1930s, there seemed to be … Read more

Structural and Strategic family therapy models

Structural and Strategic family therapy models Learning Resources Readings Course Text: Wetchler, J. L., & Hecker, L. L., & (Eds.). (2015). An introduction to marriage and family therapy. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Chapter 4, “Structural Family Therapy” (pp. 119-154) Chapter 5, “Strategic Family Therapy” (pp. 155-181) Chapter 6, “Milan Systemic … Read more

Security Issues in humanitarian response

Security Issues in humanitarian response . What role does security play during post-disaster or humanitarian responses? 2. What implications does security have on the humanitarian response? answer 2 question. the total should be minimum of three paragraph with APA citation. Solution Preview Security plays a vital role during humanitarian response to both manmade and natural … Read more

The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study RacismandResearchTheCaseoftheTuskegeeSyphillisStudyMidTerm Solution Preview The study entailed numerous unethical issues, which made it unable to have any significant impact on the society. One of its major issues was the use of deceit to collect data from the persons suffering from syphilis… (956 Words)

Own-Race Bias and Memory for Faces

Own-Race Bias and Memory for Faces a 3 page paper for my memory improvement class. 900 words includes the text of the paper. 28481_217675_MemoryPaperInstructions Solution Preview Own-Race Bias (ORB) refers to the tendency of identifying and differentiating faces of one’s race easily compared to that of other races. This concept explains the common notion that … Read more

Exploring Theoretical Perspectives

Exploring Theoretical Perspectives 4- to page paper, address the following: On the basis of your understanding of the theoretical perspectives , discuss what theoretical orientations you most closely align with and why. Analyze and discuss whether you fall into the category of relying upon one theory, a few theories, or multiple theories to assist you … Read more

The Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan Topic Solution Preview The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 whereby it had extended to the different southern state by 1870 (Sullivan). The Klan became the vehicle for the white southerners on their resurgence against Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies that were aimed at… (1005 Words)

Evaluating Zinczenko’s Essay

Evaluating Zinczenko’s Essay #1. Imagine that you are writing a 4-5pp paper that argues, against Zinczenko, that people ignore nutrition labels and eat high-calorie fast-food meals despite knowing that they are unhealthy. Then do the following: First, produce a one-paragraph summary of Zinczenko’s essay that (1) accurately represents his claims and (2) that emphasizes the specific part of his … Read more

The Theories of Religion

The Theories of Religion PHIL 151/RS151— INTERNET COURSE TEXT: Daniel L. Pals: Eight Theories of Religion – “Religion as Alienation: Karl Marx” Huston Smith: The World’s Religions – “Judaism” Answer the following 6 questions below: Marx And Eastern Religions Professor Pals expresses the suspicion that Marx”s account of religion might better be understood as an account of “the essence … Read more

Analysis of the Poem “Not Bad, Dad, Not Bad”

Analysis of the Poem “Not Bad, Dad, Not Bad” Choose a poem that appeals to you. b) Read the poem all the way through. c) Determine the meaning and pronunciation of each word used in the poem. Consult a dictionary or ask your teacher for help finding additional resources. d) Summarize the the central ideas … Read more

Accounting Information Systems

Accounting Information Systems  Please bid for this assignment only if you can adhere to the following: • Stick to the given deadline, NO extension will be given. • Be responsive, communicate with us regularly. • Send us the assignment progressively on the 50% mark and when it has been completed. • No copy and pasting … Read more

ESPN One Nacíon Topics

ESPN One Nacíon Topics 1. Access the ESPN One Nacíon website:… 2. Read the article and view the video regarding the need for MLB managers to learn Spanish. 3. Write a short essay (no more than one page) on what you have learned. Integrate strategic concepts that we have discussed in class (e.g., external environment … Read more

Price Elasticity of Demand

Price Elasticity of Demand (a) List and briefly explain, in your own words, the determinants of the price elasticity of demand. (b) Choose one of the goods (gasoline or automotive) in your text. Explain whether or not each of the determinants of elasticity would make demand for that good more elastic. Consider the same good … Read more

Marketing communications plan

Marketing communications plan information given: IMC Communications Project The Invisible Leash (our made up product name) InvisiLeash Our product is a luggage bag that follows you around. So you would put a bracelet on and then the bag would just follow you on its own. No hassle. $500-$700 (prices vary based on size of … Read more

Perceptions on Culture: Response

Perceptions on Culture: Response Read the 2 texts below and answer the questions on the QUIZ file. Make sure to cite any work directly from the 2 texts. 20180328005451quiz (2) 20180328005439desi_land_being_fobulous_on_multicultura_day (2) 20180328005439rosaldo___1994___cultural_citizenship_and_educational_democracy Solution Preview The day provides an avenue on which learners can express their cultural heritage, which is a positive aspect in promoting … Read more

Incident Response and Disaster Recovery 3

Incident Response and Disaster Recovery 3 Answer all 4 questions. Search the Internet for at least three sites you would want to use when training a SIRT/CSIRT team. Include why you thought those sites would be helpful. What are the general stages followed by the IRP team? Provide examples of the deliverables. What is an … Read more

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence – What is it? Why is it important?view the above YouTube film on Daniel Coleman published by Leaders In. use MS Word and write a short reflection paper responding to the following questions. What did you learn from this film? Do you agree or disagree with Goleman’s theory? Be sure to … Read more

English Research Paper

English Research Paper 2018LCRESEARCHPAPER Solution Preview Stephen Crane’s understanding of life is spawned from his view of the world. The opinions laid down by the author conform to the naturalistic thought. By making the use of observation, Crane showcases… (1389 Words)

What is Creative Thinking

What is Creative Thinking Develop a two-page essay that addresses the following:  Create your own definition of creative thinking.  Describe the criteria leaders should use to determine whether they are employing creative-thinking techniques.  Explain the difference between creative and status quo behaviors.  Briefly describe a professional situation you have been involved … Read more

Personal Vocational/Career Information Resource Guide

Personal Vocational/Career Information Resource Guide To prepare for this Assignment: Review the information in the course text on the career information delivery systems and job search information sources: Chapter 7 “Using Information and Technology” pp. 197-198 and 207-222” The Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education Explore a variety of sources in each of the three … Read more

MGT-337 Supervision & Leadership

MGT-337 Supervision & Leadership MGT-337 Supervision & Leadership W3 Assignment – Create an Orientation and Training Plan Two Parts to this assignment: Part I: Answer the DQ’s in 50 words or more (be specific): Part II: Write a plan for the orientation and training of a new employee. The paper should be approximately 750 words … Read more

Analysis of the Poem “Ex-Basketball Player

Analysis of the Poem “Ex-Basketball Player Ex basketball players is the topic Solution Preview Poetry plays a crucial role in the society. The viewpoint is driven by the view that people use them to explore the different aspects of the society. For this reason, John Updike uses his poem, “Ex-Basketball Player” to describe the life … Read more

Outsourcing Inventory Management

Outsourcing Inventory Management Discussion: How has outsourcing impacted inventory management at OEM manufacturers? Are direct shipments a good practice to save lead-time? (Direct shipments refers to a supplier shipping product to another supplier for processing, instead of the OEM manufacturer to be received and inspected). Solution Preview There has been recognizable level of cost reduction. … Read more

The Debate on the Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods

The Debate on the Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods There has been an increasing interest on the part of American consumers in having genetically modified or engineered foods labeled. Currently, 64 countries require these labels and efforts are underway in over 30 states to require labeling, even though the federal government has shied away from … Read more

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