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Ethics From Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt(1) Solution Preview In “The Plague” by Albert Camus, professionals are depicted as individuals who found a balance between responsibility and detachment. As highlighted, responsibility is the sense that a professional does not care about his/her well-being… (871 Words)

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The IT management framework

The IT management framework The assignment is two parts and it’s supposed to be written in two separate parts. Some background info on this assignment: this is a role-playing class. Padgett-Beale is a fictional company. These should be written in the persona (character) of a an employee working in the assigned company. Part 1 You … Read more

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Mikhail Bulgakov.

 Mikhail Bulgakov i want a presentation about Mikhail Bulgakov. about 15-16 slides. you should add picture about him you should know how to do a perfect presentation. also i need clear outline for the presentation.

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The World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization Reminder: Initial Discussion Board posts due by Friday, responses due by Tuesday Students will be expected to post their first initial discussion board posting by Friday of each week. Discussion posts will be graded and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the … Read more

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Project Management Assignment

Project Management Assignment I have an assignment which is three questions: Aside from human resources, describe another precious resource for your course project. Should project managers deliver highly accurate cost estimation at project initiation? Why or why not? What are the top challenges of implementing the earned value management system? In the attachment a material … Read more

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Ethical Conduct Reflection

Ethical Conduct Reflection Wanted to see if anyone knows how to make me a reflective essay. The philosopher i want to relate to is John Mill’s, “Utilitarian.” 20180418050224essay (1) Solution Preview The theory of utilitarian ethics by John Mills infers that one should always engage in the action which results in the maximum possible benefit … Read more

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Human communication

Human communication Read the requirement and write 500words assignment. Please read the requirement very carefully. Make sure the answer follows the instruction. Please do make sure there wont be any kind of plagiarism. It s so important!! Thank you so much!! 2018041814443920180411144557com100_4 (1) Solution Preview During my survey, I interviewed two of my friends, Anita … Read more

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FBS Frontline Documentaries

FBS Frontline Documentaries Watch Inside the Meltdown on PBS Frontline. Create a timeline of events from the film. Choose another Frontline documentary and write a one-page description. The Web address for this assignment is No references are needed for this assignment. Solution Preview The Business of Disaster is another Frontline Documentaries. The film is used to portray … Read more

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Cyber Security and Risk Management

Cyber Security and Risk Management Discussion 1 : Read Four (4) academically reviewed articles on Cyber Security and Risk Management and complete the following activities: 1.     Summarize all four (4) articles in 300 words or more. Please use your own words. 2.     Base on your article review and the assigned reading, discuss the relationship between cyber security … Read more

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The relationship between God and human in the early church

 The relationship between God and human in the early church Write about the relationship between God and human in the early church. 2 bout the relationship between God and human in Reformation. Early church history- Gilles people of God – Oct 19 2017 – 10-34 AM The Reformation- Gilles – Oct 31 2017 – 1-28 … Read more

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 HEALTH AND AGING CREATE A 3 PAGE PAPER OR A POWER POINT PRESENTATION 8-10 SLIDES ON AN ISSUE FOR HEALTH AND AGING. USE PROFESSIONAL SOURCES FOR YOUR TOPIC. Solution Preview By definition, one is termed as healthy if his or her body processes function optimally as they ought to do with no adversities encountered from … Read more

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How has GE unified its various brands under one marketing umbrella

How has GE unified its various brands under one marketing umbrella How has GE unified its various brands under one marketing umbrella (or brand)? Please cite any references used in ABA format Solution Preview One of the most important aspects of any business is always how the investor in question is to get a particular … Read more

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Compare contrast the “Tale of Sinhue” to the stories and heroes of Greek mythology

Compare contrast the “Tale of Sinhue” to the stories and heroes of Greek mythology Compare contrast the “Tale of Sinhue” to the stories and heroes of Greek mythology. Please follow the specific instructions or else your work will not be accepted. There are very few narrative stories from ancient Egypt, but the few that have … Read more

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Write 200 words discussion

Write 200 words discussion Write 200 words discussion. Everything you write has to be 100percent original. Do not copy from any website like coursehero. Any kind of plagiarism will not be accepted at all. Please read every details in the requirements very carefully. 20180418132851discussion6_1_ Solution Preview The inequality of food distribution and food access for … Read more

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Reflection on Internship at City Clerk Office

Reflection on Internship at City Clerk Office Students are expected to select a topic related to the internship experience and to a particular theoretical issue in public administration. The paper must be analytical in nature, with five to seven pages as a minimum expectation. The length of the paper does not include the reference or title … Read more

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Commercial Bank Management

 Commercial Bank Management Use the same financial institution that you selected in Assignment 1 (Bank of America). Use the Internet to research its customer service features, financial statements, and financial performance. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Examine the organizational structure of your selected organization, indicating how this financial structure helps … Read more

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Essay for a film

Essay for a film please do not take it from google and ” no plagiarize ” and do not give to anyone plz I will upload it here, you will find what you need. Thank you Solution Preview Released on October 14, 2009, and distributed by 20th Century Fox, Fantastic Mr. Fox, highlights the importance … Read more

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How the military should be instated for all to help with gun violence

 How the military should be instated for all to help with gun violence ” My information is on how the military should be instated for all to help with gun violence” Other countries make it a mandatory to serve in the military so I think the United States should also make it mandatory. This week, … Read more

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An organism

 An organism Instructions You can choose either an organism that has recently become extinct or one that has recently been described. Using a short PowerPoint (4–7 slides), describe that organism to your classmates. Explain why the organism might have gone extinct or why the new organism has recently been described. Be sure to include a … Read more

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Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma An Ethical Dilemma – Butterfly Industries Read the Butterfly Industries scenario on pp. 239-240. Put yourself in Chantal’s position, charged with creating an ethics committee, and answer the following: 1) How can the steps in Chapter Eight help the committee create an effective ethics program? 2) What material from Chapter Nine can be … Read more

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Short Answer: Important Answers

Short Answer: Important Answers Review this webpage:… to see what types of citizen science projects are out there and how they lead to new scientific developments. As you read, choose a citizen science project that interests you. What is it about this project that makes it a good candidate for citizen science research? Would … Read more

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        Managing interest rate risks

            Managing interest rate risks Use the Internet to research either TD Bank or Wells Fargo. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: Determine what your selected organization would need to take into account when managing interest rate risk and the related impact it may have to business performance. … Read more

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Lorry Raja,” Madhuri Vijay

Lorry Raja,” Madhuri Vijay develop a thesis and outline for Paper 2. You will have to go through all the steps you used in developing Paper 1, but you will also be including the second story. identifying a second story clearly stating the theme summarizing the story comparing and contrasting the stories to show how … Read more

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Case Study – Cost Containment

Case Study – Cost Containment Choose a current event pertaining to an effort to contain costs or review this case study: Manzoli, L., Di Candia, V., Flacco, M. E., Panella, M., Capasso, L., Sargiacomo, M., & … Muraglia, A. (2012). The impact of health policy: the extreme case of Abruzzo, Italy. International Journal of Care Pathways, 16(4), 115-121. doi:10.1177/2040402613479343 Write … Read more

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How do you understand “doing well by doing good” in the video

How do you understand “doing well by doing good” in the video How do you understand “doing well by doing good” in the video? Did Aditya achieve sustainability at the expense of making profit? Discuss it based on your understanding on the chapters by Eptein and Buhova (2014) and include the concept of sustainability from … Read more

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Technological advancement

Technological advancement 3 Attachments Solution Preview When you mention the word technology in the world today, virtually everyone regardless of the economic status would appear to have a basic background of the word. Technology has been the backbone towards the improved status of service delivery… (849 Words)

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Film Review: A Beautiful Mind

Film Review: A Beautiful Mind this assignment introduces students to provocative popular culture text(i.e. film)that depict individual with disabilities or differencess. you may also suggest a film with prior approval. the review should icloude 3 page summery that incloude whay you chose the film and brief summary (inclouding characters and plot) and 3 page critical … Read more

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Human Gut Microbiome and Cancer Treatment

Human Gut Microbiome and Cancer Treatment We have heard so many claims being made about how manipulating the human gut microbiome can improve our health, treat disease, etc. It can be overwhelming. In this essay assignment, you will focus on one particular disease or condition, and then examine both the claims and the research that … Read more

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The Effects of Social Media Marketing on Online Consumer Behavior

The Effects of Social Media Marketing on Online Consumer Behavior 2 Attachments TipsonWritinganExecutiveSummary BUAD201-ExecutiveSummaryAssignment2 Solution Preview The findings of the study categorized the social media users into four segments. The first factors were the Expressers and Informers. While this group was actively involved in the online environment, their focus was to provide information… (326 Words)

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Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Hamlet by William Shakespeare 2 Attachments SyntaxandStichomythia1 Solution Preview Often, speakers use the word “thou” as a way to address their social inferiors or to indicate intimacy and friendship such as close family ties with the other speaker (Mulholland, n.d.). In this context, Gertrude uses… (309 Words)

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Challenges of the Global Sourcing Concept

Challenges of the Global Sourcing Concept Part 1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management Write of 600 words Identify at least 5 of the risks or challenges today of the global sourcing concept. Discuss how a firm’s global sourcing manager may address tow of these. Given these challenges, what are at least 3 advantages of sourcing … Read more

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A summary and analysis of a current event having to do with American government and/or politics

A summary and analysis of a current event having to do with American government and/or politics You are required to submit a writing assignment as part of Lesson 7 in the course. You are to write a current event paper, approximately 750 words in length, consisting of a summary and analysis of a current event … Read more

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Ethics – Conflict Resolution Paper

Ethics – Conflict Resolution Paper Read the case study for this unit regarding ExtremeNet and Allen Lopez.As the Chief Executive Officer for ExtremeNet, you are responsible for resolving the conflict between Allen Lopez and ExtremeNet in a manner that demonstrates solid ethical reasoning skills and the ability to manage stakeholder interests. Click the “Rubric” button … Read more

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The economy

The economy The American political scientist Harold Lasswell defined politics as the study of “who gets what, when, how.” This means that politics determines what policies and goals the political system will pursue. Political scientists get to delve into the fascinating realm of the interworkings of the complicated, complex, and convoluted American political system. ASSIGNMENT: … Read more

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High Performing Organizations

 High Performing Organizations I uploaded 3 articles, After reading the articles, Write a 2-page paper summarizing the information in the articles NOTE:Write the summary as if you were writing about one topic – Google. Do notwrite three summaries (one summary for each article). NOTE: You do not need to include a Works Cited page, but must use in-paper citations (Fortune, p30). … Read more

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Research on the issue of climate change

 Research on the issue of climate change You have a lot more to write about. Remember that the assignment is 8-10 pages long with 7-10 sources of research. Remember that you are doing research on the issue of climate change. You want to make sure you address all of the aspects surrounding climate change. you … Read more

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Poly Structure Research

Poly Structure Research manufacturing/fabrication techniques of PolyOxyMethylene (POM). A brief summary of fabrication and manufacturing techniques of POM including pictures please. Manufacturing could be injection molding, extrusion, etc. Solution Preview Polyoxymethylene abbreviated as POM is also called polyformaldehyde, polyacetel or acetal. It is a product of polymerization, an engineering thermoplastic that is applied in precision … Read more

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Discussion Marketing

Discussion Marketing As most of you are aware, The President’sUniversal Health Care efforts resulted in what is commonly referred to as “OBAMA-Care” which is now in place and currently a very hot issue ……sparking unyielding controversy among the U.S. citizenry. This insurmountable attention and debate is centered around: 1. Individual Rights 2. True Capitalism /Free … Read more

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The role of the school psychologist in a public middle school

 The role of the school psychologist in a public middle school Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Splett, Fowler, Weist, McDaniel, & Dvorsky (2013), Stinnett, Bui, & Capaccioli, (2013), and Kosher, Jiang, Ben-Arieh, & Huebner, (2014) articles, and review Chapters 10 through 13 in your textbook. For this discussion, you will be … Read more

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Psychology in School Settings

Psychology in School Settings Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the webpage for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), the Harvey, Luiselli, & Wong, (2009) article, and review the APA’s Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct required for this week. In your initial post: Applied behavior analysis is a rapidly growing area of … Read more

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Interpretation of the Passage by Nietzsche

Interpretation of the Passage by Nietzsche PHIL339.001 Nineteenth Century Philosophy Exegetical Paper 3 Description: Students are asked to give a critical explanation and interpretation of a given passage, aimed at a fellow undergraduate who is not in the course. This involves at least 1) providing some biographical (intellectual and personal) information about the author; 2) … Read more

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Critical issues

Critical issues Choose the three most critical issues in the growing sectional crisis. Defend your choices in a paragraph for each. Solution Preview One of the most important events of the nineteenth century was the election of 1856, in which the newly formed Republican Party made the first indications of being a formidable opposition to … Read more

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Case Analysis

Case Analysis Creating and evaluating ethics programs is a crucial component of a strong ethical corporate culture. Without a focus on the creation of an ethics program that allows a healthy ethical culture to develop, the ability of individuals to behave ethically is often severely damaged. Understanding a strong ethics program that supports ethical behavior … Read more

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The Limitations of Psychotherapy in Treating Personality Disorder

The Limitations of Psychotherapy in Treating Personality Disorder Consider theoretical models based on current research. Choose a treatment option for personality disorders. (Psychotherapy) Create a debate that includes an argument that opposes the treatment Solution Preview Personality refers to persons’ behaviors and thinking, which makes individuals different from the others. People’s personalities are influenced by several factors, such … Read more

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The Man Not

The Man Not I want perfect 100% Provide a brief summary of three key points in the Conclusion of Curry’s The Man-Not. Solution Preview Racial issues have often been an issue of contention in the American society, with most people classifying race as one of the primary reasons for the disenfranchisement of various communities. The Man … Read more

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College Comp II – Introduction Paragraph for Persuasive Essay

College Comp II – Introduction Paragraph for Persuasive Essay The thesis statement that I chose for the previous discussion is ultimately, despite the extensive coverage of challenges associated with communication technology, the modern society has embraced it so much to the extent that it would rather live with the adversities therein, rather than make an … Read more

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Psychosocial Assessment

Psychosocial Assessment The details are uploaded along with the guidelines. I need someone that can do this. They would have to watch the movie Precious and then follow the guidelines to write the paper. 20180420132351psychosocial_evaluation_guidelines (1) Solution Preview Different factors within one’s environment influence his or her behavior. A social worker should always be in … Read more

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The Art Analysis Paper

The Art Analysis Paper Art Paper Writing Guidelines, Instructions and Sample Paper In preparing for the Art Paper Assignment you will need to fully review the following: Writing Guidelines, Art Paper Instructions document (including web links for approved paper topics), and a Sample Student Paper. Make sure you go through these documents to ensure that you are writing the … Read more

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Please respond to each of the scenarios.

Please respond to each of the scenarios. Please respond to each of the scenarios. All responses must be a minimum of 1 paragraph (at least 5 sentences). I will provide the scenarios that you can choose from 20180421040133ch.12_police_scenarios (1) (1) Solution Preview Ethical dilemma keeps presenting themselves in every professional field. The department of security … Read more

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Food tourism

Food tourism below i have attached a power point for food tourism. please create a powerpoint and use it as an outline and every sub title would be the same but its going to be event tourism instead. please provide very detailed for each slide. 20180420042017food_tourism (1)

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