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Relocation Decision

Relocation Decision Your company is considering a decision of relocating to another country. You have been given the job of researching different alternatives for relocation. Your report will help the board decide where to relocate, and will help the employees know what to expect in a new country. The company is considering Costa Rica, Saudi … Read more

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EMS Professionals

EMS Professionals PLEASE read assignment and follow instruction Negligence is a harsh term that is typically associated with failure to do what is required as a professional. Most EMS professionals have forgotten something or have done something that at the time did not really seem to be a big deal but maybe was not exactly … Read more

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Capital Expenditure Process

Capital Expenditure Process Challenges What would you consider the most challenging or difficult aspect of the capital expenditure process and why (for example, when the company embarks on changing its current accounting information systems to an ERP system)? add reference Solution Preview Every organization goes through a process of resource acquisition, in which case it would … Read more

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Gender Bias in “Cat in the Rain” and “Sweat

Gender Bias in “Cat in the Rain” and “Sweat This is an Essay on gender bias based on the short stories cat in the rain and sweat. I’ve attached the short stories and the detailed notes on how to do the paper, showing the various gender bias differences in the 2 stories 3 Attachments Genderbias sweat … Read more

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Asymmetric Warfare

Asymmetric Warfare Urban asymmetric warfare vs Rural asymmetric warfare ( complete outline provided). Thank you, please make sure to use the outline and base the paper on it, and have references to the readings and the movies Read the Attachment paper that includes the paper question: Links for the two movie : Use … Read more

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Access to High-Quality Programs

Access to High-Quality Programs PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW 1-7. UNDER #3 COMPLETE A-D MY STATE IS ALABAMA MUST USE!!!!! Everything must be completed fully! Access to High-Quality Programs Children’s access to high quality programs in the United States is influenced by the state in which they live. 1. For this discussion, you will visit the Children’s … Read more

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Network Security

Network Security Pick one of the 22, MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security, Fall 2014 videos and create your own thread discussing at least three concepts presented in or that you learned from the video. As a note, each student must chose a different video (you cannot use a previously discussed video) for this discussion board.… Paper … Read more

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Customer Service at Nordstrom: A Way to Mitigate Potential Conflict

Customer Service at Nordstrom: A Way to Mitigate Potential Conflict MBA530_Case_Preparation_Guidelines (4) Case_Nordstrom (1) Solution Preview Customer service is a contentious issue, particularly when employees are confronted by disgruntled patrons. The nature in which the employee will handle the situation will not only affect the customer’s loyalty, but also the company’s reputation… (761 Words)

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Perform A Detailed Porter’s Five Forces Analysis For The Broadway Cafe

Perform A Detailed Porter’s Five Forces Analysis For The Broadway Cafe For this part of the project you will write a paper Your submission should be a minimum of 2 pages written in APA format, including a cover page and a reference which you will: Perform a detailed Porter’s Five Forces analysis for      The Broadway Cafe. … Read more

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Effects of Disease on the healthcare industry

Effects of Disease on the healthcare industry Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Mental and Behavioral Health Complete the table on the following page. Choose 2 diseases or disorders to complete the table. Be sure to properly cite references and sources for any information or facts used. A general example has been provided for you. Example: Disease or Disorder Treatment Modalities Cultural Beliefs/Practices … Read more

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Social Computing

Social Computing I want you to complete the research project. I uploaded the document you did previously. Please I need to write 15 Literature Reviews about the topic and adding more details to the other sections of the document because I need at minimum 20 References. Note: the Literature reviews and references date should be … Read more

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Workplace Discrimination Outline

Workplace Discrimination Outline A full-sentence outline helps you create the structure of your paper and the topic sentences of your paragraphs at the same time. Think of this document as your blueprint for the final paper. By approaching the outline in this way, you can more easily move paragraphs around and edit the flow of … Read more

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Implementing a full functional gym for all staff

Implementing a full functional gym for all staff Consider a change that you would like to implement in an organization that is within the field that you will enter when you finish your CSU-Global degree. This week, research the type of change that you are going to suggest: a green energy initiative, a workplace fitness … Read more

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law criminallaw3 Solution Preview The United States Constitution guarantees defendants the right to speed trial to prevent oppressive incarceration before the trial. For this reason, the first factor that judges take into consideration while deciding that the case should be determined quickly is the welfare of the defendants. Here, the judge has to ensure … Read more

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Describe whether the requirements of disability

Describe whether the requirements of disability Please review the attached link for further information related to this assignment. I need about 300 words and refrences please. Describe whether the requirements of disability eligibility under ADA and ADAAA are applicable in this circumstance, and discuss whether or not the woman has any valid claim and is … Read more

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The Education of Children with Disabilities

The Education of Children with Disabilities The Child, Family, and Community course looks at the education of children with disabilities or other special needs in our communities. Please prepare a one page written/typed report about what experience [personal or other] have you had with disability? In addition, think about how the microsystems [family, peers, neighborhood, … Read more

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Management information systems unit 2 discussion

Management information systems unit 2 discussion What are some of the IT innovations that have led to improved collaboration in business? Which do you think has been the most important and why? 100-200 words Solution Preview One of the most impactful aspects of modern business IT innovations has been the development of social networks within … Read more

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Discussion Board

Discussion Board please review both links below: Link 1: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Link 2: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Please answer two of the following questions: 1) How do the two articles differ in content and presentation? Where are they similar? 2) Is there any … Read more

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Article Summaries

Article Summaries Please read the following articles, and write a brief summary (in 3-5 sentences). A beginner’s guide to A/B testing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2. What is random assignment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Solution Preview Every investor hopes to make the best out of … Read more

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Forming and Managing Multiparty Coalitions

Forming and Managing Multiparty Coalitions How do coalitions get started and how do they grow? What tactics can you implement to strengthen a multiparty coalition? What are the differences between a bedfellow and a fence sitter in terms of forming and storming coalitions? Are Internet coalitions “sticky”? Solution Preview Coalitions are primarily formed from the … Read more

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Females in Conflict in “A doll House” by Henrik Ibsen

Females in Conflict in “A doll House” by Henrik Ibsen This essay has to be based on the story A doll House by Henrik Ibsen. I’ve attached the intro need three more paragraphs, in the attachment you can see the topic for each 3 of them. IBSENTIDBITS Solution Preview Yet another voice to champion the … Read more

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Discussion board post

Discussion board post You will be responding to a discussion board post. This post should be 80% you, and then facts found from other sources. Its not opinionated. It needs to have critical thinking. 125 Word minimum, APA format, cited. It needs to pertain to the paragraph and what the paragraph says. Other things can … Read more

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A film analysis paper on the movie subject remember the titans

 A film analysis paper on the movie subject remember the titans Need a 6 page film analysis paper on the movie remember the titans formy sociology class. Needs to be 6 pages long, double spaced with a title page and a reference page. Solution Preview Films can be a resourceful source of information about the … Read more

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Annotated Bibliography

 Annotated Bibliography McCall, M. B. (2013). The Kentucky Community and Technical College System Learn on Demand Model. Change, 45(3), 60-65. doi:10.1080/00091383.2013.787309 Return to the library to gather 5 more scholarly research articles. This will bring your total gathered articles to a minimum of 15. It will be important for you to have true research articles (all research elements as … Read more

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Writing 1 page summary about the movie (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis)

Writing 1 page summary about the movie (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis) write 1 page length about the movie written above talk about the movie in general, characters, and main events Solution Preview The Garden of the Finzi-Continis is an Italian film that was produced in 1970. The film is set in the 1930s when … Read more

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For This Case Study

For This Case Study Write a 3 to 5 page paper (750 to 1200 words, not including the cover page and reference page) in APA format in response to the prompts below. Please click hereto view the criteria by which you will be assessed for the achievement of the CLO for this unit. Please use this APA … Read more

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Personality Development Paper

Personality Development Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that examines the influences of traits—such as trait theory—and biology—such as temperament—on personality development. Answer the following questions in your paper: How does the gene-environment interaction influence personality? Is culture a factor in personality expression? What do twin studies show us about the inheritability of personality? What … Read more

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Power point presentation

Power point presentation Imagine that you and your coworkers/colleagues are delivering this presentation at the Annual Conference of Healthcare Executives in Orlando, Florida. Topic:how health care payment and delivery models are transforming to promote greater accountability for cost and quality in the healthcare system. Instructions:Please prepare a 8 slide Power Point presentation with presenter’s notes in which … Read more

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Information Security Memo

Information Security Memo Prepare a 400 to 600-word Microsoft® Word® memo saved under the following naming convention: LastnameFirstnameW2-2. Using student John Doe as an example: DoeJohnW2-2. The memo must contain the following: Content Information: * An announcement of Threat #1 that you identified in your Information Security Paper * An description of the recommendations that you … Read more

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Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing

Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY – There are 3 parts to this paper project. Rubric requirement is attached. Module 2 critical thinking is attached. Thank you Part One Instructions-Prewriting: Complete this assignment by utilizing your chosen topic for the Portfolio Project, Option #2. Without passing any judgment on your own … Read more

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Reading Response

Reading Response For the reading responses over the poems, A.) List the poems in order from the one you liked best to the one you liked least; B.) Beside each poem title, give a sentence telling me what you think the poem, message, or … Read more

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The hypothalamus

The hypothalamus Discussion board post on: Hormones of the hypothalamus and each lobe of the pituitary; Anterior vs posterior lobes of the pituitary; You will be writing an essay for a discussion board post. The topic is: Hormones of the hypothalamus and each lobe of the pituitary; Anterior vs posterior lobes of the pituitary; Follow … Read more

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Biology and Technology in the Real World – Fracking

Biology and Technology in the Real World – Fracking BIOPAPER (1) Solution Preview The society’s dependence on fossil fuels, particularly natural gas and petroleum products requires that the companies extracting these products from the ground employ efficient techniques. The objective of enhancing efficiency in the mining process is to lower the production costs, hence reduce… … Read more

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Security Awareness Paper

Security Awareness Paper Create a review of security awareness ideas. 2 pages Solution Preview One of the major questions that the management teams of organizations ask themselves regularly is how to protect their firms’ information systems from being breached. Organizations are always searching for ways to secure their confidential data despite the development of cloud … Read more

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Eating Choices

Eating Choices Writing an essay in which analyze the label from a processed food “lays potato chips Your main point should answer the question: does this label give you enough information to make a good choice about whether to eat this or not? 5 pages (double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font). 20180409034931paper_food_ingredient_labels__3___1_ Solution Preview … Read more

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Case Study

Case Study CaseAssignment-CambridgeCoolingSystems CaseAnalysisAssignment Solution Preview Cambridge Cooling Systems (CSS) firm needed to re-evaluate its strategic plan that had initially projected doubling its size in five years’ time. The chief operating officer, David Jansen, was confronted by the chief executive officer and chairman of the board, Harris Bell, to offer his perspective… (2339 Words)

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Signature Assignment: Selecting a Topic

Signature Assignment: Selecting a Topic The purpose of this assignment is to get you to think about what types of problems you will be solving in your career using data. In this assignment, you choose a topic and the associated problem to solve. You will solve the problem throughout the rest of this course. Select a … Read more

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Creative Thinking in the Workplace

Creative Thinking in the Workplace Write a “how-to” magazine article (written in third person) to appear in a business magazine geared toward organizational leaders. Advise readers on how they can encourage employees to avoid the behaviors and practices that might inhibit creative thinking. The article must include the following components:  The article should be … Read more

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Big picture

Big picture What was the overall big picture of what you learned while completing your measures? What are you most proud of completing in the measures? What would you have done differently? 150 words This is for my capstone course I have already started writing I just need help with grammar and putting it together … Read more

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Value Creation

Value Creation Write a 3 to 5 page paper (750 to 1200 words, not including the cover page and reference page) in APA format in response to the prompts below Please use this APA Sample provided in Unit 1 to complete your assignment. This assignment will also assess the Institutional Learning Outcome of Critical Thinking. … Read more

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MAJOR REPORT The  paper must include; 3 professional journal sources of data comparison presented in APA format. The student must list, within their report:  the evaluation methods utilized in each study briefly, outline the construct of each study, report the results of each study and overall conclusions.  (Paper 3-5 pages) Solution Preview The construct of this study is that women earn less than men … Read more

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Music Solution Preview At the beginning of the song “The Girl from Ipanema” by Astrud Gilberto & Stan Getz, the guitar is the first instrument that produces singe able melodies against the chromatic and colorful harmonies. The style of the music is Bossa Nova, a Brazilian Jazz. The guitar is followed suit by the light … Read more

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Multicultural Education

 Multicultural Education READ AND FOLLOW. ANSWER 1-4 COMPLETELY ePortfolio Submission 4: Multicultural Education Week Four’s focus is “Multicultural Education” According to Nieto and Bode (2008), “Becoming a multicultural teacher …means first becoming a multicultural person” (p. 392). Throughout this course, we will discover ways to create multicultural learning environments that are responsive to the needs … Read more

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Psychoanalytic-social Perspective of Personality

Psychoanalytic-social Perspective of Personality What makes the psychoanalytic-social perspective of personality unique? What are the main components of each of the psychoanalytic-social personality theories? What are some of the main differences between theories? Choose one of the psychoanalytic-social personality theories, and apply it to your own life. Explain your own personality and personality development through … Read more

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Proposal Make it 1200 words please ProposalNotes        ProposalSampleA Solution Preview The following report proposes to conduct a feasibility study on the probable use of innovative materials for construction. Technological developments in material science and continuous development in University Research… (1226 Words)

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Assignment 8

Assignment 8 Assignment 8. Instructions.3 Write a set of instructions for performing a process or procedure. These should include sections on supplies and materials needed, how to perform the procedure in sequential steps, and any warnings, graphics, or other information that may be needed for the person to perform the task. Assume that you are … Read more

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Symbolism in Poetry

Symbolism in Poetry Choose one of the following questions to answer for Part 1: Poe: Analyze the colors used in the rooms and objects in Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death.” What do they represent? Who do you think is the narrator? (No, it is not Poe) Hawthorne: In “The Ambitious Guest,” Hawthorne is well … Read more

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Video i will attach a file it has 3 sheet each sheet has video watch it and answer each question and fill the box with simple answers. 20180413035249video_work_sheet__6___informational_interview (1) Solution Preview It is important for people to conduct informational interviews. The main reasons include; It is used to obtain information about anything such as career … Read more

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Tech Use Project Outline

Tech Use Project Outline Writers often face the challenge of too many ideas swirling about their heads when they sit down to draft an essay or other document. The swirling ideas can lead to writer’s block or a disorganized draft. This Discussion will help you bring order to an argument for change by using a … Read more

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How to Change Oil in Your Car

How to Change Oil in Your Car Write a set of instructions for performing a process or procedure. These should include sections on supplies and materials needed, how to perform the procedure in sequential steps, and any warnings, graphics, or other information that may be needed for the person to perform the task. Assume that … Read more

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