
Team Roles

 Team Roles Teams have different needs, and people in organizations should be selected for a team to ensure diversity and expertise to fill various roles. Study the nine team roles and choose three to write more on. For each of these three roles, give an example of experiences you have had working with people who … Read more

Poem analysis

Poem analysis Midterm compositions will be 2-3 pages in length (double-spaced, 12-point font, with normal margins, Times New Roman). The composition should offer your original interpretation of one poem that we have studied in class (i.e. Maragall’s Ode to Spain, a poem from Marca(da) España or Bone Lonely, or one by Maria Teresa Horta). Compositions should emphasize textual analysis and argumentation rather than summarizing of the text. Supporting … Read more

Ethics – Vegetarianism

Ethics – Vegetarianism Is a vegetarian diet ethically preferable? Explain why or why not using ethical theories to support your position. APA, 1 REFERENCE Solution Preview Discussion on which is the most appropriate diet is vivacious and partially based on pragmatic evidence. Though, vegetarianism is the best practice for those people who choose to forgo … Read more

Ethics – Animal Rights

Ethics – Animal Rights n this week’s Discussion, you and your fellow classmates will tackle the question of animal rights. Students often find this topic challenging since it can call them to question their own view of animals and how they should or should not be treated. Animal Rights Do you believe animals have rights … Read more

Reader-Response Paper on a Work from the Early Modern Period

Reader-Response Paper on a Work from the Early Modern Period Francis Petrarch, Sonnets Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince Michel de Montaigne, Essays William Shakespeare, Hamlet choose one of them The Process — The paper should have three sections: The introduction — You should outline the basics of the text to be examined. Give the author, title and a brief history of where … Read more


Research Paper On JUDAISM SACRED PRACTICES Format requirements: 1. Your paper needs to be at least three pages, including the Works Cited page [you may write up to five pages], double-spaced, 12 font, and either Times New Roman or Calibri. 2. Include a Works Cited page. If you write the three-page minimum, your Works Cited … Read more

Women In Hip Hop

Women In Hip Hop Sexuality is an issue related to women in hip-hop and social change. Provide a historical overview of the issue, analyze the problem, reasons the problem exists, what role society plays in conflict and culture, and develop an action plan to resolve the problem. Papers must be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced, … Read more

Response to Discussion Post

Response to Discussion Post Read instructions in the attached word document, must follow the directions given, written at the level of a PHD response. please provide the paper in the requested time frame. 20180503025252response_2 (1) (1) Solution Preview Developing PICOT questions is one of the essential aspects of any healthcare research process (Echevarria & Walker, … Read more

News Media: How (and why) to spot “fake” news

News Media: How (and why) to spot “fake” news SLO #3: News Media: How (and why) to spot “fake” news. 70% of students will successfully research and evaluate the news media in an effort to identify reputable journalism containing more accurate political content. [SLO #3 fulfills the following Program Level Outcomes: Communication, Critical Thinking, Social … Read more

Compliance and Fair Treatment in Action

Compliance and Fair Treatment in Action It is reasonable to expect that a place of work operates in a manner that is legal and equitable. However, rarely are things quite that simple. The legal system covering employment issues is rather complex, with many layers and gray areas, and the concept of fairness suffers from a … Read more

Discussion Post Replies

Discussion Post Replies For this assignment you will respond to the following with 250 words: I interpret this commandment to truly mean that as human beings we are not to kill one another. I see this command as a rule given to the people in order to help govern them. I view this ideal as … Read more

Ethics – Environmental Activists

Ethics – Environmental Activists At a lumber mill workers were being injured when the band saw was knocked off the pulleys by metal spikes driven into the trees. Local ecological activists had driven these metal spikes into the trees to make the lumber company stop logging in a specific area. In response, the company ran … Read more

Digital media presentation

Digital media presentation The inspiration for change can come from unexpected circumstances, yet the idea can then be catapulted into communities through digital media and social networking opportunities. With your digital media presentation, you have the opportunity to share your idea for change with your community or colleagues. With that opportunity in mind, respond to … Read more

Essay on nutrition video/movie or show

Essay on nutrition video/movie or show watch a video/movie/show, episode must be at least 60mins show. Analyze the show for our it could relate to nutrition class. Write up must be at least 500 words. For instance Charlie and the chocolate factory has several instances on nutrition, physical activity and mental health Solution Preview Despite their … Read more

Cultural competence

 Cultural competence Directions Create a two to three-page training handout that explains the key concepts of cultural competence in terms that anyone can understand and relates these concepts to the SoHW mission. Your handout should do the following: Explain cultural competence. Identify at least three ways that culture impacts communication between people. Identify at least … Read more

Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research Presentation should have a title slide and  a works cited slide, and as many slides in between as you need. Needs to have 5 sources just like the paper attached below but can be from anywhere. ResearchPaper3-3 (1)

SCRUM To Develop Software

SCRUM To Develop Software  Instruction: Watch the following video and then respond to the questions on the Discussion Board.   Why would a company want to use SCRUM to develop software? Why would you as a student bene fit from learning about SCRUm Attachments area Preview YouTube video Intro to Scrum in Under 10 Minutes … Read more

Making Business Decisions I

Making Business Decisions I   Please refer to the case overview in Units 1 & 2 for the business premise and situation. This week, you will continue to work on The Broadway Café as it struggles to compete in the 21st century. PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS: Each week you will submit your response to the business situation … Read more

The Patent Law

The Patent Law In 1957, an inventor dreamed up and constructed a certain new kind of computer. He kept his invention a secret. Two years later, another inventor whoconceived the same machine filed a patent application. The first inventor, learning of the patent application, filed for his own patent in 1963. Who is entitledto the … Read more

Please write a paper about history

Please write a paper about history 3. What is the most important non-human force in the making of history: trade, disease, philosophy, climate, religion, or something else? Why? (Pick one to defend, but make sure to discuss at least three). please use this topic to write a paper DO NOT copy anything from internet, please … Read more

Persuasive speech on domestic violence

 Persuasive speech on domestic violence 10 minutes persuasive speech on domestic violence with argument, “Domestic violence needs to be taken seriously as soon as it is reported in order to protect the lives of those being abused”. With outline ( uploaded file) please follow step by step and PowerPoint with no words only pictures. (Title … Read more

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost-Benefit Analysis “Cost-Benefit Analysis” Please respond to the following: In a heavily debated City Council meeting, one year ago, Cobb County learned that by buying larger garbage trucks it could reduce labor cost for garbage removal. Note: All the dollar amounts below are in this year’s (present) dollars. The cost of the trucks today (one year … Read more

Addiction Pharmacology Discussion Questions

Addiction Pharmacology Discussion Questions APA FORMAT Answer each question individually, using A  paragraph and at least one reference per answer. 1. What are physiological effects of benzodiazepine use? How can these lead to addiction? 2. Opiates that are prescribed are often abused. Describe the difference between using a medication verses abusing the medication. 3. What … Read more

Negotiation Presentation Project

Negotiation Presentation Project UNIT V POWERPOINT PRESENTATION OPEN Weight: 10% of course grade Grading Rubric Due: Tuesday, 05/01/2018 11:59 PM (CST) Instructions Negotiation Presentation Project For the Unit V PowerPoint Presentation, you will design a presentation for an organization that you work for, have worked for, or would like to work for in the future. You may create your presentation … Read more

The Click Modular Router

The Click Modular Router One page max evaluation of the attached paper. Contents: • Paper summary • Top 3 contributions of the paper • Most glaring problem(s) with the work (up to 3) So there must be three main sections: Summary: In this section, I expect to see a brief description of the paper (problem, motivation, … Read more

Political and financial goals.

Political and financial goals make 27 longer than 26 please Solution Preview Terrorism refers to the use of indiscriminate violence as a tool to create fear among people to achieve political and financial goals. It is used to refer to the violence against the non-combatants in a war… (597 Words)


Depression A literature review on Depression with Articles……with introduction, methods, reviews, recommendation, and a conclusion section Solution Preview Engaging in different activities often results from the motivation, intrinsic or otherwise, to engage in the said activities. However, much as the human needs may be a positive catalyst for such involvement, there could be cases where … Read more

Biography on the Cold War

Biography on the Cold War I have the bibliography and the information somewhat needed to draft a outline and a rough draft kinda Example outline i need :… Outline just needed for now 20180501101229bibliography_on_cold_war Solution Preview The United States took a central role in the Cold War anti-communism agenda, with most of the country’s actions … Read more

Improving the procurement process

Improving the procurement process I provided the question within the word document. Please use three references from the provided reference sheet that I include. Please put these references in APA format with in text citations. For this question it can be single spaced and you don’t have to include a title page. If you have … Read more

Video games addiction

Video games addiction 2 Attachments Addiction to Video Games (2) Solution Preview Video games are very popular across the globe because of their entertaining aspects. These elements make individuals to spend a significant amount of their time on these games. Consequently, several studies have found that a small percentage… (2121 Words)          

Film Analysis: Inside Job

Film Analysis: Inside Job Solution Preview For this assignment, I watched Inside Job. The American Documentary Film was directed by Charles Fergusson detailing on the late 2000 financial crisis. According to Fergusson, the film is about the systemic corruption by financial institutions in the United States which contributed… (988 Words)

business venture which aims at solving upcoming global problems and advancing humanity

Business venture which aims at solving upcoming global problems and advancing humanity You should write a one page report about a firm called (Social Capital). Specifically you should discuss (On what basis is the firm competing?) This is the company website Solution Preview This a business venture which aims at solving upcoming global problems … Read more


GUN CONTROL POLICY IN THE UNITED STATES our final assignment is to take the policy issue and recommendations you made in your previous assignment and write a Bullet Background Paper (BBP) on that issue/recommendation. Read chapter 16 of the attached document and follow the guidelines for writing a BBP. You must read the ENTIRE CHAPTER … Read more

Siemen’s Technological, Demographic, Economic, Political, Social – Cultural and Global Trends

Siemen’s Technological, Demographic, Economic, Political, Social – Cultural and Global Trends 201805030527331010101001 (1) Solution Preview Siemen is commonly known because of numerous technological advances. The Siemen’s Simodrive invention was an ideal in facilitating connectivity between different factories. Later, the Siemens developed the automation technology which… (259 Words)

Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders

Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders Create an outline for the final paper “Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders” that follows standard outline formatting standards. Be sure to include the following in your outline to ensure the final paper addresses all required content: Brief history of the drugs used Psychopharmacology of the drugs Current trends … Read more

What happens to a company when it goes public

What happens to a company when it goes public What happens to a company when it goes public, i.e. when it reaches the size when, to sustain its growth, it offers itself of to investors in the form of stock? Does this create moral problems, such as changing the very mission of the organization? Does … Read more

Fast Food Nation

 Fast Food Nation Critical Response Essay: You will identify, evaluate, and compare alternate points of view by both agreeing and disagreeing with Schlosser’s findings in Fast Food Nation. For this essay, you must make at least one concession where you describe in detail how you agree with Schlosser’s research and findings, but then you must … Read more

Sexual harassment at the workplace

Sexual harassment at the workplace Boundaries: Following the case study format, choose and develop a case study exploring some theme regarding sexuality/boundaries in the workplace, such as one of the following themes: 1. whether our response to the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace is still inadequate; or whether our response has in some … Read more

Compensation Evaluation

Compensation Evaluation You were hired to work as a HR Consultant for a small local hospital, with the task of expanding the workforce of certified medical assistants. Looking at the current three employees, you find a discrepancy in compensation between Susi, a 2-year employee at $28,000, Tom, 5-year employee at $27,000, and Raul, a 10-year … Read more

HR Class Total Compensation

HR Class Total Compensation unsure of legal obligations in designing a total compensation plan, a client has asked you, as a human resources consultant, to explain how certain laws and regulations affect total compensation in their organization. The client’s organization employs 200 people, is a federal contractor, and operates in the biotech industry. Write a 700- … Read more

Psychological Assessment Report

Psychological Assessment Report A psychological assessment report is created by psychology professionals to inform groups or individuals of the assessments appropriate for their current needs. This type of report also includes a summary of the services provided to these groups or individuals. This evaluation is used by the various entities to assess basic needs, competencies, … Read more


WELLS FARGO Use the same large bank you selected in Assignment 3  (Bank of America).  Use the Internet to research loan types that the bank offers, nontraditional banking products that the bank offers, and its loan policies. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Provide an overview of the principal types of deposits … Read more

Effective Leadership

Effective Leadership Assignment: Application: Taking a Stand Effective leaders have a high degree of self-awareness and know how to leverage their strengths in the workplace. Assessments are a valuable tool that professionals can use to learn more about themselves and consider how their temperament and preferences influence their interactions with others. As you engage in … Read more

Substance Disorder in Adolescence

Substance Disorder in Adolescence Adolescents begin to use substances for a variety of reasons, including biological influences and social and familial factors. For this assignment, complete the following: Identify three factors that you find to be most influential to the onset of substance use for adolescents (these may include social relationships, family patterns, mental health … Read more

Job Advertisement

Job Advertisement Your supervisor has placed you in charge of hiring a new, full-time administrative assistant for your department. Prepare an advertisement for that position that complies with federal law. This advertisement must be detailed. The minimum length of your job description must be 300 words (approximately three-fourths of a page). You can make up … Read more

Business ethics unit 6

Business ethics unit 6 Think about a company you have worked for—either currently or in the past. Reflect upon the corporate culture with respect to the practice of ethics within the organization. What was leadership’s role in establishing this culture within the organization? How did power and motivation relate to the degree of ethical conduct?75+ … Read more

Management information discussion unit 6

Management information discussion unit 6 Many organizations have started using behavioral targeting in order to capture your website visitor movements. This data is used in order to personalize advertising when you are surfing the web. Some businesses have started collecting personal information outside of your web clicking to create a profile of you. Do you … Read more

Analyze the effectiveness of the integrated marketing communication

Analyze the effectiveness of the integrated marketing communication Select a Fortune 500 company and research their Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) tactics. Select at least one traditional and one digital venue to research the IMC tactics. In a two to four-page paper, analyze whether or not the tactics are effective and why. Describe any recommendations for … Read more

Socioeconomic Effects on Aging and Policy Proposal

 Socioeconomic Effects on Aging and Policy Proposal The Literature Review assignment will form the research foundation for the Socioeconomic Effects on Aging and Policy Proposal you will submit in Unit 10. It should be prepared according to APA formatting guidelines and meet the following guidelines. Include at least 10 peer-reviewed articles. Provide 3–5 sentences summarizing … Read more

Career research

Career research GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Comply completely with proper current APA formatting as defined at the Purdue OWL resource for the complete research assignment. For full credit you must pay close attention to your execution of the task and follow through precisely on each graded item [see Grading Criteria section below] and refer to the Grading Rubric. Follow all the instructions on this … Read more

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