
Counselling Skills

Counselling Skills Details: Identifying the “real story” is important for effective counseling. What skills can you use to help your client prioritize and focus on their specific concerns related to the problem? For example, a client comes in and reports being stressed out at work, behind on personal responsibilities at home, consistent conflict with partner, … Read more

Weekly Grocery Expenses Distribution

Weekly Grocery Expenses Distribution On average, a household spends $225 on groceries weekly with a standard deviation of $35. The distribution of the weekly grocery expenses can be illustrated in the graph below: In your initial post, answer the following questions: Answer preview for Weekly Grocery Expenses Distribution APA 202 Words

Tutoring on the Normal Distribution

Tutoring on the Normal Distribution Frank only had a brief introduction to statistics when he was in high school 12 years ago, and that did not cover inferential statistics. He is not confident in his ability to answer some of the problems posed in the course. As Frank’s tutor, you need to provide Frank with … Read more

Mental Health

Mental Health HUS 4333 Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health Textbook Information:  (uploaded with Module 1) American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed. [DSM-V]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. Final Reflections Please post a discussion answering the following, in complete sentences and using full paragraph formation: * What was … Read more

Case Analysis for Strategic Plans

Case Analysis for Strategic Plans Discuss how doing case analysis will help you develop skills needed to prepare recommendations for consideration in a strategic plan. What is a business model and how can it disrupt a company, industry, and/or both? Provide at least two examples. Explain how you plan to make your Week 8 CLC … Read more

The Great Depression

The Great Depression What were some of the issues that led up to the Great Depression? What was the response of the government under President Herbert Hoover? Answer preview for The Great Depression APA 200 Words

Connecting Real-World Data Through Quantitative Analysis

Connecting Real-World Data Through Quantitative Analysis Cassie is a 9-year-old who received the flu vaccine yet was hospitalized after contracting the flu in 2018. Cassie’s parent is torn on whether or not to give her the flu vaccine in 2019. Based on recent findings from the Center for Disease Control, the flu vaccines have reduced … Read more

Diseases of Inheritance

Diseases of Inheritance Humans are impacted by a number of genetic diseases that can be inherited from parent to offspring. Describe one of these diseases of inheritance, including symptoms and disease biology. Also, what are the treatment options and are there new approaches such as gene therapy or gene editing that hold promise? In response … Read more

Accounting Unit 4 DB

Accounting Unit 4 DB How important is it to trace costs appropriately?  Explain. As you are beginning to think about the importance of tracing costs appropriately, please consider the differences between variable costing and absorption costing.  What implications does each of these have on such things as financial reporting of profit and pricing your products … Read more

Drug-Free Workplace Programs

Drug-Free Workplace Programs Select two prevention or treatment programs: I selected are Drug-Free Workplace Programs and Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Answer preview for Drug-Free Workplace Programs APA 352 Words

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Discuss how doing case analysis will help you develop skills needed to prepare recommendations for consideration in a strategic plan. What is a business model and how can it disrupt a company, industry, and/or both? Provide at least two examples. Explain how you plan to make your Week 8 CLC and individual assignment … Read more

Psychiatrics Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Psychiatrics Mental Health Nurse Practitioner In this assignment, you will select an evidence-based practice problem from an identified list of topics provided by your course faculty (this is the topic you selected and identified in your unit 1 discussion).  After selecting a topic from the provided list, you will develop a PICOT question around your … Read more

Assessing Personality

Assessing Personality In this exercise, you will identify the different personality traits and research methods available by assessing your personality.Instructions: STEP 1: Assess. Take at least two of the personality tests mentioned in this module: Answer preview for Assessing Personality APA 1200 Words

Professional Nursing

Professional Nursing Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following: • What are the different types of immunities and give an example of each • Describe how stress impacts the immunity of a person Answer preview for Professional Nursing APA … Read more

Theoretical Journals

Theoretical Journals Please answer a Journal prompt from five of the seven theoretical categories listed below.  Some of categories allow you to choose from one two or three prompts, and if that category is one of the five you have chosen, then you most choose one of the options.  . Please be sure to include … Read more

The Role of Government and the Impact of Politics

The Role of Government and the Impact of Politics Details: The role of government in the economy is often debated by economists and businesspeople. The debate ranges from having little to no government intervention to having a strong government presence in both business and social settings. Research and identify two government agencies, departments, or regulations … Read more

Counseling Process

Counseling Process Details: The change process is a central component of counseling practice. Your role as a counselor in training includes recognizing and understanding how change can occur for each client you work with.Watch the video “Mindfulness-Based Therapy and Guiding Clients Through Change” located in the Topic 4 Resources. Then write a brief statement describing … Read more

Counselling Skills

Counselling Skills Details: What are three curious questions you can ask in your next practice session that will facilitate the counseling process focused on exploring the client’s needs (met and unmet) as well as onset of concerning experiences (when did you first notice this was happening?) Include a list of universal needs and feelings Answer … Read more

Prohibition in 1920

Prohibition in 1920 In your opinion, what were the biggest factors that drove the United States to adopt Prohibition in 1920, and what caused this initiative to fail despite broad public support for it when It started? Answer preview for Prohibition in 1920 APA 305 Words

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics A major client of your company is interested in the salary distributions of jobs in the state of Minnesota that range from $30,000 to $250,000 per year. As a Business Analyst, your boss asks you to research and analyze the salary distributions. You are given a spreadsheet that contains the following information: Module … Read more

Impacts of Creative Works on Culture

Impacts of Creative Works on Culture How Creative Works Shape Cultural Values and Influence Cultural Change In the comedy film School of Rock, an aspiring guitarist pretending to be a substitute teacher just to earn money repeatedly tells his students, “One great rock show can change the world” (Linklater, 2003). The young students in the elite … Read more

Cultural Influence of Alvin Ailey

Cultural Influence of Alvin Ailey For this course, your project will be to write a proposal for a creator’s residency at a cultural organization. Your proposal is divided into three parts. You drafted Part One of the project in Module Two and Part Two in Module Four. Now, for this assignment, you will draft Part … Read more

Maintaining Academic Integrity

Maintaining Academic Integrity My skill set as a nurse currently is LTC.  In the facility that I am currently working in we have one unit that is long term which consists of a locked memory unit and of course residents that are there to stay. The other unit consist of residents that have acute diagnosis … Read more

Proposal for a Creator’s Residency

Proposal for a Creator’s Residency For this course, your project will be to write a proposal for a creator’s residency at a cultural organization. Your proposal is divided into three parts. For this assignment, you will draft Part One of the project, the part that relates to the creator. Directions First, consult the Project Guidelines … Read more

Analyzing Survey Results

Analyzing Survey Results Discussion Overview An important part of statistics is taking samples and discussing the results in a meaningful way. In this discussion board, you are going to take a small survey from friends and/or family and analyze the results to better understand the statistical process. In your initial post, ask five people what … Read more

Social-cognitive Theorists

Social-cognitive Theorists Social-cognitive theorists emphasize the importance of our interactions with the environment and how we interpret and respond to these external events. “According to Julian Rotter, your behavior or personality is determined by (1) what you expect to happen following a specific action, and (2) the reinforcement value attached to specific outcomes” (Huffman, Dowdell. … Read more

Cause and Effect Reasoning

Cause and Effect Reasoning Description:In this activity, you will participate in a discussion about cause and effect in healthcare.Objectives: • Analyze a phenomenon by identifying and explaining its causes and effects. Instructions: Step 1: Respond to the following:How is cause and effect reasoning used in the healthcare field? Who uses it, why, how, and to … Read more

Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

Qualitative Research Questions and Methods Details: I have attached the previous paper that was written on my HAC which was CAUTI. Please refer to this when doing this assignment. IntroductionQualitative research uses inductive reasoning based on an exploration or observation. The focus is typically on the researcher investigating the reasons why something happened. The information … Read more

Alcohol syndrome

Alcohol syndrome Oral Embryology/ Histology Project Description Oral Embryology/ Histology involves the study of how head and neck tissues and structures develop. Upon completion of this report, the student should be well versed and be knowledgeable of the specific topic presented. This is a digital presentation. Discuss a topic that involves developmental disorders. It could … Read more

Cellular Generation of Energy

Cellular Generation of Energy Overview:Processes involved in the production of cellular energy include cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and fermentation. In this assignment, you will describe their basicfeatures.Instructions: Answer preview for Cellular Generation of Energy APA 300 Words

Ethical Theory of Aristotle

Ethical Theory of Aristotle I feel that if people practiced the ethical theory of Aristotle more, it would help to stop or at least slow the cycle of violence within our world. The reason I feel this way is because Aristotle’s ethical theory is that of one’s character. It means that you’re living rightly, and … Read more

Operating Leverage

Operating Leverage Companies often use leverage to augment profits.  Based on what you learned this week, please explain the following in detail: Answer preview for Operating Leverage APA 352 Words

Where do we get our energy

Where do we get our energy In addition to fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal, there are alternative sources of energy. Select one of these alternative energy sources and compare it to a fossil fuel of your choice. Focus on the positive and negative aspects of each. Which do you feel is … Read more

Arbitration Clauses

Arbitration Clauses Discussion #3: Arbitration Clauses All students need to complete this assignment, by submitting a 1-2 paragraph response with 3-5 sentences per paragraph.  This week you learned about an alternative to going to court when involved in a dispute: arbitration. Whether you realize it or not, all of you have signed a … Read more

Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics

Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics The student will read the assigned readings pertaining to the e-portfolio, as well as research the topic. The student will define an e-portfolio for the graduate student and for an advanced practice nurse. The PowerPoint slide presentation will include discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio … Read more

Mental health

Mental health This preview may have altered the layout of this file. You can still download the original file.Presentation on Criminal Minds Be sure each section is clearly delineated and covered in a 3-5-page body paper, double spaced, Plus a Care Plan HINT, Use the Headings provided — if you can’t find something, record as … Read more

Blogging About Ethics

Blogging About Ethics Scenario: In today’s visually intensive world, we have increasing ways that images can be manipulated to create gifs and/or memes as a form of expression. In fact, there are entire apps devoted to these creations. However, freely posting such content on social media can make one wonder if it’s ethically sound to … Read more

Ethics and Regulation

Ethics and Regulation Overview We’re constantly surrounded by visual media. This course has focused on various ways to analyze the elements, the context, and the intent. But, to truly evaluate any form of visual media, we must also consider why we see that content and why we don’t see other content. That last part can be … Read more

Adolescents & Cyber Abuse

Adolescents & Cyber Abuse Main outcome: The primary objective of this course is to learn the dynamics of a group, and gain insight into Group Counseling Practices. As such, you will be presenting as a group, your groups’ Group.             Based off your own interests and the interest of those in your group, you will … Read more

Hitler and mind control

Hitler and mind control Using the Learning Resource Center, Concorde’s resource library- ff-), and other academically appropriate sources compare contrasting attitudes on a controversial subject.Objectives: Final Paper Topic ProposalProposed Topic: Hitler and mind controlTentative Thesis statement:The Nazis wished for Germans to give in to and embrace the Nazi ideology. They used censorship and propaganda … Read more

Space Exploration

Space Exploration Prompt 1: Craft a logical, reasoned argument for why research into space exploration is not a good use of money. Answer preview for Space Exploration APA 462 Words

 Modern World Literature

 Modern World Literature Paragraph 1: As you finish your last module in Modern World Literature, select your favorite story from the Module 06 reading list to discuss in a paragraph for the initial post to the forum. Use your biographical notes from this module, your text, or the Internet to look up facts about your … Read more

Structural Functionalism and Continuity Theories

Structural Functionalism and Continuity Theories Skills: Instructions: You must submit at least 5 sample interview questions by the start of class today. During class, we will work in groups and I will meet with each of you to discuss your questions and help you with creating a final draft of at least 10 solid interview … Read more

Ethics Utilitarianism

Ethics Utilitarianism Terrorism is a complex and tragically violent topic that affects every corner of the globe. Terrorist attacks may be domestic, such as those that have occurred in Oklahoma City, Iraq, or Colombia. They may also be carried out by external threats such as those that have occurred in Spain, England, and the United … Read more

Violation of Title VII

Violation of Title VII Consider the following circumstances: decide whether there has been a violation of Title VII. Consider the ethical implications of the conduct along with the legal. Answer preview for Violation of Title VII APA 322 Words

Music / Consciousness

Music / Consciousness Imagine a future society where people can upload their consciousness into a virtual reality world upon reaching a certain age. The protagonist, Emily, is a woman approaching the age of transition. Write a 500-word reflection from her perspective just before she walks into an appointment with Dr. Harper, a renowned psychologist who … Read more

Economic Development in Bangladesh

Economic Development in Bangladesh Case study Please read Case 3: “Economic Development in Bangladesh” available in your e-book (International business: Competing in the global marketplace (13th ed.), at page no.629, and answer the following questions: Case study Question(s): 1.      What were the principal reasons for the economic stagnation of Bangladesh after its war for independence? Discuss.     (Minimum words: 400, marks: 2) 2.      Explain … Read more

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Description:Pretend you have met an alien and you need to teach the alien how to perform a task (such as making a sandwich or applying makeup; use you imagination but keep the task PG). Keeping in mind that the alien will do exactly as you instruct, write out the process of how to … Read more

The Factors that Affect Fertility

The Factors that Affect Fertility Case Study A 32-year-old female presents to the ED with a chief complaint of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and vaginal discharge. She states these symptoms started about 3 days ago, but she thought she had the flu. She has begun to have LLQ pain and notes bilateral lower back pain. … Read more

A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma

A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma Details: Review the supplemental video “A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma ” listed in the Topic 3 Resources and summarize in one paragraph (4-6 sentences) the meaning the client ascribes to their lived experiences as it pertains to the themes identified in the reading. Then write a … Read more

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