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Hate it or Love it? The Real Cost and Benefits of Globalization

Hate it or Love it? The Real Cost and Benefits of Globalization Reality or Myth? Globalize or Not? How does it personally impact you to live in a globalized world? What makes the world today different than it was 100 plus years ago? In what ways has globalization changed the way you and everyone else … Read more

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The State of Globalization Today

The State of Globalization Today Overview and Insights Globalization, which simply means the growth, speed, and ease of transportation and exchange of goods, services, data, knowledge, people, money, capital, and technology around the world. Globalization is not a static concept; it is evolving. Many countries have benefited from specialization to the point that they become fully … Read more

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Group Counseling

Group Counseling  What are some therapeutic factors to consider when conducting a group that deals with process or substance use addiction? Explain how you would address your selected factors in the group setting. Answer preview for Group Counseling APA 310 Words

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Developing a Teaching Plan in nursing

Developing a Teaching Plan in nursing Details: This week’s assignment will help you apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the first four weeks of the course. For this assignment, you will plan a four hour face to face class session on becoming a competent nurse. Your students consist of 30 baccalaureate students at the Denver … Read more

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Sociological Theory II

Sociological Theory II 1.Pierre Bourdieu discusses several forms of capital (i.e., cultural capital, social capital, economic capital,and symbolic capital) that tend to favor the elite. Utilizing his theory and all four forms of capital, howcould this impact first generation college students and their life chances, career aspirations, grades, andlevels of overall collegiate success.2.According to postmodernists … Read more

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Approach to Treatment

Approach to Treatment Blog response by doing the following: Identify the substance or addiction with discussion on pertinent diagnosticcriteria for the use disorder. Identify the street names of the substance for the use disorder. Describe how someone can use or abuse the substance (oral, smoke, IV, etc.). Describe the symptoms of someone under the influence … Read more

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Assessing an Instructional Session

Assessing an Instructional Session Details: For this week’s assignment, you will observe a teaching session and assess it based on theories covered in this course thus far. a teaching session for at least 60 minutes. The teaching session could be an in-service at your place of work or classroom instruction in an academic setting. … Read more

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Performance Management Process Proposal

Performance Management Process Proposal Details: Summative Assessment: Performance Management Process ProposalExam ContentScenario: Assume your organization’s executive team is considering hiring outside consultants to develop a performance management process that the organization can use to plan, monitor, coach, review, and reward employees. With the knowledge and skills you have developed in the University of Phoenix Personnel … Read more

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Assessing an Instructional Session

Assessing an Instructional Session Details: For this week’s assignment, you will observe a teaching session and assess it based on theories covered in this course thus far. a teaching session for at least 60 minutes. The teaching session could be an in-service at your place of work or classroom instruction in an academic setting. … Read more

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Information Literacy

Information Literacy We have covered a lot of ground since the beginning of the course, and you have learned a great deal about the types of information available, how to discern its credibility, and how to present it to others in a way that continues the academic discussion.  Look back to the Unit 1 discussion … Read more

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Fundamentals of Wellness & Health Promotion

Fundamentals of Wellness & Health Promotion Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives: Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations. Answer preview for Fundamentals of Wellness & Health Promotion APA 300 Words

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Information Collection

Information Collection Details: DIABETES is the condition that I want to focus on for this paper Your physician group is no different than other organizations. It wants to find ways to improve the quality of care it provides to patients. This, in turn, helps the physician group remain profitable and stay in business. As a … Read more

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Policy Briefing Document

Policy Briefing Document Explain the process of policy-making in healthcare delivery.Transferable SkillCommunication – Displaying capability in writing, reading, and oral communication; understanding of non‐verbal language.ScenarioYour nursing leader has asked you to provide her with information regarding the legislation on California’s nursing union negotiated staffing ratios. You will prepare a policy briefing document that details the … Read more

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Create a Blog, Vlog or Canva

Create a Blog, Vlog or Canva • You will create a Blog, Vlog or Canva following the steps laid out in the Canvas assignment which demonstrates your understanding of the modules in this unit through textual analysis.• You will be evaluated on your ability to synthesize your learning across different modules. Ask yourself how do … Read more

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Health and Wellness Plan

Health and Wellness Plan This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome: For this assignment, you will combine all elements of your health and wellness plan and submit as one document. Please edit each unit’s assignment, according to the grading feedback provided by your instructor. Your final plan should be one Word document, including the … Read more

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Health and Wellness Plan

Health and Wellness Plan This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome: For this assignment, you will combine all elements of your health and wellness plan and submit as one document. Please edit each unit’s assignment, according to the grading feedback provided by your instructor. Your final plan should be one Word document, including the … Read more

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Laws of the Fifth Discipline

Laws of the Fifth Discipline For this assignment, you will write a paper (minimum of 300 words) in which you describe up to three of the 11 laws of the fifth discipline to a chosen audience (either individual or group) and explain how each law points to an area for improvement in an example organization. … Read more

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Information Literacy and Society

Information Literacy and Society This assignment requires you to put the skills you have mastered throughout the course into practice as you reflect on the sociocultural issues and implications involved with the concept of information literacy. For this assignment, you will conduct research, evaluate sources, and in a two (2) to three (3) page reflective … Read more

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Applying Theory to Practice

Applying Theory to Practice  Nurses use evidenced based practice (EBP) to guide their clinical decisions. Educators also use theory and EBP to create teaching/learning opportunities. In this assignment, you will select theories and models of education to support teaching and learning in one of the DCN Bachelor of Science in Nursing Completion Option courses. You … Read more

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Managerial Employee Selection Training Presentation

Managerial Employee Selection Training Presentation  Imagine that you are a consultant hired to build an employee selection process for an organization. Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint to develop management training for selecting employees to build a high-performance organization with the right people to perform their jobs while working effectively with others. Provide sufficient information on … Read more

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Group Counseling

You are now leading a group for 8 weeks with adolescents referred for school, behavior, and/or substance use issues. What are some counselor skills you could display to approach presenting issues such as building rapport, verbalizing challenging feelings, or addressing resistance? Group Counseling APA 300 Words

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Group Counseling

Group Counseling Identify and discuss three ethical guidelines that are important to consider when designing an 8-week group for adolescents who are referred for school, behavior, and/or substance use issues. Answer preview for Group Counseling APA 300 Words

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Mood stabilizer

Mood stabilizer Construct a 5 page paper discussing each of the four traditional mood stabilizer medications: carbamazepine, lamotrigine, lithium, and valproate products. Support your answers with five (5) evidence-based, peer-reviewed scholarly literature.Note: APA style format will apply.Your paper should include the following for each: Proposed mechanism of action Baseline assessment, laboratory considerations, and frequency of ongoing labsand assessmentsNote: Discuss … Read more

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Funding Sources

Funding Sources  Explore People First San Diego’s websiteLinks to an external site.. For this Assignment, review the sample budget located on the Dashboard. Then, review the strategic plan and SWOTT analysis you completed last week. Using these materials, consider which funding options would be most appropriate for this organization.Identify three funding options and critically think … Read more

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History and business of Southwest Airlines

History and business of Southwest Airlines Research the history and business model of Southwest Airlines. Based upon your research, detail how and why Southwest has grown to become one of the nation’s largest passenger airlines. Compare the Southwest model to its competitors. What are its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? Based upon your research, do … Read more

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Musculoskeletal Disorder

Musculoskeletal Disorder The purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze a musculoskeletal system disorder to process the possible manifestations of a selected disorder. The concept map will help you identify the pathophysiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder.Course Competency(s): Evaluate pathophysiologic alterations that affect the integumentary and musculoskeletalsystems.Instructions:Content:Prepare a concept map for a musculoskeletal … Read more

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Position Statement

Position Statement Review this statement: Nursing organizations should endorse candidates for elected office. In your initial post, Answer preview for Position Statement APA 302 Words

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Unit 7 Discussion

Unit 7 Discussion Over the last six weeks, we have learned about and used APA style. In your initial post, include the following: If sources are used, be sure to include citations and references in APA format. Answer preview for Unit 7 Discussion APA 300 Words

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Self-Assessment and Continuing Education 

Self-Assessment and Continuing Education  This discussion supports the following unit learning objective: Discuss: This week, you will be finalizing your health and wellness plan. As you prepare the Unit 7 assignment, take time to reflect on each element of your plan. Address the following questions in your discussion: Creating a health promotion and wellness program … Read more

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Immune System Disorder

Immune System Disorder Identify a person you know who has an immune system disorder or cancer. Review content in your text for potential types of disorders. Interview the affected person and write a 3-5 page paper identifying your findings including:  Questions you may want to use to guide your interview: Answer preview for Immune System … Read more

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Communication Strategy

Communication Strategy This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome: This assignment is part 6 of 7 for your public health plan, which will be due in Unit 7. You do not need to include parts 1-5 with this submission, however, be sure you have reviewed grading feedback and make appropriated edits prior to submitting … Read more

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Managerial Recruitment Training Presentation

Managerial Recruitment Training Presentation Scenario. You are an organizational consultant tasked with developing training for hiring managers on the recruitment process. Create a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation in which you examine and apply recruitment methods to attract suitable candidates to your organization. Provide sufficient information on the slides and include speaker notes to communicate … Read more

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Patient medication Guide

Patient medication Guide Create a 3- to 4-page (excluding visual elements) Medication Study Guide for your assigned psychotropic medication agents that may be utilized by you and colleagues for study. Your medication guide should be in the form of an outline and should include a titlepage, citations, and references. You should incorporate visual elements, such as … Read more

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Group Counseling

Group Counseling Details: Review the “Stages of Group Counseling” video located in the Topic 4 Resources and identify potential forms of conflict you can expect at each of the various stages. What are your own reactions to conflict? How will this influence your ability to help members recognize and work through conflicts? Answer preview for … Read more

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Providing Spiritual Leadership for Group Discernment

Providing Spiritual Leadership for Group Discernment As our institutions are faced with navigating the choppy waters of liminal seasons, one thing becomes clear, our best outcomes comefrom working together.  One of your greatest tasks as a spiritual leader will be helping your institution or congregation listen forGod’s direction – especially during extraordinary times. Upon successful … Read more

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Healthcare Administration Capstone

Healthcare Administration Capstone Topic: Improving Healthcare Access in Underserved Communities through Community HealthcareDetails: MHA Unit 6: Writing Assignment Guidelines for the Capstone Research PaperThe Capstone Research Project Paper is a critical analysis of an issue relevant to the role of thehealth administrator. In this analytical research paper, students will complete research to become 21 enmeshed … Read more

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The Brain, Memory and Cognitive Development

The Brain, Memory and Cognitive Development In this assignment you will research and reflect on a topic from this week’s readings. This allows you the opportunity to explore topics and ideas that you are especially interested in. Create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least 8 slides (excluding the title and reference pages) on the … Read more

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Swot Analysis

Swot Analysis Details: Using the template, submit a SWOT analysis for the People First San Diego organization. This document should contain the completed SWOTT table and a 1- to 2-page summary. PEOPLE FIRST SAN DIEGO WEBSITE: focus on the mission: We are dedicated to putting people first. Through housing, employment, and mental, physical, and emotional … Read more

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Speech to Inform

Speech to Inform Description: For this assignment, you will prepare a speech to inform and an outline. Objectives: Answer preview for Speech to Inform APA 1200 Words

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Ethical, Cultural, and Spiritual Care

Ethical, Cultural, and Spiritual Care Directions: Scenario A child was brought into the office for hallucinations and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The physician prescribed psychiatric medications as part of the treatment plan. The parents are members of the Church of Scientology and declined psychiatric medications based on their beliefs. Initial Post In your initial post … Read more

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Living with Limits

Living with Limits One of the most common traps in ministry is that of taking on too much work for yourself.  Ruth Haley Barton, in Strengthening theSoul of Your Leadership, (Chapter 7, “Living Within Limits”), refers us to the story of Moses and his father-in-law, Jethro, whoobserved that Moses was working at a pace that could … Read more

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Political Advocacy Presentation

Political Advocacy Presentation Your nurse executive wants the staff nurses to gain a better understanding of the types of nursing associations and the political advocacy they support. Each nurse manager has been asked to select a professional nursing association and political advocacy they support to research. You will need to research political advocacy from a … Read more

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The Emotionally Healthy Leader

The Emotionally Healthy Leader One of the goals of this course is to develop leadership that is both spiritually healthy and emotionally healthy.  Most of the time wecan articulate a description of what a spiritually healthy leader looks like.  However, are we able to describe what an emotionallyhealthy leader looks like.Upon successful completion of this … Read more

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Sociological Theory II

Sociological Theory II Choose one prompt per paper option (i.e., for your first paper choose 1 prompt under the first paper topic options and so forth).Remember to write your paper in a Word document or PDF. Submitting papers incorrectly may result in a zeroPapers are to be 5 pages in length (including a cover page, … Read more

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Leadership and Loneliness

Leadership and Loneliness “Any leader who cannot endure profound levels of loneliness will not las long.” Ruth Haley Barton, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership,Chapter 10, “The Loneliness of Leadership,” p. 162.Leadership and loneliness are strange bedfellows.  With the increased popularization of secular leadership models, what Godwants, often gets swept into the dustbin.  It is the leader’s job … Read more

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Human growth and development

Human growth and development This week we reviewed concepts related to the bereavement process across the life span, the four-component model of grieving, and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s five stages of dying.InstructionsReview the concepts related to dying and bereavement across the life span, and address the following elements in a 2-3 page paper: Answer preview for Human … Read more

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Journal: Empathy

Journal: Empathy Getting StartedWe cannot overlook the empathy in this conversation about emotional intelligence.  Unless we care about those among whomwe minister, all the leadership techniques and spiritual insights in the world are useless.Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to: Evaluate your personal response to the importance of empathy for Christian leaders. Background … Read more

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How social media affects teenagers’ mental health

How social media affects teenagers’ mental health By now you have established a topic, formulated research questions, crafted a thesis statement, and identified possible search terms and useful databases for your research. How social media affects teenagers’ mental health Now you will be putting all those parts of the process together as you create an … Read more

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 Logic Model Illustration

 Logic Model Illustration Apply the logic model for different health programs or interventions including assessing effectiveness.This assignment is part 5 of 7 for your public health plan, which will be due in Unit 7. Create a logic model illustrating your public health plan. Your illustration should use a combination of colors and appropriate design elements … Read more

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Health Assessment

Health Assessment PurposeBefore any nursing plan of care or intervention can be implemented or evaluated, the nurse conducts an assessment, collecting subjective and objective data from an individual. The data collected are used to determine areas of need or problems to be addressed by the nursing care plan. This assignment will focus on collecting both … Read more

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