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My Personal Plan for Spiritual and Emotional Health

My Personal Plan for Spiritual and Emotional Health Assignment: My Personal Plan for Spiritual and Emotional Health Throughout the course you have been invited into a process of self-awareness and reflection about your own spiritual andemotional health and the spiritual well-being of your context of ministry.  It is apparent from the symbiotic nature of therelationship … Read more

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Organizational Design

Organizational Design Details: Submit a 1- to 2-page paper (not including title page and references): Organizational design is a formal process of integrating people, information, and technology. Using this definition and the Learning Resources, identify and describe People First San Diego’s organizational design.Explain how the design supports People First San Diego’s mission.Explain the importance and … Read more

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Quantitative vs. Qualitative Presentation

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Presentation When conducting or evaluating research, it’s important to understand when it’s appropriate to use numeric or nonnumeric data gathering, analysis, and study. Many careers require an ability to locate, review, and incorporate data and hypothesis testing into outcome-based projects. This assessment requires you to evaluate a quantitative and a qualitative research … Read more

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Establish a Timeline

Establish a Timeline This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome:  This assignment is part 2 of 7 for your public health plan, which will be due in Unit 7. You do not need to include part 1 with this submission, however, be sure you have reviewed grading feedback and make appropriated edits prior to … Read more

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Erving Goffman’s Theory

Erving Goffman’s Theory 1.Recall and explain Erving Goffman’s ideas about the presentation of self. How have social media sites such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram affected the presentation of self? In other words, what are ways in which social media has expanded Goffman’s original theory? Have there been changes to what Goffman saw as our … Read more

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Concert Report Information

Concert Report Information Details: You are required to type 2 well-written concert reports, 375 words each (1 full page and 1/2, double spaced). You will only receive full credit if your report is long enough, has correct information, and follows the guidelines listed in this document.Choose one or more instrumental pieces/songs from a live concert … Read more

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Health Educators

Health Educators Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.  This discussion supports the following unit learning objective:  Discuss:   In today’s world, especially with the prevalence of social media, “health educators” can be a diverse group of individuals. Health educators may hold extensive credentials and degrees, or they may be self-proclaimed with … Read more

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Feedback to the Student

Feedback to the Student Let’s imagine you are now a college instructor. Congratulations! Now it’s time to start grading papers. A student has submitted an essay which has used secondary sources but has not acknowledged the various authors. If sources are used, be sure to include citations and references in APA format. Answer preview for … Read more

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Time Value Money in Everyday Life

Time Value Money in Everyday Life Overview:This assignment will give you the opportunity to apply what you have learned about Time Value Money to everday life. In this instance, calculating a mortage’s monthypayment and principle. Instructions:Congratulations! You have just signed a contract to purchase your first home. Your purchase price is $300,000 and you plan … Read more

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Capstone Research Outline for approval

Capstone Research Outline for approval Details: Submit Capstone Research Outline for approval. If your outline does not follow the section heading format, it will be returned to you for rework. Submit an OUTLINE, not an essay. You don’t have to list references with your outline but plan to have at least eight for your final … Read more

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Patient Guide

Patient Guide For this Assignment, you will choose a vulnerable patient and develop a 2- to 3-page Medication Guide for them and their family. In your guide, you will consider their ages, birth-assigned sex, FDA approvals, and considerations for increased or decreased risk for side effects. You will choose the most appropriate medication for each … Read more

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The Value of Food Labels

The Value of Food Labels You are at the grocery store and want to buy some crackers, but you want to choose the healthiest option. You are considering two different brands and decide to compare the nutrition labels on the boxes. The image below shows what you see for Cracker A and for Cracker B. … Read more

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Time Value of Your Money

Time Value of Your Money Your goal is to retire in 20 years. You plan to start on this path by saving $200 a month. If you earn 6% annually (using monthly compounding), how much will you have saved in 20 years? Right before you started saving, you were notified by your auto insurance company … Read more

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Unit 2 DB: How Markets Work

Unit 2 DB: How Markets Work The textbook defines market participants as consumers, producers, and governments charged with regulating markets for the economy’s good. Consumers, like those in this class, need and want things that we deem essential for our livelihood. Producers make those goods and supply services. In a capitalist economy like ours, producers … Read more

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The Biblical scriptures from James

The Biblical scriptures from James After completing the lecture and reading assignments, develop a 750-1000 word written response paper to the following question. Papers must include a substantive elaboration on the topic and support from Scripture. Do not use the question in your response.The Biblical scriptures from James indicate that conflict is often a result … Read more

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 Conflict and Power

 Conflict and Power Details: Unit 4: Discussion Question 2: Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals. Answer preview for  Conflict and Power APA 300 Words

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Health & Wellness Plan

Health & Wellness Plan This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome: Throughout this course, each week will have an assignment that builds towards a final public health project due in Unit 7. View the Health & Wellness Plan OverviewLinks to an external site. presentation to prepare for the project. For this assignment, identify a public health … Read more

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Concept map

Concept map You will submit a concept map exploring the four agonists on the agonist spectrum (agonist, partial agonist, antagonist, and inverse agonist) in which you: Describe the different characteristics of the four agonists and how each mediates distinct biological activities. Include proposed mechanisms and the receptor it is targeting. Scavenge the literature after describing … Read more

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Keynote on Strategy

Keynote on Strategy Details: As a business professional, what are your key takeaways from the video? (Keynote on Strategy By Michael Porter, Professor, Harvard Business School) Were there parts of the presentation you disagreed with? If so, what were they and why? Answer preview for Keynote on Strategy APA 600 Words

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Self-Assessment of Leadership and Followership

Self-Assessment of Leadership and Followership Details: Submit a 2- to 3-page paper (not including title page and references) evaluating your leadership style and followership style based on the four questionnaires you completed. Be sure to: Summarize your personal leadership traits and style based on the Leadership Traits and Leadership Styles Questionnaire results. Include both strengths … Read more

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Sociological Theory 2

Sociological Theory 2 1.Recall and explain Erving Goffman’s ideas about the presentation of self. How have social media sites such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram affected the presentation of self? In other words, what are ways in which social media has expanded Goffman’s original theory? Have there been changes to what Goffman saw as our … Read more

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Evaluation of Research Design Components

Evaluation of Research Design Components When engaging in research or data analyses, the ability to spot ethical pitfalls is key. Understanding research design and methods allows the individual to spot faulty reasoning and to point out conclusions that could be unethical or dangerous. This is an applicable skill set for many different career paths. In … Read more

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Exercise and Nutrition

Exercise and Nutrition Nutrition plays an essential role in supporting fitness and exercise. If you increase your level of physical activity, your need for nutrients and calories will also increase. In addition, the foods you eat before and after you exercise will have an impact on your performance during the physical activity and on your … Read more

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Time Value Money Flashcards

Time Value Money Flashcards Using the Time Value of Money videos in the Readings & Resources section of Unit 1, please create at least 2 flashcards, one must be for the Present Value formula and one for the Future Value formula.  Remember, a journal is a less formal environment and allows you to express your … Read more

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Careers in Finance

Careers in Finance Please use the links listed in the Required Readings and Resources section to explore career options available in the Finance Industry.  Choose an opportunity that you find interesting and explain whether it is Corporate Finance, Investing, ACA or another type of Finance.  Also, explain the role and why it interests you Answer … Read more

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Ten Principles of Economics

Ten Principles of Economics Choose an article published in the last two weeks in one of these three resources (Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Economist). Discuss how the article relates to one or more of the Ten Basic Principles of Economics: People Face Trade-offs The Cost of Something Is What You Give Up to Get … Read more

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Health Administration

Health Administration Details: Unit 3: Writing Assignment Over twenty years ago, the average length of stay in a hospital was about 5.7 days. In the coming decade, the average procedure will require a stay of only 4.5 hours or less. These two facts indicate the extreme shift in clinical services.• Discuss how the new service … Read more

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Framing Innovation in Healthcare

Framing Innovation in Healthcare. Details: Unit 3: • Discussion Question 2: Discuss how the skill sets needed by providers are influenced by disruptive innovations Answer preview for Framing Innovation in Healthcare APA 311 Words

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Innovation for the Christian Health Administrator

Innovation for the Christian Health Administrator Details: Unit 3: Discussion Question 1: Discuss how the Biblical worldview frames innovation for the Christian health administrator. Answer preview for Innovation for the Christian Health Administrator APA 321 Words

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 Leaders’ Roles and Actions in Conflict and Crisis Management

 Leaders’ Roles and Actions in Conflict and Crisis Management Unit 4: Discussion Question 1: Discuss how the Biblical worldview guides leaders’ roles and actions in conflict and crisis management. Answer preview  Leaders’ Roles and Actions in Conflict and Crisis Management APA 312 Words

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 Listening Assessment & Analysis

 Listening Assessment & Analysis Description:For this assignment, you will complete, identify, explain, and provide an analysis of your own listening assessment and how it applies to your work environment and your relationships.Instructions: Answer preview for  Listening Assessment & Analysis APA 600 Words

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Personal Leadership Characteristics

Personal Leadership Characteristics According to the course text, leaders should be focused on issues of “fit.” Discuss at least three of your personal leadership characteristics and evaluate their fit with the leadership skills needed in the emerging healthcare system. Answer preview for Personal Leadership Characteristics APA 600 Words

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Covey’s Three Resolutions

Covey’s Three Resolutions  Unit 2: • Discussion Question 2: Discuss how Covey’s three resolutions might be utilized by the Christian health administrator to lead change. Answer preview for Covey’s Three Resolutions APA 328 Words

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New-age Leadership Skills

New-age Leadership Skills Details: Unit 2: Discussion Question 1: Discuss how Biblical worldview might impact new-age leadership skills desired for the 21st-century workplace Answer preview for New-age Leadership Skills APA 310 Words

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Christian Health Administrators

Christian Health Administrators Details: Unit 1: Writing Assignment Question: How can Christian health administrators apply the mandate from Romans 12:2 to? impact the future of healthcare? Answer preview for Christian Health Administrators APA 667 Words

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Leading in a Healthcare Environment

Leading in a Healthcare Environment Discussion Question 2: Discuss how the Christian health administrator might practice servant leadership in a time of complexity and chaos in healthcare. Answer preview for Leading in a Healthcare Environment APA 312 Words

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 Leading in a Healthcare Environment

 Leading in a Healthcare Environment Discuss Question 1: The importance of a Christian worldview to the role of the health administrator in the transformation of health care. Answer preview for  Leading in a Healthcare Environment APA 300 Words

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Course Reflection

Course Reflection After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why? What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about? Last, but not least, if you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, what would it be? Please … Read more

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Interview with a Nurse Leader

Interview with a Nurse Leader You will interview a nurse leader in person. You should begin thinking about this activity as soon aspossible and identify how you will identify and gain access to the interview. This assignment shouldbe no less than 1,500 words, with no maximum limit. You may include photos, graphs, or charts. Youwill … Read more

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History of Christianity in Africa

History of Christianity in Africa You will turn in your fourth (of four) papers on the history of Christianity in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. You will complete ashorter paper (3-5 pages) on each of these continents in Workshops Two, Three, and Four, and a longer paper (6 pages) on one of them (your choice) … Read more

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H.R.5 – Equality Act

H.R.5 – Equality Act Overview: In this paper you will choose one recent law or policy that focuses on gender and analyze it from the sociological perspective. In particular, you will assess whether the policy is primarily using a biological determinist perspective or a social constructionist perspective of gender.Purpose: One of the primary things I … Read more

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Preventing Workplace Violence

Preventing Workplace Violence Identify measures that an organization should implement in order to prevent workplace violence. Analyze the measures you have identified and the steps an organization should take to implement them. Use Academic data and sources to support your recommendations. Respond to at least two classmates over two or more days, comparing and contrasting … Read more

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Final Discussion: Course Reflection

Final Discussion: Course Reflection After having the opportunity to complete the course, please provide your feedback — What would you change and why? What topic caught your interest? What do you want to know more about? Last but not least, if you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, … Read more

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Nutrition and Disease

Nutrition and Disease Answer preview for Nutrition and Disease APA 976 Words

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Ion Channels and G Proteins

Ion Channels and G Proteins Post a response answering the following: Explain the difference between ion channels and G proteins as they relate to signal transduction and targets of medications. How would you answer the following patient question: o My grandmother has a mental illness. I have the same genes as her. Will I also get … Read more

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Social and Cultural Diversity Analysis

Social and Cultural Diversity Analysis Part One: Reflections of Racism/DiscriminationThe second part of the paper requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of racism/discrimination. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:1. What does it mean to be a subtle racist? Please include a referenced definition and example.2. Why could there be … Read more

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse How should a culturally competent counselor approach the processes of assessment and diagnosis when dealing with clients from minority populations? Support your answer with at least one scholarly reference and review cultural syndromes from the latest version of the DSM. Answer preview for Counseling the Culturally Diverse APA 312 Words

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse  Describe how cultural differences can influence the accuracy and value of assessment and testing instruments for diverse client populations. Provide an example of cultural bias in counseling/psychological research and support your answer with at least one scholarly reference. Answer preview for Counseling the Culturally Diverse APA 312 Words

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Vila Health: Human Resources 

Vila Health: Human Resources  This assessment is based upon the scenario presented in the Vila Health: Human Resources media simulation. Be sure you have completed this activity before you begin your assessment. It may be helpful to consider the following as you work through the simulation: ·         What is the current state of the workforce in compare … Read more

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Gender Policy Discourse Analysis

Gender Policy Discourse Analysis Overview: In this paper you will choose one recent law or policy that focuses on gender and analyze it from the sociological perspective. In particular, you will assess whether the policy is primarily using a biological determinist perspective or a social constructionist perspective of gender.Purpose: One of the primary things I … Read more

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