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Riverbend Case Study

Riverbend Case Study Review the following case, which focuses on the experience of Riverbend City Medical Center, an organization facing a cultural conflict. You can supplement your experience by reading the transcript. Planning Organizational Change Using the Four-Step Change Process. InstructionsWrite an analysis of the Riverbend case study, Planning Organizational Change Using the Four-Step Change … Read more

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Asian Christianity

Asian Christianity You will turn in your third (of four) papers on the history of Christianity in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. You will complete ashorter paper (3-pages) on each of these continents in Workshops Two, Three, and Four, and a longer paper on one of them (yourchoice) in Workshop Five. Upon successful completion of … Read more

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The Edinburgh Conference/ & The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) 

The Edinburgh Conference/ & The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965)  The readings in this workshop address the history of the Church from 1800 AD to the present. The videos focus on Modernism andthe Evangelical and Pentecostal Explosion. Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to: Identify the key events, persons, movements, and settings … Read more

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Cultural Considerations, Issues, and Trends

Cultural Considerations, Issues, and Trends Describe cultural considerations that the counselor must account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each). Identify your considerations and interventions through relevant cultural counseling research findings. Discuss any cultural bias you are able to identify in your research.Immigrants (at various levels of … Read more

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse How does understanding intergenerational/historic trauma and unresolved grief assist the counselor to be aware of unspoken issues in the counseling session? Give examples. Provide at least one scholarly reference. Answer preview for Counseling the Culturally Diverse APA 300 Words

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse  You have been asked by the clinical director of your agency to create a counseling program for a recently arrived group of refugees from Central America. Part of the goal of this counseling program is to assist the newly arrived refugees to acculturate into your community. Provide at least two scholarly … Read more

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Asian Theology: Ting

Asian Theology: Ting Now that you have an idea of the history of this time period through your reading and watching the video, it is time to read and analyze 2 primary readings from this time period. A primary reading is something that was written during the time you are looking at. So if we … Read more

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Social Psychology

Social Psychology In this assignment, you will be watching a video that shows just how interconnected and small the world really is…this is even more true in today’s world. It also illustrates how attitudes have guided and continue to guide our behaviors.  After watching the video, please answer the following questions: What, if any similarities, … Read more

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Organizational Communication Plan

Organizational Communication Plan For this assignment, assume you are employed as a strategic planner with Metropolitan Health. Mission and vision are important to the strategic planning process of a health care organization. For this assignment, consider the following mission and vision statement. Mission: Metropolitan Health’s mission is to be the leading provider of the highest … Read more

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Workplace Harassment

Workplace Harassment This case study will present a set of facts to which you will determine if harassment has occurred.Instructions:After reviewing the details of the case study, “Was That Harassment”, from this unit’s reading and resources, respond to the following questions: Answer preview for Workplace Harassment APA 1562 Words

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Analyzing the Role of Unions

Analyzing the Role of Unions What is the role of unions, and how effective are they in managing employee concerns in the workplace? Analyze their role and the differences between union and nonunion environments. Use academic data from the textbook and other valid sources. Responding to at least two classmates over two days describing how … Read more

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Track and Reflect on Your Nutrient Intake

Track and Reflect on Your Nutrient Intake Directions: This worksheet is designed to help you determine how many servings of the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines you consume. This will give you a chance to review the recommended amounts, and see how you compare. Directions: Record your meals, snacks, drinks, etc. over a 3 day period. For … Read more

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Recommendations for Life Stages

Recommendations for Life Stages Directions: A person’s nutrient needs may change for a variety of reasons, but the most influential is stage-of-life. In this discussion, you will examine two stages of life chosen from the following: For your initial post, address the following: Answer preview for Recommendations for Life Stages APA 300 Words

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History of Latin America Christianity

History of Latin America Christianity You will turn in your second (of four) papers on the history of Christianity in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. You will complete ashorter paper on each of these continents in Workshops Two, Three, and Four, and a longer paper on one of them (your choice)in Workshop Five. Outline the … Read more

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History of the Church from 1300 AD to 1800 AD

History of the Church from 1300 AD to 1800 AD The readings in this workshop address the history of the Church from 1300 AD to 1800 AD. The videos look at a longer periodfocusing on two expressions of the faith Catholicism and The Reformation. Identify the key events, persons, movements, and settings of the Church … Read more

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Jacobson, “Latin American Theology: León”

Jacobson, “Latin American Theology: León” Instructions b. Asking Questions of the Text (up to 30 points) To get you started, the first question the reading has already been supplied (see Background question). In addition, you will ask 3 more questions about the text. Some of these may be questions of clarification (e.g., what does this word … Read more

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Mainstream Society

Mainstream Society 1.What does the American Dream mean in mainstream society? Does everyone have the same chance of reaching it? If not, what could this result in and/or why do people still pursue it? Use examples from the contemporary (i.e., not Marx) Conflict theorists OR strain theory by Robert K. Merton to support your arguments.2.Following … Read more

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Mass Media through a Sociological Lens

Mass Media through a Sociological Lens 1.What does the American Dream mean in mainstream society? Does everyone have the same chance of reaching it? If not, what could this result in and/or why do people still pursue it? Use examples from the contemporary (i.e., not Marx) Conflict theorists OR strain theory by Robert K. Merton … Read more

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Applying Ethical Decision Making in the Workplace

Applying Ethical Decision Making in the Workplace Select an ethical dilemma in the workplace. This can be one that you have analyzed or discussed previously in this course. It can be an example from the text or one that you discover through your research or experience. Apply the decision-making model you discussed this week: Describe … Read more

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse Details: Culture affects our personalities and behaviors. To analyze underlying reasons for bias and the effects on treatment methods, you will be watching a short film that asks what if our normal wasn’t normal? What roles do perspective and empathy play in a counselor’s approach? This assignment will help prepare you … Read more

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Blog, Vlog or Canva – Unit 1

Blog, Vlog or Canva – Unit 1 Third Last Answer preview for Blog, Vlog or Canva – Unit 1 APA 987 Words

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Financial Spreadsheets

Financial Spreadsheets Income statement, balance sheet, and Proforma Statement: You will create the income statement and balance sheet for the 1st 2 years. Your proforma statement is a projection for 5 years in the future. You must be realistic about your company’s growth and how you will obtain funding. ( 5 pages 1 page for … Read more

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Child Welfare

Child Welfare You will create a Blog, Vlog or Canva which demonstrates your ability to synthesize your learning over the last 4 modules. You are responsible for demonstrating the ways that the concepts from each of the 4 modules relate to each other, how they deepen our understanding of child welfare issues, and how they … Read more

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Market Analysis

Market Analysis Details: Market Analysis – Based upon your research and using Porter’s Five Forces, evaluate the competitive strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the growth of local business and industry and the attraction of new business and industry to Ocala/Marion County. (2-5 pages) Answer preview for Market Analysis APA 944 Words

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PN2 project work

PN2 project work Your paper for the course project should be a 2-3 page APA paper (not including title page and the reference page) that describes the clinical problem and the following: • Reason for choosing this topic • The PICOT question • Possible integration of the evidenced that you found in clinical practice • … Read more

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Ethical and Legal Frameworks for Decision Making

Ethical and Legal Frameworks for Decision Making Identify the principles of ethical reasoning in the article. Of the nine statements in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, which ethical issues in the article are upheld? Did you note any theory–practice–ethics gaps? Link: Links to an external site.Using the MORAL decision-making model or … Read more

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Planning and Organizing

Planning and Organizing Assignment OverviewIn a slide presentation of 10-15 slides (not counting title slide and reference(s) slides), develop a lecture about organizational planning and organizing. Plan your presentation time and date with yourinstructor via email no later than Sunday of Week 2.Deliverables and Due Dates This is due by midnight Sunday. You will present … Read more

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Counselor Discussion

Counselor Discussion Discuss how a counselor can provide culturally responsive strength-based therapy to an older adult, a person with a disability, or a person from a different ethnic group. Provide at least one scholarly reference. Answer preview for Counselor Discussion APA 300 Words

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse Details: Reflect on racial identity development models discussed in previous chapters of the text and discuss why it is reasonable to assume different types of treatment will be more or less effective with individuals of the same ethnic group Answer preview for Counseling the Culturally Diverse APA 312 Words

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Create Nutrients PowerPoint

Create Nutrients PowerPoint As you may recall, nutrients are divided into the following six (6) categories: For this assignment, you will need to develop an informative PowerPoint presentation that could be used to teach your classmates about a variety of nutrients from the nutrient categories (above). For information about creating PowerPoint presentations and assessing the … Read more

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Employee Leaves and their Benefits

Employee Leaves and their Benefits You will analyze different types of MANDATED employee leaves and their benefits in a journal entry. Make sure to review Chapter 12 of the textbook. Use the APA format with in-text citations and references.  Additional requirements: Answer preview for Employee Leaves and their Benefits APA 313 Words

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Analyzing Benefits

Analyzing Benefits Identify two VOLUNTARY benefits that would attract and retain employees. Identify the value of these benefits and how employees perceive them. Respond by providing academic data (in the APA format) and observations. In response to two of your classmates, prepare and contrast voluntary benefits and their importance in attracting talent. Identify the reasons … Read more

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Medication Brochure – Patient education

Medication Brochure – Patient education PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is for the student to synthesize pharmacological knowledge (i.e., core drug knowledge, core patient variables, and nursing implications) of pharmacotherapeutic agents into a useful teaching and learning tool for nurses and patients.Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:CO1: Apply … Read more

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PN2 Clinical

PN2 Clinical The nurse is caring for Zilla Carrera, a 72-year-old who suffered a stroke and has developed a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and is being treated with an anticoagulant. The client walks short distances (20 feet) with the assistance of a walker and one person. Zilla has generalized weakness with the right leg and … Read more

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Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Compare and contrast risk factors, age of onset, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. What do you think is the most important topic that must be taught to the diabetic patient and why? Please make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at … Read more

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Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders Details: I am attaching the information from the annotated bibliography that is required for the assignment in a word docx. Here are the assignment detaills. In Week 3, you created an annotated bibliography on a set of topics. For this assignment, use that information to write a thorough literature review. Develop a … Read more

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Factors Affecting Nutritional Intake

Factors Affecting Nutritional Intake Healthcare professionals would be thrilled if individuals made decisions about what to eat based on a solid knowledge of what constitutes a “healthy diet.” Unfortunately, that is not typically the case. Many people do not know what constitutes a healthy diet. There are also those who do know but make less healthy choices … Read more

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Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse Childhood Experiences Details: Adverse Childhood Experiences: What Students and Health Professionals Need to Know. Things you learnt Answer preview for Adverse Childhood Experiences APA 197 Words

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Protective Factors Approaches in Child Welfare

Protective Factors Approaches in Child Welfare Week 6 – Gangs and Community Violence 3 New Things: 2 Thinks I Knew: Question: Confusion: Note that you only need Question or Confusion. You don’t need both.  Answer preview for Protective Factors Approaches in Child Welfare APA 185 Words

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Child Development Reflection Journal

Child Development Reflection Journal Learning Activity Each week, after completing your reading and videos, you will take some time to process your learning by writing in this journal. This is a conversation that you are having with yourself. You are discussing with yourself what has made this week’s learning material meaningful and important to you. … Read more

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Diagnosis of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders

Diagnosis of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders The diagnosis should appear on one line in the following order.Note: Do not include the plus sign in your diagnosis. Instead, write the indicated items next to each other.Code + Name + Specifier (appears on its own first line)Z code (appears on its own line next with its … Read more

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Challenging Unethical Behavior

Challenging Unethical Behavior Case 4.3: Down the DrainAfter a yearlong search, you finally have a job in the industry of your choice. The industry is high-status and dynamic, with excellent growth potential. Landing a job in this industry makes you the envy of your fellow graduates in the MBA program. However, you discover that the … Read more

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child’s emotional growth

child’s emotional growth Requirements: Detailed Instructions: Answer preview for child’s emotional growth APA 300 Words

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Maternal Response

Maternal Response Parents will go through a several challenges. Toddlers typically ages from one to three years old with a lot of developmental changes. According to Dr. Davies, high temperatures and extreme heat can cause children to become sick very quickly in several ways. It can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat stroke, … Read more

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Advanced Pharmacology

Advanced Pharmacology Explain the circumstances under which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Be specific and provide examples.Describe strategies to make the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Include descriptions and names of off-label drugs that require extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.resource section. … Read more

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Ethics Concerns

Ethics Concerns Write a detailed one-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using at least three different … Read more

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse For this topic’s assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses your cultural background and your own related experiences. In addition, you will record yourself delivering the presentation using the speaker notes that you will include in your PowerPoint. When discussing your culture, consider components of yourself such as race, … Read more

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse Details: How can a counselor provide culturally responsive strength-based therapy for LGBTQIA+ clients? Identify the related Counselor Dispositional Expectation you would use. Provide at least one scholarly reference. Answer preview for Counseling the Culturally Diverse APA 300 Words

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse  Consider an experience you have had in the past few weeks (while enrolled in this course) that involved contact with a group of which you are not a member. Experiences such as eating at a restaurant that was ethnically different from yours, attending a celebration, or visiting a church, mosque, synagogue, … Read more

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Decision Making, Management, and Leadership

Decision Making, Management, and Leadership Details: Complete an essay on Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Cite any sources in APA format. Answer preview for Decision Making, Management, and Leadership APA 688 Words

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