
Balancing Mission and Sustainability

Balancing Mission and Sustainability Prompt: How do health organizations bring together the common saying, “No margin, no mission” and “No mission, no soul?” Answer preview for Balancing Mission and Sustainability APA 634 Words

Quality Improvement Initiatives

Quality Improvement Initiatives Discuss whether some health organizations are exempt from quality improvement initiatives because they provide basic, minimal services. Answer preview for Quality Improvement Initiatives APA 332 Words

The biblical concept of stewardship the biblical concept of stewardship

The biblical concept of stewardship the biblical concept of stewardship Discuss how Christian health administrators can use the biblical concept of stewardship to produce quality outcomes.• Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer preview for The biblical concept of stewardship the biblical concept of stewardship APA 352 Words

General Concepts of Quality

General Concepts of Quality Prompt: How can healthcare providers work to improve quality at the same time that payers are reducing access to services.• Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post Answer preview for General Concepts of Quality APA 332 Words

Internal Dynamics

Internal Dynamics Prompt: How does the Christian worldview frame the internal and external dynamics of quality measurement?• Requirements: APA-compliant, 500-word minimum Answer preview for Internal Dynamics APA 626 Words

General Concepts of Quality

General Concepts of Quality How does the biblical concept of quality differ from that of the traditional business concept of quality? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer preview for General Concepts of Quality AP 367 Words

Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism

Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism For this first part of the project you will be creating a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheet highlighting Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism. which are two of the most well. known ethical theories. A FAQ sheet is a document that compiles a collection of information in the form of questions with their … Read more

The Christian health administrator

The Christian health administrator Prompt: How can the Christian health administrator balance the importance of financial efficiency and customer satisfaction?Requirements: APA-compliant, 500-word minimum. Answer preview for The Christian health administrator APA 622 Words

Work Environment

Work Environment How healthy is your workplace?You may think your current organization operates seamlessly, or you may feel it has many issues. You may experience or even observe things that give you pause. Yet, much as you wouldn’t try to determine the health of a patient through mere observation, you should not attempt to gauge … Read more

Mental Health Nursing

Mental Health Nursing in this discussion, wet talk about the nurse. client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions: • What are your concerns or fears about menial health nursing in general? Are you interested in mental health nursing, or do you approach … Read more

 Quality performance improvement

 Quality performance improvement Details: Unit 3 Discussion Question 2Prompt: Should Christian health administrators try to make quality and Is performance improvement perfect or simply acceptable? Why? Answer preview for Quality performance improvement APA 302 Words

Legal and ethical

Legal and ethical Discuss the following as it pertains to any individual falsifying his/her resume:Peter Crist is an expert on checking backgrounds for business hires. Consider his statement: “You can’t live in my world and cover stuff up. At some point in time, you will be found out if you don’t come clean. It doesn’t … Read more

 Poor Quality Healthcare

 Poor Quality Healthcare Write one page paper on this topic: Is poor quality healthcare due to inadequate performance reporting procedures? APA Format Answer preview for  Poor Quality Healthcare APA 304 Words

Planning for Global Market

Planning for Global Market It’s common for well-known B2C brands (brands that sell directly to consumers) to engage in public-facing activities which promote the brand’s commitment to social responsibility. Considering the goal to increase sales, brands leverage their ethical and social consciousness to help accomplish this. Simulated Business Scenario: Toyota, the world’s largest carmaker, understands … Read more

Diversity in Marketing

Diversity in Marketing How Considering Diversity in Your Marketing Increases Revenue In order to maximize revenue ad profit, marketers need to understand the behaviors and motivation of their customers’ buying decisions. No doubt, different groups of customers might have varying sets of buying behaviors, so how does a marketer consider diversity as a way to … Read more

Post-colonial Literature

Post-colonial Literature As you explored three major categories in Module 03 with modernism, post-modernism, and post-colonial literature, who was your favorite author and what specific short story of the assigned Module 03 readings did you like best? Why? For your initial post, choose one of the readings from the Module 03 short stories to discuss. … Read more

Literary Analysis of Modernist Literature

Literary Analysis of Modernist Literature Answer preview for Literary Analysis of Modernist Literature APA 600 Words

Modernist Literature

Modernist Literature select and answer at least two of the following questions below. You may use more than two questions if you wish. Be sure and relate it to at least one of the assigned stories from Module 02 in your posts. Your initial post should name the specific work(s) and use quotes or lines from … Read more

Internet Security and Data Privacy

Internet Security and Data Privacy In this assignment, you will create a flyer, pamphlet, or brochure advertising inviting co-workers to a seminar on Internet security and privacy.  Internet marketing practices have raised a number of ethical and legal questions. Some direct marketers have been accused of taking unfairadvantage of buyers. Fraudulent schemes such as investment scams … Read more

Federal Reserve Purpose

Federal Reserve Purpose In Unit 7, we discussed about the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) in Chapter 16. This committee meets every six weeks to decide on the federal funds rate. Answer preview for Federal Reserve Purpose APA 332 Words

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Personal Leadership Philosophies To Prepare: *not required to submit CliftonStrengths Assessment The Assignment (2 pages): Personal Leadership Philosophies Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include … Read more

Difference Between Work & Leisure

Difference Between Work & Leisure Skills: Instructions: Respond to the questions below by 10/13 (6 points), and then respond to at least 2 other students no later than 10/19 (4 points). Using the assigned readings as well as your own experiences, respond to the following questions. You should write approximately 2-3 paragraphs. Answer preview for Difference Between … Read more

Digital Selling Discussion

Digital Selling Discussion Digital selling is the use of online, mobile and social media to engage customers, build stronger customer relationships, and augment sales performance. Have you ever wondered why certain websites appear on Google when you search keywords? If person A and B both search for “Blue Car” different result would appear based on … Read more

Google Analytics in Market Segmentations

Google Analytics in Market Segmentations Analytics tools are incredibly important and useful, from helping you understand your customers to increase traffic to your website. How can you use Google Analytics to target the market segmentations accurately? For a more in-depth look, check out Headway Capital’s “A Small Business Guide to Google Analytics” infographic in the link … Read more

Cyber Abuse & Child Victims

Cyber Abuse & Child Victims For this weeks activity, you will need to draft a formal version of your personal original group proposal and draft your assigned groups proposal. Each person will need to complete this, however, the second half of this assignment you will need to create as a group and then copy it into your individual assignment.  … Read more

Qualities of an effective ethical strategic leader

Qualities of an effective ethical strategic leader Effective Strategic Leadership Paper: Write a paper about the qualities of an effective ethical strategic leader. Strategic leadership includes the ability to anticipate events, envision possibilities, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change. Include biblical references.• Requirements: Minimum of 2,500 words. Use APA format and provide … Read more

 Issues In Mental Health

 Issues In Mental Health For this last Discussion Question, you may want to review your notes from Lecture 3: “The Social Construction of Mental Illness”. Perhaps, one of the most controversial disorders in the DSM-5/TR is Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD). Do mental health providers have any added moral–if not ethnical–responsibility when working with children … Read more

Working Capital and the Financing Decision

Working Capital and the Financing Decision Prior to beginning work on this assignment, complete the Week 3 Application Assignment in McGraw-Hill Connect. In your assignment address the following: Explain why working capital is important.Examine what happens when a company mismanages working capital.Evaluate how interest rates influence working capital. Please add/use reference below too:Block, S. B., … Read more

Community Engagement Research Project

Community Engagement Research Project Civic Awareness Project Options: As part of your Civic Awareness Research Project, please choose (just) one of the following options and submit as part of your work for this semester.   1.     Write a 400-500 words, double-spaced paper that compares 2 (two) similar non-profits by answering the          following questions: What did I … Read more

American National Government

American National Government Then respond to the following two questions: For further information please read: Answer preview for American National Government APA 312 Words

Unemployment and Inflation

Unemployment and Inflation Case study Macroeconomic Analysis: Unemployment and Inflation In this assignment, you need to identify only two specific issues related to unemployment. You will study their past trends, provide an overview of their current status, and provide solutions to overcome them. You will use data, articles, experts’ opinions, and government reports to draw … Read more

Planning a Group

Planning a Group  In the video, a woman name Nicole was sexually assaulted. She states she went to a party and their she was attacked. Select one client on which to focus the development of a new treatment group.Consider the unique circumstances and needs of the client in the media—and others in similar situations in … Read more

Analysis of a Country

Analysis of a Country you will research your country of interest. Remember, this must be one of the Least Developed Countries (LCD’s) found on the United Nations websiteLinks to an external site. Assignment Details: This assignment allows the student to select a country of interest and gather information about the area, the population, and health … Read more

How Marketers Leverage Social Media

How Marketers Leverage Social Media The surge of internet usage and digital technology has led to the rise of various social media platforms. Marketers are now riding the social media wave to engage consumers. Choose one of the following: OR Answer preview for How Marketers Leverage Social Media APA 311 Words

Earned vs. Paid Media

Earned vs. Paid Media There are several various forms of media as it related to digital marketing. Take a look at this short video Meylan, C. (January 24th, 2018) Owned-Paid-Earned (OPE) Media before jumping into this week’s business scenario. In Style Fashion is a new entrant into the fast fashion market. InStyle Fashion targets Gen Z aged … Read more

 Unemployment Rate

 Unemployment Rate In Unit 6, we looked at the concept of the unemployment rate in Chapter 15. Look at the latest Employment Situation Report on the U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS website. Answer preview for  Unemployment Rate APA 304 Words

Common Causes of Patient Falls

Common Causes of Patient Falls Complete all lesson content and assigned readings. Make sure that you are focusing on: • Common causes of patient falls • Actions to prevent fallsInstructions: • Answer the questions listed below using complete sentences. • Use correct grammar, spelling and APA format. • Support your answers using credible sources such … Read more

Global Health Assessment Proposal

Global Health Assessment Proposal  The Global Health Assessment Project incorporates four weekly milestone assignments. These assignments will provide the supporting information for your final project. Each milestone will be graded individually. Detailed feedback will be provided. You are expected to incorporate this feedback into your final paper. The milestone assignments should include a title page … Read more

Freud’s psychoanalytic theory

Freud’s psychoanalytic theory Submit a paper which compares and contrasts two mental health theories: • You may choose your theories from the textbook or from other sources. • Describe each theory, including some history about the person who developed the theory and the major ideas and applications of the theory. • Describe the ways in … Read more

Professional Nursing

Professional Nursing Take some time to research the many hazards that you will face as you take care of your patient. Describe one hazard that could harm you and/or you patient in the healthcare setting. What actions can nurses take to prevent harm to your patient or self?Please make an initial post by midweek, and … Read more

Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings Have you ever wondered why it is relevant to understand the theory and philosophy that underpins the field of behavior analysis? In this week’s Learning Resources, Fryling (2013) discusses some ways behavior analytic theory and philosophy are relevant to the practice of applied behavior analysis. He focuses on its unique features … Read more

Why should one study ethics

Why should one study ethics I. Why should one study ethics? Are ethics really necessary for us to function as a global society? The study of ethics should be studied as the knowledge gained provides a better understanding of what it truly means as web as being applied in everyday life by your as well … Read more

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health Module 8: Personality Components and Disorders  For the next few days we will be looking into the field of Personality Psychology. We all identify ourselves in various ways, but do we actually know what it is we are identifying? What is personality? What makes personality abnormal? What is the difference … Read more

Exploring Historical Influences

Exploring Historical Influences Write a 2-page elements of fiction essay on one of the short stories, or the poem, from the assigned readings for Module 01. Explain the following in your paper, along with at least one of your literary terms from Module 01—ex. regionalism, allegory, protagonist, antagonist, etc. You may use more than one term. … Read more

Time Place and History

Time Place and History After reading the poem by Wilfred Owen (located in your lesson content section) and the two assigned short stories by Tim O’Brien and Alice Walker from your textbook for this week, you should have noticed that both the poem and the stories share a commonality of how history, culture, and the background of … Read more

Importance of Ethics in Society

Importance of Ethics in Society This module introduced you to an overview of ethics and ethical foundations. For this first discussion board, address the following questions in your initial post: 1. Why should one study ethics? Are ethics really necessary for us to function as a global society? 2. When (at what age) and where … Read more

Ethics Around the Globe

Ethics Around the Globe Have you ever made a split-second decision, but wondered after the fact, “what if I had chosen a different option?” Part of studying ethics is the ability to assess the short and long-term consequences of a decision and then choose the option that will have the more favorable outcomes. This module’s … Read more

Film Analysis Project

Film Analysis Project Details: Use this list to choose your film for the film analysis project. Please be aware that some of these films are sexually or otherwise explicit and may not be for all audiences. Choose what you are comfortable viewing. Should you wish to use a film not on this list, you need … Read more

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Aging Analysis

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Aging Analysis You may write this as a paper or as a presentation. Choose your strength. Are you better at writing or speaking? By the second week of the semester, you will need to choose whether you will be writing a paper or giving a presentation. There will be … Read more

Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper *What population(s) do you enjoy working with?  *Think of your background, professionally and personally; what are your skills? *A chapter or problem from this class, or another that stood out to you. *A Recent Social/ cultural issue.  My interest would be working with those who suffer from substance abuse disorders, if I had … Read more

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