
Developmental trauma

Developmental trauma How can cell phones and apps be used successfully in trauma treatment presently? What are some apps that are user-friendly and provide the clients with tools or further clarity? Answer preview for Developmental trauma APA 352 Words

 Issues In Mental Health

 Issues In Mental Health HUS 4333 Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health Textbook Information:  (uploaded with Module 1) American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed. [DSM-V]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. Eunice, I previously sent zip files for modules 1, 2, 3 & 4. Please keep these for future … Read more

Nurse practitioner

Nurse practitioner Complete the following table with information specific to the state where you plan to practice as a nurse practitioner. Please refer to the rubric in the course to identify how much each prompt is worth.  Most are worth 5 or 6 points with one question being worth 10 points.  The 10 point question … Read more

Culture and Communication Memo

Culture and Communication Memo You work in the human resources department of a company that does business in 25 different countries. You have learned that communication culture in your workplace has a significant impact on your employees’ experience, motivation, engagement, and overall business success. Your manager has asked you to write a memo on why … Read more

A subculture is a smaller cultural group

A subculture is a smaller cultural group Assignment One: Choose a Topic (Due September 19th @ 11:59PM)A subculture is a smaller cultural group—a group that can be distinguished from a larger societal groupbased on a host of factors. Subcultures can be almost anything that we are currently involved in; there aesubcultures we choose to be … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Job Aid

Evidence-Based Practice Job Aid As a counselor, it is important to have resources on hand for a variety of situations and clients. By completing the table below, you will create a job aid that can be used when looking for evidence-based practices. Add at least five evidence-based practices, appropriate ages, number of sessions required, and … Read more

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development Discussion paper: You will answer the following questions about your own moral decision-making in your discussion paper (using at least 500 words) after you have made your slide presentation on Kohlberg’s stages. Discuss your own moral decision-making and how it relates to these stages.Do you make moral decisions at a … Read more

Impact of Strategic leadership and change drivers

Impact of Strategic leadership and change drivers Topic: Impact of Strategic leadership and change drivers  on organizational performance. Strategic leadership and change drivers have a significant impact on organizational performance. a. Vision and Direction: Strategic leaders provide a clear vision and direction for the organization. They define long-term goals and articulate a compelling vision that … Read more

 Real Estate Law 005

 Real Estate Law 005 All of you should read the discussion questions below and attempt to do it on your own. Now that you have read Unit 7 of your textbook, WRITE ONE OR TWO PARAGRAPHS in response to the following discussion prompt. After you post your discussion response, you must reply to at least … Read more

Arbitration Clauses

Arbitration Clauses All students need to complete this assignment, by submitting a 1-2 paragraph response with 3-5 sentences per paragraph. This week you learned about an alternative to going to court when involved in a dispute: arbitration. Whether you realize it or not, all of you have signed a contract with an arbitration clause at … Read more

An American professional auto racing driver

An American professional auto racing driver  1) WHAT WOULD YOU DO?Adapted / modified by K. Yegoryan An American professional auto racing driver N. L., who was a seven-time NASCAR CUP Series Champion, miraculously survived when his car suddenly burst into flames in the midst of the racing track. When the car of the fearless and … Read more

Developmental trauma

Developmental trauma  How can believing in God, participating in religion, or being spiritual be a protective factor for child/adolescents, and/or family? Answer preview for Developmental trauma APA 302 Words

Neurocognition Presentation

Neurocognition Presentation Childhood maltreatment poses a risk for a variety of developmental, psychological, medical, and neurocognitive conditions that may have long-term consequences. Neurocognitive impairments such as in language, visual-spatial skills, memory, and executive functioning have been found in children who have been maltreated. Protective factors have been found to lessen the likelihood of a child … Read more

Cultural Influences Presentation

Cultural Influences Presentation Cultural Influences PresentationDetails: You are the first chief diversity officer at a Fortune 100 company. To help employees understand cross-cultural diversity and the value of diversity in the workplace, you are assigned to create a presentation on the cultural influences in your life. Include pictures to show how social practice and the … Read more

Competitive Advantages

Competitive Advantages Over time rivals use their resources, capabilities, and core resources to form different value-creating propositions. Discuss why competitive advantages are not permanently sustainable. Explain why firms must maximize their current competitive advantage while simultaneously using their resources and capabilities to form new advantages. Include in your response how Luke 14:28-30 guides us to … Read more

Value Chain Analyses

Value Chain Analyses Value chain analyses is used to identify and evaluate the competitive potential of a firm’s resources. Firms consider outsourcing when they cannot create value in a value chain activity or a support function. Discuss value chain analysis activity and the considerations for outsourcing. Answer preview for Value Chain Analyses APA 326 Words

 Advance Pathophysiology

 Advance Pathophysiology Develop 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:• Introduction an overview of the assignment• Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.• Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.• Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems• Conclusion … Read more

Constructing an argument

Constructing an argument Study chapter 6 pages 200-205 of your text: Constructing an Argument.Select a topic and construct an argument using the eight steps listed on page 205 (as discussed on pages 200-205).Make sure it meets the Guidelines for Evaluating an Argument mentioned on page 198 of your text.*I suggest you select a topic that … Read more

Advanced Group Dynamics

Advanced Group Dynamics I am assuming these are the questions from Chapter 5 (please answer any 4 of the questions posed in the Exercise section) 1. What do you most want to occur in your group? State your purposes simply and concretely. 2. What is the main emphasis of your group? 3. What kind of … Read more

Job order costing and activity-based costing

Job order costing and activity-based costing You learned about job order costing and activity-based costing. Each method deals with manufacturing overhead in a different way. There are various implications with how costing is done. The following items will help stretch your thinking a bit. This question will help the students to understand why they need … Read more

Theory and Family Assessment

Theory and Family Assessment Explain why it is important to use theory in family therapy. How does theory help social workers understand and assess a family?Apply systems theory and a developmental perspective to the Hernandez family. How would this perspective inform your assessment?Select a validated assessment tool from the Van Hook chapter that you would … Read more

Theory and Family Assessment

Theory and Family Assessment Explain why it is important to use theory in family therapy. How does theory help social workers understand and assess a family?Apply systems theory and a developmental perspective to the Hernandez family. How would this perspective inform your assessment?Select a validated assessment tool from the Van Hook chapter that you would … Read more

Business-Level Strategy

Business-Level Strategy Customers are the foundation of successful business-level strategy. Discuss a firm’s three customer considerations—who, what, and how. These issues refer to the customer groups to be served. Answer preview for Business-Level Strategy APA 346 Words

Human resources questions

Human resources questions  Karen is a director of human resources at a mid-size company. Her team has been exploring causes of turnover for new employees—employees that start with the company but leave within a year. Some of the research questions she and her team have developed include: What training and advancement opportunities might encourage employees … Read more

 Issues In Mental Health

 Issues In Mental Health Achieving a healthy work-life balance is important for both your physical and mental well-being. It is, however, very challenging to strike the right balance between your career goals and your life outside of work. One effective way to figure out if you’re striking the work-life balance is to make sure you … Read more

Ethical Dilemma- Should parents be able to refuse vaccines for their Children

Ethical Dilemma- Should parents be able to refuse vaccines for their Children Ethical Dilemma- Should parents be able to refuse vaccines for their Children? PurposeFor this assignment, you will examine an ethical dilemma that exists in pediatric settings. You will examine the ethicaldilemma from two opposing positions and consider ethical principles, conflict between the principles and … Read more

Health, Wellness, and Illness

Health, Wellness, and Illness What Should You Know? Here is a summary of the major topics we covered in this course:I. Health, Wellness, and Illness 2. Client Centered Care and Best practice 3. Therapeutic Communication, Cultural Competence, Delegation, and Teamwork and Collaboration 4. Clinical judgement and Nursing Process 5. Oxygenation and Gas Exchange 6. Infection, … Read more

Financial ratios

Financial ratios Financial ratios are essential to provide an accurate valuation of a firm. Select a publicly traded firm of your choice. Select one ratio each in the areas of (a) performance, (b) activity, (c) financing, and (d) liquidity warnings. Provide an evaluation of the selected firm’s strengths and weaknesses. Based on the ratios you … Read more

Types and Symptoms of Heart Failure

Types and Symptoms of Heart Failure Read the case study below.In your initial discussion post, answer the questions related to the case scenario and support your response with at least one evidence-based reference.Provides a minimum of two responses weekly on separate days; e.g., replies to a post from a peer; AND faculty member’s question; OR … Read more

The Elements of Moral Philosophy

The Elements of Moral Philosophy In this session, you have been considering moral-ethical dilemmas you yourself faced or that you know of that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held. You will be … Read more

The state of Georgia

The state of Georgia Answer preview for The state of Georgia APA 300 Words

Cystic Fibrosis case scenario

Cystic Fibrosis case scenario Case Study             A mother brings her 6-month-old daughter to the HCP to evaluate for possible colic. The mother says the baby has had many episodes of crying after eating and is not gaining weight despite having a good appetite. The mother says the baby’s belly “gets all swollen sometimes.” The mother … Read more

Current issues response discussion

Current issues response discussion The national healthcare issue/stressor selected for analysis is the nursing shortage. The nursing shortage is an ongoing issue affecting healthcare delivery in the United States for decades. By 2022, the U.S. will have a shortage of over 1 million registered nurses (RN). The nursing shortage has been linked to factors such … Read more

Developmental Trauma 

Developmental Trauma  Why is it important for at risk children and/or adolescents to have someone to confide in? What are some organizations that help with this and what does the research show in regard to risk factors and resiliency? Developmental Trauma  APA 342 Words

Leading Operational Change

Leading Operational Change Assignment 4: Project Presentation (Leading Operational Change)Due: Sunday, midnight of Week 9 (15% of course grade)OverviewCongratulations. Your Project Proposal has been approved! Your Business Case has successfullyexplained the rationale for the project, the (potential) benefits to the organization, and justified theinvestment needed. Your Project Plan has demonstrated that you have a well-thought-out … Read more

Ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs

Ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs What type of drug should you prescribe based on your patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking the drug? … Read more

Multicultural and Social Issues in Psychology

Multicultural and Social Issues in Psychology You just started working at a think tank that produces cultural research for local, state, and national governments. Your first assignment is to write about cross-cultural research. Your research will help develop community initiatives to support increased diversity and inclusion in communities. Select 1 of the cross-cultural research articles … Read more

Operant conditioning

Operant conditioning Throughout your life, you have been conditioned to respond to certain stimuli in certain ways. This is known as operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is the type of learning in which the consequences of a behavior influence whether an individual will act in the same way in the future. Even if there was not … Read more

Discovering your fears and anxiety about research

Discovering your fears and anxiety about research Every field and discipline of study is different in some way. It also means that every field/discipline of study has a different approach to research and data collection reflecting the nuances of the subject matter. Each method can be daunting to understand, especially to the uninitiated in that … Read more

List three techniques you can use in family therapy

List three techniques you can use in family therapy List three techniques you can use in family therapy to help the child/adolescent share their negative experiences/feelings stemming from trauma with their caregiver(s) Answer preview for List three techniques you can use in family therapy APA 318 Words

Developmental trauma

Developmental trauma What would be three indicators family therapy should be considered? What are three red flags or reasons why family therapy should not be attempted? Answer preview for Developmental trauma APA 324 Words

Changes in technology contributed toward the globalization

Changes in technology contributed toward the globalization How have changes in technology contributed toward the globalization of markets and production? Would the globalization of markets and production have been possible without these technological changes? While conducting research using the online library where many journal articles exist on the topics and write a 3 full page paper (text) … Read more

Health insurance and parity in cost-sharing

Health insurance and parity in cost-sharing Please write Half a page of this topic “Health insurance and parity in cost-sharing requirements for breast examinations”  and half a page of “Mental Health Parity Act“ Answer preview for Health insurance and parity in cost-sharing APA 312 Words


Behaviorism One skill of an applied behavior analyst is collaborating to identify negative behaviors an individual is exhibiting and then developing treatments for those behaviors (e.g., strategies, interventions, etc.) to help them change the behaviors and derive improved outcomes for themselves. Radical behaviorism posits there is a science of behavior that has shown the environment … Read more

Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse Describe how cultural differences can influence the accuracy and value of assessment and testing instruments for diverse client populations. Provide an example of cultural bias in counseling/psychological research and support your answer with at least one scholarly reference. Answer Preview

Health insurance and parity in cost-sharing requirements for breast examinations

Health insurance and parity in cost-sharing requirements for breast examinations Write half a page on the topic “Health insurance and parity in cost-sharing requirements for breast examinations”  and half a page on “Mental Health Parity Act“ Answer Preview APA Format, 427 words

Developmental Trauma

Developmental Trauma Topic:Details: What would be three indicators family therapy should be considered? What are three red flags or reasons why family therapy should not be attempted? Answer Preview APA Format, 454 words

Developmental Trauma 2

Developmental Trauma 2 Topic:Details: List three techniques you can use in family therapy to help the child/adolescent share their negative experiences/feelings stemming from trauma with their caregiver(s) Answer Preview APA Format, 406 words


DISCOVERING YOUR FEARS AND ANXIETY ABOUT RESEARCH Every field and discipline of study is different in some way. It also means that every field/discipline of study has a different approach to research and data collection reflecting the nuances of the subject matter. Each method can be daunting to understand, especially to the uninitiated in that … Read more


OPERANT CONDITIONING For this Discussion, you will analyze the fundamental principles of operant conditioning and how it has impacted your life. Additionally, you analyze how behavioral psychological theory (e.g., antecedents, reinforcements, punishment) is applied to condition behavior. As you read this week’s Learning Resources, try to identify times in your life when operant conditioning clearly … Read more

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