
Writing Question

Writing Question You are required to review a staged play. options are to see screen recorded performances or to see a live production in the area. It is up to you. Use both positive and negative reactions in your analysis. Avoid overused vague words such as “bad’ or “good.” In the first paragraph, include where … Read more


History In a clearly written paper of 1,000-1,200 words (3-4 pages) construct a thoughtful essay that examines whether John Brown was a hero or terrorist. TO complete this assignment, first watch the video in the writing prompt on John Brown. Next, read the following website Answer Preview APA Format, 1248 words

Implementing New Technologies in Healthcare

Implementing New Technologies in Healthcare Create an executive summary in which you discuss the following • Identify a new or emerging technology (Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)that may significantly improve quality, increase access to care, and/or reduce long-term costs. • Discuss the global implications of implementing the selected technology. • Explain how the new technology … Read more

Watch the following documentary

Watch the following documentary Why does Moore compare the fall of the Roman Empire to contemporary American society? What does he see as comparable cultural and economic factors? How does the film explain the development of the “middle class” in the mid-20th century? What conditions saw the improved standard of living for many working class … Read more

 The Nature of Law

 The Nature of Law  Unit 1 DB: What Function of Law is Most Important?Unit 1 DB: What Function of Law is Most Important?Considering the functions of law as defined in the assigned reading for this unit:PeacekeepingChecking government power and promoting personal freedomFacilitating planning and the realization of reasonable expectationsPromoting economic growth through free competitionPromoting social … Read more

Business Plan Part II

Business Plan Part II 1.    Stakeholder Analysis a.    Actual personal experience, education and training in the area/ industry of proposed business for all key stakeholders 2.    Industry Analysis a.    A brief overview and long-term outlook for growth b.    Review industry size, trends, and target market segment. c.     Identify who leads the industry in terms of:                                           i.    Price                                          ii.    Quality                                         iii.    Market share 3.    Competitive Analysis … Read more


 Nutrition In module 01 written assignment reflection you were asked asked to give yourself a rating from 1-5, with representing the healthiest ever. What number would you give yourself now (1pt) Answer Preview APA Format, 371 words

Discussion Question 2

General causes of conflict In the lecture, general causes of conflict and the result of the conflict are discussed. What are some of those issues mentioned when it comes to the cause? After reading Chapter 5 of the Moore text, give an account of what was learned that would help when working with a client/employee … Read more

Positive about Conflict

Positive about Conflict Moore (2016) discusses the Five Principles of Appreciative Inquiry (5.1) in the reading assignment this week. After reviewing this pyramid, discuss which one of the five would be ideal to start with and why, especially, when dealing with a client/employee who is struggling with self-esteem? What method would the best one to … Read more

Sociology-Film Documentary

Sociology-Film Documentary Nominated for an Oscar, 5 Broken Cameras is a deeply personal first-hand account of life and nonviolentresistance in Bil’in, a West Bank village where the settler-colonial state of Israel is building an apartheidwall/fence. Palestinian Emad Burnat, who bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of hisyoungest son, shot the film. … Read more

Discussion Question 1

Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 1Discuss the benefits of Executive coaching. How would you recommend your organization take full advantage of Executive coaching? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post Answer Preview APA Format, 334 words


Humanities For this competency, you will assume the role of a critic. View each piece of work listed below and analyze it as a piece of art, identifying key elements of work and using terminologies common to the discipline. Using a few concise paragraphs for each piece, your analysis should discuss each work as a … Read more

Unit 4 Discussion Question 2

Unit 4 Discussion Question 2 Leaders are always planting seeds. People are looking to leaders for resolution. “Increase your store and enlarge the harvest of your righteousness” (2 Cor. 9:10-14). Consider a leader as the spreader of seeds for the Lord. How could a leader spread and plant seeds at work? At home? How can … Read more

Capstone Project element 4

Capstone Project element 4 Write a paper discussing the organizations training and development function and how you manage performance.How has the organization supported programs for employee training and development?What kinds of programs have been established?How do these programs relate to the organization’s strategic and operational objectives?How is need determined?Have they been oriented towards:Job skills?Supervisory and … Read more

Foundations of Health Promotion

Foundations of Health Promotion Can you discuss the difference between holistic care known to be given by APRNs versus disease-centered care that physicians know? Does this impact a patient’s views on health? Expectations Answer Preview APA Format, 393 words

 Individual Project Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making

 Individual Project Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making Your work with the companies is coming to a close. You realize that the new values-driven culture, including the code of conduct, represents just part of the change faced by the newly merged JEANSTYLE organization. Some other examples of change include work roles, reporting structure, and key business processes. … Read more

1.Article #1

1.Article #1 Please read the following fact sheet and write a 2 paragraph paper on what you have learned. Additional Information about ACE’s to support your learning. 2.Week 2 Video & Discussion Please listen to this pod cast and respond with 3-5 points you have learned from it. PART I Answer Preview APA Format, 400 … Read more


Dimensions In my opinion ethical nursing practice entail giving all patient the same level of consideration for their needs, individual characteristics and human rights. Declaration of what is right and what is wrong and what should be our ethical principle. Answer Preview APA Format, 369 words

Investigation Essay

Investigation Essay In this research completing an easy discussing why its important to recognize that statically evidence is not necessary same as the truth. You will learn how people select and interpret data and investigate how a graph and other material can be used to spin the truth. Answer Preview APA Format, 1018 words

Skills in the Helping Relationship

Skills in the Helping Relationship In the Working with Groups section of Chapter 7,please read Box. 7.3, “A Client Speaks,” which describes a veteran from the wars in the Middle East diagnosed with PTSD. Use the key terms and concepts from Chapter 7, as well as examples, to support your responses. Please respond to the … Read more

Vaccinations – Peer Comment

Vaccinations – Peer Comment All medication and vaccines have potential dangers that should be painstakingly weighted against the advantages that prescriptions and immunizations proposition to forestall ailment. Immunization is one of the best general wellbeing medications in decreasing sickness spread, keeping complexities and even passing’s from antibody preventable illnesses. It should not be assumed that … Read more

Examining Nursing Specialties

Examining Nursing Specialties I have been a nurse for 15 years and during that time I have worked in multiple disciplines. After finishing CRNAschool, I held a couple of CRNA positions. I already have an MSN degree. However, in the last few years, I havequestioned my career path. While I have over ten years of … Read more

English Question

English Question Length: This assignment should be at least 750 words. Thesis: Underline your thesis statement or the main claim of your letter.Supporting Points: Plan to develop at least three strong supporting points to accompanyyour thesis and at least one counter. Each supporting point should equate to at leastone body paragraph. Sources Needed: The essay should integrate at least 4 reliable and credible sources, to helpprove the argument for or against a … Read more

Final Project Practice Toolbox

Final Project Practice Toolbox To prepare: Locate your previous Practice Toolbox submissions (Weeks 3–9 Assignments). Revise them based on Instructor feedback and/or additional research you have done. Copy and paste these revised submissions into the appropriate place in the Final Project Template. To complete the other portions of the template, draw from this week’s Discussion … Read more

Ch. 8 Concept Discussion – Marketing Channel

Ch. 8 Concept Discussion – Marketing Channel Select one products that beings either with your first initial or last initial. It can be either the product name or brand name. For example, using my name, Martin Karamian, I can use “mop” (product name) or “Kit Kat” (brand name). Pick one. Can you buy this product … Read more

Journal Policy

Journal Policy After reading chapter 13, develop policies/programs intended to prevent child abuse. Decide on your level of focus (e.g., direct parent education, public service message, child education) and provide rationale (e.g., evidence from book) for your policy/program. You do not have to respond to peers this week. PLEASE USE THE BOK AS A SOURCE … Read more

Week 4 Application Activity

Week 4 Application Activity Use Minitab as required to complete the problems.• Copy and paste your results from Minitab into Word.• Where a written response is required, be clear and concise. Your responses do not require elaborate explanations. Please answer each question throughly.• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, … Read more

 Conflict Resolution

 Conflict Resolution Conflict ResolutionDetails: Research Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories and describe factors and conditions that must be fulfilled in order for an employee to be motivated. Answer Preview APA Format,40 words

Marketing Plan Proposal

Marketing Plan Proposal Clearly identify a product you will market, and state what the product specifically does; give examples. This can be a physical tangible good (like a flying car or running shoes) or an intangible service (dental services or car wash). The product can be actual (massage therapy) or theoretical (trips to the moon). … Read more


YOU’RE THE EDITOR  Review the “Assignment Sheet: Social Change” document (located in this week’s Learning Resources area) that includes quotes, paraphrased information, and reference information without format. Use this document to complete your Assignment.Assignment: Complete the following steps to edit the “Social Change” excerpts: Step 1: Use the “Assignment Sheet: Social Change” document to edit … Read more

Resolution of Private Disputes

Resolution of Private Disputes  Unit 2 DB: Ethical Issues and Document Destruction in DiscoveryUnit 2 DB: Ethical Issues and Document Destruction in DiscoveryIn Unit 2, you are learning about the resolution of private disputes and what happens during the discovery phase of litigation. Imagine that you are a project manager at a construction company and … Read more

Topic/Title will should be located in the Case Study

Topic/Title will should be located in the Case Study Locate the Case Study #1 from the Harvard Business Publishing course pack previously assigned to read. After reading the case study, write a 3-page (750 word minimum) paper on what advice could be provided to Jennifer Ames -as an expert assisting this organization with conflict resolution. … Read more


Discussion This discussion explore the difference between one and two dimensional motion. In comparing the motion of one and two dimensional motion what is the biggest difference. How and why the equation to solve, displacement, velocity and acceleration differs. Answer Preview APA Format,355 words

 Finalizing plan

 Finalizing plan I have analyzed the relationship between academic integrity and writing, as well as therelationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. I have also identifiedstrategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my academic work whilea student of the MSN program, as well as my professional work as a nurse throughoutmy … Read more

Final Paper

Final Paper Review and critically discuss the issues we studied during ONE of the week’s class sessions listed below. Besure to include everything – the readings, the lecture, and the video. The challenge is to not simply revieweverything (that would require a much longer paper), but to identify what you think are the key issues … Read more


Nutrition Discuss dietary concerns and barriers for an older adult to maintain proper appropriate nutrition levels. Identify the types of concerns and barriers they may encounter. Include two client teaching and nursing interventions for prevention of nutritional deficits as well as the consequences of inadequate nutrition and hydration. Answer Preview APA Format, 438 words

Research the United States Office of Personnel Management

Research the United States Office of Personnel Management  Research the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) incident announced in July 2015. Summarize the key aspects of the case and what key/critical pieces of data were found. Then using that information, I want you to analyze the case and detail some of the procedures that … Read more


Dimensions Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student post by the end of the week. Please check the course calendar for specific due dates. Answer Preview APA Format, 481 words


assignment  In order to complete assignment #2 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research … Read more

summary writing

summary writing For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning ofyour post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Option 1: Does democracy require equality of income or wealth? Discuss whydemocracy might make a country more or less egalitarian? Option 2: Political scientist Larry Sabato has proposed a new constitutionalconventionLinks … Read more

Final Assignment

Final Assignment You are a high-level executive at Timmco. Analyze the legal and ethical issues presented by the Timmco scenario. Your legal and ethical analysis should include breach of contract and remedies, negligent torts, product liability, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and deceptive advertising and should incorporate a discussion and application of one or more … Read more

Conflict that exist between Haiti and those UN Missions

Conflict that exist between Haiti and those UN Missions The Influence of the United Nations on the Human Rights in Haiti Look at each conflict between Haiti and those UN Missions during that time, such as MINUSTAH, BUNUH, and MINUJUSTH. Using APA Style Follow the guidelineOpen those attachments. It will help you to know more about … Read more


Nutrition For this discussion forum, find three interactions between medication and nutrients(food), list the interaction, foods to avoid when on medication, and describe key points that should be included in client education regarding the interactions. Answer Preview APA Format, 403 words

The Client and the Assessment Process

The Client and the Assessment Process Research and explore a theoretical perspective of a model from Chapter 8 in the textbook An Introduction to Human Services with my career interest and professional role. Wellness or the Strength Perspective. 1. Identify the theatrical perspective of the model that has been selected? 2. Explain why I choose … Read more

Dimensions responses

Dimensions responses Clinical judgement is viewed as an essential skill for every nurse and distinguishes professional nurses from those in a purely technical role. Nurses care for patients with multifaceted issues; in the best interest of these patients, nurses often consider a variety of conflicting and complex factors in choosing the best course of action. … Read more

Quality Control

Quality Control Using the same product, service or process you discussed in Week 5, respond to the following: What process and quality controls are used in your organization to ensure quality is kept in control? How do these compare to those used by others in the industry? What types of SPC charts are used (or … Read more

Language enviornments

Language environments I’m working on a sociology writing question and need guidance to help me learn. Question: Evolution of Language within Online Environments Click the ‘scenario’ button below to review the topic and then answer the following question : Explain how the Brown’s evolution of language within online environments has been affected by I’m working on … Read more

Political science and Philosophy

Political science and Philosophy This is the assignment for a philosophy that is due on Friday. Would you be able to finish these remaining two by Friday? And please put each on a different Word document so I will know which one is which. so there would be no more confusion Answer Preview APA Format, … Read more

Political science and Philosophy

Political science and Philosophy I would post the the book link for the Philosophy This is the link for the philosophy book, and the password is attached. For the course project, two topics have been marked out, 1 Defunding the police and Mandatory vaccination, but you can write any one of them except these two. … Read more


Psychology Your definition of general psychology, sensation and perception. Leading theorist in psychology (eg Freud Rogers, skinner). Leading theories of those theorist.(psychoanalytic, Humanism and behaviorism). Answer Preview APA Format 629 words

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