
Ideal Female Body and Fashion

Ideal Female Body and Fashion 5-7 page Research Paper: how has the ideal body image of female been redefined by the feminist issues and changed by fashion? Using the research proposal as a guide, write a 5-7 page research paper analyzing and arguing a point about a topic you choose. Use 5-7 cited sources to … Read more

The importance of attachment

 The importance of attachment “Attachment is the process through which people develop specific, positive emotional bonds with others” (Newman & Newman, 2015). ASSIGNMENT: Write a 2-3 page paper (12 pt font) exploring the importance of attachment. FORMAT: Choose an attachment style Describe how an infant/toddler behaves with this attachment style Describe how this attachment style occurs, … Read more

The Clarion School For Boys

The Clarion School For Boys Read Case Study IV-1 entitled  The Clarion School for Boys, Inc.—Milwaukee Division: Making Information Systems Investments” on pages 594-610 in your textbook, Managing Information Technology. The case study provides an example of the practical difficulties encountered in information systems (IS) planning and provides an example of assessing current IS resources. For this … Read more

How is the Action Learning Method different from Adventure Learning

How is the Action Learning Method different from Adventure Learning This DB has 4 parts As the V.P. of Marketing, you recognize that your sales force has lacked cohesiveness and synergy. You have recently been tasked by the CEO with revamping the sales process and must be able to count on your sales people to … Read more

Mini project

Mini project Hi there I have an mini project Research I did the first part of it. and I have to do the other part. if you need any information about the project anything will help to make the paper looks perfect I will do it. the file name (Mini project) this is what I … Read more

Compare Returns Policies

Compare Returns Policies Research online different companies return policies. Compare and contrast at least two separate businesses and offer your opinion on which company you would prefer to shop at due to the returns policy. Note: If you have trouble reading any of the words, you can press Ctrl and the plus sign (Ctrl +) … Read more

Controlling Superbugs

Controlling Superbugs Describe one of the new superbugs such as CRE, MRSA, Clostridium difficile, etc. that are causing havoc in our health care facilities. What strategies are being employed to combat these new threats to our public health? Note: In the range of 250 to 400 words. At least 2 references used should be listed Solution Preview … Read more

Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler For your initial post, you will examine the contributions of a theorist who was instrumental in developing the psychoanalytic theoretical approach based on the first letter of your last name. Please see below for your assigned theorist. Freudians (Sigmund Freud): last names beginning with A through C: Hoffman, L. (2010). One hundred years … Read more

Drug addiction

Drug addiction please answer each questions individually using one reference. 1. There have been many legislative attempts at controlling the use of illicit drugs (whether prescription-type or otherwise). Why, or why not, have these attempts been effective? In your response, consider the root causes of illicit drug use. 2. Identify a national societal drug or … Read more


Rehabilitation Ensure you have 3 pages paper, and 1 separate page outline Solution Preview The rehabilitation process has to entail both the victims and offenders. The plight of victims is crucial even in situations where the crime is not punished because of the evidence being inadequate… (912 Words)

The Neuroscience of Addiction

The Neuroscience of Addiction 1. You work at a doctor’s office. One patient, Sal, has a family member who was recently admitted to a treatment center for addiction. 2. Write a note to these professors explaining the neuroscience of addiction to help justify the need for Sal to take time off. 20180404000603addiction (1)

Liquor License

Liquor License Describe the advantages of having a liquor license when operating a restaurant and how it can contribute to the sale of your food. What does the owner or manager of a restaurant need to be concerned with when a patron has consumed too much alcohol? How would you handle the situation? need at … Read more

Sexual Harassment, Power & Vulnerability

Sexual Harassment, Power & Vulnerability Check what i did with the paper, around 4 pages. I need you to add the two sections below: Okay so can you write about women coming out in the past and women coming out now and the different reactions from then and now, about being harrased sexually.  this is where … Read more

Legal and Ethical Implications of Medical Malpractice

Legal and Ethical Implications of Medical Malpractice Medical Malpractice Report In this assignment you will examine the legal and ethical implications of medical malpractice. Read the case study here: please see  the attachment????? Write a four- to five-page report to the chief executive officer for the healthcare facility to assist him in gaining a better … Read more


Capabilities Pick one of the 22, MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security, Fall 2014 videos and create your own thread discussing at least three concepts presented in or that you learned from the video. As a note, each student must chose a different video (you cannot use a previously discussed video) for this discussion board.… Paper should … Read more

High-Reliability Organizations in Healthcare

High-Reliability Organizations in Healthcare Write a 3 to 5 page paper on High Reliability Organizations in Healthcare following the format below. Plz 5 reference in the past 5 years. I appreciate you working on it. As a group, write a 3- to 5 (page count does not include title and reference page) page paper that includes … Read more

Albert Bandura Video Reflection

Albert Bandura Video Reflection This week we are exploring the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Please watch the following video on Albert Bandura the psychologist who developed the theory. After viewing the video write one page reflection on the video.  see the link below for video. Solution Preview One of the important lessons I have … Read more

Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology Please view the following short video introducing you to the field of developmental psychology: After viewing the video, please write a brief (3 pages excluding Title Page) reflection on what you have viewed. Unlike the remainder of the Brief Essays and the Final Paper in this course, this reflection paper is not … Read more

Justice System Response

Justice System Response Question 1, initial response post with a minimum of 3 paragraphs, Question 2, thread with a minimum of 2 paragraphs. Is a Supreme Court justice who shifts back and forth between competing constitutional positions a “fair and open-minded” jurist, or a whimsical, unprincipled court position? If so-called “swing justices” bring an element of unpredictability to … Read more

Explain the difference between strict inerrancy and limited inerrancy

 Explain the difference between strict inerrancy and limited inerrancy Answer each question, Be sure your answer is thorough. And the answer for each questions should be just 4 to 5 sentences. Be sure your answer is thorough. 1. Explain the difference between strict inerrancy and limited inerrancy. two theories for explaining God’s role in the … Read more

Domestic and Economic Policy

Domestic and Economic Policy A close examination of the Article II of the Constitution (Executive Branch) suggests that the founding fathers, leery of tyrannical monarchs, deliberately made vague the powers and responsibility of the president. Yet the institution of the presidency has grown, over time. This expansion of presidential power and the growth of the … Read more

Brief History of the Internet

 Brief History of the Internet .Read “A Brief History of the Internet” found at ( ). Provide your thoughts on this article. 2.Analyze the reasons for the introduction of storage area networks and their properties. Share what you found with the class i need discussion for above post in separate documents.

Professional code of ethics

Professional code of ethics 1. What is the name of the professional organization related to your chosen career? (NOTE: a list of professional organizations can be found in Chapter 5 of the text). 2. How will your professional Code of Ethics help to guide you in making decisions? 3. Does your professional organization offer a … Read more

Perinatal Care; Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding

Perinatal Care; Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding Please fill out the form completion and you will use the link that will lead you to the internet in were you will use only page 8 the negative deficiency towards exclusive breast milk feeding. The link is… click 4/25/2017 quality report and you will see page with 9% … Read more

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology I need a paper on the following attached information. Each section needs to be two paragraphs of information. I will tweak and add in my own personal experiences or opinions. 20180402154033ps400b_assignment_4_1 Solution Preview In cognitive psychology, various behavioral and physiological measures are employed. These measures have several similarities and differences as discussed below. … Read more


Zara 1. Zara believes that finding store managers capable of effectively running its retail properties is the primary constraint on its global expansion. What skills do you think Zara seeks in its ideal candidates? Why would they be difficult to find? 2. From the beginning, Zara’s business model differed from the norm. Today its strategy … Read more

Mitigating Security Risks.

Mitigating Security Risks Some background info on this assignment: this is a role-playing class. Padgett-Beale is a fictional company. These should be written in the persona (character) of a management intern working in the assigned company. Congratulations! You’ve been asked to prepare a short presentation for one of the company’s Brown Bag Lunch training events. … Read more

Thank You Letter For My Employer

Thank You Letter For My Employer Prepare a thank you letter for my employer, who I have been working for 5 month at the internship. make it 1 page long neat, and efficient. mentioned that i learned a lot of things regarding customer service, business vocabs, etc. Solution Preview I am writing this letter is … Read more

Gun Control

Gun Control Instructions for Term Paper Specifications 1. Font = Times New Roman 2. Font Size = 12 3. Page Length 3 4. Use the Headings Provided In These Instructions 5. Use the Resources Provided Here 6. Citations in MLA Format 7. Work Cites Page in MLA Format 8. DUE 4/4/18 at the Beginning of Class Subject: What Is A Viable … Read more

Texas Government

Texas Government Topic: Texas Government writing assignment 3 Do you think that sales and use taxes are a fair way for the state to generate revenue? Why or why not? How should policy makers deal with a projected budgetary surplus? Should taxes be cut or spending increased? In the case of a budget surplus, what … Read more

Relocation Decision

Relocation Decision Your company is considering a decision of relocating to another country. You have been given the job of researching different alternatives for relocation. Your report will help the board decide where to relocate, and will help the employees know what to expect in a new country. The company is considering Costa Rica, Saudi … Read more

EMS Professionals

EMS Professionals PLEASE read assignment and follow instruction Negligence is a harsh term that is typically associated with failure to do what is required as a professional. Most EMS professionals have forgotten something or have done something that at the time did not really seem to be a big deal but maybe was not exactly … Read more

Capital Expenditure Process

Capital Expenditure Process Challenges What would you consider the most challenging or difficult aspect of the capital expenditure process and why (for example, when the company embarks on changing its current accounting information systems to an ERP system)? add reference Solution Preview Every organization goes through a process of resource acquisition, in which case it would … Read more

Gender Bias in “Cat in the Rain” and “Sweat

Gender Bias in “Cat in the Rain” and “Sweat This is an Essay on gender bias based on the short stories cat in the rain and sweat. I’ve attached the short stories and the detailed notes on how to do the paper, showing the various gender bias differences in the 2 stories 3 Attachments Genderbias sweat … Read more

Asymmetric Warfare

Asymmetric Warfare Urban asymmetric warfare vs Rural asymmetric warfare ( complete outline provided). Thank you, please make sure to use the outline and base the paper on it, and have references to the readings and the movies Read the Attachment paper that includes the paper question: Links for the two movie : Use … Read more

Access to High-Quality Programs

Access to High-Quality Programs PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW 1-7. UNDER #3 COMPLETE A-D MY STATE IS ALABAMA MUST USE!!!!! Everything must be completed fully! Access to High-Quality Programs Children’s access to high quality programs in the United States is influenced by the state in which they live. 1. For this discussion, you will visit the Children’s … Read more

Network Security

Network Security Pick one of the 22, MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security, Fall 2014 videos and create your own thread discussing at least three concepts presented in or that you learned from the video. As a note, each student must chose a different video (you cannot use a previously discussed video) for this discussion board.… Paper … Read more

Customer Service at Nordstrom: A Way to Mitigate Potential Conflict

Customer Service at Nordstrom: A Way to Mitigate Potential Conflict MBA530_Case_Preparation_Guidelines (4) Case_Nordstrom (1) Solution Preview Customer service is a contentious issue, particularly when employees are confronted by disgruntled patrons. The nature in which the employee will handle the situation will not only affect the customer’s loyalty, but also the company’s reputation… (761 Words)

Perform A Detailed Porter’s Five Forces Analysis For The Broadway Cafe

Perform A Detailed Porter’s Five Forces Analysis For The Broadway Cafe For this part of the project you will write a paper Your submission should be a minimum of 2 pages written in APA format, including a cover page and a reference which you will: Perform a detailed Porter’s Five Forces analysis for      The Broadway Cafe. … Read more

Effects of Disease on the healthcare industry

Effects of Disease on the healthcare industry Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Mental and Behavioral Health Complete the table on the following page. Choose 2 diseases or disorders to complete the table. Be sure to properly cite references and sources for any information or facts used. A general example has been provided for you. Example: Disease or Disorder Treatment Modalities Cultural Beliefs/Practices … Read more

Social Computing

Social Computing I want you to complete the research project. I uploaded the document you did previously. Please I need to write 15 Literature Reviews about the topic and adding more details to the other sections of the document because I need at minimum 20 References. Note: the Literature reviews and references date should be … Read more

Workplace Discrimination Outline

Workplace Discrimination Outline A full-sentence outline helps you create the structure of your paper and the topic sentences of your paragraphs at the same time. Think of this document as your blueprint for the final paper. By approaching the outline in this way, you can more easily move paragraphs around and edit the flow of … Read more

Implementing a full functional gym for all staff

Implementing a full functional gym for all staff Consider a change that you would like to implement in an organization that is within the field that you will enter when you finish your CSU-Global degree. This week, research the type of change that you are going to suggest: a green energy initiative, a workplace fitness … Read more

Criminal Law

Criminal Law criminallaw3 Solution Preview The United States Constitution guarantees defendants the right to speed trial to prevent oppressive incarceration before the trial. For this reason, the first factor that judges take into consideration while deciding that the case should be determined quickly is the welfare of the defendants. Here, the judge has to ensure … Read more

Describe whether the requirements of disability

Describe whether the requirements of disability Please review the attached link for further information related to this assignment. I need about 300 words and refrences please. Describe whether the requirements of disability eligibility under ADA and ADAAA are applicable in this circumstance, and discuss whether or not the woman has any valid claim and is … Read more

The Education of Children with Disabilities

The Education of Children with Disabilities The Child, Family, and Community course looks at the education of children with disabilities or other special needs in our communities. Please prepare a one page written/typed report about what experience [personal or other] have you had with disability? In addition, think about how the microsystems [family, peers, neighborhood, … Read more

Management information systems unit 2 discussion

Management information systems unit 2 discussion What are some of the IT innovations that have led to improved collaboration in business? Which do you think has been the most important and why? 100-200 words Solution Preview One of the most impactful aspects of modern business IT innovations has been the development of social networks within … Read more

Discussion Board

Discussion Board please review both links below: Link 1: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Link 2: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Please answer two of the following questions: 1) How do the two articles differ in content and presentation? Where are they similar? 2) Is there any … Read more

Article Summaries

Article Summaries Please read the following articles, and write a brief summary (in 3-5 sentences). A beginner’s guide to A/B testing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2. What is random assignment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Solution Preview Every investor hopes to make the best out of … Read more

Forming and Managing Multiparty Coalitions

Forming and Managing Multiparty Coalitions How do coalitions get started and how do they grow? What tactics can you implement to strengthen a multiparty coalition? What are the differences between a bedfellow and a fence sitter in terms of forming and storming coalitions? Are Internet coalitions “sticky”? Solution Preview Coalitions are primarily formed from the … Read more

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