
ethics of strategic leaders

ethics of strategic leaders  Strategic leaders develop the firm’s strategic direction. The strategic direction specifies the image and character of the firm. Discuss how the ethics of the strategic leaders affect the image and character of the firm. Answer Preview APA Format, 342 words

Discussion Question 

Discussion Question  Strategic leaders must make sure that the firm maximizes its corecompetencies. Discuss how strategic leaders can achieve this task.o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, Answer Preview APA Format, 396 words


SAMPLE SIZE You are a researcher investigating risk factors related to pancreatic cancer. In order to promote positive social change, it is important to collect a large enough sample size to justify making generalizations to their population out of people who have pancreatic cancer. In this Discussion, reflect on the number of variables you plan … Read more

effective leadership

effective leadership Write a paper about effective leadership and the five key leadership actions: determining the firm’s strategic direction; effectively managing the resource portfolio; sustaining an effective organizational culture; emphasizingethical practices; and establishing balanced organizational controls. Answer Preview


SELECTING THE RIGHT RESEARCH DESIGN Great chess players know their next three moves in advance. A chess master can even know how the match might end in the first few moves. The master does so by knowing not only how the pieces can move, but also how they will move based on external factors. The … Read more


DIMENSIONS OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS  Baer et al. (1968) suggest that for a science to be considered truly applied behavior analysis it must demonstrate the seven dimensions of being applied, behavioral, analytic, technological, conceptually systematic, effective, and display generality. These dimensions define the parameters of a scientifically based intervention. When designing the intervention, it should … Read more


Discussion As you look at NPV as one of many valuation techniques, can you identify several other techniques used in project analysis? Identify one of them and explain how it is used in determining whether to pursue a project or not Answer Preview APA Format, 275 words

Discussion Question 1

Discussion Question 1 Discuss the two major risks of using international strategy. These risks are complexities and limits. Include in your response how Nehemiah 1-5 guides our understanding of international relations. Answer Preview APA Format, 351 words

 Discussion Question 2

 Discussion Question 2  Prompt: Discuss three international corporate-level strategies. Several of these strategies include exporting, licensing, strategic alliances, acquisitions, and wholly owned subsidiaries. Answer Preview APA Format, 365 words

 UNIT 7 Writing Assignments

UNIT 7 Writing Assignments Writing Assignments: When used effectively, international strategies provide the following three basic benefits: increased market size, economies of scale, and location 16 advantages. Discuss these benefits fully. More direct benefits include improved international competitiveness, improved business performance, and increased innovation. Answer Preview APA Format, 832 words

RUA: Health History Guidelines

RUA: Health History Guidelines Am adding sample of how to go about this assignment and you can use the grading rubric to guide you through Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. Answer Preview APA Format, 1567 Words

Apple’s NPV

Apple’s NPV Do you think Apple conducts an NPV calculation as they prepare for their next model or their next product? Why or why not? Provide support for your rationale. Answer Preview APA Format,448 words

Response to students

Response to students An example of a survey data collection method is online questionnaires. Online surveys are administered through platforms like Google Forms, survey-monkey or Qualtrics to collect responses on various topics, such as customer satisfaction or public opinion. Answer Preview APA Format, 295 words

Financial Forecasting Research Paper

Financial Forecasting Research Paper write a two- to three-page analysis about the importance of the reliability of financial forecasting. Include at least one credible or scholarly reference to support your ideas in addition to the course textbook. Answer Preview APA Format, 847 words


BAER, WOLF, AND RISLEY For this Discussion, you will reflect on the seminal article by Baer et al. (1968), located in this week’s Learning Resources, and evaluate the relevance of the seven dimensions of behavior analysis in the article to the practice of behavior analysis today. You will also identify your most important takeaway from … Read more

 Critical thinking

 Critical thinking  It is important that you learn how to critically review research. In our society today, we are exposed to so much information and so many studies. Some of this information is excellent, some is useful, and some is very, very bad. How can you determine what information is useful and what is dangerous? … Read more

Macro economics

Macroeconomics In Chapter 10 we begin a discussion of the economy’s income and expenditures. We look at Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of effectiveness in an economy. We compare different ways to measure GDP such as Real GDP and Nominal GDP and the impact if each. Lastly we ask the question, “Is GDP … Read more


CULTURE AND PERS For this assignment, you are asked to identify an object that you believe is representative of yoursubculture. Please view the structure for the assignment below: Answer Preview APA Format, 367 words

Culture in Groups

Culture in Groups Describe at least three ways that culture can influence group dynamics.Analyze how a group leader might intervene with sensitivity to issues of diversity in a group setting.Identify a diverse population and describe at least three methods you might use to intervene with sensitivity.Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure … Read more

Enhancing employee engagement and retention

Enhancing employee engagement and retention  Design and apply appropriate research methodologies and methods toinvestigate an important business problem. Critically evaluate theoretical concepts and apply these to an important businessproblem. Demonstrate expertise in research skills by generating appropriate data andundertaking systematic data analysis in order to address the research objectivesor questions. Synthesise arguments, draw conclusions … Read more

Social Justice and Healthcare Report

Social Justice and Healthcare Report Identify a current health concern that influences cultures differently. Write a 700- to 1,050-word report on social justice issues related to healthcare quality and access that are impacted by culture and race. Complete the following in your paper: Evaluate the importance of social justice.Discuss the psychological influences and sociocultural influences … Read more

Module 7

Module 7 -Complete a Case Study on one of the disorders presented. This will bepresented in the discussion forum. Please read the prompt carefully andcompletely. (Please do NOT copy and paste from your discussion post inModule 3 if you used a developmental disorder. However, you MAY usethe same concept or disorder). Answer Preview APA Format, … Read more


Intraprof The core values that am supposed to improve are respect and communication. As aleader, communication skills are necessary for developing trust, building relationships,and creating a sustainable understanding among team members. More so,communication skills make it easy for a leader to express their ideas effectively andclearly to their team members, seniors, peers, and patients. Enhancing … Read more


interprof Do you believe you have the traits to be an effective leader? Perhaps you are already in asupervisory role, but as has been discussed previously, appointment does not guaranteeleadership skills. Answer Preview APA Format, 528 words


assignment Within the discussion board area, write 200-250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Answer Preview APA Format, 309 words

Developmental trauma

Developmental trauma You brought several great points regarding the agencies that work with the children after a report has been made. While I would like to think that the department or agency is trying to protect the child, I do feel like they make promises to the child(ren) that they cannot keep. I am currently … Read more

The Americas from Antiquity to 1400

The Americas from Antiquity to 1400  Think about the rise of civilizations in Mesoamerica and Andean South America. How are they similar to the other civilizations we have studied, such as those in Egypt, China, or Greece? Why do you think civilizations that developed halfway across the world exhibit similarities? How are they different? Are … Read more


 MAINTAINING ETHICAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS • Briefly (1 to 2 pages) summarize the facts of the cases and answer the following:• How, if at all, can you distinguish Greber from other instances of payments for professional services? What if the percentage Dr. Greber paid had not exceeded Medicare guidelines?• Hospitals provide perks to physicians such as … Read more

Attachment theory

Attachment theory How does sexual abuse impact a child’s ability to successfully attach to caregivers? Look at current research and discuss the possible long-term impact of attachment distribution. Include at least one scholarly reference in your response. Answer Preview APA Format, 647 words


SAMPLING AND COLLECTING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DATA  It is often not possible or practical to study an entire population, so researchers draw samples from which they make inferences about a population of interest. In quantitative research, where generalization to a population is typically valued, a researcher’s ability to make such inferences is only as good … Read more


ANNOTATION OF A QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ARTICLE An annotation consists of three separate paragraphs that cover three respective components: summary, analysis, and application. These three components convey the relevance and value of the source. As such, an annotation demonstrates your critical thinking about, and authority on, the source. This week’s annotation is a precursor to the … Read more


INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES TO AGING For this Discussion, you will examine how different countries approach aging. Consider how different countries approach aging. As you consider different countries, think about the following:Do older adults live with their children, or are they more likely to live in a nursing home?Are older adults seen as wise individuals to be … Read more

U.S. Healthcare Trends Forecasting Report

U.S. Healthcare Trends Forecasting Report Create a trends forecast outlining the possible changes (trends) that may affect efficiency and delivery in primary, secondary, and tertiary care in the U.S. healthcare delivery system over the next 10 years. The trends forecast should be in the form of a report used by such agencies as CMS, OIG, … Read more

 Leading Operational Change 

 Leading Operational Change  Review your Project Proposal Concept and the feedback you received from your instructor and respond to the following: Briefly describe your proposed operational change and why it is important to the competitive strength of your organization. Using the Expanded Vision Matrix tool from this week’s Lecture Notes, draft your vision statement for … Read more


ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation. Each annotation consists of a summary, analysis, and application for the purpose of conveying the relevance and value of the selected source. As such, annotations demonstrate a writer’s critical thinking about and authority on the topic represented in the … Read more


FINAL PROJECT For this Final Project Assignment, you will complete a 6- to 8-page paper (including Parts 1 and 2), not including title page and references. You will incorporate and finalize the feedback you received from your Instructor on Part 1, and prepare your Final Project for submission. For each of the following, explain the … Read more

Effects of Childhood Trauma

Effects of Childhood Trauma  Complete the “Effects of Childhood Trauma Worksheet” document attached.Rubric:1. Examples of effects of childhood trauma2. Effects of childhood trauma Answer Preview APA Format, 1553 words

Critical Infrastructure Security

Critical Infrastructure Security Please review the rubric and Capstone Manual for more specific guidelines on expectations; however, please note you are to provide comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence. You should demonstrate a higher- level of critical thinking necessary for 500-600 level work. You are to provide well-supported ideas and … Read more

Children and Adolescents With Obesity

Children and Adolescents With Obesity Answer Preview APA Format, 1561 words


SAMPLING AND COLLECTING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE  The position advocated is that probability sampling represents the best strategy for selecting research participants. Probability sampling is a method of sampling where each member of the target population has an equal and known chance of being selected for the study. This position is considered the best strategy for … Read more

Human growth

Human growth The lead attorney has asked you to go through Jacobs’ summary and highlight things that might be related to Jacob’s exposure to arsenic in the drinking water. He also wants you to explain which things may be related to genetics and the environment in which Jacob was raised. You will use the following … Read more


Human The impact of genetics and our environment on development from a scientific perspective can provide data. This module examines specific issues like generational trauma and adverse childhood experiences. The data is still being collected on these topics, but anecdotally, the impact of the issues of trauma can be seen in individuals‘ daily lives. Answer … Read more


DESIGNING A PLAN FOR OUTCOME EVALUATION Recall the program that you proposed in Week 4. If needed, review your previous work related to the program, client needs, and goals and intended outcomes, as well as last week’s plan for process evaluation.You must now develop a complete plan to evaluate the outcomes of the program. (Needs … Read more

 discussions and assignment

 discussions and assignment Take a moment to briefly describe yourself. What education have you had? What professional skills do you possess? What are your strengths? What areas do you need to improve? Why would an employer want to hire you? These questions are similar to what would be asked in an interview. You should be … Read more


Question  Read the book and prepare an essay that critiques and reflects on the relationship of money to business, society, and the accounting profession. Relate your experiences and your reflections to The Soul of Money. Your essay should be four to five pages in length, with 1.5 spacing, 12-point font, one-inch margins, and professionally written and … Read more


Assignment Answer Preview APA Format, 670 words

Discussion 1

Discussion 1 Imagine you are feeling depressed and have decided to speak to a professionalabout your depressed mood. Using web-based tools, identify a professionalthat—in this situation—you would feel comfortable scheduling an appointmentto meet with. In your post, identify the tool/website used. What factorsinfluenced your choice (i.e., a compelling website with robust graphics,provider’s educational background, accepting … Read more

Transforming Nursing & healthcare

Transforming Nursing & healthcare As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care. On occasion, you will also be expected to share that expertise. With evolving technology and continuous changes to regulations designed to keep up these changes, there is usually a need to share information and expertise to inform … Read more


PATIENT PREFERENCES AND DECISION MAKING Changes in culture and technology have resulted in patient populations that are often well informed and educated, even before consulting or considering a healthcare need delivered by a health professional. Fueled by this, health professionals are increasingly involving patients in treatment decisions. However, this often comes with challenges, as illnesses … Read more

Global Business Issues

Global Business Issues Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to thefollowing questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation forfuture discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforceyour ideas. Answer Preview APA Format, 337 words

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