
Nurse burnout

Nurse burnout Now that you have created a thorough outline, you should continue to expand the outline into an essay format using proper APA style. Additionally, you will need to show competency in constructing a research-based argumentative piece of writing. To meet that goal, you will need to meet the following requirements: Demonstrate critical thinking … Read more

Ancient Greece and Rome

Ancient Greece and Rome After reviewing the section “Athenian Democracy” in your textbook, think about the similarities between ancient democracy and modern American democracy.Why do you think a representative system of government developed in Greece?And why do you think over two thousand years later the founders of the United States chose to copy elements of … Read more

journal entry

journal entry Analyze how ethical practice and behavior are maintained in the field experience setting Analyze disparities between ethical codes and guidelines, practices, and behaviors in the field experience setting Ethical Codes and Guidelines Forensic psychology professionals must behave ethically. Many use the American Psychological Association’s (APA) “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” … Read more

Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development During what timeframe does a fetus have enough mature structures to breathe on its own if born prematurely? Describe the other structures that develop during this phase. Describe fetal breathing movements and their purpose. Answer Preview APA Format, 234 words

How can self-esteem be positively impacted in children, adolescents or teens

How can self-esteem be positively impacted in children, adolescents or teens How can self-esteem be positively impacted in children, adolescents or teens? Conduct an Internet search and find specific strategies for fostering positive self-esteem. These strategies should be directed at one of the following 5 groups: children, teenagers, boys, girls, and adolescents. Answer Preview APA … Read more

Discussion PICOT

Discussion PICOT Your response to your peer by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. The response must enhance the discussion, and the use of scholarly resources is required (text or any article from a nursing journal or government cite).  Answer Preview APA Format, 659 words

Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Leadership and Organizational Behavior  1)Analyze how values, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality influence decision-making in the workplace.2)Evaluate the impact of emotional intelligence on organizational behavior and workplace effectiveness. Answer Preview APA Format, 453 words

 Domestic Abuse and Family Violence

 Domestic Abuse and Family Violence Read from Behavioral Science (found below) both the “Introduction” (starting on page1) and “Chapter 3: Evaluating Undue Influence” (starting on page 22). Pay particularlyclose attention to the details for the Case Study on Kathy M.Suppose you are a forensic behavioral expert retained to evaluate for the presence ofundue influence in this matter. … Read more

Working with Data

Working with Data Explain why you think that the agency created a plan to evaluate the program.Explain why the social work agency chose to use a chi-square statistic to evaluate whether there is a difference between those who participated in the program and those who did not. (Hint: Think about the level of measurement of … Read more

African American Humanities

African American Humanities For this Discussion I would like you to watch the film Beloved (available on Prime Video, Roku, and Netflix) and discuss some of the ways Toni Morrison drew on elements from history and culture as inspiration in this story. Refer to the attached article and try to address the questions below in … Read more

Principles of Substance Abuse

Principles of Substance Abuse What is meant by being a “professional”?What is your “Professional Development Plan”?   Whether you plan to be a substanceabuse professional or work in some other field, everyone must have some type ofprofessional/personal development plan.  For ideas, please see the attachment/samplePDP.  You may complete this PDP if you like, however, it is … Read more

Building Stronger Families and Communities

Building Stronger Families and Communities After reading and reviewing all of the content in this lesson, describe which tool / method youbelieve would best fit the needs of your community. Be specific regarding which need or issue in your community you believe the tool would bestaddress. What community leaders and stakeholders would you need support from in … Read more

 Substance Abuse Disorder and Addictions. Collaboration skills Assessment

 Substance Abuse Disorder and Addictions. Collaboration skills Assessment Review the assessment and intervention tools in Topics 2 and 3. Watch the videos in Topic 3 related to Motivational Interviewing and the SBIRT model. Identify an assessment tool which may be appropriate to use with Hector (recommend the AUDIT). Review the “Skills Video Best Practices” and … Read more

 African American Film and the Frontiers of Storytelling

 African American Film and the Frontiers of Storytelling Over the past fifty years there have been great strides made in African American cinema. The key transformation has been the change from films made by White producers and directors for Black audiences or featuring African American actors in prominent roles to films produced and directed by … Read more

Research Paper

Research Paper For the Research Paper, you are to use at least five references (The references should bepeer-reviewed journal articles written within the past 10 years / No web sites) and write a5-7 page (not including cover and reference page) formal paper (APA Style) on the topic ofyour choice related to substance abuse, treatment and/or recovery. … Read more

Unit V Essay—History and Literature in the Film Adaptation of Toni Morrison’s Beloved

Unit V Essay—History and Literature in the Film Adaptation of Toni Morrison’s Beloved For the Final, I would like you to watch the film Beloved (available on Prime Video, Roku, or Netflix). Using the film and Reading Assignments provided for this Unit write a brief review essay that addresses each of the topics below. Your … Read more

Discussion Board

Discussion Board She is calm and appropriate, non-toxic appearing. Her abdominal exam is obese/soft/mildly tender. She has mild guarding in the right upper quadrant and her inspiration halts with deep palpation in this area. She has no rebound tenderness. The remainder of her examination is unremarkable. What are your differential diagnoses? What would be your … Read more

The case of Perin v. Hayne

The case of Perin v. Hayne  In a well-organized, two to three-page essay, discuss the case of Perin v. Hayne. Discuss the court’s reasoning and ruling on the four legal theories. Why did the court have no occasion to decide whether failure to advise the plaintiff of the risk of nerve injury raised a negligence … Read more

Unit 4 Writing Assignment

Unit 4 Writing Assignment In a well-organized, two to three-page essay, discuss the case of Johnson v. Misericordia Community Hospital. Take about a page to summarize the facts and findings of the court, then discuss whether you agree or disagree with the court’s statement on how the public perceives a modern hospital today. Give examples … Read more

Humanity and Ethics

Humanity and Ethics What is the value of studying the humanities in the field of health professions? How might a topic such as art, literature, music, dance, etc. from other time periodsenhance your career and personal life in the present? Select one aspect of the humanities that is meaningful to your personal life and onefor … Read more

Humanity and Ethics

Humanity and Ethics For this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confrontedwith a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be thesame as what was covered in the week one discussion.Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. Amoral dilemma is a … Read more

Humanity and Ethics

Humanity and Ethics For this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confrontedwith a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be thesame as what was covered in the week one discussion.Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. Amoral dilemma is a … Read more

Case Study

Case Study  What would a subjective moral relativist say about what this doctor is doing? Do you agree withthe subjective moral relativist? Why or why not? Examine what a cultural moral relativist would say here. Do you agree with the culturalrelativist? Why or why not? Name and evaluate general criticisms of cultural relativism as … Read more

Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism

Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. Amoral dilemma is a situation in which one must make a decision between two or moreoptions such that the options involve seemingly ethical and/or unethical conduct. Addressthe following questions: What was the situation? What did the dilemma involve? … Read more

Ethics and humanities

Ethics and humanities  What is the value of studying the humanities in the field of health professions? How might a topic such as art, literature, music, dance, etc. from other time periodsenhance your career and personal life in the present? Select one aspect of the humanities that is meaningful to your personal life and … Read more

discussion question responding to Danielle Ashley Denti Morningstar

discussion question responding to Danielle Ashley Denti Morningstar  Social media platforms can have many positive implications such as, ease of communication, entertainment, and help with business growth, but there are many dangers to be aware of, especially when it comes to our youth. “The teen mental health crisis has shaken school districts across the country, … Read more

Social Problems

Social Problems Joe is a 25-year-old Indigenous man. He has had a severe alcohol and drug problem since the age of 17. There is a history of alcoholism in his family. Although Joe is a part of the Porch Creek Nation, he has very little knowledge about his tribe. He has negative views towards Indigenous … Read more

discussion question

discussion question “How do Mainland Chinese parents influence their fifth‐grade children’s career knowledge and aspirations? (Liu, McMahon & Watson, 2015).” This research project focused on an idea that currently has little information known about it – the correlation between parental influence and a 5th grade child’s interest in career development. The proposed question of how … Read more

 Cross-cultural Service Delivery

 Cross-cultural Service Delivery What are some of the challenges and injustices this group has experienced domestically or abroad?How can you help the client draw on their individual and cultural strengths to creatively address these life challenges?Cultural humility involves taking an interpersonal stance that is other-centered rather than focusing on one’s self interests. In this regard, … Read more

Health History

Health History The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with the opportunity to conduct a completehealth history on an adult patient (age 18-64). This assignment constitutes 10% of the overall coursegrade. This is the second of three health histories to be completed in this course. Answer Preview APA Format, 1286 words

Leading Operational Change

Leading Operational Change Discuss a situation you experienced at work where you were complacent or lacked a sense of urgency about a change. Use the questions below to guide you: Briefly summarize the nature of the project or change initiative, including what problems or opportunities it was designed to address and who initiated the change. … Read more

Political/ legal fundamentals fire science

Political/ legal fundamentals fire science Write a 3-page feasibility paper on building an incentive based on a physical fitness program in a fire or emergency services organization. Include barriers, political issues, who needs to be on board, qualitative and quantitative metrics to measure the efficacy and success of said program, etc. Answer Preview APA Format, … Read more

Perception and self awareness

Perception and self awareness Review concepts related to self-awareness, including The Four Selves, that you explored in the textbook and in the learning activities.Consider the fact that an individual’s self-awareness combined with an individual’s perception of a situation often varies and differences in both can influence how a communication interaction transpires.Reflect on a time when … Read more

Human Services

Human Services For this assignment, you will discuss the scenario in terms of managing the boundaries of the helping process.Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:* Discuss the importance of following ethical guidelines in human service practice.* You may want to review the NOHS Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals.* For … Read more

criminal justice

criminal justice In Unit Four, students learn about the measures of dispersion and the role of these statistical terms in research analysis. For the Unit 4 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1,200 words) that addresses and discusses the questions and statements listed below. Use at least three scholarly references to support the essay … Read more

Perception and self-awareness

Perception and self-awareness For this assignment, you will identify and explain the concepts of self-awareness, self-esteem, and perception in order to gain a better understanding of each other as well as increase your perceptual accuracy. Answer Preview APA Format, 756 words

Proposal of Research

Proposal of Research Answer Preview APA Format, 613 words


INTRODUCTION TO INTRA AND INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES Chapter 7 addresses Self Challenge and blind spots in pages  187-204. Please look at the Box 7.1 on page 204 and answer three questions of your choice for your own self-challenge. Answer Preview APA Format, 1298 words

Lesson 13 & 14

Lesson 13 & 14 Cultural Research Paper: Each student will be asked to do a 2 -3 page paper. The purpose ofthis assignment is to enable the student to understand more fully the cultural influences thatshape all cultures and develop cross-cultural competence. Cultural Research Paper: Each student will be asked to do a 2 -3 page paper. … Read more

Search engines

Search engines When looking for research articles on a topic, it’s important to know how to narrow your search results– especially if you have a broad topic. Share some tips on using search engines when trying to find articles. Answer Preview APA Format, 441 words

Annotated Bibliography with 15 sources

Annotated Bibliography with 15 sources Children and adolescents with panic disorder have expected and repeated periods of intense fear and discomfort along with other symptoms such as a racing heartbeat or feeling short of breath. Answer Preview APA Format, 2454 words

Critical Infrastructure Security (Topic/Thesis Proposal and Draft Outline)

Critical Infrastructure Security (Topic/Thesis Proposal and Draft Outline) submit a 6-page Topic/Thesis Proposal and Draft Outline. The instructor will Approve, Reject or Conditionally Approve pending further information. This exercise will be worth 10% and is necessary for the student to continue onto the paper development phase of the course. Attached is a thesis paper completed by … Read more

Vitamin C and D

Vitamin C and D Please write the PICO part. Of calcium and Phosphorus would be recommended for this topic as these minerals are supposed to guarantee healthy teeth and protection against damaged teeth and gum. Answer Preview APA Format,462 words

Rapid Relief Toothpaste

Rapid Relief Toothpaste Write a review of a product using evidence-based research to analyze the product’s claim and critique the product and advertisement as a whole. Your group must present findings to your peers by way of an informative speech presentation. Your group will have eight minutes to present their information, excluding questions from the … Read more

Human growth

Human growth As a child caseworker, you are preparing for a job interview at a human service agency. As a part of the process, you must prepare a writing sample as this role requires written documentation. Additionally, the hiring manager wants us to use the writing sample to assess each candidate’s understanding of development theory. … Read more

Chronic Care Management

Chronic Care Management Evaluate the impact of chronic disease models on healthcare delivery and costs. This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of the achievement of policy changes that require changes in healthcare delivery. Answer Preview APA Format, 732 words

Organizational Behavior Simulation

Organizational Behavior Simulation First, you examined the background information and available evidence provided by Nick Bay, SVP of Marketing, and determined that the problems associated with inaccurate readings using the monitor were due to consumers misusing the device in the field. Next, you worked with Nick Bay, VP of Marketing, on how to allocate the … Read more

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Write a 3-4-page academic paper in which you describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking framework to the situation, and recommend evidence-based solutions to the situation. Explain how the concepts of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) could affect both the situation and the solution. Answer Preview APA Format, 1082 words


Discussion Complete the first part of the CapsimInbox discussion prompt by completing the simulation above. This activity puts you in the shoes of a Brand Manager in charge of deciding what direction to take the distribution of your product line. You will need to analyze the market to determine the best path forward for your … Read more

Social Science

Social Science Answer Preview APA Format, 1031 words

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