
Females in Conflict in “A doll House” by Henrik Ibsen

Females in Conflict in “A doll House” by Henrik Ibsen This essay has to be based on the story A doll House by Henrik Ibsen. I’ve attached the intro need three more paragraphs, in the attachment you can see the topic for each 3 of them. IBSENTIDBITS Solution Preview Yet another voice to champion the … Read more

Discussion board post

Discussion board post You will be responding to a discussion board post. This post should be 80% you, and then facts found from other sources. Its not opinionated. It needs to have critical thinking. 125 Word minimum, APA format, cited. It needs to pertain to the paragraph and what the paragraph says. Other things can … Read more

A film analysis paper on the movie subject remember the titans

 A film analysis paper on the movie subject remember the titans Need a 6 page film analysis paper on the movie remember the titans formy sociology class. Needs to be 6 pages long, double spaced with a title page and a reference page. Solution Preview Films can be a resourceful source of information about the … Read more

Annotated Bibliography

 Annotated Bibliography McCall, M. B. (2013). The Kentucky Community and Technical College System Learn on Demand Model. Change, 45(3), 60-65. doi:10.1080/00091383.2013.787309 Return to the library to gather 5 more scholarly research articles. This will bring your total gathered articles to a minimum of 15. It will be important for you to have true research articles (all research elements as … Read more

Writing 1 page summary about the movie (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis)

Writing 1 page summary about the movie (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis) write 1 page length about the movie written above talk about the movie in general, characters, and main events Solution Preview The Garden of the Finzi-Continis is an Italian film that was produced in 1970. The film is set in the 1930s when … Read more

For This Case Study

For This Case Study Write a 3 to 5 page paper (750 to 1200 words, not including the cover page and reference page) in APA format in response to the prompts below. Please click hereto view the criteria by which you will be assessed for the achievement of the CLO for this unit. Please use this APA … Read more

Personality Development Paper

Personality Development Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that examines the influences of traits—such as trait theory—and biology—such as temperament—on personality development. Answer the following questions in your paper: How does the gene-environment interaction influence personality? Is culture a factor in personality expression? What do twin studies show us about the inheritability of personality? What … Read more

Power point presentation

Power point presentation Imagine that you and your coworkers/colleagues are delivering this presentation at the Annual Conference of Healthcare Executives in Orlando, Florida. Topic:how health care payment and delivery models are transforming to promote greater accountability for cost and quality in the healthcare system. Instructions:Please prepare a 8 slide Power Point presentation with presenter’s notes in which … Read more

Information Security Memo

Information Security Memo Prepare a 400 to 600-word Microsoft® Word® memo saved under the following naming convention: LastnameFirstnameW2-2. Using student John Doe as an example: DoeJohnW2-2. The memo must contain the following: Content Information: * An announcement of Threat #1 that you identified in your Information Security Paper * An description of the recommendations that you … Read more

Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing

Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY – There are 3 parts to this paper project. Rubric requirement is attached. Module 2 critical thinking is attached. Thank you Part One Instructions-Prewriting: Complete this assignment by utilizing your chosen topic for the Portfolio Project, Option #2. Without passing any judgment on your own … Read more

Reading Response

Reading Response For the reading responses over the poems, A.) List the poems in order from the one you liked best to the one you liked least; B.) Beside each poem title, give a sentence telling me what you think the poem, message, or … Read more

The hypothalamus

The hypothalamus Discussion board post on: Hormones of the hypothalamus and each lobe of the pituitary; Anterior vs posterior lobes of the pituitary; You will be writing an essay for a discussion board post. The topic is: Hormones of the hypothalamus and each lobe of the pituitary; Anterior vs posterior lobes of the pituitary; Follow … Read more

Biology and Technology in the Real World – Fracking

Biology and Technology in the Real World – Fracking BIOPAPER (1) Solution Preview The society’s dependence on fossil fuels, particularly natural gas and petroleum products requires that the companies extracting these products from the ground employ efficient techniques. The objective of enhancing efficiency in the mining process is to lower the production costs, hence reduce… … Read more

Security Awareness Paper

Security Awareness Paper Create a review of security awareness ideas. 2 pages Solution Preview One of the major questions that the management teams of organizations ask themselves regularly is how to protect their firms’ information systems from being breached. Organizations are always searching for ways to secure their confidential data despite the development of cloud … Read more

Eating Choices

Eating Choices Writing an essay in which analyze the label from a processed food “lays potato chips Your main point should answer the question: does this label give you enough information to make a good choice about whether to eat this or not? 5 pages (double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font). 20180409034931paper_food_ingredient_labels__3___1_ Solution Preview … Read more

Case Study

Case Study CaseAssignment-CambridgeCoolingSystems CaseAnalysisAssignment Solution Preview Cambridge Cooling Systems (CSS) firm needed to re-evaluate its strategic plan that had initially projected doubling its size in five years’ time. The chief operating officer, David Jansen, was confronted by the chief executive officer and chairman of the board, Harris Bell, to offer his perspective… (2339 Words)

Signature Assignment: Selecting a Topic

Signature Assignment: Selecting a Topic The purpose of this assignment is to get you to think about what types of problems you will be solving in your career using data. In this assignment, you choose a topic and the associated problem to solve. You will solve the problem throughout the rest of this course. Select a … Read more

Creative Thinking in the Workplace

Creative Thinking in the Workplace Write a “how-to” magazine article (written in third person) to appear in a business magazine geared toward organizational leaders. Advise readers on how they can encourage employees to avoid the behaviors and practices that might inhibit creative thinking. The article must include the following components:  The article should be … Read more

Big picture

Big picture What was the overall big picture of what you learned while completing your measures? What are you most proud of completing in the measures? What would you have done differently? 150 words This is for my capstone course I have already started writing I just need help with grammar and putting it together … Read more

Value Creation

Value Creation Write a 3 to 5 page paper (750 to 1200 words, not including the cover page and reference page) in APA format in response to the prompts below Please use this APA Sample provided in Unit 1 to complete your assignment. This assignment will also assess the Institutional Learning Outcome of Critical Thinking. … Read more


MAJOR REPORT The  paper must include; 3 professional journal sources of data comparison presented in APA format. The student must list, within their report:  the evaluation methods utilized in each study briefly, outline the construct of each study, report the results of each study and overall conclusions.  (Paper 3-5 pages) Solution Preview The construct of this study is that women earn less than men … Read more


Music Solution Preview At the beginning of the song “The Girl from Ipanema” by Astrud Gilberto & Stan Getz, the guitar is the first instrument that produces singe able melodies against the chromatic and colorful harmonies. The style of the music is Bossa Nova, a Brazilian Jazz. The guitar is followed suit by the light … Read more

Multicultural Education

 Multicultural Education READ AND FOLLOW. ANSWER 1-4 COMPLETELY ePortfolio Submission 4: Multicultural Education Week Four’s focus is “Multicultural Education” According to Nieto and Bode (2008), “Becoming a multicultural teacher …means first becoming a multicultural person” (p. 392). Throughout this course, we will discover ways to create multicultural learning environments that are responsive to the needs … Read more

Psychoanalytic-social Perspective of Personality

Psychoanalytic-social Perspective of Personality What makes the psychoanalytic-social perspective of personality unique? What are the main components of each of the psychoanalytic-social personality theories? What are some of the main differences between theories? Choose one of the psychoanalytic-social personality theories, and apply it to your own life. Explain your own personality and personality development through … Read more


Proposal Make it 1200 words please ProposalNotes        ProposalSampleA Solution Preview The following report proposes to conduct a feasibility study on the probable use of innovative materials for construction. Technological developments in material science and continuous development in University Research… (1226 Words)

Assignment 8

Assignment 8 Assignment 8. Instructions.3 Write a set of instructions for performing a process or procedure. These should include sections on supplies and materials needed, how to perform the procedure in sequential steps, and any warnings, graphics, or other information that may be needed for the person to perform the task. Assume that you are … Read more

Symbolism in Poetry

Symbolism in Poetry Choose one of the following questions to answer for Part 1: Poe: Analyze the colors used in the rooms and objects in Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death.” What do they represent? Who do you think is the narrator? (No, it is not Poe) Hawthorne: In “The Ambitious Guest,” Hawthorne is well … Read more


Video i will attach a file it has 3 sheet each sheet has video watch it and answer each question and fill the box with simple answers. 20180413035249video_work_sheet__6___informational_interview (1) Solution Preview It is important for people to conduct informational interviews. The main reasons include; It is used to obtain information about anything such as career … Read more

Tech Use Project Outline

Tech Use Project Outline Writers often face the challenge of too many ideas swirling about their heads when they sit down to draft an essay or other document. The swirling ideas can lead to writer’s block or a disorganized draft. This Discussion will help you bring order to an argument for change by using a … Read more

How to Change Oil in Your Car

How to Change Oil in Your Car Write a set of instructions for performing a process or procedure. These should include sections on supplies and materials needed, how to perform the procedure in sequential steps, and any warnings, graphics, or other information that may be needed for the person to perform the task. Assume that … Read more

How Has The Evolution Of IT Affected Inventory Management

How Has The Evolution Of IT Affected Inventory Management Find an article or describe an experience which demonstrates the use of information technology in inventory management. Consider also what impact 3D printing as described in the video, the Internet of Things or total transparency might do for the company. And what about having a fully … Read more

How are the actions of the past relevant to the future

 How are the actions of the past relevant to the future Solution Preview The past is very important to people’s lives as it holds a lot of experiences and wisdom, which persons cannot accumulate during their lifetime. One of the things that the actions of the past tell people is that the world is constantly … Read more

Nurses play a crucial role in patients’ experiences while in healthcare settings

Nurses play a crucial role in patients’ experiences while in healthcare settings Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion: Then American Nurses Association defines nursing as “Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the … Read more

Description of the background information on your artworks to your PowerPoint presentation.

Description of the background information on your artworks to your PowerPoint presentation you will be adding a written description of the background information on your artworks to your PowerPoint presentation. For this segment, use the slides in the art gallery template labeled “Background.” You will need one for each artwork. You may include more than … Read more

Criminal Justice Collaboration- Strafford County, New Hampshire

Criminal Justice Collaboration- Strafford County, New Hampshire Please see attached instructions in order to complete the assignment. CASESTUDY (1 Solution Preview The Strafford County Attorney’s Office together with the Office on Violence against Women (OVW) in Strafford County, New Hampshire collaborated to provide services to the domestic violence victims. The collaborative initiative took place in … Read more

Advanced technology

Advanced technology Discussion Board: Post an initial response post with a minimum of 3 paragraphs, to the selected discussion board question and respond to at least one post by another student with a separate reply post in this discussion thread with a minimum of 2 paragraphs. Have advances in modern technology expanded or contracted citizens’ conceptions of what privacy they actually enjoy? Is it … Read more

Response to Genres of Literature

Response to Genres of Literature Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Literature in the Public Domain All … Read more

Compare and Contrast the consumer/ patient protections laws and regulations between two states

Compare and Contrast the consumer/ patient protections laws and regulations between two states Review the managed care regulations by state Compare and Contrast the consumer/ patient protections laws and regulations between two states. Requirements:Submit your essay in a Word document. This assignment must be at least 500 words, with at least four references cited properly … Read more

What is considered a systematic review

What is considered a systematic review What is considered a systematic review of literature, integrative review, meta-analysis and metasynthesis and why is it important to incorporate these into your support of evidence? How does a nurse know what (if any) knowledge in a research study is usable for clinical practice? What would a critical thinker … Read more

Ethics in Decision making

Ethics in Decision making Assume the role of a senior-level manager in a Middle Eastern multinational company. You have discovered that partnering companies that have done business with your company for decades have been found to have engaged in highly unethical practices in conflict with your company’s cultural norms. Even worse, it has been rumored … Read more

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King he purpose of this essay is to inspire your audience with your interpretation of an MLK sermon or speech. to do this, you will carefully read and listen to your selected sermon or speech several times. you will listen for the voice of God in the King’s text or if you are … Read more

Cultural Relativism

Cultural Relativism Cultural relativism asserts that every culture has its own set of customs and beliefs, and that culture must be understood by the standards and values of the people within that culture. Anthropologists think that what might seem cruel or irrational in our own culture must be seen through the lens of cultural relativity, … Read more


 Responses Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Additional Information: Leroy Banks is the Director of Change Management … Read more

Integrating Narrative Approaches with Early Recollections to Provide Career

Integrating Narrative Approaches with Early Recollections to Provide Career The journal article summary should contain the following components as bold subheadings in APA format: Cover page, following the format outlined in the student handbook Introductory section Statement of the problem Explanation of grounding in the research literature, e.g.: Smith & Wesson (2012): summary Turner & … Read more

Compliance Plans

Compliance Plans Clinical staff members are not washing their hands between patients. Nurse charges for Diabetes Management Education as a Physician Visit. After you choose two areas ( write a paragraph about each one to present to your faculty member. In each paragraph, explain why you believe the chosen area represents key issues in compliance … Read more

Write a summary report about the Project Management presentation

Write a summary report about the Project Management presentation Proj Mgmt Pres Dan Lorden Solution Preview According to this article, a project is a temporary undertaking that intends to unique products or results. Based on the definition, projects are not meant to last for a long time. For this reason, the capital and human resources … Read more

Healthcare Policy

Healthcare Policy Respond by critiquing at least two of your colleagues’ postings on two different days using elements of the communication process and recommend additional strategies to overcome the barriers. If you think other factors may have contributed to the situation, provide an analysis with the support of literature. An incident that involved a process at my place of work … Read more


Diabetes The paper must be at least 10 paragraphs (each worth 5 points).  Paragraphs must be at least 6 sentences in length.  Please include at least three links to where you found your information.   THIS NEEDS TO BE A DATA AND INFORMATION PAPER AND NOT A PERSONAL OPINION PAPER! IT NEEDS TO HAVE LINKS SUPPORTING … Read more

The last segment of your art gallery course project

The last segment of your art gallery course project For Unit VIII, the last segment of your art gallery course project, you will be adding a comprehensive statement to your PowerPoint presentation and finalizing your segments from the previous units. You will submit the entire presentation, including those portions from previous units, for a final … Read more

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and Authorization How are authentication and authorization alike and how are they different? What is the relationship, if any, between the two?APA Format 2 Pages and provide references and turnitin report Solution Preview Authorization and authentication are golden words in the authority and security areas, especially when an individual wants to gain access to … Read more

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