
Comparing Women in Roman Mythology to the Women in Greek Mythology

Comparing Women in Roman Mythology to the Women in Greek Mythology Read the story of Lucretia (in Livy, The Early History of Rome, sections 57-59 (it is attached to this assignment) and write a one-page essay on the following topic: How is the story of Lucretia characteristic of Roman mythology? Greek women (like Greek men) … Read more

Organizational Change and Workforce Management

Organizational Change and Workforce Management Saudi Hospital System (SHS, a fictitious organization) has been facing many serious issues including leadership problems, staffing deficiencies, and financial hardship. Challenges include: High staff turnover, which doubled to 20% in the past two years, is expected to rise. SHS is in the process of implementing complex and expensive multi-year … Read more

Business Ethics

Business Ethics One of the most beneficial exercises in a course exploring ethics is to develop a paper that allows you the opportunity to create connections between your personal view of ethics and the theory under discussion. The nature of ethical decision making is recognition, analysis and resolution. We often don’t make a decision because … Read more

Reliable Sources for Scientific Information

  Reliable Sources for Scientific Information When writing this essay, be aware that your work has to show significant effort, creative thought, and research from sources inside the modules. Use APA style citations within the text and complete references in your reference page. This assignment will be a 750-1000 word (3 page) essay. It must … Read more

Christianity Today

Christianity Today Essay #3 Rubric Christianity/ Catholicism Today 1. Research Paper on ONE of these topics. Either choose or will be assigned 2. Write 2-3 page paper 3. Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced 4. Use at least 3 sources- and cite those sources in MLA format- use intextual citations and Works Cited page … Read more

Art Theory

Art Theory I want you to talk about the artist Tim Burton, referencing an artist or literary phrase from an art theorist. Along with your own personal interpretation of your own style of art work and discuss a intellectual component to use as a stepping stone in describing your goals and wants for the viewer. … Read more

Cultural E-Exploration homework

Cultural E-Exploration homework Cultural E-Exploration homework – Spanish course instructions homework in a document below.   I attached a document that has the instructions for the homework. It is so clear and simple. Its gonna be Cultural Exploration 2 – there are two options what to write about for Cultural Exploration 2 see attachment to … Read more

Use of signs in the movie

Use of signs in the movie Directions: 1. Read: “How Signs Work” 2. Pick a popular song, movie, or TV show and identify the symbols within it 3. Write a 100-200 word analysis of what is signifying and what is being signified 4. Make sure you use MLA Citation and Works Cited symbols in movie … Read more

Investment Principles

Investment Principles Pick any 2 public companies that are part of same industry and analytically describe which is best to invest and why.  4 pages 2 resource Solution Preview For this assignment, two public companies were identified, Ameren Corporation and Exelon Corporation both of which are Energy Utility Companies. Companies in this industry generate and … Read more

Advocating for a change of some sort, something that is different from the way something is currently happening.

 Advocating for a change of some sort, something that is different from the way something is currently happening. nstructions: In this 1,000 word paper, you will be recommending a course of action, not recommending that people read a book you like or go to a movie that you loved. In this paper, you will be … Read more

The Economics Of The Public Sector

The Economics Of The Public Sector Answer the questions below in your own words, using at least 100 words per question. 1. In your opinion, how can behavioral economics be used for YOU as a student? How would you apply and use behavioral economics if you were a small business owner? How can behavioral economics … Read more

Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information As a public administrator over a particular entity, describe when public officials should be allowed to conduct their activities in secret. Provide an example. Evaluating New York Times v. United States, provide an example in which it may be warranted to violate the morality of the freedom of information by publicizing a … Read more

Marketing essay

Marketing essay Written Essays You are responsible for completing your choice of two (2) marketing-related essays, each of the essay is about 500 words Listed below are the Names, Chapters they relate to, and Prompts (questions) for each of the four Written Essays from which you may choose. ü MKTG 01: Segmentation, Targeting, and PositioningPut yourself in the … Read more

Respond to discusion post

Respond to discusion post Respond to discusion post using APA format with 2 professional references within the last 5 years   Leadership style defines how a leader rule. The manner in which a leader rule differentiate a leadership style from others (Graham & Melnyk, 2014). One of the roles of a manager is planning and … Read more

Discussion Questions on Employment Law

Discussion Questions on Employment Law Please help me answer these 4 question for my Employment Law class In about 150 words each and include references. Please label them 1-4 as they are listed so that I can follow them. 20180427140806week_5 Solution Preview The case of Ricci Vs De Stefano is concerned with the New Haven … Read more


Logistics 1. Exercise 58 … (For-Credit of 4 Points) (*) (1) Symbolize the following argument, (2) Establish its validity by a proof, and (3) “Evaluate” the argument as well. 1. All the beings that have wings can fly. 2. All birds have wings. C. Therefore, all birds can fly. NB: Evaluating an argument often calls … Read more

Annotated Bibliography for Portfolio Project – Workplace Fitness Initiative

Annotated Bibliography for Portfolio Project – Workplace Fitness Initiative An annotated bibliography is an organizing tool that is helpful when you research sources for a project. An effective annotated bibliography is used to compile research sources in one location and provide the researcher with quick access to the information contained in each source. Review the website … Read more

Researched Argument Graded Draft

Researched Argument Graded Draft Hi, I need to do a Researched Argument Graded Draft about Hate Speech in college campuses with the requirements bellow. There is a word doc attached with all the details. Requirements: Length: 8 (full!) -10 pages plus a Works Cited page and all of the necessary in-text citations MUST FOLLOW THE OUTLINE! … Read more

Social and political issues in science fiction

Social and political issues in science fiction 1. Please mention at least three stories from Dangerous Visions 2. please mention two novels as part of your answer (The Handmaid’s Tale. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Never Let Me Go. ) Solution Preview Despite exploring topics beyond reality, issues presented in science fiction society often … Read more

The Estate investment risk and advantages.

The Estate investment risk and advantages. Just write some about The Estate investment risk and advantages. you can learn something from Brueggaman, William and Jeffery Fisher. Real Estate Finance and Investment. McGraw-Hill 2011, 15th edition. ISBN 978-0-07-337735-3. Solution Preview Determining the areas in which to invest one’s earnings is never a simple task. One always has to … Read more

Patient Scenario Analysis

Patient Scenario Analysis client/patient in the scenario the types of health and human service professionals that would be involved in the interdisciplinary team / case conference for this scenario Clinical Reasoning: Introduction to reasoning & decision-making Inter-professional Practice & Consumer Engagement: Collaborative practice in healthand human services , Consumer rights and responsibilities Dementia & Aged … Read more

Proposal on Addiction to Video Games

Proposal on Addiction to Video Games paper is based on the proposal that you did. I have attached it. Proposal on Addiction to Video Games (1) (3) Solution Preview Video games are very popular across the globe because of their entertaining aspects. These elements make individuals to spend a significant amount of their time on … Read more

Clean water resource research

Clean water resource research Size 12, double space, 3 pages, APA style. here are some questions to help- where does California state gets its from? poverty and water in Africa? Solution Preview Water is one of the most important resources that serve the basic needs of daily human activities. Within the hydrological cycle, water facilitates … Read more

Tweens: Ten Going on Sixteen

Tweens: Ten Going on Sixteen Topic: Tweens: Ten Going on Sixteen (Hymowitz) Details: What examples does Hymowitz use to support her contention that children are growing up more rapidly than they did in earlier times? Do you agree that children are growing up more rapidly? What does she contend are the consequences of leaving childhood … Read more

Emergency Operations Center

Emergency Operations Center Topic: Write a one-page paper describing the purpose of an EOC, how an EOC differs from an Incident Command System (ICS), and identify some issues to consider when establishing an EOC. Solution Preview The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a virtual or physical location that is designed to support the emergency response, crisis … Read more

Substance Use Disorder

Substance Use Disorder   Reference list/description for Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders research paper. Compile a list of references that you will use to support the content of your Research Paper on the Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders. A minimum of six scholarly sources are required. In a Word document, list the sources you selected and provide … Read more

Organization Model

Organization Model 1. What is organizational scalability? 2. Explain the core-periphery model, which is also known as the doughnut model. 3. Explain the difference between numerical and functional flexibility Solution Preview In some cases, business managers opt to follow a particular approach to their business activities with the view that the approach would provide the … Read more

Write a Film Critique

Write a Film Critique Braveheart (Netflix) Julius Ceasar Gladiator (Swank Digital Campus) Ben Hur Troy Knight’s Tale O, Brother Where Art Thou Monty Python and the Holy Grail Luther (the life of Martin Luther) 13th Warrior Atilla Dr. Faustus The Lion in Winter Clash of the Titans Aladdin Alexander Beowulf (2007) The Messenger: The Story … Read more

Chinese Revolution

Chinese Revolution just write the specific and good quality answer the the questions I post. You need to write with a good quality and mentions all parts Solution Preview Some of the projects of the revolution included the use of students, who ultimately formed the red guards. Their use of force in reaction to the … Read more

Commentary on this passage

Commentary on this passage Provide a commentary (in two to two-and- a-half pages 12-size Times New Roman) trying to illuminate the meaning of this very ancient composition—a “sacred text of the Middle East.” Ensure to write a coherent composition, and refrain if possible from just simply summarizing the text. “A cup of milk was offered … Read more

Essay on why I would like to study at APU.

 Essay on why I would like to study at APU. I need a 250 word essay on why I would like to study at APU. I really appreciate anyone who can complete this essay. Solution Preview University education is one of the most important stages in the route to achieving one’s career objectives. A clear … Read more

English Literary Analysis


Art performances

 Art performances Performance art performances You will perform five performance art performances during the semester.Each of these performances will happen in class.Each of these performances will have two required components: (1) your performance and (2) a write-up of your performance which needs to be submitted in class in hard form before you perform.Each performance art … Read more

Psychological development

   Psychological development PSY101 Introduction to Psychology Mid-Course Exam 3 – Part 2 Answer the four questions one by one, do not write into a complete essay. 1.What themes and influences mark the social journey from early adulthood to death? Which of the theories of human development most aligns with this journey? Why? 2.In your … Read more

Religious Studies Response

Religious Studies Response answer these question in paragraph for each question 1) identify four divine attributes mentioned in Anselm’s prolongation. give a brief definition or description of each. 2) describe in one or two paragraphs the deposit of faith as taught by Bei Verbum. Be sure to identify the parts of it as well as … Read more

Assess the types of personality measurements

Assess the types of personality measurements For this discipline-based literature review, you will research peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last 10 years in the Ashford University Library on the following major perspectives of personality. Psychodynamic Behavioral Trait Learning/Social Humanistic You will utilize your researched article to create your literature review. The review should … Read more

Comparing Classical and Item-Response Theories

Comparing Classical and Item-Response Theories Item analysis is one of the most important elements of test construction. Statistical techniques can be used to carefully examine how a test item functions. This analysis can reveal how easy or difficult an item is and how well the item discriminates between test-takers. Item analysis can also reveal whether … Read more

Reading Summary Instructions

Reading Summary Instructions Runte “National Parks in Idealism and Reality” Reading Summary Instructions(1) (4) National Parks in Idealism and Reality Solution Preview The author of the article is Alfred Runte, a public historian who specialized in the study of national parks. The author’s studies are mainly focused on parks, conservation, and public transportation systems. As … Read more

Corporate ethics

Corporate ethics This discussion asks you to read and evaluate the assigned readings  on corporate ethics. There are three readings from multiple sources;  this is done so there are multiple perspectives to read and evaluate. No  additional research is required. Evaluate the assigned readings. Be sure to include the following: Briefly discuss the main points … Read more


TERRORISM IN THE HOME Write an 300-word minimum essay based on the article attached “Terrorism in the home”. Times New Roman, double space, and 12-font is required. Can use other sources but with proper citations. Solution Preview According to Parachin, 2013, the U.S Department of Justice indicates that one million violent crimes are conducted by … Read more

Introduction To Science

Introduction To Science You will be required to do a term paper on one of the topics listed below. Discuss how the unique physical and chemical properties of water contribute to the importance of water for life on Earth to survive. Discuss how the methods of experimentation and observation have changed throughout the history of … Read more

Money And Banking

Money And Banking It should be 3 pages and discuss problems in banking industry today or alternatively where is banking industry headed Solution Preview Today’s business environment is highly challenging. Besides, the ever-changing technological landscape is posing additional challenges to the traditional banking sector. The banking sector is facing problems… (944 Words)

Health care professionals are constantly challenged to improve patient outcomes

Health care professionals are constantly challenged to improve patient outcomes How can sustainable practices be implemented when the processes of care become more complicated with the introduction of new drugs, technologies, and regulations? Solution Preview Despite the significant changes experienced in the healthcare sector, there has been an insufficient effort in research on the sustainable … Read more

Searching for Employee Loyalty

Searching for Employee Loyalty You are the CEO of Razz, a start-up web-based search company, which is planning to compete directly with Google. The company had an exceptional first year and is currently receiving over 500,000 hits a day from customers all over the world. You have hired 250 people in the past four months, … Read more

The Mongol Conquest

The Mongol Conquest Citing specific examples, defend or refute one of the following statements: 1. The Mongol Invasions of the 13th Century CE positively impacted humanity. 2. History was made by civilizations in climate zones where agriculture was possible (e.g., Egypt, the Fertile Crescent, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, the Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys, etc.); marginal … Read more

Corruption in Illinois

Corruption in Illinois Topic: Exemplification Essay Details: Exemplification essay will have “Corruption in Illinois” as its general topic, and you will use the articles available here to help you write the paper. Your paper must cite, in MLA format, at least 3 of these sources (which you will then reference fully in a Works Cited list … Read more

Accountability and liability implications for individuals and organizations in the health care industry.

Accountability and liability implications for individuals and organizations in the health care industry. Need a 1050-1400 word paper/pamphlet done on the aspects of long term care. Full details in the description.   Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word pamphlet that conveys the following information from a managers perspective pertaining to long term health care. Evaluate accountability and … Read more

A reason for transferring to chapman and the objectives you hope to achieve

 A reason for transferring to chapman and the objectives you hope to achieve Please provide a statement that addresses a reason for transferring to chapman and the objectives you hope to achieve. You can type directly into the box, or you can paste text from another source. 300 words. please speak as if were you an … Read more

Analysis and the Rule of law

 Analysis and the Rule of law Can you please review the attachments below, the case study, Analysis and the Rule of law and help me with a 300 world conclusion ? Include justification for your responses by citing applicable laws and/or legal cases in your analysis (If any were used) 20180430120018analysis      20180430120031rule_of_law_portion 20180430120009case_study_of_world_tea Solution Preview The … Read more

Research paper on the Coldwar

Research paper on the Coldwar NB: the primary source is supposed to be listed first. Looking to do my Research paper on the Coldwar. But for this I need a bibliography first I have an example of one . I need 1 or 2 Main sources along with 5-7 preferably secondary sources. Any information can also … Read more

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