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 Interview with a Nurse Educator Questions

 Interview with a Nurse Educator Questions Details: Submit your prepared 1 page summary and interview questions for instructor approval. Weeks 1-3a. Begin preparations for the interview. You will need to find someone who teaches or taught nursing students in a college or university setting. Please contact your instructor for assistance if needed.b. Read the posted … Read more

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Role of APRNs and Ethics/Integrity

Role of APRNs and Ethics/Integrity Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) routinely encounter issues that may have ethical implications. APRNs work with patients whose lives may be at stake. It’s a nurse’s duty to follow a high level of INTEGRITY and best practices while treating the patient as an individual with their u Am wishes and … Read more

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The American Nurses Association

The American Nurses Association The American Nurses Association (ANAL code Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements has been a guide and reference for registered nurses since its development in the 1950s. It serves as a moral compass to promote high levels of care, an ethical standard for those entering the nursing profession, and a commitment … Read more

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Sexual Response Cycle Chart

Sexual Response Cycle Chart Do you believe that pornography can be addictive? Why or why not? What are some dangers and benefits to pornography? Be sure to support your rationale. Answer Preview for Sexual Response Cycle Chart APA 300 Words

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Sexual Response Cycle Chart

Sexual Response Cycle Chart Identify four countries/cities around the world and their cultural/faith-based and legal approach to prostitution/sex work. What are the pros and cons of each approach? Answer Preview for Sexual Response Cycle Chart APA 300 Words

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 A Reflection on Health Communication

 A Reflection on Health Communication This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes: Congratulations! You have completed the content modules specific to the Health Communications course. You have worked hard and obtained a wealth of information along the way. Answer Preview for  A Reflection on Health Communication APA 577 Words

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The U.S. Healthcare Continuum

The U.S. Healthcare Continuum This assignment supports the following objective: Unique Learning Outcome In the U.S., individuals typically receive medical care beginning at conception, and extending to long-term and possibly end-of-life care.  For this assignment, you will create a presentation to illustrate each phase of care during a person’s lifetime.  Helpful resources This assignment supports … Read more

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Information Literacy

Information Literacy Evaluation Title: Information Literacy and SocietyThis assignment requires you to put the skills you have mastered throughout the course into practice as you reflect on the sociocultural issues and implications involved with the concept of information literacy. For this assignment, you will conduct research, evaluate sources, and in a two (2) to three … Read more

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Project for College Success

Project for College Success Why complete a project for College Success? Gain experience in directing your work as a student while customizing a portion of this class toward your goals.  What do I need to do to complete this assignment? Review a detailed description of steps to take to complete this project on the “How Do … Read more

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The Enduring Impact of Rigid Gender Stereotypes

The Enduring Impact of Rigid Gender Stereotypes I choose this topic What is Textual Analysis? A textual analysis essay is a common type of academic essay assigned in college classes. You will often be asked to interpret and/or evaluate the content of a piece of writing.  Whether analyzing a film, a poem, a short story, … Read more

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Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Details: You are to write a paper on the topic of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The paper should include the following information:– What is myofascial pain syndrome?– What is the potential cause of MPS?– What are symptoms of MPS?– What are is the treatment(s) of MPS? Answer Preview for Myofascial Pain Syndrome APA … Read more

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APA Overview

APA Overview Over the last six weeks, we have learned about and used APA style. In your initial post, include the following: If sources are used, be sure to include citations and references in APA format. Answer Preview for APA Overview APA 300 Words

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Exploring Databases

Exploring Databases This discussion supports the following objective: Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. This week, we learned long-term care (LTC) can come in many forms. For this discussion, we will talk about the way health care is delivered in the LTC setting.  Please be sure to validate your opinions … Read more

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The Value of a Spokesperson

The Value of a Spokesperson Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. Designating a spokesperson for a public health crisis is a critical step in controlling the messaging that goes out to the public and the media. A person’s position should not be the only factor in choosing a spokesperson. Their … Read more

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The Role of the Nurse Informatics

The Role of the Nurse Informatics You have started your digital poster presentation and sifting through the multitude of resources to support this specialty. You are carefully showcasing this profession geared for students at the baccalaureate level since that is the intended audience. You have chosen to create an infographic (i.e. Visme, Snappa, Google charts, Piktochart, Canva) … Read more

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Nursing Interventions

Nursing Interventions Using this template, develop a client-centered SMART goal and 6 individualized nursing interventions with rationale for a client with the following nursing diagnosis on the care plan: Risk for impaired skin integrity related to mechanical factors and impaired physicalmobility.Include two scholarly sources to support information in the care map. Cite sources in-text and … Read more

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Research and Theory Evidence-Based Proposal

Research and Theory Evidence-Based Proposal Applying The Iowa Model Revised: Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Excellence in Health Care create a written proposal for these two components of a proposal for an evidence-base practice solution. Format: Answer Preview for Research and Theory Evidence-Based Proposal APA 300 Words

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Christian Theology

Christian Theology At the end of each chapter of Thorsen are Questions for Further Reflection. Select one question for each Thorsen chapter andwrite a paragraph-length answer that clearly, specifically interacts with Thorsen’s content (be sure to cite Thorsen). Likewise, in the McGrath chapter there are study questions. Choose one of them and write a paragraph-length … Read more

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 Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging

 Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging Details: Why is it important for counselors to understand the similarities and differences between the sexual response cycles in men versus women? Answer Preview for  Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging APA 300 Words

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Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging

Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging  Explain how you could use the information contained in the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle and the Kaplan three Stages of Sexual Response in your work with clients. In your response, include a clinical scenario to illustrate your points. Answer Preview for Human Sexuality and Issues of … Read more

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Interview Questions and Instructions

Interview Questions and Instructions Earlier in this course, you were asked to prepare for and conduct an interview with a curriculum and instruction leader in your school or organization setting. For this assignment, in the form of a narrated and recorded presentation, report the highlights of your interview with this leader. In particular, address the following aspects … Read more

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Legal and Ethical Issues

Legal and Ethical Issues Details: This week’s assignment will focus on legal and ethical issues. In your text, Teaching in Nursing, the authors talk about student academic performance and legal/ethical issues in nursing education. Read the case scenario below and respond write a paper responding to the situation. Use APA 7th ed format, write a … Read more

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They Say, I Say

They Say, I Say 1.After reading pages 1 through 16 of They Say, I Say, complete Exercise 2 on page 17(page 40 in the pdf) 2. complete Exercise #2 on page 29 at the end of the chapter. (page 51 on the pdf) 3.After reading chapter 7 in They Say, I Say, (page 112 in the PDF file) consider how writers … Read more

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Creating Campaign Messages

Creating Campaign Messages This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes: Creating campaign communication messages is a creative outlet in which health communicators get to share their information and expertise on disease prevention and health promotion with the outside world. After you have selected a health communication campaign topic, identified your target audience, and outlined … Read more

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Sexual Behavior Throughout History Worksheet

Sexual Behavior Throughout History Worksheet Details: Directions: After reading your required textbook readings for the week, respond to the questions below. Each response should be at least 250 words in length. Include a minimum of two scholarly sources in your responses and an associated APA reference note for each source at the end of the … Read more

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Home Health Care

Home Health Care This discussion supports the following objective:  Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.  Home health care usually occurs when the patient is home-bound for medical or other reasons.  There are many things for a patient to consider when choosing a home health service, as seen in the Medicare … Read more

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The Research Process

The Research Process For the discussion this week, you will discuss the steps of the research process. Specifically, you’ll be sharing how your process went as you established a topic and then completed the research for your annotated bibliography. Who is your audience?What was your thesis statement?Explain how you conducted your productive online searches using … Read more

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Approaches to Health Communication Campaign Planning

Approaches to Health Communication Campaign Planning Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. Planning a health communication campaign or change project can be fun and exciting, particularly when you have a vested interest in the topic or target population. When developing health communication and messages for a campaign, health communicators must … Read more

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Home Health Programs

Home Health Programs This assignment supports the following objective: Unique Learning Outcome Patients often require home healthcare services, which can be daunting to set up within one’s home.   Not only do you need to worry about the care being provided, but there also are considerations regarding licensure, as well as honesty and reliability of … Read more

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Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging

Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging How would research on sexuality benefit various groups, religions, and cultures? How could research on sexuality benefit society? How has completing this assignment contributed to your growth and development as a counselor in training? Explain your response. Answer Preview for Human Sexuality and Issues of Aging APA 300 Words

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Leader Interview

Leader Interview Overview of the Leader Interview In future assignments, you will incorporate interviews with one or more leaders in your organization or school.  If your focus is on P–12 education, the leader you choose could be an assistant principal, a curriculum director, or an instructional specialist. If you are in an organizational setting, this could … Read more

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Analyze John 1:1-18

Analyze John 1:1-18 Step One: Reading the Text (up to 10 points)Read the following text carefully. Look for key words and phrases, recurring themes, structural relationships, confusing claims, etc. Take thorough notes on the next page. Or, if you prefer, you may print this page off, mark it up and then scan it for submission. … Read more

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Assessment -The Annotated Bibliography

Assessment -The Annotated Bibliography By now you have established a topic, formulated research questions, crafted a thesis statement, and identified possible search terms and useful databases for your research.  Now you will be putting all those parts of the process together as you create an annotated bibliography of sources related to your topic. An annotated … Read more

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The Message Brief

The Message Brief This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes: Designing powerful health communication begins with a strong plan. Without this important step, messages often fail to accomplish their specific goal across a target population. To improve your skills in developing health messages, you will develop a plan for a persuasive health message for … Read more

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Acute Care Services

Acute Care Services This assignment supports the following objective: Unique Learning Outcome When a patient needs an acute care visit, they typically have two options: visit their primary care clinic or an urgent care facility. After completing all readings for this unit, you will prepare a paper analyzing and summarizing the patient’s perspective when seeking … Read more

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Ambulatory Care

Ambulatory Care This discussion supports the following objective:  Ambulatory care can be classified a variety of ways, and these facilities are often in close proximity to each other. So, what makes them unique? Respond to the following questions for your primary discussion post:   Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations … Read more

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DOIs and the Reference Page

DOIs and the Reference Page As you learned in the reading for Unit 4, URLs (web addresses) associated with the retrieval information while others only have a series of numbers.  These numbers are known as Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). The purpose of a DOI is to clearly and directly identify content and provide a persistent link … Read more

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Comparing Communication Modalities

Comparing Communication Modalities This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes: The sharing of health information and messages can be conveyed through a variety of communication modalities. Many of these were outlined throughout Unit 4. As a health communicator, you will need to inventory the needs of your target audience and select appropriate communication platforms … Read more

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A Critique of Management Models 

A Critique of Management Models  Select a company that is familiar to you through experience or one that you have found through research. Human resources (HR) has asked you to participate in the recruitment and vetting of the company’s new CEO. Before presenting a profile of a leader who best meets the organization’s needs, you … Read more

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Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations You have just completed a technology usage assessment of the healthcare staff across departments, and it has come to your attention that several nurses occasionally communicate with medical providers through text on their personal cell phones, using their phone’s messaging service. The nurses found that they are able to meet their patient needs … Read more

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Sensory Perception Disorder Care Map

Sensory Perception Disorder Care Map ScenarioMs. Julia Jones, a 68-year-old African American woman, has just been diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma. Herophthalmologist has explained the pathophysiology of the disease to her and is trying to select the best treatment option forher. You are the nurse working with the ophthalmologist, and Ms. Jones has asked you … Read more

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A Glimpse into Hunger and Resilience in the Aboubakar Family’s Photograph

A Glimpse into Hunger and Resilience in the Aboubakar Family’s Photograph Hungry Planet: What the World Eats – in pictures | Food | The Guardian for this essay: 1) Describe a photograph in depth for your reader.  Imagine the reader cannot see the photograph; create a picture in the reader’s mind.   2) Analyze the photograph’s meaning … Read more

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Evidence-Based Practice Models to Integrate Research Findings

Evidence-Based Practice Models to Integrate Research Findings Consider this scenario for the Discussion: You are practicing in an acute care unit in a local hospital. During your recent shifts, you identified a practice problem that you would like to see changed. After discussing the issue with your direct supervisor and the Director of Nursing, they … Read more

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Smart Phone Use in Healthcare 

Smart Phone Use in Healthcare  You are working the night shift in the Intensive Care Unit. Your patient starts to deteriorate, and the primary provider is not calling you back. The charge nurse offers to contact her. A few minutes later, the charge nurse shows you a text from her personal phone with orders for … Read more

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The Nurse Educator as Leader

The Nurse Educator as Leader This week’s assignment will focus on the role of the nurse educator as leader. The Denver Collège of Nursing MSN curriculum includes a leadership class that covers general principles of nursing leadership. You are now taking classes in nursing education. You will ultimately merge the two at some point in … Read more

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Gun Violence

Gun Violence Details: Create a crisis information session to be implemented in a school or workplace by a social worker or other helping professional that:Includes a set of slides to organize the presentationIntroduces the crisis for your audience and identifies if that audience is a school or workplaceExplains how the school or workplace can prepare … Read more

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Strategy Implemented

Strategy Implemented Assessment Description. How is an organizational strategy implemented? Must be at least 250-300 word minimum with 2 references. Answer Preview for Strategy Implemented APA 300 Words

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Organizational Transformation

Organizational Transformation Assessment Description: What are the activities associated with organizational transformation? Must be at least 250-300 word minimum with at least 2-3 references Answer Preview for Organizational Transformation APA 300 Words

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Using Technology to Promote Patient Safety and Quality

Using Technology to Promote Patient Safety and Quality You have just walked into your first steering committee meeting and quickly see this committee is ready to move forward with levering technology specific to communication. As the nursing delegate, you have been tasked with creating a comparative analysis of two communication technologies and how they can … Read more

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Designing a Care Map

Designing a Care Map ScenarioMr. Harry Roost is a 78-year-old male being discharged after a fracture of his right tibia and fibula. He has a long leg cast thathe will need to wear for the next 8 weeks. The nurses observed him using a hanger to scratch the skin under the cast andreminded him each … Read more

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