
Advanced information systems solutions

 Advanced information systems solutions The main learning outcome for this unit addresses advanced information systems solutions. You need to be able to understand not only the concepts behind implementing an advanced solution like ERP, but also the management and technological factors involved in an implementation, the value added by implementing advanced systems, what prompts the … Read more

Personality Theory

personality Theory Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required article by Appel and Kim-Appel (2010) and watch the Episode: 118 – Inside Out: An Introduction to Psychology – The Enduring Self video excerpt, which is accessible through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library. For this discussion, you will build on your experience … Read more

Article Review

Article Review his assignment is based upon the article “Public Health’s Inconvenient Truth: The Need to Create Partnerships with the Business Sector,”. Read the article and respond to the questions. Each question! Please respond to the following: 1.Summarize the article’s major points 2.Describe the three principle changes in the public health landscape driving public health’s … Read more

Art and History

 Art and History Let’s lighten your load a bit this week and only write two responses! Please choose any two of the following. Romanticism vs realism – define each and compare/contrast one example of each Define Impressionism and describe two specific examples Explain how the theme of war has influenced 20th century art – use two examples … Read more

African American History

African American History Assignment3 ..1 Solution Preview African American Muslim who fought against injustice and oppression. During his lifetime, Malcom influenced the black political agendas which were one of the most critical aspects that facilitated the success of the civil rights movement. Besides, Malcom left a political legacy that not only emphasized… (1094 Words)

Evaluate the Role of Performance Measures

Evaluate the Role of Performance Measures Write an analysis of the essential components of job standards. Assess these components and analyze why job standards are difficult to incorporate into performance evaluations. Support your analysis based on current research incorporating three journal articles or publications into your response. Think about the importance of performance measures in … Read more

Tools of Employee Engagement

Tools of Employee Engagement 1. Compare three of the tools and their impact on employee engagement. 2. Explain how person-organization fit impacts employee engagement. APA, 1 REFERENCE Solution Preview Employee engagement serves as one of the critical factors that determine the level of human resource productivity within a firm. Different tools in the management of … Read more

The Roles women played in Heracles’ Life

The Roles women played in Heracles’ Life ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION : What specific roles do women seem to have played in the life of Heracles? What do these stories indicate about the position of women in Greek society in general? NO PLAGERISM AT ALL SITE EVERYTHING USED Solution Preview Heracles’ life was shaped significantly … Read more

Conduct An Internet Search To Find Companies Noted For Best Practices In Strategic Management And Competitive Globalization

 Conduct An Internet Search To Find Companies Noted For Best Practices In Strategic Management And Competitive Globalization Power Point: Conduct An Internet Search To Find Companies Noted For Best Practices In Strategic Management And Competitive Globalization.  a.            For the cover page slide, introduce yourself and on the references slide, thank the audience. 2.        Include at … Read more

A Book Review on The God Who Is There

A Book Review on The God Who Is There The student is to read The God who is there, and have to write 6-page book review. More clear instructions will be given to the students during class. The paper will be due by the end of the semester. Proper style and formatting are expected (see … Read more

Negligence in School

Negligence in School Interview a school principal, a teacher, and a paraprofessional to determine their understanding of their school’s or district’s definition of what constitutes negligence and procedures for responding to negligence. Compare and contrast their responses and determine if there are disparities among the three individual responses. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you … Read more

Write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion.

 Write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source. Nurses can help a patient make immediate and permanent lifestyle behavioral changes by first creating a safe environment where the patient feels … Read more

What is the role of a nurse as an educator

What is the role of a nurse as an educator 3 pages . APA format. Introduction should include a clear description of the nursing role. Body- describe the educational requirement and or training associated with this role. Review the scope of practice and say the focus of this nursing role.What nursing journals and organizations would … Read more

Writing essay for a movie

Writing essay for a movie i have a movie to watch and write what I learned from this move one an essay.( any movie) minimum 3 paragraphs. thank you Solution Preview One of the movies I have watched is ‘A beautiful mind’ by Russel Crowell.  This movie is about John Nash, a brilliant Mathematician who … Read more

The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to develop an operations consulting proposal.

The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to develop an operations consulting proposal. Assignment Steps Resources: Operations and Supply Chain Management: Ch. 25, Microsoft® PowerPoint® Choose a business in the media having difficulties with its operating model or one which is struggling in your community. Evaluate how all or some of … Read more

Documentary assignment

Documentary assignment please watch it, and then answer the following questions: 1. how does this film treat the character of Lincoln as president in a time of violent civil war? 2. how is mary todd lincoln portrayed–in the past she had a reputation among historians for being unstable and somewhat of a lag on her … Read more

Beloved – Novel by Toni Morrison

Beloved – Novel by Toni Morrison 1. Is Sethe a good mother? Give examples. Use direct quotes to support your claims. 2. Explain the fugitive slave act 3. Explain rememory and give examples of rememory in the book. Use direct quotes to exemplify your responses. 4. How is Sojourner Truth’s “Aint I a Woman” connected … Read more

Health Disparity and Structural Violence

Health Disparity and Structural Violence According to the assigned article, “Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes,” narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. Thematically, the issue of fearis a dominant feature that affects how an individual approaches day-to-day living and health. Explain the … Read more

Art discussion

Art discussion Requirements :Using your own words(No citation), 2paragraphs This week we are engaged in looking at both past and present – and in this thread, I am asking you to think about the contemporary artist Marina Abramovic – she is one of the most well known performance artists and I will share a few … Read more

Argumentation Essay

 Argumentation Essay Topic: Argumentation Essay Details: this assignment requires the use of two references.  In addition, you will add a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. Finally, your Works Cited page will be in MLA (Modern Language Association) format so that all information provided will be easy for your reader to find. … Read more

Homosexuality In Ghana Christianity

Homosexuality In Ghana Christianity This paper is a demonstration of your ability to research a topic and apply concepts from the course to your own topic. You should demonstrate your ability to use empathetic understanding to explore a topic within a specific African religion. You cannot, for example, determine whether an idea in a religion is … Read more

The meaning and importance of informed consent

The meaning and importance of informed consent  Write a 800 – 1200 word paper that includes the following: the meaning and importance of informed consent. Include a court case in which informed consent was breached and/or other informed consent issues occurred. You may use the examples in the book or research different one a fictional … Read more

Argumentation essay

Argumentation essay Essay #6: Argumentation Minimum Length: 1,200 words Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt Choose a subject that you can both evaluate and make a confident judgment about. Write an essay evaluating this subject. State your judgment clearly and back it up with reasons and support. Describe the subject for readers unfamiliar with it, and … Read more

Research Essay

Research Essay This paper will be divided into two parts ( 1- research paper , 2- presentation ) There has to be an outline for the presentation The subject you will be writing about is ( cognitive theory ) And I attached an annotated bibliography if you want to use it Research Essay: The purpose of … Read more

How a retailer created an effective marketing campaign

 How a retailer created an effective marketing campaign You are to research and highlight an article which discusses how a retailer created an effective marketing campaign utilizing current technologies. – What is relationship selling? – What are some of the major tools in direct marketing? – What are some of the major tools in direct … Read more

Free writing

Free writing Please do each separately like the previous time Solution Preview I have been experiencing several distractions that have made it hard for me to focus on my free writing. One of the major distracters is knowing the right choices of words and phrases to use in my writing. Often I find it difficult … Read more

The Coca-Cola Company

 The Coca-Cola Company Please see attachment Using the Internet as a resource, research the Coca-Cola Company’s efforts to keep its soft drink formula a trade secret over the course of the company’s (and the soft drink’s) one hundred-year-plus history. 20180507162218c12_assignment_4__1_ Solution Preview The Coca Cola company brand secret is the most fascinating and among the … Read more

Actively Managing Conflict and Conflict Resolution

Actively Managing Conflict and Conflict Resolution This assignment has 2 parts, completely different. and article to discuss and a conflict resolution case. Do not forget the headings and sub-headings, and separate part 1 from part 2. do not forget references, in-text citations Part I: Read the article below and complete a 1-2 page article review. The … Read more

Actively Managing Conflict and Conflict Resolution

Actively Managing Conflict and Conflict Resolution This assignment has 2 parts, completely different. and article to discuss and a conflict resolution case. Do not forget the headings and sub-headings, and separate part 1 from part 2. do not forget references, in-text citations Part I: Read the article below and complete a 1-2 page article review. The … Read more

Utilizing the 6Ds of business

Utilizing the 6Ds of business How can the 6Ds you have learned about in the book help evaluate a learning organization? Read Case in Point 1.2: Extending Learning at Emerson in your text on page 21-22. Based on Emerson’s account please find an example of an organization which is not a learning organization. Compare and … Read more

What are the seven hats/roles of the president

What are the seven hats/roles of the president List and describe in detail the seven hats that the president has. This will be at least 400 words. Include all the duties of the president along with strong supportive details and examples. Please write your essay in MLA format, and follow the standard five paragraph model. … Read more

Deliverable Length

Deliverable Length Deliverable Length: 5–7 slides (+ title and reference slides); Speaker notes of 200–250 words per slide Key Assignment Part 2: Leroy has greatly enjoyed collaborating with you on the presentation. He reviewed the first part of the presentation and decided some additional material would help the VP of HR understand the change process … Read more

Coca-Cola Company

Coca-Cola Company In this unit, you will complete the case study of the company that you chose in Unit II and have been researching throughout the course. Respond to the four writing prompts below. Your responses must include information from academic and scholarly research, including at least two resources from the online Library and at … Read more


Environmental please complete assignment direction are on paper SCI256_r6_Environmental_Science_and_Human_Populations_Worksheet (1)    


Recycle I have a report of 250 words about plastic recycle  : 1- why it’s important. 2- How it’s effects me and my family . 3- where the plastic goes if we didn’t recycled it . 4- what is the best solutions to make people aware of how recycling is important . Solution Preview Plastic … Read more

On Your Desk

On Your Desk The world of industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology can be quite varied. There are many ways to apply industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology, and our tasks can vary significantly even from one hour to the next. It is not unusual to be pulled from an ethical problem to a legal problem to a task design issue … Read more

comment of a chapter in Goodwin and Jasper

comment of a chapter in Goodwin and Jasper This comment should be a substantial discussion of a chapter in Goodwin and Jasper, discussing the connections between this text and other assigned texts from class and the larger issues of social movements, including references to news items, governmental or NGO reports or statistical data. 3 paragraphs … Read more

video games powerpoint

video games powerpoint Please I need a power point about the attached paper. Should be 10-12 slides. Include images Addiction to Video Games (4)

Illinois Public Health Department

Illinois Public Health Department Suppose your first job is an intern on the staff of the DeKalb County, Illinois Public Health Department. You have been assigned to do a Needs Assessment with regard to a proposed flu vaccine initiative in this community targeted on a new strain of flu which is likely to hit the … Read more

The Chairman Dances

The Chairman Dances Follow the requirement to write 3pages(750words) paper of a music class. 300words draft needs to be submitted within 24 hours. And the final draft is due in 3days. Once you submitted the first draft, I will extend 2more days on time limits, Please read requirements very carefully. All the work has to … Read more

Business Liability

Business Liability Part A Describe two (2) legislations that have been implemented to minimize the damage caused by oil spills. Describe two (2) measures taken to protect wetlands in the United States 20180509031959c12_assignment_8__1_ Solution PreviewEnvironmental protection has often been one of the primary roles of most governments, and such is achieved through the enactment of … Read more

Technology to Support Math Instruction

Technology to Support Math Instruction Create a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation for special education teachers, demonstrating three types of high-tech and three types of low-tech technology that can be used to enhance math instruction for individuals with exceptionalities. Technology pieces should correspond to NC state standard Geometry domain, for a variety of age groups, and … Read more

Business Law

Business Law Please help me with the attached discussion questions. They are numbered 1-5, please when responding label them 1-5 as well to avoid any confusion. Each answer should be an average of 100-150 words and include references. 20180509160508week_2_dq Solution Preview The government is not too involved in various activities in the country. On the … Read more

Remote Deposite Capture Project

Remote Deposite Capture Project Part 8: Project Risk Management Since several problems have been occurring on the Remote Deposit Capture Project, you have decided to be more proactive in managing risks. You also want to address positive and negative risks. Tasks 1.Create a risk register for the project. Identify six potential risks, including at least … Read more

Remote Deposit capture project

Remote Deposit capture project Remote Deposit capture project Part 6: Project Human Resource Management You want to make sure that the final testing of the remote capture software goes well. You will have people from your project team and both suppliers involved in the testing. You need to clarify who needs to do what, and … Read more

Persuasive speech

Persuasive speech Purpose: to bring about change in your audience’s attitudes and/or actions; to align your audience’s attitudes/actions with your desired attitudes/actions. You cannot persuade people to do something they are already doing– no change would be made! YOU MUST INDUCE CHANGE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT… therefore audience analysis and researching your audience are critical to … Read more

The importance of critical thinking skills

 The importance of critical thinking skills PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW 1-4 AND ALL BULLET POINTS Elements of Critical Thinking 1. Prepare: In preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, please read the following articles: Critical Thinking and the Challenges of Internet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking. 2. Reflect: … Read more

Argumentative Essay Progress

Argumentative Essay Progress PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW 1-4 AND ALL BULLET POINTS SEE ATTACHED FILES ON WHAT I HAVE SO FAR FOR MY FINAL PAPER Final Argumentative Essay Progress 1. Prepare In preparation for this discussion, make a list of what you learned most throughout this process, as well as difficulties you may have encountered along the … Read more

Business Scenario

 Business Scenario Business Paper – The Scenario in the uploaded file – 1500 words , 3 pages , single spaced – Use this book as one of your sources (Strategic Management, Frank Rothaermel, 3nd Edition, McGraw‐Hill Education) – You should have clarity and logic of your argumentation – Adept demonstration and application of course Concepts, … Read more

Please provide open-ended responses.

Please provide open-ended responses. Please provide open-ended responses.You may cite research with details to support your response. How might some of the characteristic behaviors of autism spectrum disorders become assets for the child as a learner? Whose disability is more sever: the acting-out, anti-social child or the withdrawn child? What are the most important skills … Read more

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