
International Trade

International Trade In Unit 4, we discussed international trade in Chapter 9. Look at the latest Trade Report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the Reading and Resources section. Textbook or eBook: Mankiw, G. N. (2024). Principles of Macroeconomics (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Answer preview for International Trade APA 345 Words

Aging and Longevity

Aging and Longevity Write a 1-2-page reflection paper related to the longevity exercise we did in class. Describe which calculators you used, your results, and what occurs to you regarding aging and aging well that you may not have thought about before this exercise. Aging and Longevity To-Do Date: Sep 14 at … Read more

Advanced Group Dynamics

Advanced Group Dynamics Lesson 7 Discussion Question What member’s behavior would you find most difficult or challenging to deal with as a leader? How do you think members’ behavior is likely to affect the way you lead the group? Answer preview for Advanced Group Dynamics APA 319 Words

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diagnosis and Management

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diagnosis and Management Pathophysiology & Clinical Findings of the Disease Management of the Disease *Utilize the required Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to support your treatment recommendations. Answer preview for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diagnosis and Management APA 914 Words

Read the short story Button, Button

Read the short story Button, Button  You need to change the ending of the given story and write your own ending! See the steps to the task”1. Read the short story: Story_ “Button, Button” .pdf Download Story_ “Button, Button” .pdfBy the way there is a movie version of this story too ( the content details … Read more

 Issues In Mental Health

 Issues In Mental Health As more states have legalized same-sex marriage, questions over appropriate qualifications for marriage therapists have come to the forefront. One school of thought on this topic: A marriage therapist needs to have specific training on the needs of same-sex couples before offering services to this population. Another point of view argues … Read more

 American National Government

 American National Government Federalist or Anti-Federalists – Please watch the video Empire of Reason, as you are watching evaluate the arguments for and against the Constitution and analyze how those arguments from 200 years ago apply to the United States today. Answer preview for  American National Government APA 300 Words

Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis Denzel Washington Graduation Speech Adopted from 2011 Pennsylvania Commencement speech Consider the following questions and provide your brief responses that show your knowledge of the rhetorical terms. Each response should be 3-7 sentences: Total: 22p PURPOSE: What do you think is the main purpose of the speech/ what is the speaker trying … Read more

Developmental trauma

Developmental trauma  Are there any gaps between current neurocognitive research and current therapy practices? If so, how can we bridge them? Answer preview for Developmental trauma APA 342 Words

Your Ending for the Story “Button, Button”

Your Ending for the Story “Button, Button” Your Ending for the Story “Button, Button” Assignment 4: You need to change the ending of the given story and write your own ending!  See the steps to the task” 1.  Read the short story: Story_ “Button, Button” .pdf Download Story_ “Button, Button” .pdf  By the way there is a movie version … Read more

 Advanced Group Dynamics

 Advanced Group Dynamics HUS 3204 Advanced Group Dynamics TEXTBOOK: Corey, Corey, and Corey – Groups: Process and Practice, 12th edition Week 5/ Lesson 6 – Chapter 6 Be sure to follow all directions and complete all activities in order to receive credit for this Lesson. * Please read the text, Groups: Process and Practice, chapter 6: … Read more

Professional Nursing

Professional Nursing An important part of professional nursing is routinely examining your practice and determining what you have done well and what areas you have yet to develop. Think about your learning experience in this entire course including the laboratory and clinical. Share the following: 1. what two new concepts, knowledge, or skills did you … Read more

 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Practice Nursing

 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Practice Nursing This assignment focuses on the student’s personal perspective of nursing and nursing theory within the profession. This Word document should include your personal philosophy of nursing. If you have not developed a philosophy of nursing, then consider these questions to help you. What is nursing to me?Why is nursing … Read more

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Purpose This project is an in-depth investigation of a health condition. It will allow for the expansion of knowledge and the ability to generalize larger concepts to a variety of health conditions. Course outcomes:   This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. Due date: Your faculty member will inform you … Read more

Interprof Org & leadership

Interprof Org & leadership Lavann F post for discussionIn healthcare many obstacles may influence the way we practice or change the workflow withinhealthcare organizations. As of recent, adequate staffing has been problematic as many organizationslook to find solutions to offset the nursing deficit by creating ways to safely care for their patients. Justprior to covid-19 … Read more

Identifying Rhetorical Appeals

Identifying Rhetorical Appeals Assignment 2B_ My First Brief Rhetorical Analysis Paper: Identifying Rhetorical Appeals For this assignment, you will consider your responses/ explanations of Assignment 2A Worksheet and our discussions, and you will write a brief rhetorical analysis paper.  WHAT TO DO: 1. Consider Assignment 2a: If needed, re-watch the graduation speech (YouTube Video) by Admiral William H. McRaven at University … Read more

Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet

Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet My 1st Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet Watch the Commencement Address by Admiral William H. McRaven at University of Texas at Austin 2014:  Speaker: Naval Admiral William McRaven, the 9th commander of U.S. Special Operation Command; Distinguished Alumnus. The Title of the Speech/the video: “If you want to change the world makes your bed” … Read more

The Persistence of Memory

The Persistence of Memory As we learned in Week 1, there is a difference between being educated and simply trained. The purpose of education is not only to determine what someone can do, but also what kind of person they become as a result of their education. Studies in the humanities will advance the communication … Read more

APRN in Georgia

APRN in Georgia Expectations (Carolina) The state of Georgia requires an official transcript that verifies a master’s degree in nursing from an approved nursing education program that includes evidence of advanced pharmacology. Discuss your state requirements and scope of practice for APRN’s in your state. Georgia state requirements for the scope of practice authority for … Read more

Marketing Strategies Question

Marketing Strategies Question The goal of this written research report is for you to express sound and succinct analysis of two brand management issues grounded in personal views and quality research. Since this is a research report, you must use the APA format for this assignment, but you are not to include a Table of … Read more

Aging Myths

Aging Myths What are some aging myths or stereotypes? Provide at least one specific example. Links, images, or additional documents are good to include.Do your grandparents or other older people around you fit these stereotypes?“Old” conveys strong, mostly negative impressions. How might these attitudes about “old” affect one’s attitudes about growing old? About being with … Read more

Discussion Question about Agent Duties

Discussion Question about Agent Duties Discussion Question about Agent DutiesDetails: This is another assignment to complete. Below you can see the titles for Unit 2 and Unit 3 and I need 1 page two paragraphs. Unit 2 of your textbook about “The Law of Agency”Unit 3 of your textbook about the “Duties and Responsibilities of … Read more

Discussion Boards 4A and 4B

Discussion Boards 4A and 4B Discussion Board 4A Our next writing assignment will be a six-source essay, or an expanded synthesis. This essay will lead you to your final essay, a multiple-source synthesis essay, also known as a literature review.  Watch the two video tutorials from UMGC Library, “How to Write a Literature Review” and “How … Read more

Publicly traded firm

Publicly traded firm Using your Wall Street Journal subscription, select an article about any publicly traded firm that enjoys a large shareholder base. How has the company incorporated ethics into the financial management practices? Discuss what challenges the firm has encountered (or is likely to encounter) and how they have sustained ethical practices despite internal … Read more

Supply and demand

Supply and demand Crude oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Economic growth is one of the biggest factors affecting petroleum product, and, therefore, crude oil demand. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, growing economies increase demand for energy in general and especially for transporting goods and materials from producers to consumers. The … Read more

Marketing Research

Marketing Research Unit 2 Discussion: Marketing Research Unit 2 Discussion: Marketing Research Overview Companies who want to grow their markets rely on market research to help determine consumer behavior and the most likely new potential marketplaces. Some companies design and conduct their own market research (primary research) while others choose to utilize data from existing market … Read more

Your Dream Vacation Survey

Your Dream Vacation Survey File MKT200 Unit 2 Assignment (SurveyMonkey).pdf MKT200 Unit 2 Assignment (SurveyMonkey).pdf – Alternative Formats (228.835 KB) Picture it, you just graduated and earned your degree from Post University! To celebrate this achievement and the hard work you put in, you have decided to treat your closest friends and family to an … Read more

Positives and negatives associated with the major industrialists

Positives and negatives associated with the major industrialists What are the positives and negatives associated with the major industrialists of the late 19th century (such as Carnegie, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt). Are they unfairly criticized for the way they conducted business? Does their tremendous giving to charity compensate for any of their methods to attain wealth? Answer … Read more

Judging the Sophists

Judging the Sophists 1.Judging the Sophists READ:The Scene:  Corax (the teacher) and his private student, Tisias were reputedly the first Sophists. Like many young men with an appetite for the worldly success, Tisias sought training from Corax in the hope of being able to become wealthy by practicing the art of rhetoric/ persuasion in courts … Read more

Aging myths or stereotypes

Aging myths or stereotypes What are some aging myths or stereotypes? Provide at least one specific example. Links, images, or additional documents are good to include.Do your grandparents or other older people around you fit these stereotypes?“Old” conveys strong, mostly negative impressions. How might these attitudes about “old” affect one’s attitudes about growing old? About … Read more

Drug polices

Drug polices Briefly define each of these terms as applies to the debate on drug policy and describe the differences between legalization, prohibition, decriminalization, and harm reduction. Note the pros and cons of each approach. Answer preview for Drug polices APA 636 Words

Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue Develop a 2 to 3 page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure toaddress the following:  Introduction (Should be addressed to your organization Analysis of Pertinent Healthcare Issue (this could be your … Read more

Advanced Concepts in Pathophysiology

Advanced Concepts in Pathophysiology Create a case based presentation on a specific disease process of kaposi sarcoma. Note: The focus of the presentation is not to be the same as that of the research paper. The focus of the presentation is the pathophysiology of disease. The presentation should be 10-15 slides, a case-based voiceover PowerPoint. … Read more

Chemistry of a covalent bond

Chemistry of a covalent bond Please create a presentation that explains the following 1. Chemistry of a covalent bond 2. Chemistry of a hydrogen bond 2. How do covalent and hydrogen bonds contribute to water’s property of adhesion You can create this presentation in a variety of ways. 1. Create a powerpoint and record yourself … Read more

Select at least one of the T.V. shows or movies

Select at least one of the T.V. shows or movies Select at least one of the T.V. shows or movies from the Recommended Viewing List you were given last week, containing law-related shows and movies. Pick at least one movie or show and watch it (if you selected a show, you will need to watch … Read more

Philosophical Assumptions

Philosophical Assumptions The behavior of the scientists of applied behavior analysis is characterized by a set of philosophical assumptions and attitudes of science. They guide the work of the behavior analyst, including their investigations, strategic approaches, and interpretations of findings. For this Discussion, you will analyze six assumptions and attitudes of behavior analysis discussed in … Read more


Behaviorism One skill of an applied behavior analyst is collaborating to identify negative behaviors an individual is exhibiting and then developing treatments for those behaviors (e.g., strategies, interventions, etc.) to help them change the behaviors and derive improved outcomes for themselves. Radical behaviorism posits there is a science of behavior that has shown the environment … Read more

parsimony Assignment

parsimony Assignment Details: For this week’s Discussion, you examined a common set of assumptions characterizing the behavior of behavior analysts. One of those assumptions is the Law of Parsimony. The history and etymology of the word parsimony is from the Latin pars-, meaning “to act sparingly, be thrifty (with), refrain from” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). By extension, … Read more

Proactive Strategies in the Macroenvironment

Proactive Strategies in the Macroenvironment Unit 3 Discussion: Proactive Strategies in the Macro environment Unit 3 Discussion: Proactive Strategies in the MacroenvironmentOverview:Volkswagen—the world’s 2nd largest automaker (Toyota is #1) with its VW, Audi, Bentley, Porsche, and Lamborghini brands—by itself plan to launch 50 EV models and achieve annual EV sales of three million units by … Read more

Tangible and Intangible Resources

Tangible and Intangible Resources Unit 4: Writing Assignments: Firms have both tangible and intangible resources. Firms that are successful on a global scale use both tangible and intangible resources wisely. They maximize the utilization of these resources. Discuss tangible and intangible resources and their impact with the strengths and weaknesses of a firm. Answer preview … Read more

Unit 3 DB: Elasticity

Unit 3 DB: Elasticity According to Investopedia, Elasticity is a measure of a variable’s sensitivity to a change in another variable; most commonly, this sensitivity is the change in quantity demanded relative to changes in other factors, such as price.First, define elasticity in your own words and then explain consumer demand elasticity as it pertains … Read more

How Macro-Environmental Forces are Impacting Billion Dollar Brands

How Macro-Environmental Forces are Impacting Billion Dollar Brands Every company operates in a macroenvironment where external forces shape theopportunities and threats for the organization. Even dominant organizations arevulnerable to external forces that are out of their control. The macro-environmentalforces include: Answer preview for How Macro-Environmental Forces are Impacting Billion Dollar Brands APA 608 Words

Cleaning Data

Cleaning Data Every journey begins with a single step. Before you can become a master researcher providing thoughtful information analysis and meaningful conclusions, you must prepare your workspace and clean your tools. Without the crucial steps of organizing the data, preparing your software for analysis, and sharpening your quantitative skills, your research question will not … Read more

Corporate-level strategy

Corporate-level strategy Corporate-level strategy is used by firms to become more diversified and create additional value. Discuss the use of single and dominant corporate-level strategies. When are single or dominant strategies preferred over diversified strategies? Answer preview for Corporate-level strategy APA 300 Words

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed. [DSM-V]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. Module 5 & 6 (2 discussion type assignments) Module 5: Biological Disorders Over the next two Modules we will be learning about Biological Disorders. In Module 5 you will be … Read more

Group versus Family Assessment

Group versus Family Assessment Submit a 2-page paper on the Family Therapy video: Evaluate the family dynamics from a systems perspective as seen in the video.Explain how principles of group dynamics would apply to this family vignette.Compare the process of assessing dynamics in a family with assessing dynamics in a group. Draw on your Discussion … Read more

The assorted reasons businesses diversify

The assorted reasons businesses diversify UNIT 5: UNIT Writing Assignments: Write a paper about the assorted reasons businesses diversify. The reasons should include profit motive, tax reduction reasons, avoidance of anti-trust laws, low business performance, uncertain cash flow, and any other reasons that you want to discuss. Include global diversification reasons in your paper. Answer … Read more

Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues

Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations. For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain … Read more

Major issues facing industrial and farm workers

Major issues facing industrial and farm workers What were some of the major issues facing industrial and farm workers in the late 1800’s? What efforts were made to help their respective situations? Answer preview for Major issues facing industrial and farm workers APA 198 Words

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices Add a section to the 2-3 page paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following in 1-2 pages: Answer preview for Developing Organizational Policies and Practices APA 637 Words

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