
 Website Assessment

 Website Assessment Scenario We use websites every day for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we’re doing mundane things like paying a utility or credit card bill. Sometimes we’re searching for information on relationship advice, fixing a garbage disposal, or how to know if our pets are sick. Other times we’re browsing for our own personal … Read more

Let’s Design an Experiment

Let’s Design an Experiment You are now a biologist and one of your jobs is to conduct experiments. The success of your experiment will rely on your use of the scientific method. You will need an observation, a hypothesis, and a plan to prove or disprove your hypothesis. This will involve experimental and control groups. … Read more

Biological Molecules

Biological Molecules All living things are composed of four kinds of biological molecules; these molecules are combined to make organelles, cells, tissues, organs and organisms. In this assignment you will create a PowerPoint highlighting those biological molecules. Answer preview for Biological Molecules APA 600 Words

 Outline and Thesis Peer Review and Feedback

 Outline and Thesis Peer Review and Feedback For your initial post, you will submit your outline and thesis for peer review into the discussion forum. Please COPY and PASTE the outline and thesis directly into your initial post in the discussion forum for others to view. DO NOT attach it as a document. There is … Read more

The Lucini Case

The Lucini Case Review Case 16.2 (page 562, Looseleaf Text). Lucini Italia Co. v. Grappolini.Answer the following:(1) Explain how Mr. Grappolini breached his fiduciary duty; and(2) Explain the ethics of Mr. Grappolini’s conduct. Answer preview for The Lucini Case APA 200 Words

Interventions in Mental Health

Interventions in Mental Health American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed. [DSM-V]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. Module 10: Interventions in Mental Health (Wrap Up) Print Top of Form Bottom of Form Can you believe we are nearing the end of the semester already?! Thus far we have read … Read more

Parental Behavior

Parental Behavior In your reading, Kwasi Wiredu described how stories have been used as a scare tactic to keep children and the weak-minded in line. One example he uses is Man parents telling their children not to sing while bathing; otherwise, their mother will die. (Wiredu says this is for the child’s well-being so that … Read more

Identity and Licensure Recording

Identity and Licensure Recording Topic: Identity and Licensure RecordingDetails: Text for recording 3-5 minutes.This 3–5-minute recording is an introduction of yourself and your professional identity. Access your state board website and reflect on the importance of licensure as it pertains to identity of a counselor in training. In addition, consider how serving others in love … Read more

The Role of Attention and Working Memory in Instruction and Learning

The Role of Attention and Working Memory in Instruction and Learning Details: The Role of Attention and Working Memory in Instruction and Learning In this assignment, you will apply learning theory to practical everyday living and the acquisition of new information in a job setting. For example, you may have to learn a new technology … Read more

Advance Pathophysiology

Advance Pathophysiology In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following: Analyze processes related to neurological and musculoskeletal disorders Identify racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning Evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on disorders and altered physiology  Scenario:  A 67-year-old man presents to the HCP with chief complaint of tremors in … Read more

Discussion Response

Discussion Response As an accomplished and fulfilled adult with ninety-nine years of life experience under my belt, I look back with admiration and love reflecting on said life. The moments that made me the happiest were my graduations, accomplishing my life and career goals, meeting and marrying my husband, rededicating my life to my faith, … Read more

Brands in Marketing

Brands in Marketing examples of brands  Apple • Amazon • Facebook • Netflix • DoorDash • Target • Coca-Cola • Microsoft • Tesla • Nike Include a reference on each answer What brand does a great job of providing customer value? 100words What brand does a great job of satisfying their customer’s wants, needs, and demands?100words … Read more

Nursing Theory for Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing Theory for Evidence-Based Practice Details: Select a nursing theory or model which is relevant to your selected area of advanced practice nursing and would offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified. 1. In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following. a. Introduction to the presentation b. Identify … Read more

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time For this assignment, you will submit your thesis and annotated bibliography for your Course Project on the assigned novel for your Module 03 written assignment. Please use an APA formatted template with a Rasmussen College cover. See the Course Guide for assistance if you are unfamiliar … Read more

Application of Theory

Application of Theory Details: Select a nursing theory or model which is relevant to your selected area of advanced practice nursing and would offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified. 1. In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following. a. Introduction to the presentation b. Identify and describe … Read more

Group Intervention Framework

Group Intervention Framework Details: Submit a 1- to 2-page paper covering the following section of your Treatment Group Proposal: Sexual Assault Intervention FrameworkDescribe the evidence-based practices and techniques to be used. Justify why the framework is appropriate for the target population and issue(s).Identify and justify topics you plan to cover over the course of the … Read more

Entry-level Marketing

Entry-level Marketing Create a 1-page, help• wanted ad for an entry level marketing person. In your ad, provide the following details: Answer preview for Entry-level Marketing APA 350 Words

World War I

World War I Which country do you find to be most at fault for the beginning of World War I? Was war a necessity In 1914?Should the United States have gotten involved in World War I at all? Why or why not? If yes, should entry into the war have occurred earlier than it did. … Read more

 International Organizations

 International Organizations Topic: Milestone 4: International OrganizationsDetails: For this assignment, the student will gather information on international organizations that have a presence in your country. There are three parts to this assignment. In a 3-4 page paper (not to exceed 5 pages), provide a brief introduction, discussion and conclusion. Clearly address each section. You may … Read more

Macroeconomics Course Reflection

Macroeconomics Course Reflection After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why?  What topic (Macroeconomics) particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about?  Last, but not least, if you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, what would it … Read more

Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing What advice would you offer to the next group of students taking this course? After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why?  What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about?  Last, but not least, if you could share with … Read more

Analyzing Market Trends

Analyzing Market Trends Walt Disney created the Disney brand from humble beginnings based on his love of drawing and animation. Few brands monetize content better than the Walt Disney Company and has since expanded into a global entertainment and media brand, and recently, has a new leader at the helm.Simulated Business Scenario:Gabriel is the executive … Read more

Rituals and Routines

Rituals and Routines Details: In our lives, we participate in daily routines, whether brushing our teeth, making our beds, or followingcomplicated steps to prepare a meal. We also participate in larger rituals that can be understood by abigger group. They are based on a larger cultural meaning or understanding (like “blessing” food,listening to the national … Read more


Show-and-Tell Details: I am sure you remember that old game of show-and-tell in elementary school. What you probably didn’trealize you were doing in your first-grade class as you showcased your Pokémon collection is sharinghow you and your interests connect you to something much larger than yourself. Sometimes objectsrepresent a multitude of things and are central … Read more

 Compare and Contrast Feminist Perspectives

 Compare and Contrast Feminist Perspectives Answer preview for  Compare and Contrast Feminist Perspectives APA 635 Words

Restaurant Logo Remix

Restaurant Logo Remix Readings (Activity Time: 10 Hours) Special Note: These readings are selected because they complement the lesson content in this module. You may find these readings exceedingly helpful when working on your assignment and discussion forum.  A quick read eBook filled with lots of full-page images, it contains brief but thought-provoking explanations and questions … Read more

Visual Communication and Semiotics

Visual Communication and Semiotics We all use apps every day, from basic email, text messaging, and camera to more elaborate, branded apps like Google News, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Disney+, Spotify, Peloton, Target, FedEx, Starbucks, and Door Dash. Apps help us quickly communicate, share, purchase, and consume content. Using a new app can be confusing or … Read more

Aristotle’s Idea of Eudaimonia

Aristotle’s Idea of Eudaimonia In this module’s learning, you were introduced to Aristotle’s idea of eudaimonia. which emphasizes happiness and flourishing. Imagine that you are 99 years old and looking back on your life. What do you think are the moments or actions that made you happiest? How would you determine whether your life was … Read more

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking FYI this is evidence base practice class (Nursing) Answer preview for Critical Thinking APA 337 Words

Neurons, Brain, and Their Functions

Neurons, Brain, and Their Functions Imagine you are a teaching assistant in an undergraduate course on the brain. You will be providing the students with a review for their upcoming exam. Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (not including the title slide and references slide). Include the following: Describe the components of neurons … Read more

Initiating and Contracting With the Group

Initiating and Contracting With the Group Details: Review your Week 6 Assignment, in which you detailed the purpose, membership, statement of need, and recruitment of your proposed treatment group.Continue to draft your Treatment Group Proposal by focusing on the “Composition & Contract” and “Orientation” sections.BY DAY 7Submit a 2-page paper covering the following sections of … Read more

Critical Infrastructure Security

Critical Infrastructure Security Critical Infrastructure Security – Draft Thesis Answer preview for Critical Infrastructure Security APA 7870 Words

The Case Study Analysis Paper

The Case Study Analysis Paper Healthcare quality management EXTRA -Unit 2 Assignment to Prepare for the Final Paper.Please select a case for the Case Study Analysis PaperAHRQ Search | Home Page / Case Studies | IHI – Institute for Healthcare Improvement Submit your choice to the instructor for approval using the case tab. Submit the … Read more

Understanding Quality and Performance

Understanding Quality and Performance Prompt: What are some of the common quality measurements used in your healthcare employer? How do they do they fit into the organization’s values, mission, and vision? Answer preview for Understanding Quality and Performance APA 642 Words

Diverse PerceptualResponses

Diverse Perceptual Responses Submit the recommendation as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation You’re a copywriter for a major brand. Your team writes all the text that goes into advertisements, blog posts, social media, brochures, packaging, and webpages for the brand. While your job is to focus on the written content, you can’t help but think about … Read more

Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic Disorders Module 9: Other Disorders Other Disorders – Multiple Types  Subscribe For this Module we are looking at “Other Disorders” not yet discussed, specifically looking at disorders with psychotic features.  After you have completed your readings (Classification xv – xviii & pp 87 – 118), post a reflection on the following:   There are multiple … Read more

 Capital Budgeting

 Capital Budgeting create a PowerPoint presentation for a forecasting scenario for Deere & Company using the financial statements in this week’s Required Resources and two outside scholarly or credible sources. In your presentation you must list the criteria used to evaluate how cash flows influence capital budgeting decisions, identify at least five criteria necessary for … Read more

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed. [DSM-V]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. add in a specific diagnostic section/ heading.   Case Study discussion – Developmental Type Do Complete a Case Study on one of the developmental-type disorders presented in this module. (Please do … Read more

Visual Communication

Visual Communication Advertisers, designers, artists, social media managers, and brand managers’ careers are focused on creating engaging content that resonates with target audiences. That content often takes the form of advertisements, whether print, digital, video, or radio. As hard as they try, though, they don’t always hit the mark. Sometimes they produce great work, but … Read more

Healthcare Organization

Healthcare Organization Prompt: Discuss accountability for quality and performance within a healthcare organization as it applies to the Christian health administrator. Answer preview for Healthcare Organization APA 355 Words

Strategic planning

Strategic planning Prompt: How might a health administrator use the Christian worldview in strategic planning? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer preview for Strategic planning APA 390 Words

Quality Control on Products

Quality Control on Products McNeil, a division of Johnson & Johnson. had significant problems with quality control on its products, including infant Tylenol and Motrin. Worn equipment in plants resulted in metal flakes in some of the company’s products. The result was federal sanctions and a series of lawsuits by users of the products. The … Read more

Christian Healthcare Workers 

Christian Healthcare Workers  Prompt: Discuss how the instructions found in 2 Timothy 2:15-16 can be used to inspire Christian healthcare workers to consider quality in their work. Answer preview for Christian Healthcare Workers  APA 300 Words

The biblical concept of the Golden Rule

The biblical concept of the Golden Rule Prompt: Examine your ideas about the biblical concept of the Golden Rule and present your philosophy of how understanding this scriptural context might result in increased healthcare quality. Answer preview for The biblical concept of the Golden Rule APA 600 Words

Elderly- Arthritis

Elderly- Arthritis Discuss the pathophysiology of the disease, disease management, medications, alternative therapies, and patient education. Contribute a minimum of 250 words for your initial post. It should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted, and cited in APA Answer preview for Elderly- Arthritis APA 314 Words

The biblical teaching of the plumb line

The biblical teaching of the plumb line Prompt: How does the biblical teaching of the plumb line found in Amos 7:7-8 provide guidance to the Christian health administrator in the measurement of quality? Answer preview for The biblical teaching of the plumb line APA 324 Words

Global Healthcare Dimensions in nursing

Global Healthcare Dimensions in nursing For the Milestone 3 Assignment, you will research one communicable disease (Chapters 8-10 in the text) and one noncommunicable disease/health threat (Chapters 11, 13-16) that threatens the health of your chosen country. Assignment Details: This assignment allows the student to research specific threats to the health of specific country. Please … Read more

Quantitative Research Design

Quantitative Research Design Morgan Paris  What research topics are best done using a quantitative research design?  “Experimental research is that the researcher controls all aspects of the study, especially what participants experience during the study” (Experimental and Non-Experimental Research, 2019). Quantitative research is relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its … Read more

Communication Techniques

Communication Techniques Answer preview for Communication Techniques APA 367 Words

Group 2 – Death of a patient

Group 2 – Death of a patient Remember our PICOT question is In nurses working in a hospital setting, does participation in an educational program addressing grief and death of a patient  (P) as measured by participation in the course compared to nonparticipants (C) result in improved coping with emotional involvement in the death of … Read more

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